Wqk3 ago

was banned from great awakening for nothing. A post from trumps rally last night regarding Lisa Page. They are reminiscent of youtube, reddit, Twitter and Facebook. Shameful

I've contributed quite a bit the great awakening.. Even had a sticky post recently. I think it's wrong of you to ban a person for as you say "an effortless post". Makes you no better than the corporate media who bans contributors. It's rather Machiavellian. You are no better than those you prevent to distain. Shame on you!

Sorry for hijacking your post. Needed someplace to vent.

Crensch ago

You stated that you were done posting in Great Awakening because your post was removed. Nice try at white-washing history, but I was pinged to it.


I don't give a fuck if all of you users don't want to pay attention to the meta that is going on under your noses, but if you start acting out when the guys that doxxed the previous owner are busy starting shit, I'm going to assume you are with them.

MolochHunter ago

@Wqk3 "I was banned for nothing"

you posted such a nothing that it was removed as being a post of insifficient substance. Then you did your noodle about that when you had the perfectly acceptable option of just reposting the same post with a bit more effort to get it over the line

but no. You had to go into childish histrionics

expect the same treatment on your next sockpuppet if you do similar

Wqk3 ago

Tyrants you be

Must Obey or else.

MolochHunter ago

histrionic nonsense

the kind that got you banned

Wqk3 ago

Later dude. Peace


hijack away. This is Crensch's death spiral, the more the merrier



he doesn't unban people who disagree with him. Why am I still banned @Vindicator?

Your former mod banned me for a comment, then resigned.



1) Brock's CTR is a coincidence -> explanation -> same exact wording and function.


Wikileaks demonstrates "correct the record" was used by official State Department channels 760 times as early as the 1973 PlusD cables


Crensch ago

Wikileaks demonstrates "correct the record" was used by official State Department channels 760 times as early as the 1973 PlusD cables

Good for you! I'm sure SWMBO is SO proud of you for finding that put.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Good for you! I'm sure SWMBO is SO proud of you for finding that out.

I am. Unfortunately, I don't have time to read PG sub today, might check it out tonight.

I do hope that your new submission is better than the last one.

Cuz it was nothing but spiteful nonsense.

Crensch ago

I'm so very glad you think so!


so your claim of "uniqueness" ie: this phrasing "from" the CIA in 1984 and "was used to guide David Brock" = speculation

Qanon drop #3632 links to thisPNG image showing classified SECRET document bullet point #5. In it the exact words "correct the record" are stated

This is a plan to create something. With this CIA document, dated 8 June 1984, one wonders if this was used to guide Brock in creating his CTR, and possibly in previous iterations of similar projects.

Given the EXACT same wording, I'd say it's worth looking into; Brock and his CTR could be CIA.

^[bolded statements are declarative] + [italicized statements are speculative]

Rule 2: Empiricism: Avoid baseless speculation

since the term didn't originate from CIA in 1984, your speculation has no base.

I'd be commenting this on your post. But you banned me for a comment.

@heygeorge @shewhomustbeobeyed @vindicator

Crensch ago

Aww, puddin'.

Luckily my post follows ALL the rules perfectly.


that's for @vindicator to decide

It has come to my attention that my presence here has had a silencing effect on many of the users of this sub. Many of you refused to participate in rule changes out of fear of being banned by me.



Crensch ago

Not a chance. My two posts are more pizzagate than you've ever been.

ESOTERICshade ago

My two posts are more pizzagate than you've ever been.

Newbies are so irritating when they don't know jack shit about the subject matter.


you can't spell pizzagate with Q.

both of your submissions are divination and speculation. Mine are researched and sourced.

Crensch ago

You post bullshit and then hope that you can post hoc Source it once you get called out.

Mine was fully sourced.


"Correct the Record" was established in 2015/2016

This document uses the same phrase in 1984.


you have no argument.

Crensch ago

Are you trying to say you have specific evidence that correct the record was not named after the CIA terminology?


If the phrase predates 1984, and has been used by the State Dept since the 1970's, you haven't proven your TITULAR claim that it's "likely source document for David Brock's CTR"

Crensch ago

Are you trying to say that CTR isn't linked to the CIA?


