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Zammyanci ago

Heart breaking. And where there is one, there is many more. So very happy to hear she's been freed and safe in the forefront. See something, say something is sinking in! God's Blessings Are Upon US!


ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Yes! Very thankful they were finally found out.

Horrible this little girl had her childhood stripped from her.

Praying she comes to know God and that He will comfort her and guide her.

Zammyanci ago

@ArtistiqueJewelry BIG APPRECIATION for your posts. Keep up the great work Patriot ;) WWG1WGA

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Thank you! I can't tell you and these other Good Patriots how inspiring it is to have the privilege to interact with you!

It's as if God always sends Great people like yourself at just the Precise Right moment in time.

Wasn't going to answer to this, but I get so Tired of those trying to divide and harm the Cause while pretending just as the virtue signalers do, to be helping others.

They even get praised heaped on them for their slander and not doing their homework. I realize this happens likely to all Patriots on the side of good.

But wanted to let you know how much your encouragement means to me! Thank you from the bottom of my heart and may God continue to bless you for being such a Bright and Needed Light!

Here is the post, if you get a chance, but if God's telling you to ignore, then ignore, because I Know we are all pressed for time and need to be about Waking up the others.

They sent this time, I don't know, didn't check. May have been yesterday as I wasn't able to get on here because too much to do for work.

Doesn't make sense as I have already been suspended for some time now from my own 2 youtube accounts and now have none. Not worth it.

Zammyanci ago

;) Thanks!