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HappyWarrior ago

Islam is incompatible with Western Civilization. That's the only thing American children need to know.

AriesianGemini ago

I'll have faith when I see institutions like firebombed. No use of the bureaucratic system is effective.

videocodec ago

Everyone in school should learn how evil Islam and Judaism is.

Master_Foo ago

What lesson would your kid learn if he never had such an interaction? Bullies exist whether they come in the form of jocks on the playground or teachers. But one thing is for sure, hiding from the bullies isn't going to make them go away and it's not going to teach a kid how to deal with them.

You pulled the "I don't know how to deal with my bully, so I'm just going to do what he wants". The instructor was wrong, sure, but you were just as wrong for not standing up for yourself and allowing it to happen.

thebearfromstartrack ago

YES. Not LITERALLY with him, though. I just AGREE with his efforts.

UnknownAlias365 ago


dirt_reynolds ago

Sure you do and I'm an astronaut. Public school loser trying to call someone else dumb. That's adorable. I guess they didn't teach you about irony in public school. Btw, you can say "Boomer" as much as you want. All it does is make you seem like an edge lord chucklehead. Have fun with your fuckin retard homeschool loser kids. Maybe my kids will treat them decently as subordinates in the future workplace. I doubt it though, I'm sure they'll be unemployable if they are forced to learn from some loudmouth like you.

tendiesonfloor ago


ProgNaziGator ago

Turn this into lawsuut paydays and non right wingers will get on board and this will get the "shut it down" treatment.

It's like throwing a steak on your enemy around a pack of wolves. Stand back let nature do its thing.

uvulectomy ago

Freedom of religion also means freedom from religion. The guy has a valid suit, IMO.

Also, OP is a gaping anus and a cum-soaked niggerfaggot for not turning off the fucking capslock. Seriously, fucking gas yourself, boomer.

dirt_reynolds ago

Kike? No. Private. Yes. Boomer. That's rich. Not my fault your mammy made you a social retard by homeschooling you in the basement. I'm sure she's fully capable of teaching advanced mathmatics, science and grammar all by herself.

I'm glad there's a lot of you idiots homeschooling your snowflakes. It will just make things easier for my nice private school educated children out in the real world. Look at their competition, ingrates from public school that can barely read and chimp out every chance they get or socially retarded fruit cakes educated by their mom that, if they're lucky has a B.A. in some soft science bullshit.

Kekalicious ago

Yes I did. I corrected it. I got no issue with what you said.

Til_My_Last_BREATH ago

It's the spin they put on it and negative connotation that is placed on discussions about christianity.

BurqaFart ago

Get religion out of schools. That goes for Bible talk too. That shit stays in church or home.

Cleanhobo ago

God damn right. That is unconstitutional.

JopharVorin ago

Now its his duty to teach his kids the truth about jews and niggers

Moun1tain ago

This is the U.S. and anyone pushing this agenda is engaging in Muslim indoctrination NOT education!

Kekalicious ago

Smart kids will research. There are cracks in all religion. Prove me wrong.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Religion is a catch all word for non-western culture. Obviously our culture isn't a religion, it's Science, Medicine, Economics, and Law... /s

Different names for the same thing. Some work better than others. Culture, like the name implies, is a living thing, each culture evolving and competing with one another.

toav ago

This website was created last Thursday Nov. 15th, but for what?

Don't need more blog spam here /u/MacMike aka /u/Russianbots.

Master_Foo ago

Parents who feel the need to opt their children out of a class might as well put them in the safe space with the weak progressives. A room with padded walls where nothing can possibly offend. You are teaching your kids to be weak.

The real problem is, you are too lazy to teach your kid how to think critically so when reality happen, the kid has the mental toolset to resist whatever moral crisis you are too cowardly to face. Your kid will never shout "Thar's Bullshit!" Because you never allowed your kid to be exposed to bullshit and your kid has no idea what bullshit smells like.

Computergeek01 ago

Why? Seriously, there is not rational individual that can study this shit on paper and conclude that it's an appropriate way to live. I'm convinced that if Muslims weren't brainwashed from birth they wouldn't follow it either. Studying Islam at middle school age or later is a perfect way for kids to see this crock of shit for what it is, a system of guilt and militarism designed to arbitrarily oppress people and justify mass murder and enslavement of your neighbors.

So no, I don't stand with the Jarhead just because he whored himself out to the administration and shot at people.

Master_Foo ago

Normally, I'd be with him. But, something tells me this guy wouldn't make such a fuss if the school were preaching his particular brand of Christianity. So, fuck him.

