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Jem777 ago

How hard is this? That is John Podesta, Tony Podesta, Anthony Wiener is on the bottom.

Two of the others have been identified already. The whole world knows so does Madelines parents who helped set it up to push RFID technology and microchipping your children.

millennial_vulcan ago

Who owns the RFID technology? A British company? How is the eye coloboma related to this? Did not know this.

Are Kate and Gerry involved in the development of the technology/microchipping processes as they are docs/scientists?

Jem777 ago

Yes Kate & Gerry are aware of work behind scenes. They helped set up Madeline.

The RFID chip was then forced into the citizens. McCann was used for bkidnapping.

The company that own the RFID chip implant Lucent htechnology. Located in 666 5th Avenue home by Jared Kushner

millennial_vulcan ago

Now I have goosebumps :(