Sharipie ago

What are they in shock for? This is just the Muslim culture? What are they, racists?

ZenAtheist ago

Well if that isn't a perfect picture of what's going to happen to Sweden as a whole, I don't know what is.

totes_magotes ago

[Original report required]

ExplosiveDonkey ago

Was it a human woman? Or was it a little muzzie?

child_abuse ago

If governments are going to support it, the people should too. Every rape should be cheered. Parades and celebrations after rapes. Make the rapist celebrities. Buy them birthday presents.

Obeastiality ago

"In total shock" must be Swedish for "accept it and do nothing"

morojax ago

this looks like a bogus site tbh

that-all-you-got ago

Any source?

HillBoulder ago

Any one of us could have written this article. Can someone share where else this story can be seen?


On the spectrum of "Awareness of reality" how far away is "kn shock" from "red pilled"?

gazillions ago

Fuck off Sweden. Deluded and psychotic.

Fake news. Sweden is not in shock. They're too stupid to read anything but jew news.

MrKequc ago

All of Europe is in the process of being raped to death, I thought they made it perfectly clear that's what they wanted. How much more perfectly clear can it be? Who's shocked.

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

... Just let him finish... - Sweden.

BiscuitFever ago

This website sucks. Any sources? It's just 4 paragraphs summarizing what happened.

Obeastiality ago

x2. I also don't get how Sweden can be "in total shock" when this type of news will never reach the masses

NaziAnimeGirlFanClub ago

shock seems inappropriate. you think they'd be used to it by now.

BiscuitFever ago

It's not that this news wont reach the masses, it's that this happens so fucking often in these 3rd world shit holes that it isn't news worthy. It's nothing new, it's just Tuesday.

Lafall ago

media blackout in Sweden, here's the news Swede media typically blur pixelate faces, they use White pixelation, pink pixelation on invading Arabs/Congoids to make them appear more 'Swedish' and

lube_it_with_blood ago

The rape happened in 2013.

Lafall ago

your point??...something about a timeline? 911 happened in 2001? US slavery happened in 1802, jews died in 1944? Are you saying this is old and should be forgotten....btw this guy has a criminal record so long the Swede's liars/lawyers are still going through it, the legal argument around this criminal piece of shit are still ongoing

lube_it_with_blood ago

No media blackout. It was covered.

Lafall ago

explain why they hide names, the blurring of faces, pixelated appearance of foreign criminals making them appear more Swedish

lube_it_with_blood ago

I'm not implying this isn't an issue, I'm claiming this is a dated example, and not a very good one. My main gripe is with this being presented as current.

SurfinMindWaves ago

Not enough evidence to charge with murder? Shit, I'm going on a crime spree in Sweden.

AssaultMonkey ago

Hold on, you need to be non-white to get away with things.

SurfinMindWaves ago

I am a female, that should help some.

White-Supremacist ago

They'll probably just make you their leader then. Claim to be transblack with elevator fart PTSD and a disability induced by white mans eye rape and no one will dare cross you.

BlockMe ago

Everyone knows that rape in Islam is halal. Not everyone knows that even necrophilia is halal.

Didn't surprise me in the least. Sweden is finding new ways to stay on top as the rape capital of the world.

ruck_feddit ago

The sooner it gets worse, the sooner it can get better.

Koalemos_Grottesco ago

An accelerationist in the making.

Sasquatch ago

You reap what you sow. Stupid fucks

VoatIsForTimmy ago

These nigger migrants that commit crimes need to be put down on the spot. Not doing so is foolish, even though the thought of doing so is repulsive to these otherwise fine people.

Lafall ago

Convicted Low IQ islamo Somali Rapist, who’d previously been deported from South Africa, rapes woman to death? anally rapes dead woman?

-Prosecutor refuses to pursue extradition of rapist as Somali women need to be protected

-Update. Abdi Hakim Ali pleads with court not to send him back to either Somalia or South Africa as his life would be in danger. Seems he hates Africa & loves Sweden!

The Swedish Free Times originally reported that, “35-year-old Abdi Hakim Ali, 35, (updated) from Somalia, who the government only recently decided to name, was convicted of raping a dying woman in a garage in Stockholm on September 27, 2013. According to the prosecutor, the woman who was in the process of dying, died during the rape. Still, the man chose to continue the abuse, never thinking of helping her.

It transpired early in the morning of 27 September, 2013. The police received an alarm that the two men were having intercourse with a woman who was completely unconscious on the floor of a parking garage under the Sheraton Hotel in Vasagatan in Stockholm.

When police arrived at the scene they found a 34 year old man from Somalia, who was in the midst of an anal intercourse with the woman. Police checked the woman’s pulse and found that she was dead.

The man was arrested by police and detained two days later by the Stockholm District Court, on suspicion of aggravated rape. The prosecutor had asked for him to be arrested for murder, but the district court found that the evidence for the suspicion was not strong enough.”

And this was not his first time either. He has admitted raping several women, as well as a homeless man and has now been convicted three times for the offence.

GoatyMcGoatface ago


Noicem ago

seems like this nigger needs a heavy dose of bullet to the brain

VoatIsForTimmy ago

There is no excuse for allowing this animal to breathe another breath.