borborygmus ago

George Soros said in an interview 5 years ago that he was going to bring down the United States by funding black hate groups and manipulating the black community. This sad story is a perfect example of that.

Shagnasty68 ago

They hide black on white crime

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Yes they do! They also hide the statistics that prove more blacks perpetuate crimes on blacks than what the news leads the general public to believe.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

See how they accused the wrong man, then used a celebrity and politicians to further their agenda, create outrage and all kinds of SJW virtue signaling.

Quite Sickening.

Also see the article link CNN Still has up and hasn't bothered to correct it.

Now why would they do that?

Likely hoping the asleep will come upon it and incite More outrage.

Various sources inside of here as always. . .Free to read and No account needed.

Come back here to tell us all what you think.

These people are Out of Control! They are truly Sick and will stop at Nothing to Force their wicked ways!