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myshpqmc ago

They are whites, so you must love them.

America loves rapists and Islamic serial artistic killers who are rich and thus a good ally, as all know.

Rape is nothing and coward USA would let communist rapist free, which is often banned to speak in redd*t.

US supplied bomb that killed 40 children on Yemen school bus , with smart missiles which are smart enough to recognize and kill easy-to-kill children to show US has balls when being fucked off by hard-to-kill Russians.

​Slow coward failure America likes to make the war as long as possible, already said far far more earlier and banned.

Is slow coward USA doing the same thing that USA just waits a few months until China yuan is down 10% to $, then dares to tax 10% on $505 billions, and thus gets 10%-10%=0% in real trade? After all, USA has loved China communists and their ZTE for decades. My English is so bad?

​1, USA shouts that USA would put tariff on $500 billion goods made in China to change anti-freedom trade with China.

2, China devalues (downs) its currency yuan 10% to USA currency $.

3, then USA dares to really put tariff 10%, and gets nothing in real trade because 10%-10%=0%, which means that prices of goods made in China are decreased 10% by means of China government devaluing yuan 10%, and prices of goods made in China are increased 10% by meanings of USA government putting tariff 10% on all, and thus prices in trade not changed in total.

​4, ZTE is always controlled by China communists, and sells anti-freedom system to Iran and Korea, and banned by USA and then supported by USA at last. ...........................................................

Edit:I take no order from anyone. For those super Nazis, Can you and the followers read English?

​ Or you just don't want true free trade without tariffs?

Come on, Nazis and racists and communists, just ignore the truth, attack me and remove.

If no reply or late reply or this removed, blame redd&t or vo&t or the net, not blame me, because its not my control, and sometimes because "You have reached your daily comment quota. Your current quota is 10 comment(s) per 24 hours." which could also be false for you did not make 10 comments a day but you still cannot reply.

Carlosone ago

Can we just skip to the killing

Carlosone ago

Seems fair

Rawrination ago

This is one of the many things Christians could learn from them. 1. Don't let your women be in any sort of power. 2. Follow you God's laws over your states. 3. Be ready to met out the wrath of God on those who interfere.

pauly_pants ago

Hmm maybe he'd be nicer with another 100k of his friends?

kammmmak ago

Lol. Then GTFO

FarvingStartist ago

Even our founding fathers had their own experiences with Islam over the Barbary Coast. They said that Islam was incompatible with our form of government. But, why listen to them or history itself? The freedom loving peoples have been running from slavery westward forever. America is it, there's nowhere left to run.

daddy_fatsacks ago

I have a feeling the muslim problem will be dealt with by Vlad..

He handles the problem domestically very well, really nobody better to save Europe.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Well Sharia assholes, Invaders, you can want in one hand and shit in the other and see which one gets full faster.

But alas, you already shit in your own hands! FILTH!

Fetalpig ago

Oh my word...that is funny try it dune coon.

Lorkhan ago

When a person or group of people come into a country that has policies and a culture that is different from theirs and intends to stay long term they should be willing to surrender some of their own practices. This is where Islam falls apart in modern civilized countries. It's an expansionist and territorial belief system at its core. One look at the Middle East will show how much of a failure their way of doing things is. This statement by this Muslim only goes to prove that as a culture they are not prepared to be a part of modern civilization.

"Make your homeland like ours" is basically what he is saying, and Europe should be saying "your home is far away, adapt to our laws and culture or get out."

wickedkae ago

I hope these disgusting invaders do get their way. That way they will kill off the degenerate population of the EU and then we will go in and wipe out the muslims because they are killing people. We will win, it just takes time.

ThreeFourSevenOne ago

These people are fucking idiots who do not understand how quickly things can change. The silent majority wants them gone, and will stay silent as these fuckers are shipped out just as they stayed silent as they were shipped in. The majority follow the loudest voices, and the right are not only the loudest, but the only ones making any sense.

Malagant ago

Wake up, England.

surfsup ago

Death threats associated with treasonous talk (abolishing the laws and rights of citizens in UK) should be met with swift punishment. Punishment for treason? Sorry but outright political advertisement like this seems like treason to the UK citizens!

Smokybubbles ago

Surprise! Now bend over and take your multiculturalism and diversity.

con77 ago

Then I choose death. Understand that's a two way street moslem

CaptnObvius ago

Somebody may die, but it won't be our friends the Brits ie whitey aka limeys, they will send you stone age bastards straight to hell.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Kill the Muslim invaders, hang the traitors.

