Podge512 ago

Does that mean they'll stop raping each other and little kids too?

iswallow ago

I don't get it. They are entertainers, a strike would be pointless.

yurisrevenge ago

Shhh don't tell them that

iswallow ago

Are you not entertained?

Alopix ago

Good, we could use fewer disgusting jews in our media

TreborPJ ago

Please please please please please please

Baichu ago

If only..........a dream come true.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Every time we call their bluff they act like they never said anything.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Strike from what?? Making shitty, degenerate movies?

Kinglamahat ago

Oh, please, please, please do.... pretty please?

1hump4treefidy ago

Where’s the downside?

Seventh_Jim ago

Do they pinky-swear?

Pissed_Off_Vet ago

Most of us wouldn’t notice or care.

totes_magotes ago

Do it, faggots. You can only improve television by doing this.

MegaDouche ago

Puts gun to own head, yells out "stop me before I shoot!" lol

PeacefulAssassin ago

I will enjoy seeing new faces and the faces of celebs who support Trump in the movies, might actually get me to go to the theatre more!

muffalettadiver ago


Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Oh... They still make movies? I thought all they did was kiddie porn and snuff films...?

Durm ago


zerozen77 ago

movies fucking suck now... go for it.

wgtt911 ago

Just do it. .

Hertz- ago

Was anyone else's first thought the old "Do it faggot" meme?

potatofaceduglyloser ago


ThierryofAlsace ago

Bye, please fuck yourself on the way out.

puggy ago

Can we get that in writing?

Psilocyber ago


JoeFacts ago

Awesome. Create a hole that others can fill.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Your going to get RICO'd in the ass and pizza'd in the ass. Ha haah haah ha ha.

nuworldblue ago

Awesome. Fucking do it.

gazillions ago

Can't stop laughing.

If Trump supporters went on strike they'd all die.

goatboy ago

Haven’t been to a movie in years, so I wouldn’t miss their contribution.

Mind_Games ago

How fucking awesome would that be....no more "shows" pushing faggotry and inter species "mixing" ?

Ahhh...to dream.

WhiteSurvivalist ago

I want to make some movies and shows, things like featuring whites being oppressed, traditional wives and arranged marriages.

6gorillion ago

These lesbian and faggot jews need to all burn in a fire

amonamoose ago

Thank god! Please, do it.

Food_Stamp ago

Would probably boost trumpsteins popularity over the top.

headfire ago

My response: "Ok. Bye."

DillHoleBagHands ago

"No. Wait. Come back."

cynicaloldfart ago

Just like some were going to Canada, right? Overpaid liberal whiny children throwing another temper tantrum for attention.

Reymrgapurple ago


chuckletrousers ago

No great loss nowadays.