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SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/theawakening comment by @ArtistiqueJewelry.

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SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/theawakening comment by @ArtistiqueJewelry.

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SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/theawakening comment by @ArtistiqueJewelry.

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ArtistiqueJewelry ago

@GoylentGreen, @theoldones, @Lazmat, @Peaceseeker, @ This Doesn't even Begin to hold water!

First you and your cohorts went after me Because my name was Artistique Jewelry.

All you ever do is level False Accusations! In an attempt to get up votes and what they perceive as clout and don't mind Lying to do so! Because this is a Game to THEM, but not to true Patriots! They don't care about others as we do, they are vicious, lying attackers who Only think of themselves. Just as the Swamp of elitists we are trying to Bring Down! This is who they work for. Feinstein alone, is furious for what I have exposed about her, not to mention All their Other criminals! Check out my latest YT video and see Why!

It's also used to take time away from those of us who dedicate our time between work to Waking People up. For some reason we pose a Huge threat to the cabal.

Don't believe me, how many times do people and compromised mods do these kind of posts? Then they alert their posse and try to get more attacks going.

Check on here to see if I've ever done this! I haven't, don't have time and I don't attack as these professional attackers do, although they Don't do their homework well. Their just after the attack and points. Means the world to them rather than teaming up with the good to Wake people up!

Liars only serve their father Satan.


I changed my youtube account because they took down the video on their Netflix child porn show and the curriculum they were placing from planned parenthood in schools. Put in on Bitchute, you can verify this here and see it is NOT on my YT channel because they removed it!

See Here

Netflix Investigation for Distribution of Child Porn This was deleted and I received a Strke on YT Also covers a bill Planned Parenthood tried to sneak in involving sex ed promoting experimenting, teaching of different positions as young as Covers what Colbert supports in children's programing that a parent group says is disgusting and inappropriate for children Roblox gang rape and sex scenes in their game marketed to children

I think it's clear Why I got a strike for this. It appears certain people do not want the general public knowing about the agenda they allow and promote.

Source Links,

They gave me strikes and took down my video on Shifty, Schiff, who is integral in a child trafficking ring.

I changed my name because it was no longer providing protection from the cabal as it once did.

My name now is far better indicator of what my channel is about. . .seeking truth.


You all attacked me before claiming lies about my business. . .all proven False, and claiming that I received money.

My channel is NOT monetized, never has been.

I don't have Any links to receive payment even though some have requested. I have told them to donate to or another organization that goes in and save kids and women from ME child traffickers and the most heinous situations.

I challenge anyone and Every one to check out my channel and videos to Verify what I am saying.

Twitter? Really .

This in and of itself Verifies You Know NOTHING about me and are a slanderer helping out the globalists in keeping Truth from people! Likely you are one of the self promoting mods on here that has attempted to bully because I called out she and her friends Game and Manipulating on here. When their bully tactics didn't work, they used This style right away like this Very Post.

I was banned from two twitter accounts for spreading truth with verified sourced and in depth twitter threads on info related to pedogate, las vegas and school shooting, the Mother of All Demos, Sergey Brin true history and background And JFK and JFKJR.

You should do Your homework MadWorld poser because This is Verifiable.

Can you verify Who he/she is and what he is about?

I operated under the following. . .look at the top that shows I am suspended. Even appealed and they refuse to do anything because just like @MadWorld, mad hatter, Dorsey is part of the Cabal and doesn't want truth tellers getting their message out there!

Suspended Artistique Jewelry Account from my twitter research today on Massie Shut Down the FED

Second account TestingTheNarrative removed after dropping info pertaining to their wicked deeds including ol'e Dorsey himself and his good buddy Al Waleed Bin Talal.

Please check out my YT channel and verify I source my work, I dare you!

Here's one called,

Pedophile in Philippines arrested Pedophiles in US, Canada, Australia pay for child sex abuse

Here is another,

11 Saudi princes Arrested and tie into Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Connections

See more here including the Bush Funeral and Papers that dropped out!


In addition, my Steemit which your cohorts Lied and harassed me about. . .I have proven I make Zero. I don't have a crypto account as I believe that is of the Beast System, Blockchain is AI, this is what the globalist and the antichrist will eventually want to combine us with while offering every manner of goodness and powers if we do so to become our own god.

