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new4now ago

Thanks @wooqy

didnt think I had enough for anything but whatever, got stuck on Americorps, which itself sounds dirty and all with tax dollars

Will look into Nike Foundation, look at comment in whatever link for NIKE

here's what I have on Americorp

President Obama Signs Landmark National Service Legislation

President Obama delivered an early victory for a central cause of his Administration by signing into law a sweeping expansion of national service that will engage millions of Americans in addressing local needs through volunteer service.

The Serve America Act reauthorizes and expands national service programs administered by the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), a federal agency created in 1993. The Corporation engages 4 million Americans in result-driven service each year, including 75,000 AmeriCorps members, 492,000 Senior Corps volunteers, 1.1 million Learn and Serve America students, and 2.2 million additional community volunteers mobilized and managed through the agency’s programs.

This bill had a fast bipartisan sprint through Congress. The President called on Congress to send him the Kennedy-Hatch national service legislation in his joint address on February 25. The bill was introduced on March 8 and passed the House on a 321 to 105 vote on March 18. The Senate followed suit one week later with a 79-19 vote, with final passage in the House on March 31, just 22 days after it was introduced.

The bill follows quickly on the heels of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which provided $200 million to support up to 13,000 AmeriCorps members serving in distressed communities. Acting CEO Goren will swear in the first 200 Recovery Act AmeriCorps members at a VISTA training this Friday in Albuquerque, putting “boots on the ground” to help citizens affected by the economic downturn.

Today, President Barack Obama announced his intention to nominate Maria Eitel to be Chief Executive Officer for the Corporation for National and Community Service. Apr 21, 2009

Scandal-plagued Americorps loses inspector general funding

The inspector general for the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) got hit with a nearly 50 percent budget cut for 2012, a move that, unless immediately remedied, will stifle the office’s ability to investigate a controversial branch of the Obama administration.

CNCS, and specifically its Americorps division, has been plagued with scandals. Americorps is a federally-funded community service program.

The previous CNCS inspector general, Gerald Walpin, was fired after investigating Sacramento, Calif. Mayor Kevin Johnson — a former NBA star and a Democrat with ties to Obama — over allegations that he misused an $850,000 grant Americorps gave his community group, St. Hope.

Johnson was accused of inappropriately touching young girls, and is alleged to have offered at least one of them $1,000 per month to stay quiet about it and stay at St. Hope.

Walpin also found about $80 million of wasted taxpayer funding through Americorps to the City University of New York, the Washington Times reported. That funding was apparently for a teaching fellowship.

Issa’s and Grassley’s report found that White House officials had moved to fire Walpin without conducting a fair investigation.

The White House had said that it conducted a “thorough” investigation of Walpin’s ability to continue serving as CNCS’s inspector general, but Issa and Grassley found that the White House only interviewed two of CNCS’s nine board members and that the White House took “substantive input from only three people: Chairman Solomont, a prominent Democrat fundraiser; acting CEO [Nicola] Goren and General Counsel [Frank] Trinity.”

Trinity and Goren were subjects of Walpin’s investigation as well. Issa and Grassley cast doubt on the White House’s ability to conduct a fair investigation when the only people they took seriously during their decision to fire Walpin were his “adversaries.”

Then, during budget discussions on Capitol Hill later in 2011, 48 percent of the CNCS inspector general office budget was cut for fiscal year 2012.

the cut will lead to downsizing of 75 percent of the office’s staff in the next several days, unless the problem is fixed by mid-January.

“Under these circumstances, I have no choice but to initiate procedures for Reduction in Force (RIF) of my staff under federal personnel rules beginning mid-January,” Bach wrote. “I expect to reduce my staff by at least 75 percent to conform to remaining FY 2012 obligations and requirements and avoid a violation of the Anti-Deficiency Act. This RIF will include investigators, auditors and mission support staff.”

Those staffers are people who are supposed to investigate and audit the Obama administration’s actions with CNCS. Without those staffers, that arm of the administration could commit questionable and corrupt activities without any check from the inspector general office.

AmeriCorps at 20 is a wasteful flop: Column

One part political slush fund, one part window dressing, youth service program failed to grow up.

President Barack Obama welcomed a flock of AmeriCorps recruits to the White House this morning to celebrate AmeriCorps' 20th anniversary. They were joined by former president Bill Clinton, who founded the program in 1994. While AmeriCorps has produced many photo opportunities that warmed politicians' hearts, the "national service" revolution the agency promised remains a mirage.

Hundred of members are serving as "recess referees" with Playworks AmeriCorps -- a program that teaches anti-bullying lessons and conflict resolution to elementary school kids. Playworks says its brings "safe and inclusive play to all students" and that having AmeriCorps members "play alongside of children" adds "an important element of silliness and shared humanity." But do we really need federal playground monitors?

AmeriCorps often sends its members to fill voids created by other government defaults. Thousands of AmeriCorps members are busy attempting to teach readingto young children -- a task for which public schools already spend billions. Thanks to Obama's My Brother's Keeper initiative, AmeriCorps is partnering with the Justice Department to enroll and mentor "disconnected youth" -- the same task for which the Job Corps was created 50 years ago

AmeriCorps members are sometimes used to fight political brush fires. The Obama administration is sending AmeriCorps members into immigration courts to help the recent flood of unaccompanied young illegal aliens avoid deportation.

One of AmeriCorps' key "performance measures" for itself is boosting "the number of uninsured and economically disadvantaged individuals connected to or utilizing health care services." AmeriCorps co-sponsored National Youth Enrollment Day on February 15 to boost ObamaCare sign-ups prior to the deadline this year for coverage.

Congress recently enacted a law prohibiting federally-funded food stamp recruiting but AmeriCorps continues paying scores of members to entice people onto the dole. AmeriCorps, along with USDA, is bankrolling the National Anti-Hunger and Opportunity Corps whose primary goal is "increasing participation" in food stamps.

AmeriCorps headquarters does little or no oversight to assure that grantees obey the federal ban on political advocacy. AmeriCorps is also scorning a federal law passed in 2010 to curb improper payments, instead simply ignoring whether grantees make proper use of the hundreds of millions of dollars they receive. A June 2014 Inspector General report condemned the agency for "shocking waste of taxpayer funds, lax oversight, unauthorized contractual commitments and widespread noncompliance with rules, regulations and sound contracting practices." AmeriCorps failed to even use almost a third of the products for which it paid contractors. While AmeriCorps boasts that their time "serving" radically changes AmeriCorps members' lives, it canceled a long term study of former members' civic engagement and life skills after spending more than $3 million for the project

If this is what Maria Eitel did with AmeriCorps, what is she doing at The Nike Foundation


Trump’s Budget Would Kill the Beloved Volunteer Program AmeriCorps

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