I'm saying you must source your claims

otherwise they break the rules.

Crensch ago

I did.

I sourced them just fine. All of them.


your speculation is speculation until you


David Brock was influenced by this CIA doc..

coincidence doesn't prove causation.

you make a causative claim.

Crensch ago

Are you saying it is unlikely?


I don't know. Until one of us can prove it, it is baseless speculation

Crensch ago

Do you realize you're asking of me what you wouldn't provide when I asked it of you when I was a mod?


Your selective memory is false. You remember whatever narrative you try to spin


I believe throughout all of this at some point there was a change in the info that made the submission acceptable, but I honestly can't recall.

Given the drama around it, I was probably more inclined to let something slide if indeed it did.

(P.S. You banned me for Rule 1: Relevance not Rule 2 Empiricism: Speculation)

did you really forget or are multiple users running your account?

@shewhomustbeobeyed @heygeorge @vindicator

Crensch ago

What I chose to put down as what I banned you for is immaterial. I was asking you for the same thing you're asking me for.


What I chose to put down as what I banned you for is immaterial.

....not if you wanted to be credible, just and forthright. Why obscure the truth?


Answer my questions clearly and succinctly and Link him to pedophilia or shut up, go away, and never respond to me again.


Your continued presence on this subverse is now linked to whether or not you can directly link Ed Buck to pedophilia.

Directly. Not hearsay. Not anecdotal evidence...you have 24 hrs.

You didn't ask me for anything. you held a gun to my head.

Crensch ago

So you don't deny that you're asking me for the same thing I asked you for?


I categorically deny both claims.

I met your demands. I provided previous submissions to establish Relevancy. The post in question was deflaired.

You still haven't proven empirically proven your titular claim "Likely Source Documentfor brock's CTR"

Your claim is substantiated only by your own baseless speculation

Crensch ago

I met your demands. I provided previous submissions to establish Relevancy. The post in question was deflaired.

There was no relevancy to be had in those two posts.

It was a name sandwiched in with other info in submissions that did not in any way prove Buck to be a pedophile.

You didn't hold up shit until you got banned and figured out I wasn't going to back down. Now there's no mod that interprets the rules like I did, so looks like you're shit out of luck.

Happy days!



I provided a third original pizzagate submission


Clinton supporter Ed Bunt [sic] embroiled in another suspicious death of a young male prostitute at his home

it includes a Buck Clinton and CIA connection, thus establishing relevancy...by your own gay standards

1) Correct the Record - Relevant [cia reference]

2) CTR - Relevant [clinton pr org]

3) Brock - Relevant [clinton acolyte]

4) CIA - Relevant

So you banned me after I established relevancy

Crensch ago

Your first link, @Vindicator responded:

My bad, Nomo. We've removed most submissions about Buck, because they don't make a case for his PG connection and his victims were all adults. I forgot all about that when I was looking at this this morning, because I was so happy to see the nefarius piece of shit in the back of a squad car. @Crensch is right. As written, this doesn't meet our submission rules.

Your second link is simply "young male prostitute" and says nothing of the age, meaning NOT PROVEN PEDOPHILIA.

^it includes a Buck Clinton and CIA connection, thus establishing relevancy...by your own gay standards

No. These standards are YOUR standards, and those of your buddy SWMBO who fought tooth and nail to let your brand of horseshit into the sub.

So you banned me after I established relevancy.

Sorry. The changes in policy are not retroactive. I'm no hypocrite, but you certainly are. Things changed once I banned you, but you made sure you stayed banned because you're either an idiot, or a paid D&C shill.

ESOTERICshade ago

Your second link is simply "young male prostitute" and says nothing of the age, meaning NOT PROVEN PEDOPHILIA.

Which means your recent Qanon advertisement you posted to v/pizzagate should have been flaired and deleted. You should change your username to "hypocrite."

Crensch ago

You really should get with the program.

The users rejected my interpretation of the rules. So, thanks to you and your ilk, I can post the stuff and be just fine.

Enjoy the pizzagate you helped create.