Also, context is missing here. When I was in high school my history teacher said "I teach religion. I don't preach religion" You really can't get into the subject of culture without playing with religion in some sense, and if you are talking about the crusades, it doesn't make much sense without talking about Islam, and you can't talk about Islam without knowing the 5 pillars.

So, this needs context. Does this guy have a good point? Or is he taking us for a ride? Lack of context tells me to be suspicious of the author's motives. If he's not trying to manipulate us, why are there so many unanswered questions here?

Also, don't use all-caps, Faggot.

Neinlife ago

Public schools corrupt kids, not homeschooling you fuckin old fucks

True-Saber ago

For example, one of the assignments wrote that the Islamic creed of “Shahada,” which means “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.” The Woods are upset...

I would be 'upset' too.

22trilionAsecond ago

The current form of Christianity is a weapon made by jews. The Japaneses know this.

AnothervoatAcc ago

Not really. Some dumb hillbilly that signed up to die for Israel gets triggered because muh "islam". Islam is obviously a topic worth knowing about in this day and age.

22trilionAsecond ago

You should study islam, Judaism and Christianity.

You should know how they refer to you in their holy book. You should learn about the rules they follow.

In the UK they have kids write letters to their families about converting to Islam.

Judasrope ago

There is a difference between learning about Islam and being thought Islam as religion. Keep your friends close and enemies closer...or you can all be ignoran dumb mericans.

fuckingmockies ago

All Semitic religions are disgusting. Including Christianity.

Kekalicious ago

Careful bro, They will bring out the hate train on you for dissing Jevis.

UnknownAlias365 ago

To equate the fruits of Christianity to the fruits of Islam and Judaism makes a down syndrome nigger smarter than you.

Kekalicious ago

Yes, years of torture and murder by the church. I do not understand the fruits you speak of.

UnknownAlias365 ago

Too bad that was Catholicism and not Christianity. It's amazing every time a God hating homosexual like you tries to say Christianity was bad, they always mention the shit Catholics did and equate Catholics to Christians. It's almost as if Christians never did anything wrong and that's the only way you can paint a negative image on Christianity.

Doesn't work for educated people though, I hate to inform you.

Kekalicious ago

No. You are right. I am old and forgot about the ones who truly have faith. There are really good believers in the world. Ancient times as well. There are cracks in the way the "good book" was written. I read the older versions. I know the changes that were made to pacify the masses. The christian god is a toddler. He likes a good sacrifice. He acts like a child in the old testament with the rape and smiting. Why did he have to sacrifice his child to appease Jewish doctrine for animal sacrifice. And if they don't believe in Jesus did they actually quit? Stone your disobedient children. Eat your children flesh. You are meant to be afraid of your God. 11,000 other religions exist. I am glad you can sleep at night being sheep.

IsaacJan ago

You know damn fucking well they’re not teaching how horrific it is.

witchy_Woahman ago

In 2002 I remember a Muslim coming to our school to teach us what Islam is. It was part of a bigger series where a rep from each major religion came to tell us what they were all about. I remember her leaving to go pray in a closet on a blanket lol.

lissencarak ago

I don't stand with people who would shoot at my family if told to.

SushiMasa ago

No I don't. He's fat as fuck and should be homeschooling.

fuckingmockies ago

Meh. Prior Infantry Assaultman here. There's a big difference between studying Islam and being forced to practice Islam. He sounds like one of those low IQ, ASVAB waivers.

Feldorai ago

It's a violation of the Constitution, so long as public schools are funded by the Government by our taxes, the public school itself becomes an official Government building (essentially), meaning the public schools cannot do anything that violates the Constitution.

Private schools are exempt from that rule. But I believe I would prefer my future children to go to a private school as opposed to a public school, at least a private school that I can trust.

qwsp0 ago

How dare they learn about other religions than [IDEOLOGY THAT VOATERS AGREE IS OKAY TO FORCE ON CHILDREN]

boekanier ago

Are schools in America today sponsored by Saudi Arabia?

jesojr ago

Talk about beastyalitie in Islam , the animals are a little 'sheepish" there

darkb ago

absolutely,,, are they selling it as a religion or political movement ? why teach hatred from a false god ? FUCKING ISLAM LIES TO INFIDELS ,

sampsonnite420 ago

Stood with him 2 years ago when this was relevant. If there are new cases i would be happy to read them but please stop post old shit like its new.

dirt_reynolds ago

The all caps makes it important though.

maxoverdrive ago

Normally I would. But you're a Q-tard who apparently doesn't know how to turn off his caps-lock key, so in this case - fuck the marine, and fuck you. I fucking hate filthy cum-guzzlers who can't figure out how to turn their caps-lock key off....

