SpecialtyPizza ago

Muslims must understand that the quran isnt worth the paper to wipe my ass with. Mohammad was a rapist pedophile sand nigger.

newoldwave ago

New rule: all Muslims GTFO.

ardvarcus ago

Oh, I think some of us understand very well the consequences of Islam and Sharia Law. That's why we want these fuckers out of our countries.

HeavyBrain ago

You must understand that my gun and my trigger finger are devout to sharia² so my super sharia to mow down regular sharia tumps anything you say.

kingminos ago

As long as you stay alive. See you on the street.

B166-ER ago

Low IQ inbred mud shits are unclear on the concept of supreme law of the land.

But with shows like Handmaids Tale brainwashing our women to seek out their rape fantasies... they'll take over this country eventually. Hearts and minds, and Americans have gotten really good at roling over.

kingminos ago

BANG ... lawless Muzzi-wog issue resolved in Texas . Coming to a state near you.

dd-schiznit ago

headfire ago

lol ok idiot. Sure.

Crikes ago

Other way around, which is why US is not for everyone.

rapedbyanape ago

Yah got a nice rope here that could fix yah tune bradah

CuriosityOnFire ago



Livelongdiefree ago

What did that dune coon just say? How's a 13 wrap noose knot around your sand nigger neck sound to you?

jervybingly ago

Be careful not to say that too loud when you're down in Texas, Mr. Fuzzy Muzzy.

BentAxel ago

This is great. LOL Just Great. Give this retard a bigger pulpit. Make sure he's heard by everyone in America.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Muslims will understand that they and jews will not like America in the very near future

FrozenFire74 ago

Well they have the right to live in denial, but I'd say the number of muslims in prisons contradicts that claim.

dontmindthemess ago

He needs a healthy dose of “Texas Justice”.

CA_Hircus ago

This is the shit my grandmother forwards me or shares on kikebook. Stop falling for this shit goats. Fucking disinfo website republishes old shit and you still bite.

Sellyoulight ago

You’re looking at the face of the future of the US. Weak-kneed, spineless, mindless libtards and political hacks will continue to cut these insane fucks slack for fear of “offending” them while the bald-faced invaders continue to set themselves up to take over the fucking country. These so-called “people” are the humanoid equivalent of Ebola germs. Get ready for “creeping Sharia” to accelerate to a full gallop. Get ready for crowds of Mudslimes on their knees blocking traffic in Times Square, sticking their asses up in the air--just like in western European cities these days. Get ready for FGM, arranged marriages, honor killings and the enslavement of women and random murders of non-Mudslimes to become commonplace in the US. All of that sick shit is what’s coming our way.

Kannibal ago

Of course, if he said that as described, he's an idiot,

being a rally, surely there would be a video?

source seems to be allegations from this 2015 interview of a Republican politician


which also notes the full quote as coming from a Texas Muslim Capitol Day event in 2013

“Following the law of the land is part of Sharia,” Carroll said, according to the video. “And we follow the law of the land. In fact, Muslims, if we’re practicing Muslims, we are above the law of the land. The law doesn’t affect us at all.”

Speaking on Monday, Carroll said he could understand why his words may have been misconstrued. But "it's definitely not intended to mean we don't have to follow the law," he said. By saying Muslims were "above the law," he said, he meant that true, practicing Muslims should behave in a way that would put them above any possibility of breaking the law. "If you're a practicing Muslim, then you should be above all of that," he said.

Which is a bit awkward phrasing that obviously got him into trouble.

so it looks like it was sort of settled back in 2013/2015, but some people still want to rehash it years later.

After all we all know how politicians and other people make glib and unconvincing explanations of stupid things they say.

Hand_of_Node ago

Sounds like backpedaling, since they're commanded to use any means necessary to eliminate the unbelievers. He delivered the true message, then made an obviously fake disavowal for moslems and supporters to point to. The inept and clueless will fall for it. It's a good tactic, until and unless it stops working.

Kannibal ago

it sort of sounds like he hedged it at the time of the original speech, but we need the original video

auralsects ago

that's a kind way of saying " @Scrooblemeyer is an obvious kike-shill posting outdated and lame scare-mongering fake-news articles from sites like 'TruePatriotNews.fag' MULTIPLE TIMES A DAY EVERY DAY"

it's good for letting the lowest-IQ voaters expose themselves tho, so theres that.

