Elbower_of_Quants ago

Outside of outliers journalism is not and never will be the friend of truth.

Kregan ago

Diversity is our strength the same way war is peace. I hope Minnesota removes these low IQ savages and restores some semblance of what their state once was. Fuck refugees every last one of them until our homeless, veterans and unemployed, ect are taken care of first. MAGA for Americans not for foreigners. Especially ones that share no history or heritage with the USA.

Greyskull ago

fake news

mattsixteen24 ago

For being stabbed 14 times she looks pretty healthy.

Cat-hax ago

Should of just let him rape you

NoRoyalty ago

We will have to literally send the troops into MN and MI and yank them out.

Livelongdiefree ago

I'd move back up for this movement, no lie!

kingminos ago

Migrant savages on the prowl. Media prods and pimps their outrage! Beside home-defense & CCing, what options does a white citizen have for collective protection against the Gub'mnt / media pimping Trotsky left ? Do Committee-of-Correspondence exist that USA white yeomanry might join for collective protection and active political support ?

Whiteflourguy ago

Not to go off topic but another thing that gets no msm attention is when Niggers are in court and laughing and dancing around about their crime, Even Mama nigger gets upset when they tackle and cuff her son who was in court for stealing a car, and stands up and takes a piss in a trash can in court.....These niggers need to be killed, not bury the story because you are afraid it will make Niggers look bad, Niggers commit most of the crime by far.

Greyskull ago


here is a perfect example of MSM bullshit

I yell at people for distracted driving all the time.... Do it to a fucking retard, your a racist and they're the victim.

Whiteflourguy ago

I know that game all to well. Jews do it all the time and so do Niggers. Shit it had happened to me before, Some asshole cut me off and I screamed at him and called him a shit head and turned out the guy was a Nigger and told the police he did nothing wrong and I yelled a slur at him. That was years ago but still.

EvilSeagull ago

That article made me sick the way they portray the Somalis as victims and the citizens as the predators. One good thing, the kids in school and the citizens of Minnesota understand these people don't belong here and they aren't afraid to say it.

Greyskull ago

granted it was from 2016 if i remember....

but that it these fuck have a sense of entitlement

city pages is a far far left paper written by retarded faggots, its also free go figure

Greyskull ago

they dont speak about any of the problems in north minneapolis (murderapolis)

and if they do, its the narrative "Black people just gotta work harder, we be held down" yada yada

Pllatinum ago

This is from December and was on the local news: http://kstp.com/news/woman-stabbed-14-times-speaks-about-ordeal/4714419/

Greyskull ago

it was covered by local MSM stations

“Woman Stabbed 14 Times Speaks About Ordeal,” KSTP, December 20, 2017

KSTP is ABC = MSM author is a retard

here is just one MSM article


oh lookie another MSM article



Livelongdiefree ago

What if it was white Male stabbing at black somalian women?

CrudOMatic ago

Was it covered by cable news, which has national reach? NOPE. It was kept from our eyes by keeping it as a local story. If it was a white guy and a black woman, it would have been on cable news non-stop for months. You know this. Quit playing the shill game.

StanTheTRex ago

Shill game? The article OP posted said that Minnesota media was ignoring this, @greyskull posted links showing the article is wrong. Don't move the goal posts.

Greyskull ago

did not require national news... it was a local incident and was covered by MSM

CrudOMatic ago

It was not put out by cable news, and thus suppressed from national view. Same effect.

Greyskull ago

here is a example 50 people shot in chicago, does it make national MSM news... no... local MSM news yes

national MSM is meant to drive a narrative, and try to to steer political opinion in mass brainwashing... fucking do not argue with me on this son cause you are starting to piss me off, and I still need to mow my lawn

Greyskull ago

no, local news is MSM faggot

you are the fucking idiot here, and im done with you

CrudOMatic ago

Moron, it was not broadcast on cable news - this was done with the intent of suppressing it from a wider audience. You have to LOOK for the fucking story, it isn't rammed down your throat. Why are you people so dense?

Greyskull ago

you simply dont understand MSM and how mass brainwashing works...... my point is sound

CrudOMatic ago

You also don't understand KYA. You get a small blurb buried on a local news affiliate site, and then no follow-ups. That way if this does somehow blow up into a national story, even though you've purposely kept it off cable news, and someone holds the media's feet to the fire - you can always point at that blurb buried on that local website under two categories of shit and say "See? We did cover it."

Of course you'll never tell the rest of the story - that you kept it local to suppress it from a wider audience, and you did no follow ups so it wouldn't possibly catch fire.

Greyskull ago

everyone in MN knew about it, what dont you understand? it was in all of local news wich MSM controls.....

im done with you I dont know how to any more clear

voatusernamevoat ago

You have jews and christcucks to thank for this. https://kek.gg/i/vDchS.jpg

CrudOMatic ago

They're controlled and enamored with a death cult created by a Jew, that tells them to not fight back while under attack, that cements the Jew as God's chosen, and tells them to give unlimited charity to those who wish to kill them (so much for the don't throw pearls before swine clause, huh?)... AND THEY WONDER WHY WE CALL THEM CHRISTCUCKS.

Sure Christcucks, whites have largely absorbed Christianity and made it their own, but it STILL promotes all the above, and still cements the supremacy of the Jew. So by YOU adhering to the religion, you give it the power to do all this shit in the name of charity. You're not my enemy by any measure, but you ARE a fucking dupe. The white man needs to reclaim his historic faiths, and discard this Jewish poison. Not saying you can't bring some of the better aspects of Christianity with you, but leave the above garbage behind.

jthun2 ago

Yep, completely agree. Jews even laugh about this, since white christians still worship a dead jew.

