plagueship ago

The plane was descending and the helicopter was ascending, there is no radar ATC in the area.

Pretty obvious that neither could see each other, the heli was obscured by the nose of the the plane and the heli-pilot couldn't see the plane coming from behind.

Everything doesn't have to be an illuminati conspiracy, esp. considering that the plane had a student/instructor in it, why would they want to die?

shadow332 ago

Everything doesn't have to be an illuminati conspiracy, esp. considering that the plane had a student/instructor in it, why would they want to die?

Oh, yea. You're totally right. What on earth was I thinking? Why don't I just believe the news? Why did I even look at those logs? The Rothschilds had absolutely nothing to do with it. I'm so silly.

Here are 0.02 shekels for your account, Levi. Good work you've done here.

22jam22 ago

I have yet to see who died and why it is important that they died? And it's crazy I have not seen any of this in the mainstream media not that I look at the main stream media much.

shadow332 ago

I don't follow MSM at all, I picked this up through flight forums. What I found coincidental is that it happened over Rothschild property.

abattoirdaydream ago

There are old landing strips at both of the E/W turns for the heli flightpath. The E turn is almost DEAD over a disused helipad. Does anything indicate that the heli pilot landed at either point? The plane was the training flight right? Not the heli?

shadow332 ago

The heli landed then took off again after 60 mins filight. 12 minutes in the next flight, it was struck by the plane. According to the media, there is nothing said about the heli being a student in training. Actually anything about anyone in the heli isn't very detailed. Maybe someone can dig up something.

ScientiaPotentia ago

Good work OP. Nice Autism.

letsdothis1 ago

Earlier that day the helicopter made a trip which is listed as going to London Heathrow. But following the flight path you can see that it flew by Waddesdon Manor twice


shadow332 ago

Great find!

shadow332 ago

I just was reading this from some articles:

"Disruption to road network around Waddesdon likely for the rest of the day." spokeswoman for Waddesdon Manor, said crash not on its grounds. Gardener said two men came running towards him from the woods shouting, "did you see it, did you see it?" dog walker - helicopter climbing as the Cessna 152 was descending. “I think the total impact collision speed could be at 150mph.” HOW would they know that ??

MillstoneNecklace ago

150 MPH is a lot for a 152. Way past red line.

Greenzero86 ago

Was it remote controlled?

shadow332 ago

Good question. It could but would need autopilot and most trainer C152s don't have them. Also, a custom made comm interface as small AC autopilots have no communication capability.

dooob ago

If memory serves me well, hackers proved it is possible to hijack a plan via remote access during one of the biggest hacking convention. Since no MSM coverage of JR's death happened, it is, imo, safe to assume that he didnt die/fake death, i am inclined to believe this was a threat.

shadow332 ago

I wonder for what though.

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

I'm gonna assume that the location alone excludes coincidence as a possibility. Here's what I want to know: is some 3rd party coming at the rothschild family, or are they going after each other? Is someone faking their own death?

shadow332 ago

Also the type of crash is very rare. I mean, it still could happen.

Is someone faking their own death?

There's not enough info to say yet. All one can say is that the crash, for whatever reason, is without a doubt intentional.

fLAtbaCK ago

I've been waiting for this info all day. Hat's off Anon. Killer find

shadow332 ago

Thanks, I will keep posting more as info comes out.

fLAtbaCK ago

amazing how there is hardly any coverage on this and no names yet, as if they didn't know who was in that copter. your graphic floored me doubt it was intentional, and will be missed by normies. oustanding work, again.

shadow332 ago

Of course, this will be just swept under the rug as long no one looks at the details. Normally I don't look for conspiracy theories, but what set me off to even look is that it happened over the Rothschild property.

derram ago :

Aylesbury mid-air crash: Four dead as plane and helicopter wreckage lands near Rothschild manor house

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