boredTech ago

Now if they could work on that flag.

RevDrStrangelove ago

It's because of the rules Angola has about religions. Religions have to be registered and you need 100,000 participants in 12 of the 18 provinces. There are, according to the article I read, 90,000 muslims in Angola. It's entirely possible that muslims will meet the government requirements to register in the foreseeable future. I wouldn't necessarily use them as an example of how to do things right.

ilikeskittles ago

This is actually not entirely true. Islam has not been banned in Angola. They're not particularly welcome but they haven't been banned.

boekanier ago

Oh that is a pitty.

gazillions ago

If you look up islamic terrorism in China you'll come across an infinite number of leftist bullshit that says it isn't religious; it's ethnic violence. Ignoring the ally snackbar shouts beforehand and the islamic flags.

1% bought everything out there they could.

Salbuchi_2019 ago

Could you share more info? I find it hard to believe it happened.

ilikeskittles ago

If you google "Angola bans Islam", you'll get a selection of articles. This is a good article here.
Angola bans Islam

con77 ago

good for them

i_scream_trucks ago

BASED angola!

Nice work.

vonHugenbuben ago

Anyone watch the video in the article? Literally the only argument from their "expert" is "This is stupid" and "they will regret this." Insightful.

kalgon ago

hahahahah angola flag

omg, it's a crossover between the soviet flag and saudi arabia's

Ok, it's mostly christian that's why, they don't give a fuck about islam

boredTech ago

You got to the flag before me. Nothing about that is communist at all.

weredawg ago

Are these the based niggers I keep hearing about?

Derpfroot ago

It's tough to distinguish when a nogs wrecks shit just to wreck shit, or doing it for a good reason. It usually the former.

LostandFound ago

Holy shit a group of BASTE back guys! Hats off to them all the same, if only we could harness the democratic party slave chains to make this happen elsewhere.

GoatyMcGoatface ago

Imams HATE him!

acheron2012 ago

So what? Angola turns out to be the real life Wakanda?

I really need a program. I can't follow this game at all.

Ina_Pickle ago

Would you look at that. Africans have finally contributed something positive to the world.

Tazzermalt ago

some Africans i spoke around Europe with were actually good people not full nigger, not hoodrat just simple people paying in bills however that said there are issues with Westernized African culture there generally is a lot of fucked up things in Western Black Culture, the Africans themselves with family in Africa they absolutely HATE islam, they are in a constant civil war with muslims

boekanier ago

Next stop: Angola!

i_scream_trucks ago

yeah but it looks like these ones might actually be about to advance out of the stone age.

Ezekiel_Balderdash ago

A 99% nonwhite country? Not a chance. Outlawing the establishment of subversive armies on our territory is a good idea, though.