CrudOMatic ago

They also hate the fact that Jesus and the religion itself has been Euroized. They love the aspect of Christians holding up a Jew as their savior, but they hate the fact we made the religion ours - and thus Christians pogromed their asses instead of putting up with their subversion.

YoHomie ago

Of all the shit that niggers are, Somalis are the shittiest.

HAESisalie ago

I am getting really angry about this shit with the media. Ignore all the cases like this and make a woman getting asked to show her key at a community pool by the head of the HOA, or the Starbucks loitering case into a national story.

Ajaxofbarbaria ago

Have you read The Turner Diaries?

Very prescient book.

Weasel_Soup ago

Somalians are the lowest kind of human being there is. They are not only niggers, but also Muslims. Add a little Jewish and you will have an Obama in your hands.

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

I disagree. The Jew is the worse animal of all the animals.

Greyskull ago

really all the somalis look that they have downs, and not bright at all in the eyes.

But to be fair, I will say that those that have been in around a few generations tho.... you know actual ones that have immigrated here & assimilated are not as bad.

lissencarak ago



It's really stretching it

Kannibal ago

News of President Trump Winning always takes precedence over local tragedies

300_Black ago


Livelongdiefree ago

My homeland is getting raveged/raped by the sandniggers/dune coons... fucking mayo clinic put the green light to import more of these sub human pieces of shit. (If the mayo clinic didn't want them in Minnesota, it would come to a halt, yes they have that much power)

Greyskull ago

i dont know when the last you were here, but st. cloud is is basically burka town now.

and there is not much you could do because of hate crime laws, they can simply raysist

Livelongdiefree ago

I have heard of the horror stories, been about 7 years since I was in the st cloud area, I wish them luck! Was a fun town.

ruck_feddit ago

I want to hear more about how Mayo is fucking people up there. Why does the clinic want more nogs?

Pwning4Ever ago

Probably because all somolians pretty much get defacto medicaid, and htey are riddled with diseases. More money for the clinics.

NoRoyalty ago

What if the Mayo Clinic is bringing these sub-humans in to conduct medical experiments on them?? An endless supply of monkeys. Haha.

Livelongdiefree ago

Na, they make to much money off middle east people, they pay loads of money to go to their medical program. While real Americans have to work and put the work in to get into mayo clinic medical programs,

ruck_feddit ago

Fucking Lutherans, man.


Martin Luther would never approve of this.

issueninja ago

The Pope would though.


This is true

Livelongdiefree ago

Let me babble on in my own views. Born and raised in Minnesota, they started to import them in the Clinton years, same time Somalia had one of their many civil wars. Some politician got the cute idea that it would be nice to bring them around, felt bad. Mayo thought it would be a great idea to train a few in the medical field, a few were smart, did become doctors, they rose up in the ranks and had pull. Push comes to shove, (Minnesota has a fairly large liberal/progressive crowd) it didn't stop, people who had power didn't stop it. Must got money to turn a blind eye or the people in power were that fucked in the head.

Now to the point of mayo clinic, if they want something they get it, cities can not say no. If they do not want some thing, it doesn't happen/ they have pull. I'll try and post a few articles if I can find them. At least Mexicans work, the sand biggers are worse then regular black people. They dont doooo shit, only live off the state and government. Reproduce faster then roaches.

NoRoyalty ago

Yeah, the same thing happens in places where big communist universities are located. I have personal experience as part of a community trying to oppose a university-backed project.

ruck_feddit ago

I believe it. I'm also in a blue state, but our nogs are home grown.

Weasel_Soup ago

Where I am from they torture and kill rapists. Of course, they don't do that in the capital anymore but in the small villages...

300_Black ago

You know what to do.

Livelongdiefree ago

Use that 300 black out round, hint hint! :)

kammmmak ago

Media blackouts are racist.

freedumbz ago

She doesn't even seem to have been doing anything wrong, except not being careful enough around blacks. Lesson learned I hope.

PuttIsAtranny ago

Yall need to learn hoax coding. 14 is double SEVEN

Derjuden ago

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children .

Fuck off.

PuttIsAtranny ago

Since this fake story fits a narrative you like you support it?

I will expose your shitty tranny system! I already have woken up many people. satan is a fool. You all left your signs and symbols everywhere, so it's very easy to figure you creatures out.

CrudOMatic ago

Not a fake story, kike: http://kstp.com/news/woman-stabbed-14-times-speaks-about-ordeal/4714419/

Operation Mockingbird doesn't work with us, Glow-in-the-dark - so you can take your "transvestigations" numerology cult toilfoil shit the fuck back to Langley.

Feldorai ago

A person with 14 stab wounds and a lacerated kidney is a hoax? Get the fuck out of here you dirty Jew kike.

PuttIsAtranny ago

Prove it really happened

Feldorai ago

It's all over the internet for starters. Secondly, it's called a media blackout for a reason you'd need to stop relying on your fucking precious mainstream media like fox news, CNN, MSNBC and etc. like a God damned lemming, ya dirty Jew kike, in order to find this information.

PuttIsAtranny ago

How is that proof? Its hearsay. Not admissible in court.

passthevoat ago

Prove it didn't.

PuttIsAtranny ago

The burden of proof should be on the one making the claim that something actually occurred. You shouldnt beleive things to be true by default.

chuckletrousers ago

Bookmarked for when you spam your bullshit!

passthevoat ago

I don't believe you are truthful, by default.