ESOTERICshade ago

The users rejected my

Seems to be happening to you a lot lately. Maybe its your petty behavior.

Crensch ago

This has been a long time coming. I know I'm going to enjoy the show, are you?

ESOTERICshade ago

I know I'm going to enjoy the show, are you?

Most of us are sitting back sayinnnn dammmmnnnnn..... is this meth binge ever gonna end?


Crensch ago

Sounds like you should ask your brother.



ok if that's the standard. your post is irrelevant.

CTR, David Brock, nor Q are "PROVEN PEDOPHILIA". they are all 1 degree of proof away

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

When does celebrity association cross the threshold of "relevancy" for the pizzagate investigation?

When the word 'celebrity' can be associated with their name.

Is flying on Epstein's plane a reason to be considered "relevant" to the pizzagate investigation


Is donating to Clinton Global Initiative?


Is working at Comet Pizza reason to be included?

Has been in the past.

What about an Instagram follower of Comet Pizza?

Has been before.

maybe a few innocent people donated to the clintons.

no innocent person has ever donated to clintons.

would Mods think 2 unique points of Relevance would increase the post standards and reduce moderation workload?

Two points for inclusion of suspects, or two points to establish relevance? Or both?


Two points for inclusion of suspects, or two points to establish relevance of evidence? Or both?

^This discussion should be stickied. Not a disgraced Moderator's violent masturbations.

We should be attacking our ideas and arguments. Honing our message. So we can save more kids..... Instead Mod behavior instigates paranoid infighting, and promotes a Zero trust atmosphere.

Stop worrying about "the community" and giving "colonoscopies to elites" and waiting for Trump.

We got a lot more done when we focused on media exposure, not political machinations.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I'm afraid I might have encouraged his masturbatory fantasies yesterday. I never have been around enough women to get the 'sugar and spice and everything nice' part figured out.

Crensch ago


ok if that's the standard. your post is irrelevant.

Except the response to your banning confirmed that posts like mine are exactly relevant. So, thank you, for opening the door for me to post good content that Q people were convinced wouldn't be allowed. You and SWMBO are quite the team!

CTR, David Brock, nor Q are "PROVEN PEDOPHILIA". they are all 1 degree of proof away.

I feel like this should be voted on by the sub. It gets to the heart of a lot of Moderation issues

It already was, old boy! While you remain banned for numerous other cognitive failures, your legacy stands true, showing that my posts are exactly PG material.

When does celebrity association cross the threshold of "relevancy" for the pizzagate investigation?

Ie: Is flying on Epstein's plane a reason to be considered "relevant" to the pizzagate investigation Is donating to Clinton Global Initiative?

I whould post some Q stuff on Epstein and Clinton!

how do we delineate between warranted and unwarranted? How many unique coincidences crosses the threshold of "Relevant"?

You're fighting a fight that was already won, but sadly, you couldn't conduct yourself properly and now find yourself utterly irrelevant.

Maybe a few innocent people flew on eggdicks plane. maybe a few innocent people donated to the clintons.

You know what? You're right! Let's add those that haven't yet been confirmed to be pedophiles that are within 1 degree of any known pedophile! There's TONS of those! Let's just inundate this sub with 1-degree losers that had the misfortune of rubbing elbows with childfuckers!

would Mods think 2 unique points of Relevance would increase the post standards and reduce moderation workloads?

I don't think mods would give two shits about your opinions, honestly. But I'm enjoying myself immensely.


the response to your banning confirmed that posts like mine are exactly relevant.

..you stepped down..because everybody was afraid to vote....because you ban indiscriminately.....while claiming the rules are "immaterial"

enjoy pizzagate?

you sick freak.

Crensch ago

..you stepped down..because everybody was afraid to vote....because you ban indiscriminately.....while claiming the rules are "immaterial"

I stepped down because I found out legit users were scared of me. Sounds like I'm a pretty decent guy! What does that make you?

enjoy pizzagate?

Immensely now. I feel like I could post all kinds of things here now!

you sick freak.

argosciv ago

I remember the last time someone tried to discourage voting by subverse users, by making claims that yourself and/or @Vindicator would ban/target people who didn't vote the way you wanted... pretty damn sure ES got busted voting multiple times and/or manufacturing consensus for the aforementioned narrative using his alts, no?

