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Greyskull ago

it was covered by local MSM stations

“Woman Stabbed 14 Times Speaks About Ordeal,” KSTP, December 20, 2017

KSTP is ABC = MSM author is a retard

here is just one MSM article

oh lookie another MSM article


Livelongdiefree ago

What if it was white Male stabbing at black somalian women?

CrudOMatic ago

Was it covered by cable news, which has national reach? NOPE. It was kept from our eyes by keeping it as a local story. If it was a white guy and a black woman, it would have been on cable news non-stop for months. You know this. Quit playing the shill game.

StanTheTRex ago

Shill game? The article OP posted said that Minnesota media was ignoring this, @greyskull posted links showing the article is wrong. Don't move the goal posts.

Greyskull ago

did not require national news... it was a local incident and was covered by MSM

CrudOMatic ago

It was not put out by cable news, and thus suppressed from national view. Same effect.

Greyskull ago

here is a example 50 people shot in chicago, does it make national MSM news... no... local MSM news yes

national MSM is meant to drive a narrative, and try to to steer political opinion in mass brainwashing... fucking do not argue with me on this son cause you are starting to piss me off, and I still need to mow my lawn

Greyskull ago

no, local news is MSM faggot

you are the fucking idiot here, and im done with you

CrudOMatic ago

Moron, it was not broadcast on cable news - this was done with the intent of suppressing it from a wider audience. You have to LOOK for the fucking story, it isn't rammed down your throat. Why are you people so dense?

Greyskull ago

you simply dont understand MSM and how mass brainwashing works...... my point is sound

CrudOMatic ago

You also don't understand KYA. You get a small blurb buried on a local news affiliate site, and then no follow-ups. That way if this does somehow blow up into a national story, even though you've purposely kept it off cable news, and someone holds the media's feet to the fire - you can always point at that blurb buried on that local website under two categories of shit and say "See? We did cover it."

Of course you'll never tell the rest of the story - that you kept it local to suppress it from a wider audience, and you did no follow ups so it wouldn't possibly catch fire.

Greyskull ago

everyone in MN knew about it, what dont you understand? it was in all of local news wich MSM controls.....

im done with you I dont know how to any more clear