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letsdothis2 ago

tag words: "London Early Years Foundation" , Michael Garstka, Bain and Company, UNHCR, the World Childhood Foundation,Teach for America, Americorps

Related voat posts by @new4now and @wooqy and by @voats4goats AmeriCorps now fighting for own survival under Trump

This will be of interest:

David Caprara, the head of AmeriCorps/ VISTA, directed the American Family Coalition, a faith-based social-action group affiliated with Sun Myung Moon’s Unification Church

David Caprara is the director of the Brookings Initiative on International Volunteering and Service. He previously served as the director of AmeriCorps VISTA, and director of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives at the Corporation for National and Community Service.

He is director of Strategic Partnership at Global Peace Foundation

Hyun Jin Preston Moon is the founder and chairman of the Global Peace Foundation. His father is Sun Myung Moon

The Unification movement or Unificationism, also called the Unification Church (UC), is a worldwide new religious movement. Its members are colloquially called "Moonies".

Alefantis and Pegasus Museum connections to the Moonie Cult