I've heard that before! It comes from that wicked and vile serpent, which is also known as the Dragon. I won't be participating now or then!

I have thwarted this garbage by heading most of my article shares, not just here on Voat where there is an overload of conceited, arrogant, lying people as yourself, but I also say this on many other platforms so people KNOW, I'm not trading any of the pennies on steemit!

I challenge All to go see for themselves. It's never traded, I encourage people to make comments under my posts Here, because that is the only thing that people get a steemit account to make comments. Some do trade on there, I Don't!

Anyone who checks out my record on here can see I put a face to my name. I am not like this poster who likely has numerous accounts to harass people and is likely paid by Soros backed Shareblue media. I've seen their plan, they have a script and use the same tactics on all they see are telling Truth! They are part of the cabal.

Anyone who knows my work, which is strictly on a volunteer basis, they know I dig deep, provide sources and am dedicated. I pay my bills through my hard work at a completely separate business, which was my starting channel. It provided cover for a period so I was not always targeted initially for truth telling. I exposed myself when I showed everyone what Zuck wrote in college about his future users with Proof! YT buried it, but it got me put in SM prison constantly!


I have given evidence and even backed up Who I am.

Now who of you knows really who @MadWorld is?

Can he or she provide their video reports?

Their own content and articles?

Can they verify who they are or that they don't have Other names on here?

My bet would be a resounding NO, I challenge them to do so here and now?

Will MadWorld meet the challenge?

In addition I see known shills in here, Will they take the challenge? They NEVER have!

What usually occurs, is I Provide Mountains of proof, they provide NOTHING except Unverified attacks, name calling and belittling if I Dare to defend myself, when They are the attackers.

They usually say people who defend against attacks are whiners. It is a Ploy Soros funded groups are Taught to use!

The rest in a reply to this comment, don't worry that part is Much shorter.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

It is precisely what msm does to Trump and truth tellers in an attempt to squash the Truth because they are haters of the truth and all that is Good!

It does not go unnoticed these same style of posts Attacking people generally come After we have registered on some stats list.

It is Clear by what people like this say and do they're all about the POINTS. Not spending their time as people like I do, spreading news MSM refuses to share, then calling it lies because it is NOT endorsed by the FAKE msm. Very telling!

Patriots like me also spend time answering questions and trying to encourage others on various platforms. Do your own homework as this poster Refuses to do!

I have hundreds of articles on Steemit backed up by sources and many of my Own Digs!

God here to verify! These are ALL Free, you Do not need an account to read steemit.

We have been shown what people like this believe in and Who they truly serve!

“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”

John 8:44

MadWorld ago

Thanks for your comment. There will be more to come.

I followed those domains. False positive to individual usernames is certainly possible:

Some submissions were old, as far as I can remember. It would take some time to look into other accounts. But we should also keep in mind that those accounts could well have submitted from those sites unknowingly. We have a tendency to only see things that confirm our believes.

Please, feel free to dig through my submission and comment histories, and expose my "lies" as you see fit. I appreciate your work in exposing those pedos...

The ping on Voat only works for the first 5 usernames. Pinging @draaaak and @uvulectomy for you.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

All I know is you're Not telling the truth about me. What you did was get people on board who clearly have not read Any of my articles, many of which I research and write myself With sources, nor my reports from my channel.

As for being safe and all those precautions, if you're not a plant, thank you, but if you are, you are more than aware none of that will or has spared me. I found out very quickly how much access they Really do have and the measures they will take to threaten.

You realize it isn't just these controllers and the groups people see with their own eyes as being in charge. . .they answer to a higher power that is Not God. They are much of the time unseen, but there are ways they show themselves and wreak their havoc. They use fear as their primary weapon and feed off of it if they sense it. They have to be shown and told their power is weaker than ours. To them gave He Power to become the sons of God. The one true God is and has always been more powerful than satan who fell from grace as God's most beautiful cherubim. He is an expert at sound and frequencies as he was involved in music. ..this is why he owns the airwaves. Do you remember what God said in Ephesians 2:2

Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:

Now you already know who and what controls the airwaves, or people Think they know. ..they answer to that prince. He is No prince to us, but he is to his demon flock and these people who have sold their souls to him.