Why yes, yes he did.

What a coincidence that ES also pushed to redefine the "elite" element, like NOMO above.

@EricKaliberhall @MolochHunter


I wonder what say him to ES committing voter fraud

well you could ping me instead of asking rhetorically.

But you don't actually care. You seek to smear by association

argosciv ago

Only half accurate. You're right, I could ping you – if I was worried about a timely response. You were going to see it anyway and I'm quite content to wait for a response or get none at all (I also wasn't going to get a notification anyway, that I'm even seeing your comment is due to a simple check-in of my own recent comments).

I do actually care enough to genuinely wonder, though, and would be keen to see a fresh, solid rebuke of ES by you; including an explicit and concise condemnation of his fraudulent campaign against v/pizzagate moderators past and present (for which he did and continues to try to solicit support from unsuspecting v/pizzagate users) and his attempt to also use your complaints as a platform for said fraudulent campaign.

That'd at least be a start. If your concerns are legit, it should further concern the ever living fuck out of you when a proven-to-be-subversive user tries to hijack or leech off of your supposedly genuine position.


DO YOU DISAVOW ?????? DO YOU REBUKE_______????????

Broken Clocks. man.

I disagree with his tactics, behavior, and fakery.

Only thing I agree with him is the ideological premise that Q (as an anonymous person/group) has no place in an empirical investigation of Pizzagate.

(I believe it's a diversionary psy-op to corral users into a unified research pattern instead of blazing their own trails, and unearthing evidence)

I also rebuke you for being a self admitted gay wizard blood-drinker. Creepy.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

(I also wasn't going to get a notification anyway, that I'm even seeing your comment is due to a simple check-in of my own recent comments).

Unbelievable, this little cuck is so insecure, he hangs on every word someone who might criticize him says, and then tries to make believe like he's unconcerned. Kek.

would be keen to see a fresh, solid rebuke of ES by you; including an explicit and concise condemnation of his fraudulent campaign against v/pizzagate moderators past and present (for which he did and continues to try to solicit support from unsuspecting v/pizzagate users)

Who the fuck does this little twerp think he is. He's a SATANIST. He doesn't disavow his Babylonian Religion, but now he thinks he has a right to demand that you disavow ES, repeatedly.

and his attempt to also use your complaints as a platform for said fraudulent campaign.

So this is your fault? I don't think he logiks 2 well.

That'd at least be a start. If your concerns are legit, it should further concern the ever living fuck out of you when a proven-to-be-subversive user tries to hijack or leech off of your supposedly genuine position.

You know what would be a good start. A rope. The problem in dealing with fagos has always been his steadfast insistence that everybody feel his pain and put themselves in his shoes, gotta understand how he's suffered, while inflicting pain on those around him and swimming in his own wet-brained delusions of grandeur.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Now fagos and crunchy are targeting the women on PG, for their Mistress. Have you ever noticed that only effeminate males feel the need to seek out and attack women? Alpha boys would never even think the thought, let alone act on it.

Vindicator would never do it, he's a gentleman. I've never seen you do it, either.

Don't ever, it's very unappealing.


Alpha boys would never even think the thought, let alone act on it.

I've never seen you do it, either.

I only bully bullies.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Bullying bullies ought to be an olympics event. Fighting back against a bitch like me, isn't bullying. I call it self-preservation.

Crensch ago


upvoat. I want him to see this too

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Hey nomo, I'm up to my elbows in bread dough, will be all day. My home smells like a swedish bakery. :)

Not reading any submissions until tonight.

If you would like me to post something to PG in your name, I will.

I think you should make an IDENTIFIABLE alt and post it yourself. You were banned under a set of rules that crensch made up for his own subverses. Those rules no longer apply.

You know about the Q stuff, I only know shit when I smell it, doesn't mean I know where it came from. ;p

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

i haven't read that submission yet.

What is it you want from me?


Just Alerting the Militia @heygeorge


It's Crensch doing the same thing as post you just tagged me in.

he's literally sliding the board and legit research with SPEQULATIVE posts.

