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intothelightwego ago

Well I would wonder why this Dr is still alive if this article is true dozens have died for less around the Manchurian candidate and his partner Michael. I was convinced by the Male ratios shoulders to head ratio and Michael's hands and of course the obvious tackle bouncing about when dancing with Ellen

TrumpMimi7 ago

How can a parent allow them to train or whatever they do, to their child? Where are their parent instincts? Is her mom the handler? Muslim do not allow gays.. how can Oblowzo n Mikey get away with it?? Jeeez. I miss Joan. Love ya lady!

scoripowarrior ago

I smell BS with this article. Hate the Obama's but this doesn't pass the smell test.

AAngel ago

I tried to go to the source, and found other articles, not this one. I sure would like a link if this is true...

dp007since09 ago

Joan Rivers paid with her life for saying it. First Gay President and his Tranny "wife"

chuckletrousers ago

@ThrowawayFtmPacker would like to have a word with you about that.

AAngel ago

Did you see the video that looked (and sounded!) like her leaving a dinner party after? The whole dramatic set up with her daughter ... "If I die during this plastic surgery then.... yadda yadda?" I suspect the death was set up and she's fine. If they had done her in for slipping with the truth, her family might have squealed. Much better to slip in to retirement.

wasupwitdis ago

the doc should just leak the info to someone let them go on the talk show circuit get a go fund me tell old barry and his man bitch to suck his dick and move to the islands and watch the fun. Tell Barry's asswipe lawyers you sue me and this shit will be all over the world before the ink dries on your damn lawsuit I got pictures. doesn't matter if he does or not tell them when I walked in on HIM I had my phone lol.

OyoooyO ago

Did a google search with doctor's name and saw the same story in an 2017 October article. 1st link is debunk :

Seems like click bait to me.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Sites and click bait are a dime a dozen.

What's Not is what Joan Rivers stated prior to dying in a routine surgery.

Someone else in the comments pointed out a very valid point. . .you never hear anything from her daughter.

If you do a search pertaining to Michelle as Michael there are numerous photos that are more than questionable.

The idea is not the link, but what We the People can find by searching and being discerning.

AAngel ago

Again, not sure she died. A later video of her look alike (mostly) and sound alike (totally) leaving a dinner party. Lots of "I might die" drama for TV with her daughter before the surgery. Actually bumping people off doesn't work as well as paying them off, they have learned. The clip of her look and sound alike leaving the party starts at 1:15

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Wow! That Does sound Just like her!

I wouldn't be surprised if they give these people that kind of an ultimatum.

So weird her twitter is still being used almost like she knows people real realize she isn't really dead.

Never thought of her possibly being transgendered like he mentioned.

I guess you Never know. If that is the case she could have had her daughter with someone else, daughter sure looks like her.

The daughter must be underground with her too. I wonder if she had plastic surgery also to look different so when they come up top, people don't guess who they are together.

So bizzarre! Thanks for sharing this!

AAngel ago

"Michelle" didn't wear her special panties THIS day...

OyoooyO ago

Sure, I'm not saying Michelle is not Michael. Only that this news seems to be a fake one.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Anything is possible.

Discernment is key!

Battleslam ago

Obama could be a cross dresser too as he would have a better build for it than his butch wife as she looks like big Amazon creature.

DyslexicsUntie ago

Doesn’t seem like a credible story. The doctor is concerned with violating his nda and getting sued. In this instance he should be concerned with violating his nda and getting murdered.

GlendaleBurbank ago

Joan Rivers paid the highest price for telling the truth about the Ovomits. RIP Joan...we miss you.

AAngel ago

Maybe no reason to be sad, we think this may be her after the new surgery... (short clip leaving a dinner party at 1;15:

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

They sure seem to be going nuts on this topic on 8chan.

You get what you get, when you poke around over there though.

Obama calling her Michael

I think these people are tired, but they're right

Michelle as a gir

The Muscles

AAngel ago

To be fair I think there was a Michael sharing the stage with him, I think as his host, that night of the "Michael" comment.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Really? Interesting.

AAngel ago

Fun, Artistique. Thanks for taking the time to put links...

102476reg ago

Joan Rivers got knocked off for speaking candidly about it, do you notice how her daughter has fallen out of the public eye since then? immediately after she was murdered.

AAngel ago

Knew she couldn't hang on to the story while mom was going incognito? Maybe sharp enough to know she didn't have the acting skills?

102476reg ago

It is the same voice for sure and looks similar,

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Good Point! I never hear about her anymore, then again, I don't watch any news on the Tell a Vision Box so I suppose I would never know.

Sound about right though!

102476reg ago

You did not miss anything because there was no news, she was just gone from public view at the snap of a finger, I know because I looked within the months after her mothers killing and then again after that and still nothing.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

You don't suppose she is one of those who went underground and her daughter went with her do you?

I've seen some evidence of those bunkers they keep people in. Seems since she was no longer serving their purposes, they didn't need her anymore.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I believe you. Haven't seen any chatter on the clips I watch or news I read. Nothing at all!

