OKythen ago

Besides the fact that Bernie needs his shit being pushed in by a large black dude down a dark DC alley at 3AM.

He is so right!

Yes, "Christianity Is An Insult To Muslims".

So they should all fuck off back to wog land and leave us the fuck alone!

ScalarWhaler ago

I was so afraid of a Jew becoming president. Anytime Sanders was brought up I'd be like, ok yeah, Jews, but as a PRESIDENT?! Do you know about Jews?! Nobody could argue back.

Jimmycog ago

Dang Bernie stop digging that hole

Zyklon-b-lube ago

Everything is an insult to islam

Palaver ago

Misleading title. Bernie shat on some Christian professor for saying Christian professor things. Bernie is guilty of far more important things than this.

1Sorry_SOB ago

Jews hate Christians.

Zyklon-b-lube ago

Jews hate everyone

Al_Rubyx ago

All religions are insults to all other religions by definition.

greycloud ago

not so much with shinto which will happily adopt gods from other religions. christianity never spread in japan not because they wouldn't accept jesus as a god, but rather because they wouldn't accept the idea that there is only one god.

ScalarWhaler ago

Even the Bible talks about other gods existing.

Al_Rubyx ago

Yeah but that's because Shinto is kinda dope.

Ribena580 ago

Just tell him he is a pig

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Islam is an insult to non-Muslims.

greycloud ago

non muslim here, i like some of their customs and culture.

Sosacms ago

Doubtful, you may like some Middle Eastern customs but that doesn't mean they are Muslim customs. Many of these countries were progressive and had unique cultures until the Muslim Brotherhood came in and took over.

fortuitouslyunfallen ago

Clearly not the parts about hating faggots.

greycloud ago

true, i am am overly liberal in the classic liberal sense. i want people to have the freedom to do as they choose, so the parts of any religion that are restrictive of freedom i tend to be against.

That_VoiceOver_Guy ago

Um, so is Judaism, cock-munch. Those who are not Muslim are seen as animals/infidels and must be wiped out. If Sanders were alive in WW2, I could see him as a Soros figure, selling out his Jew family and friends for shekels.

lopan ago

he likes the muslim cock eh