Fuck, if they start shooting, I may and go join the french men.

Captain_Atlas666 ago

Cut the Muslim invaders to pieces with chainsaws soaked in pig's blood.

peanut-head ago

When will people (men) realize how great this is. It's amazing that we reject it.

Al-Capwn_ ago

Dig a big hole in the ground and take care of the growing disease in your land UK.

DaveofPC ago

Can't we all just get along.

ar151488 ago

Good. Good. Elevate and accelerate you filthy inbred fucks. The sooner you push your real intentions to sooner we can start driving you out of our lands.

yesididit ago

After the pulse nightclub shooting, where an islamic jihadist went into a gay club with a rifle and murdered 40+ people, how many mosques had a rainbow flag outside? How many imams preached about tolerating homosexuals in society, and showing them love, respect, kindness and equal rights? A big zero right?

What's the price of apostasy in Islam? Death. How likely is it that if an imam were to commit apostasy in Islam, that someone would hold him accountable and kill him? 100%. 10/10. You can insert blasphemy for apostasy all you like, it's essentially the same thing.

Now ask yourself what's the price of apostasy in Christianity? Eternal damnation into hellfire right? One religion pays in the flesh, the other in the infinite spirit. Spengler talks about how every culture has a prime symbol, and the for West it's infinity. That's hard to reconcile with.

The modern Christian church is having a major identity crisis. If you stand for everything, and everything that's everything is love, and everything is everything for the sake of it, then nothing has meaning. No one holds the apostates in Christianity accountable anymore. Islam is gaining many followers because they stay true to their religion, which they believe is the perfect will of God (it's not, Jesus Christ and the gospel is). Christians 'aren't sure' about the bible anymore, and won't even call out homosexuality as a sin. This means that even in the highest vestiges of the clergy, there is doubt about if the bible is in fact the perfect will of God. That's the problem.

Once the West can reconcile with God, the good, acceptable, perfect will of Jesus Christ and of God as it is laid out in the KJV bible, then we can begin to have a moral foundation, and an inherent moral continuity, to build from.

HeavyBrain ago

Thinking they can scare white people with death, we are not the ones who need a life long brainwashing and promisses of enternal pussy to lay down our life for our values.

lissencarak ago

The future of Britain was decided with the bombs over Dresden.

You better do what he says.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

They are, at this time, on the very cusp of failure, though they do not yet see it.

It will not go well for them now.

Stayedclassy ago

Well now that sounds like a declaration of war to me.

Not_a_redfugee ago


Muslims:" Death to all you infidels."


Awesome_trump ago

Time for the good citizens to start making the muzzies disappear.

RugnarCream ago

Well, if you insist. Picks up handmade rifle made of twigs and leaves "chk, chk" (gun sounds)

senpaithatignoresyou ago

How will the British economy survive the French riots? all those french yellow vests, not doing holiday shopping, not buying retail junk. All those french store closings.

It's gonna be a shit retail season for the EU.

That is going to spill over into all the other eurocuck nations, and hurt their struggling economies. When you have an open economic zone, you get the benefits AND the problems, in one package.

And when there is no money, then the state has to cut back on the gibs, or take someone else's money. Fun times ahead for britistan

But faggot european cucks do not understand economics.

irelandLost ago

You’d think people who grew up in mud huts in arid shitholes and had to flee to foreign lands just to avoid having to eat their children, and now live in societies that represent the pinnacle of human civilisation and advancement would realise at some point that in the greater scheme of things they are life’s losers, and acting up against their obvious and demonstrable superiors would not end well for them. Apparently that’s too much to ask of these cousin fucking paedos though, so best fire up the ovens and let the inevitable play out.

AlternateSelection ago

Same thing as saying " Fuck you. What you gonna do about it?" I hope the UK destroys these insects.

Mustard_Monkey ago

How is that diversity working for you limey's now?

Yuke ago

It's fucked London well and truly, I don't ever want to go there again except if a Yellow vest-type movement kicks off. It has also fucked a few other places quite a bit: Bradford, Leicester, Luton; Birmingham to a large extent. It's not too bad elsewhere, but I'm well aware that the globalist deep state is going to make sure it gets worse everywhere else. Homes are being built all over the country in the thousands. We all know who they're going to be getting filled by. None of us can deny these things, America has the same problem just with different races, and you're further down the track than us as well.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Make him drink bleach

XSS1337 ago

Now tell me guns are bad as you apply for a license to post a response to my comment.

