redlickcreeper ago

Fine upstanding Democrats spreading diversity throughout our Country. We need to import more third world refugees to enrich our culture.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

They Sure do make the asleep fall for their ploys!

Hook, line and sinker as they all line up and pander after their Praise for Virtue Signaling under False Pretenses. They are Sick and Vile!

redlickcreeper ago

Slavery is alive and well among the rank and file of the Democrat party. They started the Civil War to continue their long lived tradition of slavery. Nothing new here.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Good point!

KarlKastner ago

That couple deserves to be tortured.

Secret_1 ago


Doit1 ago

They're dead. American prisoners don't like child abusers. They have to be kept in solitary, but somehow they end up dead or mutilated anyway.

DanaNordic ago

Son of Legendary Marxist African Independence Leader Sékou Touré Convicted of Enslaving a Girl in Texas

Thomas Lifson, American Thinker, January 14, 2019

This story exposes multiple lies of the left about slavery, intended to aggravate race relations today.

Were it not for ideology and ignorance, this story would have featured huge headlines and prominent placement in news broadcasts. I am so old that I remember when Sékou Touré was hailed as a liberator of his people and a force for bringing the blessings of Marxism to the oppressed masses.

The U.K. Independent reports:

A couple who enslaved a West African girl at their home in Texas for 16 years have been convicted by a federal jury.

Mohamed Touré, the son of Guinea’s first president Ahmed Sékou Touré, and his wife Denise Cros-Toure arranged for the child to travel to the US when she was only five years old.

They forced her to cook, clean and look after their biological children without pay, beat and whipped her and called her a “dog” and a “slave”.

The girl eventually managed to escape from the house in Southlake with the help of concerned neighbours in 2016.

Touré and his wife now face a maximum of 20 years in prison after being found guilty of forced labour, conspiracy to commit alien harbouring and alien harbouring.

The New York Times adds a few details:

When the girl was 5, she was brought to the United States on a tourist visa and was almost immediately put to work, according to the filing. She said she spoke no English at the time.

She would start working at 6:30 a.m. or 7 a.m. every day, cleaning, making beds, vacuuming, cooking and gardening, among other chores, and would continue until the Toure children went to bed, she told the authorities. Several unidentified witnesses confirmed seeing her perform such chores at various points from 2000 to 2016.

The authorities accused Mr. Toure and Ms. Cros-Toure of denying the girl the schooling, medical care and other opportunities they afforded their five children, some of whom were older than her. When asked about the girl, the couple would say that she was a niece and had finished high school, according to the filing.

Mr. Wyatt, the lawyer for Mr. Toure, and Scott Palmer, a lawyer for Ms. Cros-Toure, said that the family had good intentions, but that their efforts to help the woman were frustrated by her status as an undocumented immigrant [sic].

Translated: They violated our immigration laws to acquire a child slave and then used that as an excuse for continuing her bondage.

Neither the NYT nor the Independent pays any attention to the towering significance of Mr. Touré’s father, Ahmed Sékou Touré. He was one of the first leaders of the African independence movements, a peer of Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, less well known here because Guinea was part of the Francophone world. But to the global left of the era, he was an equal or greater hero, because he was a Marxist. He was also a Muslim, a religion that accepts slavery as legitimate and features that “peculiar institution” in a number of Islamic countries, including Sudan, Libya, and Saudi Arabia.

Slavery still exists – even in America! – and white people generally have nothing to do with it, as inconvenient as that is to American racial victimology-mongers, who often urge African-Americans to reject Christianity as the religion of their former slavemasters. Count the Nation of Islam as among the prominent members of this movement.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Absolute Truth!

Posturing as Satan always does. . .then he gets his followers to do the same.

No love in their Fake Religion! Only Pious Hate!

These people are Wicked beyond belief and all who pander after them, just as wicked!

GritD2 ago

Mohamed Toure and wife... Fucking middle America republican rednecks doing this shit again , can you believe it?

Idkitall ago

I wonder if they vote Democrat..?

Battleslam ago

Not white

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I have heard some murmurings.

They will probably keep spreading that as they did in This Case!

Where they accused a white man for what Other criminals had done and worked themselves up into a Frenzy to push their racial divide and Hate.

Slimpickens1 ago

As a matter of fact the slave traders were Muslim not Europeans.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I have read about that.

Something tells me MSM will Never report these Facts.

Plenty of the Irish and Europeans were taken as slaves, but unless you poke around on your own, you would Never know it!

Glad people like you are fully Awake and Aware! Thank God! We the People will end their lies!

Incty ago

My God.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

; ( . Prayed for she and her family this morning.

I pray her mom and dad are still alive and that they will be reunited. Also prayed for their salvation, what she must have endured that we will Never know.

Chance45 ago

"Mohamed Touré, the son of Guinea’s first president Ahmed Sékou Touré, and his wife Denise Cros-Toure arranged for the child to travel to the US when she was only five years old."

They will claim sharia allows this. Nothing to see here move along.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

So sad. I read where the mother attempted to hide her.

May God be with this girl and her family.