Very telling!

Kehar ago

I don't think it's important if Michelle is male or female, really--what is important is that Obama is a TRAITOR who tried to destroy the USA while projecting the perfect image for liberals to latch on to. "Michael Obama" is just a distraction, IMO. While EVERY PART OF OBAMA was a lie, this is the less important lie. Why, it's way more important that Obama was not a natural born US citizen and served as POTUS for 8 years than that he is gay and has a facade for a family. Pedogate is way more important, too.

Blacksmith21 ago

We spent an entire year of the public conscience, led by Hussein + Tranny, having transgender bathrooms in department stores shoved down our throat. Yes, it matters.

I've endured the last decade of being ridiculed by friends/family for insinuating "it" is a tranny. Yes, it matters.

Transgenderism is the gateway to pedophilia - refer to book readings for children. Yes, it matters a LOT.

Kehar ago

Ah, okay, I concede the point then--I had not considered that. I would like to know more about how transgenderism is a gateway to pedophilia, though, as I don't quite follow the logic, unless it's somehow linked to over sexualization of children.

implicittrust ago

I agree, but if this is true it demonstrates the level of deception they engaged.

YellowDogRedCollar17 ago


Awakenednotbroke ago

Whether or not this story is true, I still find it interesting that Michelle/Michael hasn't come out. Seriously. M. Obama would be lauded and feted by the crazy liberals who have taken on transgenderism as normal and the ultimate cool.

Oh, wait. Women have more identity creds for political and social change according to the MSM whores. Being trans is not as well accepted by the suburban female voters as a woman might be.

And then there's that little problem of Joan Rivers' sudden death after she was videotaped stating M. Obama was a tranny and it was okay.

Olvar ago

The About page for the website is Lorem ipsum filler! I was looking for a date to see how long the site has been there and there is none. Totally worthless from a research standpoint. But if anyone ever finds an explanation for Michelle's high school photos as a girl, please let us know!

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Site's are a dime a dozen. What counts is. . .was there a doctor who knew?

If true there is at least One doctor out there who knows the truth.

The truth Will come out sooner or later. They will not be able to contain it Forever!

ChiefMAGA ago

chick w/ dick

GritD2 ago

Dick with a chick!

Agapechik57 ago

I have searched and searched this topic on the net. The J Rivers statement; Barry quite early in his 1st term referring to “her” as “ just holding hands with Michael” ; the military speech where he says”Michael and I” without missing a beat; the photo instanceswhere “she” is an anatomically challenged female; no real oictures of little girl Michelle in ballet or playing hop scotch or anything; then there are several b&w photos of Michael with glasses and totally just a male walking along with Barry somewhere in Africa I think. There is just too much evidence out there to dismiss it all as misinformation.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

That is the conclusion I have come to.

Definitely feasible and what other reason would Joan Rivers have had for saying what she said?

I have thought about those pictures of "Michelle" as a little girl also. What I have found when poking around into the Transgender agenda, is these luciferian people actually transgender when little. Some parents even encourage it as Angelina Jolee did with her daughter dressing as a boy. It is part of their plan for gender fluidity and no boundaries.

WakeUpDJ ago

There's a video on YouTube of Michael adjusting his private parts as he is leaving a building with secret service agents. Looks like a man. Then there is the bump down there while Michael is doing some dance moves on the Ellen Degenerate show. Too many coincidences to say that Michelle is a female. How many coincidences does it take for the truth to be investigated?🤔

hildberht ago

Big clit?

Blacksmith21 ago


ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I have seen some of that footage.

Tried to dismiss it early on, but like you say. . .how many do we need?

There are No Coincidences!

spaceman84 ago


RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

I don't want to dig into that! Lets just assume and move on!

wasupwitdis ago

I thought thats what her book was about...Becoming Michelle Obama? .....

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Sounds like there is more than meets the eye with that title For Sure!

wasupwitdis ago

lol ya think

PGLiterati ago

So I never thought anything about this at all until they started pushing transgendered bathrooms. It just didn't make sense--came out of nowhere. I thought there is only one way that this makes sense. After that I started looking. That Michael slip cinched it for me.

GritD2 ago

I always call my wife by her male counterpart name , so funny! I always forget her name!

PGLiterati ago

Oh yeah, me too-slips out all the time!

GritD2 ago

But what I have real troubles with is my religion. I'll be hanging out with my priest in confession, and I'll say , I love my Muslim religion, and he goes hahahah gritd2, you are christian, remember? And then we have a good laugh.

wasupwitdis ago

Never thought about that one but your right..thanks for the reminder........

bruno196103 ago

Its not fake news.She a man! The kids were not theirs. All photos were created like Obama's birth certificate. We see all the videos shows us but we still don't believe it. Poor Joan Rivers told us. She paid with her life. When are we going to wake up and realize that every thing that comes out of the Democrats and some Republicans are lies. Even the sex of the person must be in questioned. I know a guy when I see one and he a SHIM!