Yuke ago

Ironically, gun use is becoming more common as well! David Hogg should come and see how things will go when you ban guns, he'd love it. Might get shot though.

XSS1337 ago

Thanks to Hogg and his cousin AR-15's are $300 and CCW permits are at n all time high.

the kike response has been HR 6747

"The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation.”

midnightblue1335 ago

"Okay mate." ~99% of Brits

Tallest_Skil ago

Spoiler alert: The British people will die.

They don't give a flying fuck about saving themselves anymore.

kammmmak ago

It is clear. We did not ask for this. Racist intolerant fucks. Tolerate your intolerance no more.

idle_voating ago

They've infected Europe and they're being brought en masse into the United States and Canada. They already have slowly gained a foothold in Dearborn Michigan and are expanding at a disastrous rate.

I suspect that they will become far worse than black Americans and Latinos. If they get sufficient numbers to be able to start pushing for Islamic control over the US then the Americans here will long for the good old days when blacks and Latinos were the worst of their problems and California won't look so bad.

Don't believe anything that Muslims say about not wanting to push Sharia if they bother to pray at Mosques and won't eat pork. Their religion commands them to push Islam onto others by force like was done in the Arabian peninsula then former centers of other religions like Egypt, Syria, Iran, Pakistan, etc. Islam says it's permissible to lie to 'infidels.'

con77 ago

Wake up you Brit cunts

newoldwave ago

The UK let in what they naively thought were sheep but they've turned out to be wolves.

Whitemail ago

Enriched by diversity.

goatboy ago

We do not accept vermin. You will accept our pest control and die.

MikeyMo123 ago


People are still using this term to describe them. Wow.

Awesome_trump ago

I know right. I call them invaders. Sometimes I piss off people by calling the scum invaders. I like pissing off cucks.

JastheMace ago

and it's so easy

mightnotbearobot ago


Well, tell the USA to stop creating them.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Lol I agree but it's not the us, it's the (((us)))

Ps shitskins, on average, arent as smart as whites.

fluhthreeex ago

Yes Trigglypuffs, regardless how "controversial" you feel this comment is: some fleeing Yemen and other places are actually internationally recognized Refugees. I called you Trigglypuffs. Now you can rage down-vote this one instead.

There is a genocide in Yemen thanks to Emperor Orange's weapons deal with the Saudi's. Granted they may have done it using Russian weapons regardless, however when you've purchased them from the US, there's somewhat of an obligation to turn a blind eye towards it, as Trump signaled immediately after the genocide began and he was initially confronted about it ("$100bn is a lot of money. That's a lot of US jobs...") ...until the international community bitched about having to fix more of the mess the USA green-lit.

madhatter67 ago

The war in Yemen predates Trump....and noone seemed to bothered about it then

fluhthreeex ago

To what extent had it created the humanitarian crisis it is now and at what point did that happen? Fighting on the border, sure. Escalating to the invasion of major cities I'm not so sure about.

I didn't ditch all (most) US-based news sources until pre-election when they exposed themselves as fuck-nuts.

Schreiber ago

some fleeing Yemen and other places are actually internationally recognized Refugees

So yemenis are our responsibility now? Since when we are obligated to house refugees again?

Trousersnake1488 ago

I killed muslims in Afghanistan and I will gladly kill more in the west when the executive/law enforcement breaks down. All poopskins gotta go back

mightnotbearobot ago

And you wonder why some of them want to kill you back, right?

Trousersnake1488 ago

... no, I'm not a retard sjw. Of course it's a bad iea to let your enemies into your house. Either way, the result will be the same

fluhthreeex ago

A shekel for the good goy.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Thank you. Combat and killing the enemy was fun, I learned a lot. Now, to reward me, the taxpayer is paying for my graduate degree. A shekel saved is a shekel earned!

fluhthreeex ago

I am not a good goy.

Ever fought a fair fight?