My point is he was God's most beautiful, but got full of himself as many here do. He decided to take God on and try to usurp His authority. People may think that worked out for him as he is living the high life here in his domain on earth, but he only has a Season. Remember, We see time more linearly, God Does Not!

2 Peter 3:8 - But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day [is] with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

Satan senses it's near,

Revelation 20 2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,

3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.

You see why 2 and 3 are used for Set, Saturn, Satan, luciferianism? Key.

Verses 7-10

7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,

8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.

9 And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.

10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

Why are 11 and 12 so Important to them? To be clear God uses numbers also, but these numbers you will see reiterated in luciferian signaling, movies, music adds repeated for a reason.

11 And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.

12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.

He knows his time is near, but will take as many as he can Down with him.

I know we live in an unfair world and Nothing while here in this false sense of reality will Ever be fair.

Not fair until God's Kingdom, but I fail to see why those on the side of good would attempt to attack others.

As far as sources. ..haven't you noticed, All take discernment. Just because one group gets together and decides some sources don't coincide with what they believe is odd to me.

I don't believe God made Anyone the gatekeepers of the news. Not even the known to be Good ones get everything 100% right all the time because we live in a flawed world with flawed people and will Until God's Kingdom comes.

Now I understand, if people are Willingly and Purposely erring in order to spin. This IS what much of msm does. There is only one independent station which you likely know about if you're not a plant and that is One America News Network. They are not owned by a corporation so far and were one of the Only stations I found to report at least one of these world wide high profile pedo rings that were brought down. Didn't hear it anywhere else.

There is also information out there that is Not highly publicized and others will disregard or say is misinfo because many Do Not have access. Some of the white hats do their work in a manner so it is Not broadcasted to everyone in order to keep fall out to citizens as low as possible.

What I'm saying is there are Many factors you are not aware of and neither is the general public. Unless someone has enough proof, by looking at the Big Picture that someone is consistently causing errors that are purposeful and damaging, I still don't understand why someone would attempt to slander someone else. Especially considering the Fact that there are criminals in our government that need exposing, pedophile abusers abound, satan worshippers all over the world, in msm, hollywood, the music industry, etc. I don't see the purpose of trying to bring down people who have dedicated their time on a volunteer bases to exposing evil. Doesn't add up. It appears something else is going on as it only takes minutes to verify the Bulk of someone's material by skimming and seeing verified sources provided.

As far as being coded. . .No, you have to have eyes to see and ears to hear, but people's senses have been tamped down and tampered with. Remember how I told you satan was a cherubim.

God addresses satan for when he was in heaven and held a high position,

Ezekiel 28:12-19

13 Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.

14 Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.

15 Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.

16 By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire.

17 Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness: I will cast thee to the ground, I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee.

18 Thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities, by the iniquity of thy traffick; therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee, and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee.

19 All they that know thee among the people shall be astonished at thee: thou shalt be a terror, and never shalt thou be any more.

He surreptitiously broadcasts his evil, spiritual intents into our minds, subtly working to turn humans away from God (Ephesians 2:2). We should carefully consider the account of his actions in Ezekiel 28:12-16 as typical of his MO. Although nothing was withheld from him, as he was created by God as the ultimate in beauty and function, “perfect in his ways,” he did not remain loyal, turning away from God, a picture of discontent that literally eats away at one's very being.

So number one, he has the power to affect the airways and is a master at frequencies as God mentioned along with what made him beautiful and Was the source of his pride,God also mentions the workmanship of his Tabrets and Pipes in verse 13. Ahh, 13.

So satan had small drums to accompany himself on the pipes. That lends to the fact he Was involved in music in heaven while worshipping God. Now look at how much he controls secular society, the word. . .his domain through music. Look at the blatant idolatry and degradation of humanity through music. Look at how satan uses those willing to sell their souls to worship him and perform rituals blatantly in front of their faces.

