14571617? ago

I viewed Tom Selleck shortly after the election and he said he didn't vote for Trump or Hillary. I do not believe that he would use that kind of language, as he's a very respectful speaker. So I would like to see the actual link to where he said this.....so basically I don't believe this and would advise others to validate this before they continue to pass it on..

14571129? ago

Git'sum Quigley!

14563709? ago

Always liked Tom....not a wimp like Mark Walburg

14563508? ago

It’s about time someone other than JW stands up for this country and our Great President Trump

14562704? ago

WOW! Love this guy! Who knew he was a supporter? He is red pilling Hollywood and I bet they are freaking out.

14562451? ago

i really hope my fellow republicans, supporters of the only truth we can have, won't let me down...\ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCtzkaL2t_Y

14562448? ago

What is that, 2 intelligent sane actors? Anyone counting?

14562404? ago

please send link to this article

14562088? ago

Couldn’t of said it better!!! President Trump is speaking the truth and showing us the way out of our prisons!

14561793? ago

I agree, Burt Reynolds!

14561572? ago

Celebrity worship is placing yourself into the mind control vortex, if you care so much about what Tom Selleck has to say and think it validates your choices then you really should have just voted for her. Celebrities are just prostitutes that are paid by someone else to fuck you and not in a good way. It's all rope a dope folks, underneath they all crave money, power and your children's souls.

14571677? ago

There was a time when thespians were banned by the Catholic Church from burial in consecrated ground. Actors were on a social par with prostitutes. According to the church they both sinned for money. The prostitutes of course sold sex and the actors lied for money.
For instance they had to find a loophole to bury Molière. Later his remains were moved to Père Lachaise Cemetery in Paris. In some areas this practice persisted until at least the 1890s. This should give you some idea of the social status of William Shakespeare when he was alive.

Trivia Break: Père Lachaise Cemetery is where Jim Morrison of The Doors is buried also.

14561548? ago

YESSSS FINALLY a Hollywood favorite that doesn't totally disappoint me !!! I love tom selleck

14561127? ago

He was doing story lines about vietnam vets back in the days when society was was still hung up on calling a vets baby killers. He fought for our country and he's a patriot! Tom Selleck is just a fucking stud! Must come with the stash.

14560619? ago

Love Tom Selleck. He has always been an upright guy with conservative leanings. One of the few republicans in Hollyweird.

14560609? ago

Tom Selleck is the best thing that ever happened to me. And I've never even met him. so dreamy

14559462? ago

Yes, candidness and crass is what is needed!

14558894? ago

Fine words Mr. Selleck!!

14558792? ago

Oh Thank GOD for that! Another MAN who tells it as it is. Another MAN for my Christmas Card list. I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooo glad and greatful. Bless this Patriot

14558501? ago

Soooo Nice to see a celebrity who is not corrupt, spewing the propaganda of the Deep State! Along with Tim Allen and Clint Eastwood..

14558226? ago

Fuck you and the whores you rode in on

14557750? ago

Be careful what you wish for. Trump's impeachment after literally doing nothing wrong and strengthening the core and heartland America would mean massive wide scale riots. People would explode! A duly elected President impeached because everyone who didn't win got their feelings hurt by the man? The American people don't give a damn about your stupid feelings, they want logical, thought provocative laws and ensure safety and security of everyone, not just a few who scream the loudest about a fake oppression that doesn't exist. I think it's hilarious every time I hear someone in the US talk about oppression, when actual and much worse forms of the oppression that they talk about exist in many other places around the world. It's amazing how intelligent we are as a culture, and how primitive we are as a species. Some people just need to have their beliefs smashed to pieces to realize that they are supporting something evil.

Even after this, I still think that every one of them is worth saving. We fight the information war out here, everyday, but talking with each other. We send plenty of bullshit, but there's a lot of information that needs to be learned quickly. The more informed population is the one that lives the longest. And we are in the greatest period of existence of all time, with a President that day one, pushed the world into unknown territory. God Bless President Trump! He stays, or we go! WWG1WGA!

14557677? ago

Thank you Tom- you have. Always been a hero of mine. Now I know why!

14557410? ago

If Magnum PI believes in Trump, I may have to switch parties. What to do with all the brown kids smuggled across the border now? Can you really just convert a rape tree into a treehouse and move on like that?

14556883? ago

Higgins too

14556728? ago

Magnum pi is on voat

14556539? ago

Ever notice when conservative "stars" speak out they are well spoken, direct and to the point? No screeching screaming or other BS?

14560499? ago

Yeah, 'cause it is fake. This never happened.

14556399? ago

Fake news.

