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goldnsilver ago

Do it Charles Bronson style the "Hunters become the HUNTED! Make em all want to go home!

SubhumanDeplorable ago

But will their German women stand up for them?

F_Tard_Fred ago

If it sounds too good to be true then it is just that, too good to be true. Sad to know German men have been neutered like they are today.

lordvain2 ago

People always act like bikers are like some heroic white knights that will protect us from the government. They will probably be what have to defend ourselves from if things go crazy. So far I don't see any heroes, just mouthpieces, and not even good ones. It appears that things are going to get really bad, and law enforcement is no longer in the interest of regular people. There are people who are above the law and can commit any crime they want to and will not be held accountable. This is what produces a revolution and they know it. You see what they are doing in Europe by bringing in foreign troops to put down their own people. That will be here soon. Don't count on bikers any more than anyone else.

stealthninjataliban ago

Those are not bikers OP faggot

moviefreak ago

Holy shit. They look like nice people. Are we going to perform an Arthur Morgan on them now ? Killing is easy, teaching is hard.

Kyle_Rogers_2018 ago

FAKE NEWS That is a picture of a Kurdish Immigrant Biker Club

People have been recycling this same fake shit for years now.

yewotm8 ago

What they need to be doing is standing up TO their women.

Gopherurself ago

Fuck germany fuck europe those pussies i will never become. Usa.

Anson ago

Did Germany just "elect* a new cunt as prime minister? They ain't saving a fucking thing....

Don't get your hopes up goats. Typically when you guys do that you feel too comfy then do nothing yourselves IRL

shadow332 ago

When is this from? Are they referring to the Köln attacks 2 years ago?

BumFightChamp ago

I was in Germany for 3 months, I didn't see one single biker gang or anyone that even looked close to a biker gang. I think only saw a few actual motorcycles, mostly scooters there...

jthun2 ago

How many dead muslims?

Oh, right... zero. Not buying it.

Acerphoon ago

Days after the sexual assaults on German women in Cologne city came to light, local gangs are uniting in a “manhunt” of foreigners.

This was years ago. I really doubt this article is real.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

3 year old story on a week old website.

Something stinks here.

A_M_Swallow ago

If German biker gangs are kitting Muslims then the police will arrest them. These arrests will be reported in the normal media.

jollux ago

The fuck is that website?

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Not believing till i see the hells angels

Eurocuckistan ago

hells angels have been overrun by multi-ethnic biker gangs (and the police) all over western europe.

HenryCabotLodge ago

das ist gut Boom Boom

2fast4u92 ago

Sturmabteilung 😈

ThinkTank ago

I'm sure we've done this one before. Likely a fake story from a fake source.

BoyBlue ago

Looks like a bunch of German faggots who suck dick and not even interested in women. I think Hitler killed all the brave German men....because he was a jew! jew trickery at it's worst.

NoRoyalty ago

I'm rooting for the German folk.

HillBoulder ago

Gonna need a little more info here. Not believing it yet.

waringi ago

I saw a documentary on German biker gangs. They aren't doing much. They are tough and very prepared, but they are harrassed on a monthly basis by police and even regular germans. They have had their headquarters raided and attacked. They aren't allowed to keep weapons and are heavily outnumbered by Turkish biker gangs.

gazillions ago

All they have to do is call themselves leftists and they can get away with anything.

waringi ago

But its germany. They arent muslim enough...

Atomized_Individual ago

It's fake, and a repost. ludinfo.24 was created a week ago.

ProudBoy1 ago

I see lots of week old websites with stories too good to be true here. I can't tell if people just keep falling for it or if some hack marketer is experimenting.

MrDarkWater ago

Voat is targeted

NumptyDumpty ago

The attacks in Cologne mentioned in the article happened three years ago so the story itself is old, why it's posted on that site without dates is anyone's guess, clickbait maybe. Just rest assured, my friend, things in Germany have only gotten demonstrably worse since then, just don't rely on the media to be the ones to inform you.

Atomized_Individual ago

They may be voat farming with them. Poster is 14 day acct

progressbin ago

Those fucking faggots DO have dicks. How about that!

whatisbestinlife ago

we killed off many ubermensch in the wars. its your fault. yours to fix

SporadicSpasms ago

I'm more concerned with them having balls—big brass ones.

progressbin ago

+1 for oneupsmanship... or not.

SporadicSpasms ago

I wasn't trying to oneup ya....

Maroonsaint ago

I can one up this. When I was like 12 I went in for my first physical and the doctor went on about how huge my balls were. He offered me drugs to stop them from growing any more

barraccuda ago

Careful who you support. Half of these guys are arab ganga.

SporadicSpasms ago

The Lion is waking....