See number 2 in reply, it is shorter.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Number two, he will use both arrogance And deceiving people that he and what those who follow him are doing is good as he was Also the angel of Light!

Some people posture, signal and convince Even Themselves they are doing good, when they are not!

Notice how he corrupts the minds,

2 Corinthians 11:3 “But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.”

14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

**Can you see this with your own eyes and hear it with your ears? It's being done through virtue signalers, as you appear to believe you are doing good. . .are you? Or are you shedding a false light on the wrong people?

Mark 8:18

Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not? and do ye not remember?

So a code. . .no. You have to open eyes and ears to God's word. God will show, I asked, He delivered!
continued in reply.

You can know too if you are Willing to See and Hear. God doesn't it in amazing ways and it is Quite a Ride!

You can be truly on the side of Good and join in the efforts or you can be God's and my enemy.

The choice is Yours, some will choose not to know, but instead will prefer continuing on their own path, being fooled that it is working with them. ..Until That Day Comes!

It's not a Game, they think it is. ..Game will be Over. The End Game!

Genesis 50:20

But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.

There is Still time to make the Right choice. ..the Good choice, not satan's Fake sense of goodness. . .his light, his illumination is FAKE!

Joshua 24:15

“And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

MadWorld, I'm not the One who attacked you.

I know nothing about your account, and by the Very Same token you know absolutely Nothing about me.

They literally Harassed me on Twitter! I don't just mean the suspensions before just leaving me permanently suspended, But they would not let my thread go through while working on it sometimes after spending hours, then I would have to start all over. I kept at it, but just like all others, time is a commodity. Now I realize I'm not the only one, so no biggie right?

After they took down my first account I had for Years, now albeit before I was no threat to exposing their pact with satan on Twitter. I was just posting my own photos of finished work for my business and didn't have even one political thing to see.

But when I saw what hollywood and Hillary were doing to the children and asked for God to show me if people were exaggerating, That woke me up!

These people are Demonic! Proved it with Actual arrest records from local sources First, then any other source Willing to report it. Most MSM Doesn't report even verified arrests of these monsters and the High Profile Pedo rings. That's because they are All complicit or in on it! They Work for the monsters, so their livelihood depends on keeping mum. Not to mention as you likely know, you don't get to the next level in Hollywood, the music industry or even these higher profile reporter positions Unless you're willing to give a human sacrifice. Only goes downhill after that, as then that is Not enough and consumption is required. Once they see you'll do the First Request, more is demanded. Satan is never satiated and he Makes people feel unfulfilled no matter how much money, power, popularity or real estate they have. That is because Nothing satisfies like God, the one who has a personal investment in Each individual because He created people After His own image. Satan Hates and Despises us. Set out to destroy us from the beginning of man's creation and spends Every Day of their False time keeping methods Doing so. That's okay, with God time is different. He always Has been, He Is and always Will Be! Hard for humans to wrap their brains around as our conditioning has always been to mark time by the cabal's construct.

That is how satan and his minions work. People have NO idea what is really coming.

This piddly stuff here, I don't like it. . .I don't like people attacking others without Proof. At least read a handful of articles by someone or check out their channel First. Due Process, do homework. It takes Time, but anything Worth Doing, Always takes Time and Plenty of it.

Just how I feel as I don't waste my time Attacking people. Now I will defend myself, but don't have the time to actively go out and attack people I may not agree with. There's Not enough time for that. You should Know what is coming!

We have a reprieve right now because we got Trump elected and what's Beautiful is we used satan's platform to do it!

In the meantime, satan is building a literal host or army and it is Wicked beyond belief. He's been doing so since the beginning. People Will fear and tremble and That is Not an exaggeration. Those watching the signs and symbols Know, they have already Told us what is coming, most aren't paying attention or Really hearing them. It's even been foretold by looking at all that weird symbolism in the catholic church. All that satan worship, sucking out of life and building a locust style army. I mean no offense, but it is the leadership and not the people following them blindly. God is Going After the leadership. He will continue to expose them, but some Will Choose Not to Know. Not just the catholic church leadership, but Also the leadership of about 99% of churches that are so infiltrated and so weak kneed, they've caved and just cater to satan's realm thinking they're doing good, but not calling out the true evil. They have intentionally weakened God's children. There is a remnant that has risen up, and their day is Coming! The chosen will Not back down. The enemy has already taken Much from us. We don't allow fear to silence us any more! Sheep No More, Silent No More!