14556318? ago

Only a fucking idiot would want Trump impeached.

Trump is retarded, but Pence is evil and competent. If you impeach Trump, you get Pence.

Don't do that.

14557091? ago

You're retarded and evil, go screw fat Rosie O' Donnell and then you will have suffered enough for 2 lifetimes.

14557111? ago

That made sense to you when you pressed the submit button?

14557300? ago

Oh nevermind, I reread it several times and now comprehend it. Yes I will

14556285? ago

Way to Go Magnum! You still rock!

14556178? ago

Its old news. Good for him, but the article is from last May. And apparently, fake.

14556070? ago

Good Goy!

14555997? ago

Time to stream Magnum PI again.

14555969? ago

Hawaii. Chicks. Aloha shirt. Stash. Baseball cap. Ferrari. That's the best d_ck in town.

14555939? ago

I just checked Breitbart and there is NO ARTICLE that says this. Unfortunately, this is fake news.

14556880? ago

Seriously? Sorry just searched him and found that, didn't check rest of site my bad.

14555983? ago

The other articles on cvikas front page are suspicious too.

14556389? ago

Like 90% of the site is shit that's completely made up and 50% of the remaining 10% (that's 5%, for the slow people) is old news.

The comments are made by mentally handicapped and mentally ill people - and they see this as a bastion of something.

14555752? ago

I just became a huge Magnum P.I. fan!

14556377? ago

You're a simpleton if this decides your entertainment video preferences.

You should kill yourself and not vote.

14555623? ago

A true gun loving patriot.

14555611? ago

He is probably Q.... JK

14555590? ago

Well said, Magnum!

14555517? ago

His mustache has magical powers!

14556368? ago

I want him to give me a mustache ride.

14560107? ago

I've had one. It's fantastic!

14560479? ago


14555515? ago

Hollywood legend Tom Selleck has praised Donald J. Trump as President of the United States. In a meeting with Breitbart News, the legendary American actor stated: “I’m completely sure that he is the best so far. I’m saying I like this guy.” “He’s an answer to our problems. We need to get behind him. The Republicans need to unite behind this man. We need somebody to go in and reconstruct us in a sort of way, get us back to where we were, who we need to be.” Then he continued with something truly remarkable: “Donald is funny, playful, and colorful, but most of all, he is honest. When he decided to run for president, I know he did it with a true conviction to bring this country back to prosperity. He is the only one who can do it. No frills, no fuss, only candid truths.” “I am very disappointed at the talk show hosts, also spewing out lies and propaganda against Donald. Why, I wonder? The only thing I can think of is he represents a form of freedom none of them ever saw before, and they are bewildered about it, and frightened about it. I would say “f*ck you” to all of them. To all that are criticizing him for no reason and want him to resign for no reason. Just go to hell all of you!” “I pray all Americans who have seen and felt the meltdown of America with the Obama years, to please fight for Donald Trump. He will not let us down. I pray for all good people to see clearly what faces us now. The right vote will save our nation.” Selleck additionally noticed that Trump’s capacity to keep up an inspirational demeanor despite the fact that “he has individuals assaulting him from each side” was likewise a solid contention.

14556351? ago

Paragraphs, you fucking child molester.

14555457? ago

I knew I liked him!

14555409? ago

fake news

14555122? ago

I am sure he has seen alot of the bad things behind the scenes after all these years in the game. Listen to tom!

14556345? ago

There is no word 'alot.'

You might need to see a doctor, because you're choking on a whole bag of dicks.

14558244? ago

alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot

14558289? ago

Proud of your ignorance.

14558307? ago

more than that. you could say im alot proud.

14558357? ago

I could, but I prefer English.

14558483? ago

How much do you like it? Like alot, alot?

14560447? ago

LOL...that's alot hilarious...

14555063? ago

Watch "Blue Bloods"!

14556337? ago

No. Faggot.

14555245? ago

I've never seen the show, but I suddenly want to now.

I'll have to see if it's on Netflix when my power comes back on.

14556859? ago

It's an excellent show Tom Selleck doesn't act he just plays himself, a man of integrity and honor.

14556989? ago

I own many of his Jesse Stone movies. I enjoy those. I'll probably like the blue TV show also.

14554764? ago

Magnum PI is spitting fire.

“I am very disappointed at the talk show hosts, also spewing out lies and propaganda against Donald. Why, I wonder? The only thing I can think of is he represents a form of freedom none of them ever saw before, and they are bewildered about it, and frightened about it. I would say “f*ck you” to all of them."

14556325? ago

We've come to expect it. They are nothing.

14554786? ago

Yeah he's dropping it pill form!