Trousersnake1488 ago

Youre women are just as slutty and whitish as ours. Mozzle toff

Trousersnake1488 ago

Lol fair fight, spoken like a true armchair. I used to joke with the taliban, that if they wouldnt plant ieds, we wouldnt call birds. They liked that.

fluhthreeex ago

You edited this to make it seem as if you truly think you're speaking to an Afghani. The under-funded, under-armed, under-armored, scattered rebel force that twice defeated the largest super powers in the world. Lost. Sent you packing your bodies and all your shit home. Because no one wanted to be in a war based on lies over resources, regime change, servitude to Israel, big oil, keep wheels greased for the MIC and others, etc, that you keyboard warriors couldn't fix (or should I keep indulging your "Rambo" Online Role-Play? You're also actually continuing to speak as if you're actually a former terrorist who fought against Afghani's in the M.E.) The politicians don't want it, the service-people don't either (citation: the suicide rate), the taxpayers, the international community, no one wants it.

Muslims best move is to do exactly what they have been doing for the past 50+ years since the US began fucking around in their countries: moving into Western societies, breeding, spreading their culture, voting, moving into politics (did you vote for the Muslim females on the ballot this year? Are you as excited about Sharia law courts, open borders, unchecked immigration, and a future as diverse as Europe's for the US as the rest of the country?)

But by all means, go ahead and bitch about how slovenly and non-contributing to society them naggers, taco-naggers, and mudslimes are, and how we need to end welfare and all social programs like roads, fire departments, police, and more, because it's robbing honest people of their tax dollars while you sit and gloat about your alleged "full ride to school", what would be free healthcare for life, and pension for life. Please, talk more about who the real leeches on society are. The Military is definitely not a social program used for upward social mobility. It should definitely stay. Probably have a bigger budget even.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Your skin is the color of poop.

fluhthreeex ago

Enjoy your paycheck, DoD troll. Keep bitching about the "damn socialists" while you bleed the taxpayers dry with your gibs and good goy wars while contributing nothing to the world.









Trousersnake1488 ago

Yea yeah, anyone who disagrees is a paid shill. Got it.

Since you are here, what do you think of Syrias conflict? To me, I like Bashar al Assad but I dont know enough about what exactly an aluwit is and i dont trust MSM news about the differences. In 2013, I was getting lessons in modern standard arabic/levantine from a Lebanese lady (smokeshow) and there was also a quatar girl (disgustingly fat and brown) and I asked them, and the others, what the deal was in Syria. They all, being from kind of diff backgrounds, were uneasy with the question and didnt want to give a clear answer.

So, as a poopskin yourself, can you give me your perspective on what an aluwit is, and your opinion on Bashar?

fluhthreeex ago

Check the Submissions I've shared. I submit links from journalists (Syrians) who live and have lived in Syria, people who study and have studied the Syrian issue, and information from "Fake News" sources (RT/"Kremlin Chief Putin Himself") giving the "other side" which in many cases as it relates to Assad has been shown to be correct: the Chemical attacks were White Helmet/Terrorist false flags, Trump launched the missiles without investigation for public approval/ratings (left and right-wing media praised him after doing so), and on...

The Syrian occupation benefits the average citizen of the USA in no way shape or form.

Assad seems fine enough and I enjoy watching him as he calmly and factually destroys idiotic reporters who try to make him look like a villain. I enjoyed watching Trump during the election as well. Now I've seen for myself what a do-nothing turd Trump is so my perspective has changed. I'm fine with acknowledging that I may not have enough information on a person to know what to think of them. However his demeanor is drastically different than other leaders, so "vs Trump" doesn't feel like a very fair comparison. I'm happy to watch him continue leading the country and observing, however Syria is the business of Syrians.

Fortunately Russia is helping them. After we suffered mostly just massive financial losses in the M.E. maybe they will play the role of "saviors" and "clean-up crew" this time there, as we did to them during WW2 in Europe after they suffered all the financial and massive-scale losses of life.

badruns ago

Don't say refugees. Don't say immigrants. They are invaders.

XSS1337 ago

Then to migrants , then to citizens , then to soldiers . . . even though they were always soldiers. They chant about spreading Islam but you don't see that on the news....

The Jews used the Arabs in the year 711 to take over Spain.

We are witnessing the same shit from the same shit people.

they_call_me_mouse ago

This is something I’ve been intetested in researching. I wonder what other nations thia has happened to. So far I know of Spain, Russia, Germany but what about Rome? Egypt? Constantinople? How far back does this go?

XSS1337 ago

To answer your question , you have to find when the Jews started using USURY.

This insertion to the financial markets is the reason for their expulsion but the times leading up-to that moment is where the devil lies. . . How many rapes, how many poisonings , how many daggers in the backs of citizens....