People who don't know God, won't have a chance.

So back to Twitter. When I started calling Out the Pedo accounts they harbored, well, that didn't go over so well. They harassed, suspended about 3 times, then finally just got rid of me.

Tried a new one under TestingTheNarrative, was also focusing on exposing the corruptors, not just the pedophiles, but All the workings of the cabal Including their False mystery religion, which is nothing but satanism packaged up with a different name, they harassed, got mad when I spoke of Sergey Brin's history and how they meld their sickness together in asking for our DNA as his ex wife started 23andme then Actually gets people to send in their DNA!

Do you know What they have been doing with the DNA since the dawn of time? The fallen were tampering and mating every manner of species so much, they created creatures so damaged and at times creatures so evil that God put a Stop to it and flooded the earth. Satan didn't go Anywhere though as This is his domain and we reside inside of this False reality.

Anyhow, twitter suspended that one finally and though I've appealed a few times, doesn't matter, they won't give it back, so Done. There are plenty of other platforms where people are searching for truth and realize they are not being given the truth by MSM. Most have No idea what is happening all around the world.

The thing is, I did a LOT of research and work on those threads and didn't always have the time to carry it over to a steemit article. So All of that is lost. I remember bits and pieces and have some notes, but too hard to go back as things are happening Rapidly in exposing this evil. All is connected, but as you are likely aware, the most heinous evil resides underneath it all and IS the reason they fight so viciously and attack so aggressively.

Satan Demands a quota of child sacrifice for them to keep their power and money. Done through ritual sex child abuse and torture, and as you know consuming the blood filled with adrenaline for the rush. Satan and his minions Thrive on this loosh. They also split the child's personality multiple ways through the sodomy and that is what that symbol on the money really is. Just look at it, represents both light and a hole because when they rape a child through sodomy at the young age of 2 and under, a flash of blue light goes off and there is a trigger for an area of the brain that is partitioned off. Part of Crowley's sex magic those boys from the Memphis 3 participated in and worshipped all while Johnny Depp and other celebrities went on a rampage to get them off for their abuse and murders of 3 young boys. You can tell why, They're satanists. Openly support satan with their speech, satanic tattoos and actions.

The facts were, my work was seen more often on twitter than it was on steemit. Steemit has become a back up for me and protection Until the owners of the servers pull it down.

Anything can happen. Now if you're a shill, you'll be able to help them out, but they've likely already figured this out! Bezos owns those servers I believe, so once again, it belongs to satan.

I'm used to being slandered, mocked and belittled since the start of pizzagate, even by the conceited controllers on a certain board I won't name or specifically call out, they Refused to see they were censoring over wording. Ridiculous as it should be about the victims and Exposing these Vile, Sick monsters rather than feeding their Egos!

I tried to tell them in the early days it was Pedogate! Wouldn't hear of it, Insisted on their proprietary ways that benefited them rather than the children. These monsters literally crawl and operate all over the world and have a world wide reach so how ridiculous for them to Pretend it should be focused on One Tiny area. They fell for the media trap to get people focused on one aspect so people wouldn't understand it Was indeed a club and They aren't part of it! Then they simply laugh and continue their predatory practices Right under People's noses!

There is more, as usual, it is in a reply to this, but much shorter than this one. I know, thank God!

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Now, if you're not a paid shill or are not Just trying to gain points and praise from calling out people, then Please check people out further Before attacking. Not Sure how anyone has time to attack on here when children are Still being abused, but it Is a free country.

If you are a shill, then I guess you got your way and a couple of extra paid comments as you're paid by getting responses. I guess That is on me.

If you're on the side of good, please consider spending your time exposing these pedophile monsters and their cohorts as All of these crimes connect. It is a literal web that is So vast, we need as Many people as possible exposing them in order to Wake people up! They count on it being so overwhelming with tunnels inside of rabbit holes and mazes, that No one will take the time or patience required to disseminate it! They misjudged the remnant. I hope you are part of the remnant and will reconsider.

