Mel Gibson: Hollywood Is 'Den Of Parasites' -Calls out pedos and blood of children (
submitted 6.2 years ago by 2903664?
16164661? 6.1 years ago
This submission was linked from this v/whatever submission by @MadWorld.
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15499602? 6.2 years ago
You would think there would be a recording of it somewhere on the internet but I couldn't find it.
15495630? 6.2 years ago
Mel, stay away from red scarves and doorknobs.
15496261? 6.2 years ago
Christ Jesus is personally protecting him. One of the biggest evangelist in the history of all Christianity
15494719? 6.2 years ago
One of the few men with balls in Hollywood. That's why they hate him.
15494845? 6.2 years ago
Because he actually made this statement and the video exists of him saying it.
16164661? ago
This submission was linked from this v/whatever submission by @MadWorld.
Posted automatically (#19440) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.
15499602? ago
You would think there would be a recording of it somewhere on the internet but I couldn't find it.
15495630? ago
Mel, stay away from red scarves and doorknobs.
15496261? ago
Christ Jesus is personally protecting him. One of the biggest evangelist in the history of all Christianity
15494719? ago
One of the few men with balls in Hollywood. That's why they hate him.
15494845? ago
Because he actually made this statement and the video exists of him saying it.