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CuntyLegbeard ago

The GoFundMe page incase anybody wants to put their money where their mouth is

CuntyLegbeard ago

Is there a link to the gofundme?

Walk1 ago

They won't cover it because she is white and obviously too innocent looking and human looking to be worth consideration, so this is why she has been pushed to the side and the case is not covered. Its a savage Somali that did it probably. Fire up the engines we have some cleaning up to do folks.

darkb ago

sell outs to islam ,,, a political movement

vladtep ago

All somalis are moslem, all somalis are niggers.

Lynch_Tree ago

looks like another fat coalburner to me. good riddance

Benzine ago

Cruel world 😿😿😿😿

graspskills ago

Anyone know? What is the moral of this article?

Barbarian ago

At some point White people will stop being shocked that the media is biased against them and take matters in to their own hands. No one is going to look out for you so look out for yourself. Niggers don't have cc permits but carry anyways. Why? Because they know their lives depend on it and that no one else is going to protect them. White people will learn this.

MoteMoteKek11 ago

You are a dumb fucking cuck if you are walking down Hennepin Ave without the means to defend yourself, or the situational awareness that needs to go along with it. Last time me and two of my brothers were walking down Hennepin Ave we were approached by a group of shit skins, could’ve been Somalis idk, they are all the same until they speak. They just came up to us without saying anything and started frisking us as if to steal from our pockets, like we were not going to put up a fight at all. I stabbed one, my cousin took two down himself, stomped both their faces and we kicked the shit out of the last one struggling with my other brother. We were scared for almost an entire year thinking the big bad state government was going to get us, they didn’t, they don’t care. That’s when I discovered you can get away with anything with these animals if you play it right.

vladtep ago

Yeah it's kinda funny when you realize that.

I have a few stories of my own but I'll leave it at that. lol

MoteMoteKek11 ago

Oh I have many more, this was my first real hands on encounter with these people that woke me up. If more people understood this, the problem wouldn’t be as severe. If muhammads stopped showing up for their morning prayer they would probably start secluding themselves more.

Pronebone45 ago

"...I discovered you can get away with anything with these animals if you play it right." I still remember the happy feeling I got when I learned this same thing. That was 20 years ago.

MoteMoteKek11 ago

It truly is a red pill in itself. Since then I’ve gotten my carry permit, and stepped up my training. I do not frequent Minneapolis at all anymore however.

boekanier ago

A muslim that is a criminal? Go away!

TestForScience ago

This story might be a year old, but I guess I can honestly say that I don’t remember ever hearing about it a year ago.

Gopherurself ago

Start burning mosques Minnisota. RIGHT FUCKING NOW.

Don_Lemmon ago

The real Don Lemmon here and you can stab me in the butthole as much ass you want.

LettItBurn ago

Jews run the media. Jews won't report this kind of news. Jews won't report nigger crimes.

We have to get the Jews out of our country. ////////// there is no other option.

thelma ago

1 less democrat.

reap what you sow

SaneHPOPiSwear ago

Men of MN, it is time for you to stand up and defend your city/county/state! It is not too late for you. There are plenty of swamps for stuff to go missing and never be found.

You know what to do.

LettItBurn ago

........................sometimes silence screams louder than words.

ArielQflip ago

Minnesota is doomed.

facepaint ago

She could have easily identified him as Somali. And from there it isn't a huge stretch to assume he is Muslim.

Artofchoke ago

It's almost like any place that isn't actively struggling against it is Muslim.

Chasmaniac ago

I am always amazed how people will agree that bringing wildlife from other countries is a bad idea (invasive species) but without blinking an eye will regurgitate out "..they're coming here for a better life...diversity is our strength.." when it comes to 'people' .

HenryCabotLodge ago

You WILL bow down to us. You WILL give us your daughters. You WILL support us in your Welfare state. You WILL give us all your civil rights. You WILL bow down and worship ALLAH and the Prophet (peace be on him). //// What is there not to know about this?

Doglegwarrior ago

Its the religion of peace.

facepaint ago

So I am guessing the guy was never caught.

Mr_Quagmire ago

December 20, 2017

mralexson ago

The Muslim began stabbing her to death in 2017 and just finished killing her today

Mr_Quagmire ago

Now that's dedication.

SporadicSpasms ago

No, it's incompetence.

IsraelLast ago

This post is sliding, came here to confirm

FridayJones ago

That (((blogger))) tries to imply that the stabby nigger might not be one of the huge Somali Muslim immigrant community in Minnesota but instead was maybe some other brand of domestic nigger who just happened to be super dark, super skinny, and have short natural hair, which almost zero domestic niggers ever have anymore. The original article said that she got a really good look at him, and she thinks he was a Somalicoon. By her description and the inevitable sketch or Identikit picture, the cops and the Press seem pretty convinced he's a Somalicoon.

Cool-it-Fatboy ago

Time to get your cc lady

graspskills ago


ndrsrd ago

I'm grateful I'm no family of any journalist, because things are about to get really ugly, and there is no way to hide from hundreds of thousands that will start disinfecting this world from these cowards, seeking true justice.

gazillions ago

"I want him to know I am OK and that he will be caught"

Oh, and just who does she think is going to catch him? And why would they do that?

benjitsu ago


ReeceHolland ago

He shouldn’t be caught, he should be executed slowly and painfully.

ALIENS2222 ago

Was this a random attack or was she fucking the guy...

FridayJones ago

Read the article for fuck's sake. It says she was walking home from the end of her shift at the Apple Store.

ALIENS2222 ago

Easier to just make the comment I did then have someone like you angrily throw the answer I want in my face. Far more time-efficient on my end. Thankyou and good day sir!

FridayJones ago

You're welcome you fag!

defcon_alpha_zebra ago

It goes against their narrative.

ReeceHolland ago

Somebody please provide a name for the attacker. Anybody.

interneth8machine ago

muhammed mohammed

GassyMcGasface ago

I tried to read his citizen document provided to him by Obama but it just looked like squiggles, and it smelled like feces.

MrDarkWater ago

Shit, I want the video

con77 ago

skinny niggerakbar

BlackGrapeDrank ago

Admiral Ahkbar

lord_nougat ago