Thanks for telling me about the ping thing. Clearly I rarely ping people and have no idea what the stipulations are. I spend most of my free time researching, writing and talking to the people out there. Some on the Side of Good and they are Amazing, others who are shills who still need to be saved from the place satan is taking All who don't trust in God to save them no matter how many good works they do, and those genuinely seeking for truth, but still very lost and really confused.

Only one way to God.

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Romans 10:9 “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”


MadWorld ago

Thank you for your comment, again. I will have to come back to this, I am getting an impression that there is a hidden message somewhere.

I understand your concerns and what you have to go through, sorry about that. I will give you a ping on the next update. Let me assure you that I am in no possible way a shill.

To preserve your work, you may want to make use of and similar sites, to create backup/redundant copies of your work. I also highly recommend that you use Tor or VPN to protect your privacy. Since you have already put a face to your videos, you are already putting your own life at risk, if you ever find some damning material on your research!

I hope you stay safe...

ExpertShitposter ago

You are the hero goat we need.

MadWorld ago

If we fight propaganda with propaganda, then some day we may be unknowingly drowning ourselves, and others, into the propaganda being created on both sides. I think memes are the best :-).

modsrcuntz ago

This is a very important post

heygeorge ago

Precisely. Although I’m not torn about propaganda. There is plenty of factual information to share and discuss.

alecfurski ago

I noticed the same day was created. It was first posted by /u/Russianbots

/u/ArtistiqueJewelry is also involved.

Her youtube channel: (AKA "TestingTheNarrative)

She's part of the Qanon network

day 1 spammers of were:

  1. /u/Russianbots
  2. /u/Sw0rdofDamocles
  3. /u/MacMike
  4. /u/ArtistiqueJewelry (aka - TestingtheNarrative)

jollux ago

excellent work

Rotteuxx ago

I just came across @eunpiacere and

SchwazaRifleCoffeeCo ago

Imagine if those Qtards spent time 1/5 of the time it took you, rather than being sheep.

heygeorge ago

The ultimate goal of free speech is to be able to speak the truth, not layer on additional propaganda.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Epic post. Good shit, goat.

NotHereForPizza ago

Looks more like consensus cracking than actual autism...

gnexus ago

Nice work

Walk1 ago

Its time for these domains to go down for spreading fake news and undermining the truth.

ARsandOutdoors ago


totes_magotes ago

He's a reddit tier user. Criticize him or point out an error in his "info" and regardless of how you do it, he flings about like the shit-flinging monkey he is.

He's half-worthless. The other half is a great shitposter.

Now that I think about it, he's 100% shitposter.

Lazmat ago

remember you are the same guys who banned the entire domians of blogspot and dailymotion ?

totes_magotes ago


TheTrigger ago

Someone had pointed out that it's apparently been known for some time that tendies gets his kicks from posting fake news and watching retards upvote it. He's the literal definition of a shitposter.

tendiesonfloor ago


Is that wrong? Some of you guys take this place waaaaaay too seriously.

TheTrigger ago

Hey, man. Nice that you picked my comment to reply to, but if you go back and re-read it, you'll notice that I said absolutely nothing to judge your behaviour either way. If I thought you were doing it to be intentionally malicious, in a detrimental way, I'd have called you out on it a long time ago.

Personally, I don't care. I actually appreciate that you post so much; fake news or not: the front-page would look a lot emptier without your submissions. My own take on it, is that anyone who's complaining should make an effort to post their own content, or simply downvoat and move on. If someone's going to complain about something, they'd better have solutions to go with said bitching, otherwise they'd might as well be whinging to the wind.

Richard_Kranium ago

Nah. You’re just a dick.

How pathetic are you to waste time shit-posting on a site you have such little regard for?

Personally, I would not have put together the OP, but your justification for your own pathetic behavior while slamming @MadWorld and this site as “autistic” is worse. Who has the time to do what you do? If you are not being paid to shitpost, you are a bigger loser than you appear.

What a sad little life you must have.

tendiesonfloor ago

Member for 8 days


Tell me more about your contributions here.

