PythagoreanLogic ago

Too much of a faggot to put it in the bed with the judge as he slept, boring!

thebearfromstartrack ago

Aren't pedophiles usually doughly little wimpy turds?

0fsgivin ago

WTF how is this even getting upvotes? This shits been debunked fake a long time ago.

emu0911 ago

Is this the real life, is this just fantasy?

olltre ago

we need to see more of this honestly.... MAKE PEDOPHILES AFRAID AGAIN! kill them all, that incudes you sick fucks on this website, and all you sick fucks in government, your time is coming

wgtt911 ago

This need to become a trend and include the judge.

bob3333 ago

It was surprisingly difficult to parse that headline with the missing apostrophe. It took 3 times re-reading it.

TankMissile ago

For god's sake, people. Read the damn articles before blindly upvoating posts, or at the very least read the comments to see if anyone else smells bullshit. While this isn't constant, I see these fake "feel-good" stories occasionally making it to the front page.

Michael111 ago

Death therapy, Bob. A guaranteed cure.

Deflo56 ago

Kinda Dexter fan fiction.

RedditIsForLiberals ago

You faggots, like /u/Tallest_Skil and /u/literallyoprah still want to talk shit about how "we're never going to do anything, ever"?

The same fate awaits tens of thousands more. And I mean only death by decapitation. Many are going to have it both easier and others way way worse.

Tallest_Skil ago

And yet you’ve yet to refute historical fact.

The collapse of civilization is complete. The purchasing power of the US dollar is worth three cents, compared to the dollar of 1913. Taxes? Where do we start. ✡Income tax✡, which exists solely to pay for the existence of the Federal Reserve–taxes going to the pockets of private individuals for the ‘privilege’ of printing worthless currency. An unconstitutional marxist welfare state to steal more income from the working and give it to the lazy, the nonwhites, and the foreigners. Endless war solely for the sake of other nations with no annexations or financial benefits for the US, wasting trillions in taxes and tens of thousands of lives. All laws, everywhere, at every level, are completely ignored by the government. The governing class is universally guilty of multiple felonies, and at least half of whom are guilty of outright treason. Genocidal invasion from the third world. Rape, murder, theft, etc. running rampant throughout once-safe streets as niggers and dune coons reap the fruits of their invasion. Terrorist attacks against people who are imprisoned for fighting back against the terrorists. Faggots and trannies holding parades where they spew their juices riddled with incurable STDs all over the streets. You get fired from your job or arrested if you so much as disagree with this shit. And gun confiscations from actual citizens so they can’t even defend themselves against any of it or reverse it. NOT THAT THEY EVER WILL. And that’s the problem. One hundred fucking years of this. Never stopping, never slowing. And what have the people done? NOTHING.

  • They didn’t rise up in 1913 when the US stopped using gold and silver as money and started using private paper currency.
  • They didn’t rise up in 1917 when the jew puppet Wilson said, “We’re going to war for the Europeans and getting nothing out of it in return.”
  • They didn’t rise up in 1920 when jewish feminists brainwashed men into granting women the vote, setting a deadline on the collapse of our nation at no later than 2020 (every single civilization in human history that enfranchised women fell within 100 years).
  • They didn’t rise up in 1933 when FDR unconstitutionally made “owning gold” illegal.
  • They didn’t rise up in 1934 when the National Firearms Act unconstitutionally banned the ownership of weapons.
  • They didn’t rise up in 1935 when the marxist Social Security Act was passed, nor during any of other FDR’s illegal acts.
  • They didn’t rise up in 1941 when the jew puppet FDR said, “We’re going to war for the Europeans, again, and getting nothing out of it in return, again.”
  • They didn’t rise up in 1946 when Bretton Woods was signed.
  • They didn’t rise up against any of the proxy wars in the Cold War (which gave our nation absolutely nothing–no annexed land, no reparations, and we paid to rebuild our enemies).
  • They didn’t rise up in 1965 when the Immigration & Nationality Act openly committed genocide on Americans. The politicians admitted it. No one did anything.
  • They didn’t rise up in 1968 when the Civil Rights Act unconstitutionally destroyed freedom of association.
  • They didn’t rise up in 1973 when Roe v. Wade legalized murder of the innocent.
  • They didn’t rise up after all the contra deals in the 1980s showed the US was deposing democracies and installing dictators.
  • They didn’t rise up in 1990 when the first Gulf War began the march for Greater Israel.
  • They didn’t rise up in 2001 after 9/11 when jews false flagged the US yet again for Greater Israel.
  • They didn’t rise up in 2003 when the Second Gulf War was declared. Nor when it was proven the war was carried out under false pretenses. Nor when any of the post-Cold War wars STILL failed to get us land or reparations, and we paid TRILLIONS MORE to rebuild our enemies.
  • They didn’t rise up in 2008 when the economy collapsed and the banks were given trillions of dollars to give bonuses to their executives who caused it.
  • They didn’t rise up in 2015 when faggot “marriage” became “legal.”

