RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Do you really expect them to understand something other than a mud hut and a pile of straw on the ground?

boekanier ago

Grateful people those 'refugees'.

hungir_strike ago

Euthanize every last one in each room. Keep it private. Let them keep coming, with the same expectations. I can come around to this from a eugenics standpoint Nobody has the balls yet.

GapingAnus ago

Germany’s Der Spiegel magazine said on Saturday that the German government expects to spend around 93.6 billion euros by the end of 2020 on costs related to the refugee crisis.

Current population of Germany: ~83 million. That's 1k Euro per German irrespective of age.

What are you doing, Germany?

boekanier ago

You must be completely out of your mind. Weird people those germans.

Maroonsaint ago

Let’s pull of each other’s toenails

Maroonsaint ago

You’re so cute

Maroonsaint ago


papagoat ago

this happened over a year ago with the old government.

o0shad0o ago

Two years ago.

Reed_Solomon ago

they dont even deserve a 0 star hotel with bed bugs

Maroonsaint ago

Shutup 🐌

Maroonsaint ago

Amish people?

RageAgainstTheAmish ago


Aprioned ago

Take out the "Am", and replace with Jew

Maroonsaint ago

Nah. Jews wouldn’t hurt anybody. Jews are just victims....who happen to all be wealthy and who also just so happen to control most forms of media and large corporations and hold duel citizenships....I think it was the Amish.

outrider787 ago

'Refugees' lol just migrants looking for handouts, and complaining when they're not high class despite having just mud huts in Africa

bagano1 ago


viperguy ago

Frequently one of them BURNS DOWN the hotel !

Worse, in Italy the motels are force-ably stolen from white building owners and turned into instant black muslim ghetto hell holes!

REALLY! Watch this video of Italy stealing a Hotel for black africans while white owner (Luigi Fogli) protests ! :


shorter video

"ITALY: Police force elderly Hotel Owner to house African Illegal Migrants" :


papagoat ago

old news, from 2016

viperguy ago

The OP story about Italy had a byline from July 8, 2018, but at least maybe the NEW italian gov is not stealing from whites as much. The link terminated in a 2016 video, but I can only assume thse "no wifi" protests occur every month.

papagoat ago

the new gov't is actually making it a priority to protect the interests of actual Italians. The illegals have been unusually quiet in the last little while with only half-hearted attempts to "protest". The communist left in Italy is now actively trying to undermine the "reconquista" ,if you will, with a silly red shirt campaign similar to the pussyhat thing in an attempt to paint the nationalist gov't in a bad light. Italians are ,by and large ,not buying it . They are fed up and are increasingly becoming more and more hardline towards anything resembling a soft line approach to illegal immigration. I believe radicalism is in the cards in the near future with the inevitable swing towards actual fascism. Let's just hope they can keep a lid on it to prevent wholesale violence from taking place. I suspect the commies will be concocting some false flag attacks against illegals to justify their accusations against the "right". In any case, Italy is looking at a very turbulent near future until sovereignty is re-established and eurocratic despotism is erased .

American-Patriot ago

Shoot them?

newoldwave ago

it's the only solution

American-Patriot ago

Sadly, agree. Sucks that it has to come to that but..