Richard_Kranium ago

Do I sound enraged? I’m not. You seem to have reading comprehension issues. I was just struck by how unaware your justification reply actually is. I’m not emotionally involved. You, however, take delight in shitposting on a site you loathe. Who has that kind of time? Trying to irritate strangers on a message board? Maybe it’s time to re-evaluate your life choices... this one is sad.

And what difference does it make how long I’ve been a member? I lurked for a good while before joining. In my short time on voat, I’ve made it a better place than you. And that says more about you than me.

But hey, keep making a difference in your own way.

tendiesonfloor ago

site you loathe

Where did I say that?

truthwoke33 ago

With your actions. Who the fuck wastes so much time with people he doesn't like? I mean, an entire fucking year? And you have the gall to call us autistic?

One of the biggest signs of autism is complete lack of self awareness and inability to understand how others perceive you. Get fucked.

tendiesonfloor ago

Sounds like you're working from a false premise.

truthwoke33 ago


TheBuddha ago

I'm gonna ping @Crensch @kevdude and @peaceseeker.

I think the three of them will appreciate your work and I suspect this belongs best in v/protectvoat.

Lazmat ago

Anyone recall when voat banned the entire domians of blogspot and dailymotion?

Crensch ago

I agree with the faggoat above. Make a PV submission, MW.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat comment by @MadWorld.

Posted automatically (#19512) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

draaaak ago

Doing God's work.

Lazmat ago

is this a Jewish Yahweh Jehova god or the Moongod al-Lah ?

theoldones ago

you're going to need to prove some of the stories cited as false, as false, you know that right?

its not good enough to cite a few ones as "fake" then try to information-dump the whole thing

Lazmat ago

Do we remember how voat banned the entire websites of blogspot and dailymotion?

uvulectomy ago

Think of the articles like rape allegations. It's not up to someone to prove they're false. It's up to the accuser (or in this case, the "news site") to prove they're true. Especially when they come from domains that nobody has ever heard of and only recently were registered, posted by profiles that didn't exist until that very moment.

I just assume all "news" is bullshit until proven otherwise these days, especially the kind of things tendies posts.

MadWorld ago

Yes sir, I have gone through those domains on the top list. They all share enough identical articles. Clinton's cargo raid was one of them. I did not bother to archive everyone of them. Of course not all articles were fake. The one about a girl being stabbed 14 times by an illegal immigrant actually happened.

These are the domains that I have checked:

theoldones ago

and what about the two stories on bloodofeurope you cited as false?

MadWorld ago

New twitter accounts being created to push fake news:

GoylentGreen ago

Don’t know if it’s a bug or what, but the upvotes to your comment aren’t displaying. You’re still displaying (+0|-0) after I tried to upvote.

MadWorld ago

It's just a cache timing. I think the votes are updated after 15 minutes.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Good post. Lots of great info here. Seems like you and I are doing the same things by uncovering bullshit happening on Voat that seemingly goes undiscovered. For what it's worth, contrary to what totes_magotes said, I think this is valuable work especially for Voat.

I dug into a company who sells Voat accounts and found out that the companies owner has been on Voat virtually from its inception, so that creates the possibility that this shill's account is among some of the more 'trusted' members here. When I presented the evidence, I had people like totes_magotes say the same stuff. Don't even pay attention to them. I know people like @kevdude value information like yours. I value it!

kneo24 ago

Why do you insist on trying to take credit for an issue Voaters long knew about? What is with you and self aggrandizement?

"Look at me, I'm doing good work! Pat me on the back!"

And where did @totes_magotes say this was not valuable work? Why are you too chicken shit to ping them when you call them out?

@Madworld, don't listen to this fool. They're here for the ego at a minimum.

totes_magotes ago

He's chickenshit because I've called @let_get_hyyerr out on shit in the past. He just doesn't want anyone to know so he hides it like cockroaches hide. You know what you do with cockroaches right?

MadWorld ago

:-) I am also looking into that. Thank you for the work that you have done on it!!

lets_get_hyyerr ago

I have a lot more on it but now isn't the time to publicize it. I want to collect enough damning information on it such are more usernames and whatnot.