Wowbagger ago

I need to know the time and place of the rally. There aren't enough details to know if the CAIR asshole actually said this. Totally plausible, especially with some cuck woman interfaith charlatan standing stupidly next to him but there just aren't enough details to verify.

8_billion_eaters ago

I fuck Allah in the ass with a severed pig dick. I had to pull it out of Mohhamad's mouth before I shoved it up Allah's ass.... ....too long... that message doesn't flow...I need a shortened version... one that can fit on a ball cap.

Fuck Allah

Fuck Moham'd

dammit...those moslims make it hard . They got "ALLAH ACKBAR"...that's so concise. We really need to work on our Kill-nigger-jew-islam phrases.

dayofthehope ago

The Jews also think that their Talmud is greater.

Ke1tuMad5 ago

Yeah, yeah. You keep on talking. Just don't act surprised when it catches up with you.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

He has a good point.

In the Muslim view, Sharia is literally dictated by God, while the Constitution is merely law made by man.

Not saying I agree, but this is a good example of why neither multiculturalism or democracy are valid world views.

Democracy says that the majority rules and that everyone has an equal say. This is unsustainable.

kingminos ago

You stop-short palsy. That contradicction is why republic have constitutions ... a set-of-rules strictly defining all allowed Gub'mnt actions no matter what/where/how the citizen majority desires. The mob/majority may do as they please as individuals/klan/race, but without the Gub'mnt gunbarrel to support them. It's well documented that a fierce, determined, well-armed minority can protect its values from a majority mob. Unlike the pussy $$$-grubbing whites in SA.

Ke1tuMad5 ago

Democracy is really good for homogeneous societies of educated and liberal individuals of similar cultural background.

It sucks and fails miserably in all other cases. Especially ironical it is when the Democracy itself becomes a conduit for forces that aim to dismantle it.

AnarchicAlpaca ago

Whichis why land owning white males were originally the only people allowed to vote in the US.

boekanier ago

Sharia law is unsustainable too - for non-muslims.

GlassSmith ago

Times like these make me so sad there isn't a single major news publication that isn't run by kikes, if Americans had this shoved in their faces everyday they just might start realizing what needs to be done.

bredlo ago

Muslims leaders must not understand shit

vastrightwing ago

In other words, a true politician.

Caleb_The_Chosen ago

And this is when you pick up your guns and prove the kebab trash to be wrong.

BigFatDaddy ago

Well until we arrest, try, convict, and hang the Clinton gang and their friends for corruption, treason, rape, and murder; we can't HONESTLY make the argument that no one is above the law in this country.

The fuck when a bunch of inbred jihadis are more honest than our elected politicians.

22trilionAsecond ago

is this ever going to happen.

way back on the 4th of November 2016 I found out about pizzagate. I was convinced that Clinton and her cronies where going down.

I understand that she has a lot of power and that these things take time. But here we are.

I am not update with this. Haven't some cronies already gone down ?

BigFatDaddy ago

is this ever going to happen

Not until we MAKE it happen.

GapingAnus ago

So that's a "no" then.

Atomized_Individual ago

Trump just cucked to the deep state.

BigFatDaddy ago

Then they turned the lights out on him.

Garbalon ago

Yeah, this is going to end well.

kingminos ago

It will end in a better result, when armed free-men jealously guard their power. There exists no best-possible result. A successful white America must put-down the niggar for the same reason they would sterilize broods of vipers. AFAIK the African Bantu in Africa can do as they wish ... only if they tried exporting plague would they need be exterminated.

Guy_Justsome ago

Therefore, you have to go.

kalgon ago

Muslims must understand that they really are getting on the nerves of everybody else on this planet

papagoat ago

they do. The aim is to flush out those who oppose them by eliciting a reaction.

Hand_of_Node ago

Some reactions are more effective than others.

Sellyoulight ago

Please... give up on that fantasy. Mudslimes are incapable of rising to the intellectual level of understanding anything that isn’t handed to them by that codified insanity that they call “iSlam”.

Shilly_Mc_Shillface ago


ISlam® is a registered Apple ™ trademark and only downloadable from the Apple Store.

Sellyoulight ago

The first trademarked “religion”?

retprob ago

You got that right!

Joe_Nunamaker ago

How could a code that says you can hit someone with a rock be above the one that says you can't hit someonewith a rock? Perhaps the sharia legal code misspoke?

Hand_of_Node ago

The person "hit by the rock" is no longer participating in the conversation. Win for rock guy.

kammmmak ago

What a croc of shitholeness.