I pray they are reunited and receive many blessings and salvation!

Chance45 ago

Yep. Sad part there's probably a lot of hidden slaves due to human trafficking.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

There are!

So glad Trump has called this out and made it a Goal to End This!

con77 ago

Muzz scum

con77 ago

Slave girls as booty. Maybe I'll convert

6chthomps ago

Weird they look like such a nice loving couple

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

This spells it out quite well. It will likely get me another one of these posts though, where a shareblue shill tries to call out truth tellers.

Has this ever happened to you? Looks like he and his friends are about attacking those on the side of Q and Red Piller Patriots.

steve440 ago

For anyone with kids these things are almost unbearable to think of if you imagine your own in a situation like this Hope these fuckers are tortured then slowly murdered behind bars

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Exactly! Just gets right to the Heart of it!

What evil exists out there!

Thankful Good Patriots like you and these others are taking a Stand against this wickedness to our most innocent!

My girls are older now, but if they ever get married and have children, I don't want this being perpetuated in the world for their kids, your kids, kids all the other innocent children!

ArcAngel ago

wealth & politically connected. they will get bail & disappear back to UAE or maylasia...

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Sadly, you are likely right! They will get some radical sympathizers who agree with Brown and just keep allowing them to perpetuate their evil.

ArcAngel ago

it happens time after time for them

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Heinous! That's how satan and his followers work.

Make the Light continue to Shine so bright on these evil doers that they don't have a place to conceal their wickedness.

ArcAngel ago

fire burns brightly. burn them from their homes. god punished sodom & ghemorrah. send them to hell. the crusades need to be restarted. god helps those whom help them selves, and i dont mean taking other peoples goods.... (coming from a former irish protestant turned heathen)

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

There Do need to be consequences! Lack of consequences and turning away has only emboldened these people and caused them to infiltrate deeper.

They have been in government for some time and now are front and center flaunting their crimes and abilities to disregard our constitution.

I pray something comes to a head Soon. They believe and have been shown by many they are getting away with it.

We the People must Stand up to it!

ArcAngel ago

slaps on the wrist or financial sanction dont cut it. the ONE things moeslums do right is vicious brutal slaughter. we need to meet them on on their own level. what good is a piece of paper when they shoot you w an ak-47, or when guns are outlawed, a machette?

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I hear that!

ArcAngel ago

take a good look at chicago or DC, hell look at the UK.... the more they ban weapons the more innocent law abiding folks get slaughtered

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

That is Exactly right! The controllers want weapons out of the hands of innocent law abiding citizens because They are actively placing them int the hands of criminals hoping for them to create more havoc and murders. Just as Obama did in Fast and Furious, then pretended they were for an investigation and they just lost track of the criminals they were "tracing!" Sickening how they have their followers So enslaved they fall for these blatant ploys, then get furious of thinking people point out their discrepancies. Despicable, ever one of them, yet they call those of us who voted for Trump Deplorables. I proudly took that name, but we all know who the deceivers and people function with wicked hearts really are.

fuckingmockies ago

I fucking hate how they call those shitskins, "Texas couple.". That's deliberately disingenuous.

A nation is its blood not its soil. If you're not white, you're not American, let alone a Texan.

BigSnoopy ago

Indeed. 'Texas Couple' my ass.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I hear you.

This source was far more blatant, just wasn't sure if I was aloud to put it in a main post.

Sometimes Voat knocks things back.

Here they called them a Muslim Couple.

Slimpickens1 ago

Look Muslim

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Yes, this one spells it all out along with their wicked beliefs and rituals,

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

The link I didn't know whether they would let through, but was Really thorough!

GloriousDestiny ago

That's weird, they don't look white to me 🧐, I thought only white people owned slaves. I fully expect the MSM to be fairly covering this day and night as if they would if they HAD been a white couple.

LakotaPride ago

Patriot, the white slave owners were Democrats for historical accuracy, and poor white people could not afford slaves . It was republicans that wanted slavery ended,

GloriousDestiny ago

I was sarcasm. I was channeling my inner liberal.

GritD2 ago


LakotaPride ago

Patriot nothing wrong with checks and balances as long as one does not overdraw on the account. LOL

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Right, like they did here.

They just jumped on info they wanted and slandered this poor guy.

Worked themselves up into a media frenzy and CNN Still hadn't corrected their story when I wrote this. Haven't checked back to see if they've done so yet.

Here's another link to that muslim couple that is more specific.

con77 ago

If it was a white couple it would be the lead story coast to coast 24/7 for months

GloriousDestiny ago


Oh_Well_ian ago

A substantial amount of the wealth in predominantly Black Atlanta comes from the human trafficking of Black children by Black Adults.

eatstars ago

I thought they might go the skin lightening route lol

man_with_titties ago

They are both Africans. The photo looks like they have lightened the skin as much as they could get away with.

Dfens ago

This is what the Democrats are bringing to America. They have always been the party of slavery.

GritD2 ago

Illegals are the new slave class

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Yes they have!