It's like they're twisting the knife

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You expected different? He's gonna teach us all a lesson, donchaknow.

How DARE we question his authoritah


why doesn't @vindicator hold Crensch to the same submission standard as us?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I have no clue. Qtards NEVER get held to the same standards, imo.


@shewhomustbeobeyed can't remember if I edited the ping


@vindicator are you gonna let this happen?

Crensch ago

Most migrations had a significant portion of the population flee.

I believed in the filter until I saw what the filter was, and who was left after it was used.

Crensch ago

Entire migrations were rebuffed thanks to your bullshit. My modlog isn't a drop of water in that ovean.


yep. dont feed the trolls

dont start censoring speech

Crensch ago

Wow. Just like reddit. Die in a fire.

This makes me so happy.

You ignore the Trolls, but you jump all over the users that are legitimate whenever they do something you don't like.

It makes me so happy to know that this still bothers you so much.

Crensch ago

Actually most people did to him what you're supposed to do to trolls and ignored him.


Keep defending your free speech while so many have been completely silenced by your policies.

Crensch ago

Remember when I destroyed zyklon, and nobody did anything about it, but continued to associate with him and let him do his thing? Remember when an innocent woman was doxxed by you? Remember when you worked with a literal Reddit cabal to change this website with Builder?


NoBS ago

Making it personal means it is time to walk away and fight another day.

You alone are making moderation into weaponized censorship on a personal level.

I suspect you mean well and thank you for baby sitting us.

Because free speech sucks but is worth getting hostile about.

Crensch ago

Begging the question and telling me what it means is a great start to this conversation.

I don't care about your characterization of my actions.

At this point, I don't believe you are legit.

NoBS ago

I'm just as legit as a bot. Yet a bot's job is to inflame with divide and conquer. I do not wish mods to divide the community. You have though theough actions that speek louder than my words. Even if you are not a bot (just kidding), you have divided this open forum though censorship. Even if justified.

Once again, justified censorship is Child porn that is not evidence and/or doxing citizen investigators for exposing "public" figures.

(important)- Unless the investigator is paid, then they are earning their keep and slander becomes the ONLY reason to censor.

Not to protect the falsely accused public figure, but the professional investigator from OUR liability.

Do you see how you have over stepped moderation into dictatorship?

Crensch ago

I'm just as legit as a bot. Yet a bot's job is to inflame with divide and conquer. I do not wish mods to divide the community. You have through actions that speak louder than words. Even if you are not a bot (just kidding), you have divided this open forum though censorship. Even if justified.

Oh, good.

Once again, justified censorship is Child porn that is not evidence and/or doxing citizen investigators for exposing "public" figures.

I'm SO interested in your opinion.

Do you see how you have over stepped moderation into dictatorship?


Crensch ago

Your submissions don't suggest you are pizzagate.


Your comment suggests you are a barely kept up Alt. 8 months ago on the second page of that.

NoBS ago

Pizzagate is a reference to red pilling and sharing open sourced information. Your ownership of an open sourced forum has gone from added value into a control freak having a temper tantrum with no self control.

You have become weaponized with self importance and niggardly of reference material that can save children. Not my children or hopefully not yours.

Are you profiting off this information? Then you are compromised and need a break.

Crensch ago

Pizzagate is a reference to red pilling and sharing open sourced information. Your ownership of an open sourced forum has gone from added value into a control freak having a temper tantrum with no self control.

So emotionally charged!

Are you profiting off this information? Then you are compromised and need a break.


Consider yourself counted as a non-issue.



Don't pretend to have the will of the people.

You just have a position of authority. Respect the Proles and enforce the LETTER OF THE LAW.

Crensch ago

You have no power here.

You don't have the will of the people. You have the will of the trolls and Usual Suspects.

You had every opportunity to make this right, but you seem to think you have some kind of say in what happens here.

Let me give you a little hint: the last time we had a real conversation about rules, almost nobody participated, but certain people voted multiple times on alts.

Vin is right. The users just want to be left alone to do their research. You just seem to want to pick a fight. One of these things is not like the other.


