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tendiesonfloor ago

I bet you're tired after staying up the last two nights putting that together, all because it turns out Julia Roberts didn't really make Michelle Obama eat out of her toilet. Get some rest, you've earned it!

Kippering ago

This sub grows more retarded the more I look into it, I see now why there is a conflict between ProtectVoat and Real Pv @MadWorld are you guys interested in protecting voat or is this a reddit level power play?

MadWorld ago

Actually, I followed one of @tendiesonfloor's submissions and discovered 20+ other similar domains. The other submission was looking further into those user's submissions.

MadWorld ago

No, I have no interest in power play. I found those domains spreading fake news. You may want to look at some of those archives.

MadWorld ago

I already had most of the data, just did not have the time to put it together. You may be surprised that it did not take as much time as you thought.

Gigglestick ago

God Id pay to see that.