Petittriscuit ago

Race: White

ArcAngel ago

like the 'white' guy that shot the 7yo black girl....OUTRAGE!!!! ooops....not white... silence...

Zammyanci ago

Heart breaking. And where there is one, there is many more. So very happy to hear she's been freed and safe in the forefront. See something, say something is sinking in! God's Blessings Are Upon US!


man_with_titties ago

Hopefully she will be able to sue them and their wealth and property will become hers. The couple's children are adults now. They were complicit throughout their teen years. They should be put out on the street and the girl should get their home.

Zammyanci ago

Having parents like that, I doubt the teen's were even capable of anything other than being complicit. I'm sure they are damaged as well. But I agree. Compensation/Retribution needs paid! I myself will keep all involved in prayer. As God will handle it in his own special way 😉

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Yes! Very thankful they were finally found out.

Horrible this little girl had her childhood stripped from her.

Praying she comes to know God and that He will comfort her and guide her.

Zammyanci ago

@ArtistiqueJewelry BIG APPRECIATION for your posts. Keep up the great work Patriot ;) WWG1WGA

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Thank you! I can't tell you and these other Good Patriots how inspiring it is to have the privilege to interact with you!

It's as if God always sends Great people like yourself at just the Precise Right moment in time.

Wasn't going to answer to this, but I get so Tired of those trying to divide and harm the Cause while pretending just as the virtue signalers do, to be helping others.

They even get praised heaped on them for their slander and not doing their homework. I realize this happens likely to all Patriots on the side of good.

But wanted to let you know how much your encouragement means to me! Thank you from the bottom of my heart and may God continue to bless you for being such a Bright and Needed Light!

Here is the post, if you get a chance, but if God's telling you to ignore, then ignore, because I Know we are all pressed for time and need to be about Waking up the others.

They sent this time, I don't know, didn't check. May have been yesterday as I wasn't able to get on here because too much to do for work.

Doesn't make sense as I have already been suspended for some time now from my own 2 youtube accounts and now have none. Not worth it.

Zammyanci ago

;) Thanks!

ArcAngel ago

she will start going to school & end up hating white ppl for slavery

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

That is so sad, but very possible. I prayed for her this morning that God will guide her in seeing His goodness and the truth about these evil doers.

God can work miracles and I sure pray them for she and her family.

ArcAngel ago

hopefully. but doubtful. the poor kid will be indoctrinated that it was white peoples fault. her captors role will get pushed into obscurity for the sake of political correctness

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

You are so Right ArcAngel! I saw what they were doing when I taught in their Vile, cabal ran school system.

It even seeps into small towns as many of them are ran by Free Masons.

We the People must turn this around and take back control! They are poisoning our children and making their lives miserable.

ArcAngel ago

stop the jews. it may not be popular, but time & time again. jews & moeslums work hand in hand. mortal enemies, yet best business partners.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Many calling themselves Jews, were never jews. Either their ancestors lied or they simply sold their souls to satan. Synagogue of satan for Sure and those who are Fake jews and not doing God's will expose themselves every time!

ArcAngel ago

(((They))) dont denounce the sedition or corruption within means they are complacent & compliant. sorta like islam.. the radical will moe will kill you, the moderate says 'this is not islam', yet does nothing to stop it. btw.... jews & moes are 2 sides of the same coin. i can speak from first hand experience on more than a dozen occasoins

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I believe you. Hollywood is filled with either fake jews or those who If they do have Jewish ancestry, they are from the Synagogue of satan.

We've been watching them, how they operate and how they own much of hollywood. What they do is sickening. I believe you're correct and they Do work together to infiltrate and orchestrate their wickedness.

CluelessInTheDark ago


ArtistiqueJewelry ago

It really is! So many more go unreported, these people are Sick and evil!

TrueSeeker777 ago

fucking Muslims

ArcAngel ago

'goat-fucking' moeslums

TrueSeeker777 ago


ArcAngel ago

damn straight. warren-mccarthy act. no moes shall hold a govt position... that law dosent seem to work,

acmbandit01 ago

Old case, new conviction...way to go TX!

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Thank God some people are seeing the Light!

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Assistant attorney general Eric Dreiband said the pair “preyed on a young and extremely vulnerable girl".

He added: “Their despicable actions included cruelly abusing her, forcing her to work in their home, hidden in plain sight, for years without pay, and robbing her of her childhood.

MrDarkWater ago

What race were they?

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

This one listed them as a Muslim Migrant couple, and even gives the background of this false religion (God hates religion so anytime we hear religion. . .we know it's fake and of satan's ways).

I wasn't sure if voat would accept this source, but it was a great read,

MrDarkWater ago

I wonder which site reaches more people

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I'm not sure, but I wonder if I post that link directly if I'll end up in jail on FB or other platforms.

Likely I will because they have punished me before for sharing facts about muslim criminals.

Another asset to writing in a blog platform and sharing out.

MrDarkWater ago


Chasmaniac ago

Not white.

MrDarkWater ago

That's what I thought. They left their race out of the headline while including the victims. Hmm 🤔