Moun1tain ago it really the CAPS LOCK THAT HAS YOU SO UPSET!! OR IS IT SOMETHING ELSE?? LIKE THE SUBJECT being broached?

fuckinghell ago

Nope, just the shitty clickbait title.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago


so sick of these !!!!BREAKING!!!! ITS HAPPENING!!! q-tards.

Amphiprion ago


HeavyBrain ago

Bet there is no talk about studing the old Norse gods, or buddhism, or shinto, waht about Hinduism?

World history my ass.

edistojim ago

He should use all the cash from the settlement to homeschool or find a nice Christian private school.

mad_saxon ago

Homeschool people. The jews have been behind the scenes corrupting American textbooks since at least the 1930s. Read Culture of Critique - it explains this.

fuckingmockies ago

To everyone else reading mad_saxon's comment - read the damn book. It's like the book version of The Greatest Story Never Told, at least in the sense that you've seen people talking about it for years, probably have a decent understanding of the content, but it still changed your perspective when you watched it. You'll experience the same thing reading Culture or Critique.

dirt_reynolds ago

Private schools exist. Unless of course you want your kid to be a socially retarded weirdo.

BumFightChamp ago

You obviously don't know any home schooled children

Southernwelder1988 ago

Kids are already socially retarded weirdo's.

mad_saxon ago

True, but there are also lots of homeschool communities and groups, where parents work with like-minded parents and teach children in smaller groups. This is becoming more common. Many private schools are more indoctrinated with jewish marxism than public schools. But there are also private Christian schools, although many teach a watered-down, nigger-loving version of Kosher Christianity.

prairie ago

Exactly, he needs to stand with his daughter and stop sending her to reprogramming camp in the first place.

Splooge ago

Alternate coverage:

A Marine Corps father has been banned from his daughter’s school after he complained about her homework assignment on Islam.

Kevin Wood said his 11th grade daughter was asked to write a three-page essay about Islam’s five pillars, Mecca and Mohammed at La Plata High School in Maryland.

He argued that students can’t study Christianity in schools “but we can force-feed our kids Islam.”

Wood asked the school to give his daughter an alternate assignment, but officials refused and defended the subject matter.

“We’re not teaching religion, we’re teaching world history,” school spokesperson Katie O’Malley-Simpson said. She also alleges that Wood was threatening to cause a disruption, which is why they banned him from school property.

Wood’s wife Melissa said her husband was simply trying to make a point.

“The people do not understand what he endured when he was over in Iraq,” she said through tears. “And he lost friends, and he lost brothers and sisters to these people.”

The Wood family is trying to work out an agreement with the school board. If they can’t, they say their daughter won’t do the assignment and will take the ‘F.’

“We’re not teaching religion, we’re teaching world history.” There are so many fucking ways to debunk that.

shawnfromnh69 ago

That's against the law. Separation of church and state and if they pushed christian studies liberals would lose their fucking minds.

Cat-hax ago

Islam is not a religion and if a liberal could tell the truth they would tell you the same. That's also how they get around that inconvenient law.

UnknownAlias365 ago

Islam is a religion numbnuts.

MacMike ago

No.. Islamism Islamic crescent and star Fundamentals[hide] Islam History Culture Economics Politics Secularism Ideology[hide] Islamism Qutbism Salafism Shia Islamism Islamic fundamentalism Concepts[hide] Caliphate Islamic democracy Islamic socialism Islamic state Islamic monarchy Islamic republic Islamization (of knowledge) Jihad Pan-Islamism Post-Islamism Sharia Shura Slavery Two-nation theory Ummah Influences[hide] Anti-imperialism Anti-Zionism Islamic Golden Age Islamic revival Movements[hide] Scholastic Ahl-i Hadith Deobandi Madkhalism Sahwa movement Wahhabism Political

Hizb ut-Tahrir Iranian Revolution Jamaat-e-Islami Millî Görüş Muslim Brotherhood List of Islamic political parties Militant