RedditIsForLiberals ago

Excellent. I made at least one of you sound like a total fucking faggot who cares way too much about trying to Blackpill people.

Such a kike thing to do...

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported for admitting to spam. Thank you for also admitting that you cannot refute a single thing I said, that you personally admit all of it is true, and that you know, for a fact, no one will ever fight back. You have failed. You have been proven wrong. You are worthless.

RedditIsForLiberals ago

lol, you're such a faggot, I love how you waste so much energy over all this, it's fucking pathetic and hilarious

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported for admitting to spam. Thank you for also admitting that you cannot refute a single thing I said, that you personally admit all of it is true, and that you know, for a fact, no one will ever fight back. You have failed. You have been proven wrong. You are worthless and a coward.

HillarySuckDickDaily ago

this is how all pedos should be handled.

hillbilly_guy ago

And this is how it should be.

MockingDead ago

Deus Vult

KekistanEmperor ago

I thought this was satire. Is if fo shizzy?

Thrasymachus ago


aLegoInYourShoe ago

Even if it's fake, let it be inspiration.

Sw0rdofDamocles ago

Oh_Well_ian ago

again?? lol

RemoteViewer1 ago

YEEAHHHHHHHHH:)) Love a Happy Ending !!! God Bless 'Merica !! Please more ,. oh pretty please??! Pedophiles are the best enemy ever ;) Happy Hunting Boys !

Maroonsaint ago

That’s what I’m talking about baby

drozzxd ago

Justice served.

Snort ago

This smells like bullshit.

Ocelot ago


draaaak ago

A local resident said of the horrific discovery that finding a headless body was an “unusual” occurrence

Interesting choice of words.

con77 ago

judge should have been lying dead beside him

SkrutinizeYou ago

Nobody who takes matters into their own hands lives in Aurora.

Alopix ago

  1. 1 attention hole accuses someone
  2. said attention hole, who had easy access to his things, plants cp
  3. cops find cp "proving" her claims
  4. she cries and whines to receive attention and money to fill her hole with
  5. whiteknights murder him before he has the opportunity to defend himself from the accusation in any way
  6. attention hole seeks next victim
  7. internet misses the plot entirely and has their little 2 minute feel-good hate wank

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

All right, which one of you niggerkikefaggots did it? Come on own up, I would like to but you a drink!

Broc_Lia ago

Fake news

DrLizardo ago

I suspect the population of pedophiles in Aurora, Illinois is going to drop sharply in the near future. This was a letter of eviction for them.

Simpleusername ago

Fuck yeah... Justice literally served. Wonk Wonk!!

SeriousSarcasm ago

Article has no links to sources, hope you faggots actually question the shit people post here.

Goering ago

The comments do, the votes don't

gazillions ago

I Iike it. I hope the police don't investigate too avidly.

speedisavirus ago

Should have handled that New Mexico thing like this

NoBS ago

The Judge is a Pedo Protector. This Jurist is no worse than a voyeur pedophile who holds down a child so an experienced predator can let the slime ball watch.

Put the Judge's name on the example and see if Justice is served.

think- ago

That's fake news, it has been spread since autumn 2017.

Cat-hax ago

yeah towards the end i started getting a feeling it was fake.

gazillions ago

Well shit.

It's a feel good story anyway, even if it's some blog scribbler's fantasy.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Yeah, too much of that stuff on here. It doesn't do the site any good.

PotatoFarm ago

There is only one way to fix that. Just as the most upvoted post in this thread: point out the falseness.

It does good to the site and your points (if you care about that).

ScreaminMime ago


Buff_Awesome ago

Oh jeez. Who could've seen this coming? /s

AlphaOmega ago

Damn. I've been wondering when we're going to start seeing more vigilante justice happen.

NeoDankZer ago

Send a message to the pedo-enablers/apologists? why not.

BentAxel ago

Aurora police say they are currently “following leads” but have yet to make any arrests for the murder.

Yeah , we'll get right to it. LoL

belrial ago

Investigating officers described his death scene as resembling a “gangland-style execution“.

I guess, what gangland? The one in Agincourt circa 1415?

NakedWarrior ago

Is it wrong that I want to see more stories like this? I hate pedos more than any other group.

CowWithBeef ago

Political power hungry pedo sex pimp blackmailers deserve the most heinous of deaths.

SurfinMindWaves ago

Judge released him because he posed no threat to the community. Uh huh. Apparently the community disagreed.

RevoltNow ago

Unfortunately he neglected to jail the community, which apparently was the bigger threat.

tendiesonfloor ago

The judge should be the one on the steps with his fucking kike head cut off.

Broc_Lia ago imaginationland. This is fake

SurfinMindWaves ago

Are you saying they faked his death so he could skate?

k5josh ago

This is a fake news website, the story's been spread around for years.

SmokeyMeadow ago

It was the community that posed a threat to him.

Mr_Wolf ago

We're not out here with you

You're out here with us