Blacksmith21 ago

Interestingly, when searching for the doctor, I see this same story repeated. But in the few search results, this came back:

hildberht ago

Good find and it makes me think this is a fake news story. He is a specialist in transgender surgery, he would not need to walk in her to know she was actually a man. He would see the signs. He would also not speak out as it would damage his business.

Fake news of maybe a true story because they are worried about something coming out and what to discredit it early.

Conspiremylove ago

Got a ghoul surgeon's page with a block that says "Sorry, video does not exist". Was there something in the video? Otherwise, I'm not taking much from this...

Blacksmith21 ago

Did you happen to notice what the doctor's specialty is?

Conspiremylove ago

Got it - you think may be the same guy - Dr. Peter Raphael = Dr. Raphael Espinanzo. Hmm, a stretch, but with hispanic naming conventions...

Blacksmith21 ago

And he's a tranny doctor. You would think a doctor prominent enough to solely care for the "First Lady, Man, Tranny" would have some sort of review, profile, etc. online.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Wow! Great find! Thank you!

wasupwitdis ago

Well if MIKE is the way it is then it will come out. If the doc is on the level and worried about lawsuits he can do a blasey ford and get a go fund me........It will all come out in the wash along with Barry's birth cert........WWG1WGA

GritD2 ago

He will be arkancided (kenyacided???) long before a lawsuit would ever happen.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

All good points!

Jsmyogi ago

Until we see him talking about it live I am highly skeptical. this sounds fishy. Using the too good to be true rule. Maybe Tucker can give him a ring. Where did this story come from m? Buzzfeed maybe??

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Similar stories around for a long time.

I used to laugh until there were questionable photos and just looking at the bone structure, anatomy, etc.

Interesting theory. Also interesting Barry has slipped at least twice that I know of in public and called her Michael and those photos. Barry and Michael the early days

Yearbook photo football Michael LaVaugn

Zammyanci ago

Has doctor been vetted?

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

My guess is no or he wouldn't still be alive to flap his jaws ; )

They aren't going to be able to keep the truth from trickling out forever.

Remember when Joan Rivers opened her mouth? Not good. Either dead or underground now.

Do you suppose she was used to seed the conscience? Hard to tell.

Slimpickens1 ago

What did Joan Rivers say?

MatildaQ ago

She was dead not long after. Died on operating table having cosmetic surgery.

NamelessMofo ago

That Michelle Obama was "a tranny and everybody knows it".

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

If you forward to about 50 sec. you can hear the clip.

I am not endorsing this channel, nor have I ever watched anything from this channel, but he has the actual clip on here

yukon456 ago Trump says "you look at her and think she's gonna live forever"

Slimpickens1 ago

I don't believe the story.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I used to laugh at the claims, until I saw some interesting photos.

Getting harder to ignore. Skeletal structure, shoulder width and the clear indications to disguise. I don't know. She does seem larger than Barry though.

Michael LaVaughn Robinson #44

Barry with Michael in the early days

Redpopcorn ago

Is that the stoy itself or that Michael is a man?

Slimpickens1 ago

The story. Still not sure about the tranny issue. I wouldn't doubt it.

HenryCabotLodge ago

It was a Rattlesnake. No, it was a black snake. "Are you sure"? Yes, pretty sure. "Are you a Dr."? Yes, I used to have a show on TV - Marcus Welby, M.D.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Where Obama referred to Michelle as Michael.

Abi73 ago

This might be why Trump called Melania a different name once?! They both are amazing Trolls after all :)

subtext ago


WelcometotheReal ago

The story is true, but I have hesitations about the site and this "Doctor". I believe this it's fake news about a real story.

Battleslam ago

Mike and her boy friend not husband in my book but to each his own or to some people its to each his bone as long as they dont teach the children about there sexualality perverted butt rubs and i do believe that children don't need to know about my sexualality neither or anybody else as far as that goes keep it in the bedrooms please well enough said but they push to the schools to generation's of our children and have should 've been being taught about or math or history about our flag and freedom, if you do have children keep them close and teach them at home or this nation will decline before your eyes.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I hear you! I just find it interesting how there are a great deal of questionable photos out there, build of body, slips by Obama and old photos I've come across that are difficult to deny.

I realize like you this could be someone trying to make money, but I do believe the proof is in the pudding and they won't be able to Keep This under wraps for long.

Also interesting are people who did their own reports on YT. ..many taken down which shows the cabal is Still striving to keep it a secret likely because they hope to run her for president.

At least Obama would get his shot at first lady!

SanyRow ago

Surprised me, made me laugh.

GolfinGirl ago

Yup, more like a lady (well not a true “lady’) than a man. Role reversal for those 2

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I think it is possible!

yupuppyjuankadoggie ago

I am with you exactly on this. I wanted to send the story down line but do not know this Dr. I also do not want to distract from the truth by spreading fake news. So I will wait to see.