Maximum50 ago

Oh, those inbred ultra aggressive dumb fucks. They religion has literally turned them into a race of inbreds and they think they are taking over Europe? They are nothing but cannon fodder for the Jews.

JastheMace ago

Bingo, low IQ dolts think they are the ones taking over the world.

Maximum50 ago

Once they are no longer useful their masters will cleanse them with fire.

22trilionAsecond ago

Its a good job then that there is No such thing as no-go zones in the uk.

Man I hope those riots come to the uk.

mightnotbearobot ago

Its a good job then that there is No such thing as no-go zones in the uk.

There aren't. Unless you get all your news from Breitbart.

LogInV ago

I met a Greek brother and sister 20 years ago who lived in London and their area was a no-go zone, particularly after dark. The sister in particular would run home during the day, and not go out after dark.

If it was that bad 20 years ago, it's safe to assume it will be far worse now.

irelandLost ago

I’ve lived in the UK, there are a lot of no go zones. White lads couldnt go out in wembley cos of muzzies, stockwell, lewisham, brixton, pekham cos of nogs. Hackney is no go for pretty much everyone, even nogs not from hackney. That’s just London, plenty of parts of birmingham and Yorkshire are no go too.

mightnotbearobot ago

So you don't know what you are talking about? Thanks for clearing that up :)

irelandLost ago

Thought you pinkos were obsessed with “lived experience”? So, tell us all about the “lived experience” of basement dwelling.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Pinkos lol

I remember in the army, when wed all come up and talk shit to each other, the worst people could say was that I was a white, property owning, rich Connecticut guy.. I'd laugh and say I prefer slave master.

Why do dark skinned peoples look like poop? Ever notice that? Like, where the lines and skin cells group up, it looks nasty... anyways. What are some other names for whites yiu think offends us?

Nigger = google. Within any context, everyone knows that its better to be white. Even when the whole world discriminates against us, each and every mixed blood, shitskin or slant eyed gook would, if they could,change to be white.

A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet, conversely, a shitskin, by any other name would be just as despised.

irelandLost ago

Pinko is another word for libtard, it’s not a racial slur. The lad I said it to is a Brit I think so he should understand it, unless it’s an exclusively Irish thing, which I doubt.

Trousersnake1488 ago

I just got triggered then, sorry , good sir

mightnotbearobot ago

Ok you Paddy bollocks lmao

Pattern_Blind ago

They know the goyim in Britian will follow kike laws why not dune coon laws? Britian is the left over whites who were too stupid to leave for America years prior. Even white people have their dregs or white nigger types, we call them British.

Diggernicks ago

Simple solution. Dont accept camel fucking pedo muzzies as citizens.

eronburr ago

Or better yet, tell them to overtake banking then you'll join. Let [({them})] overthrow your masters and when it's done you ponder if you wanna stick around or FINALLY hop the pond

XSS1337 ago

This is a rare occasion where I upvoat you nigger. . . Odd times we live in for sure.

Podd ago

I think we all can agree that these people need to go back.

Carlosone ago

No they need to be killed

MrPim ago

These 'people' need exterminated.

XSS1337 ago

Why ? Then they can breed some more and get more money from the IMF / UN / Jews to be used again ?

History has proven the Jews left alone will always fester and spread disease to other lands.

End the shit-skins , end the hook-noses , fuck-it end the Pope while we are at it so we can read what is in that Library of theirs.....

draaaak ago

I would like to see what's in that Library.

XSS1337 ago

Oh they don't charge for a pass , it's "gratis" for contributing money every Sunday at mass.

The books / scrolls contain information of the formation of religion. What actually happened to the carpenter and his son. What prices were paid , opinions cast on certain Jews for their actions etc.... It is all a shame when done for profit. Jesus himself was against selling of totems in church ( Jews selling his likeness )

AlphabeticalAnon ago was meant as in "I don't want to see that"

XSS1337 ago

Yea I too don't want to see that program end. Really the only redeeming portion of the religion . . . Like islam and female genital mutilation ... it sure is swell.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

What if the Vatican is raided? A little country responisble for killing many other countries. The Vatican is a hostile nation.

XSS1337 ago

A state within a state..... twice the defense.

elitch2 ago


videocodec ago

Funny how the press missed the "or you will die" part. Shlomo always telling half truths and lies