Militant Islamism based in MENA region South Asia Southeast Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Key texts[hide] Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam (Iqbal 1930s) Principles of State and Government (Asad 1961) Ma'alim fi al-Tariq ("Milestones") (Qutb 1965) Islamic Government: Governance of the Jurist ("Velayat-e faqih") (Khomeini 1970) Heads of state[hide] Ali Khamenei Omar al-Bashir Muammar Gaddafi Ruhollah Khomeini Mohamed Morsi Mohammad Omar House of Saud House of Thani Zia-ul-Haq Key ideologues[hide] Muhammad Abduh Jamāl al-Dīn al-Afghānī Qazi Hussain Ahmad Muhammad Nasiruddin al-Albani Muhammad Asad Hassan al-Banna Necmettin Erbakan Rached Ghannouchi Safwat Hegazi Muhammad Iqbal Ali Khamenei Ruhollah Khomeini Abul A'la Maududi Taqi al-Din al-Nabhani Yusuf al-Qaradawi Sayyid Qutb Tariq Ramadan Ata Abu Rashta Rashid Rida Navvab Safavi Ali Shariati Haji Shariatullah Hassan Al-Turabi Ahmed Yassin Related topics[hide] Criticism of Islamism Islam and other religions Islamophobia Reform movements Modernity (Modernism) Allah-green.svg Islam portal

A coloured voting box.svg Politics portal vte Part of a series on Islam Allah3.svg Beliefs[show] Practices[show] Texts and laws[show] History[show] Culture and society[show] Related topics[hide] Abrogation in Islam Criticism of Islam Islam and other religions Pacifism in Islam Islamism Islam and violence Islamophobia Glossary Allah-green.svg Islam portal vte Islamism is a concept whose meaning has been debated in both public and academic contexts.[1] The term can refer to diverse forms of social and political activism advocating that public and political life should be guided by Islamic principles[1][2] or more specifically to movements which call for full implementation of sharia. It is commonly used interchangeably with the terms political Islam or Islamic fundamentalism.[3]

UnknownAlias365 ago

You went full retard. Never go full retard.

Pwning4Ever ago

To be fair, I studied in highschool the 3 big religions and Buddhism. Just talked about the 5 pillars, but not about his lovely wife though or his conquering of all of the surrounding tribes.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Tavistock ideology from the UK being implemented in the US completely outright on the children now that (((they've))) successfully taken over admin and teachers since the 70's. No opposition left but the parents, who generally realize far too late that Freedom is not Free when sending their kids to US Government Corporation indoctrination camp, aka public schools.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago


shawnfromnh69 ago


UnknownAlias365 ago


dan_k ago

Expelled for sharing Jesus Christ.

Fuck islam and mohammed piss be upon him.

Olbee ago

Forcing Religious worship in school is disgusting. Education is one thing but prayer etc in secular school is wrong. There is already provision for CofE and Catholic Faith Schools (all tax exempt because?) so why the FUCK do they pedal their unwanted religious shit in secular state establishments? Tolerance and peace I expect? Want Religion-goto Church. Want education-goto School Don’t know the difference-stay in your Church and leave the Democratic Atheist majority 64% alone! Don’t want to be exposed as an over privileged religious intolerant hypocrite by the religion of peace, then stay in your own barrel stupid ignorant arrogant fishies.

shawnfromnh69 ago

I'm an atheist but I'm to moral to be a democrat. Anarchist are democrats, dumb asses with no real vision are democrats, people without common sense or real knowledge of history not the bits they just like or hate are democrats. The rest have a bit of wisdom and vote Republican but not RINO.

Guy_Justsome ago

Golly gee whillikers. He should ask the ACLU! Don't they beat the crap out of public schools that make the slightest religious reference?

Olbee ago

Not in the UK however ticktock because the head of the CofE is about to change into ‘defender of the faiths’ when bonnie prince charlie 2 arrives. PAGANS rejoice we will be rediscovered. Look to the sky on the 21st December for Proof fishies, your newbie fake religions came from this. As did the blood sacrifice, just saying.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

I mean, you have to know your enemy in order to defeat it.

darkb ago

go buy a koran

RedditSureDoesSuck ago


AinzOown ago

Now it depends, do they teach the kids about the goat fucking pedophile worshippers truthfully or do they brainwash them and only share the parts they like?

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Yes, and if that's the case then they can screw up any subject.

Olbee ago

Yes. Recconaissance is important... but you wouldn’t want them living around your daughters and physically forcing them to participate.

usernameisnotthis ago

hell yes i do! islam and autism is the same thing.

Olbee ago

HuRa #istandwithhim. Keep religion out of schools. Alternatively reinstate our native religion PAGANISM and let the show all those newbies how it’s REALLY done, (all other subsequent religions are purely coincidental ;)

usernameisnotthis ago

i think it's stupid that all religions that aren't christian are called paganism, especially since most of these "pagan" religions predated christianity by thousands of years. christianity should be called the pagan religion. long live the old gods.