You have no power here.

nobody cares about power but you

Crensch ago

Then why did you argue about the flairs? Why did you push a false dichotomy that would be textbook for the kind of people that want to destroy places like pizzagate?




"questioned" you about the flair change

that would be textbook

accuse. accuse. accuse.

Crensch ago

"questioned" you about the flair change

Why are you a shill?

(Just questioning, right?)


Nope. I'm not. How was my question hostile to you?

Crensch ago

You didn't answer my question.


Nope. I'm not a shill.

Crensch ago

Now figure out how this situation is similar to what you were doing to me and Vin, and you'll finally figure out what your malfunction is.


demanding a straight answer from a mod?

Crensch ago



I answered with a declaration

you 3vade with endless questions

Crensch ago

Why are you a shill?


I am not.

Crensch ago

Still on this?

Watch nothing happen. Watch nothing continued to happen.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagatemods submission by @Vindicator.

Posted automatically (#64409) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@NOMOCHOMO: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Vindicator)

Crensch ago

Looks like you've gone above and beyond on the Buck research. Well done. Could have solved a lot if you'd just done that and posted to help darkknight get his post in line with the rules. You know, that's the entire point of the 24h flair, right? So users can help bring submissions in line.

Can I appeal?


You can:

1) Make a public apology to everyone for shitting up darkknight's post with meta BS

2) Make a public apology to me and Vindicator for trying to drive a wedge between us with the false dichotomy of "which one is right" when it was both a swamp takedown AND rule-breaking submission. i.e. this horseshit. Explain how the flairs are not opposing, since one is a celebration of a bad guy going down, and the other is a formatting warning.

3) Make a public apology for pitting mods against previous missed posts that may or may not have violated the rules despite the subject-matter being the same. (Not all posts about the same subject are equal, you know, like how the original post and its current iteration land on different sides of the rules)

3) Remove any and all meta shitstirring crap against the mods, since all you're doing is trying to rabble-rouse those that want to destroy places like PG and GA, and giving them an 'in' to do so, evidenced by your pinging PV and SBBH users.

There will be no arguments. There will be no negotiation. This is your one shot, and it's all you get. Snark will be taken as a repudiation of this offer.

Ball's in your court.

REB_Militia ago

Christ, this guy is the final boss of neckbeards.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/PVTantrums comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#67357) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@REB_Militia: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)

Crensch ago

85scp 62ccp in 2.8 years.

Nice alt, faggot.

REB_Militia ago

What is lurking?

That is correct for $500

Crensch ago

Why would I believe that?

REB_Militia ago

I don't see the purpose of an alt. Why would someone have two accounts? And why would calling out how cringey you act in regards to your power on an internet forum, rightfully so, be an indicator that this is not my main account?

Crensch ago

I don't see the purpose of an alt. Why would someone have two accounts?

And you call yourself a lurker?

And why would calling out how cringey you act in regards to your power on an internet forum, rightfully so, be an indicator that this is not my main account?

15 day old comment you're necrothreading.

Kek. <---



Crensch ago

@Vindicator see above - it's not showing up, but I have -1 on each of these comments within 36 minutes from an account with 62 ccp in a 15-day-old necrothread.

Vindicator ago

Dead for nine months until 17 days ago

Almost all comments are in the Nomo related threads since then. And what "lurker" browses pizzagatemods?

Crensch ago


SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagatemods comment by @NOMOCHOMO.

Posted automatically (#65406) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Crensch: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @NOMOCHOMO)

NoBS ago

What the hell, only two suck ups upvoted this control freak? Spend that pedo profit on older sex slaves next time and you'll get three, perv.

Maybe wash your ass before your victims kiss it. Or do sadist cult members use disposable slaves to lick 'em clean. After shitting on Pizzagate of course.

CantDentTheBrent ago

no you can make an apology

Grovel filthy goyim, if you want to be in our special psyop



I noticed @Vindicator just modified the rules 10 minutes ago @shewhomustbeobeyed. I'm not accusing anybody of anything.

last available archive:


Rules 1 and 5 have been changed

5 was NSFW. It is now "comment abuse"

NoBS ago

Yeah. Abusing opinions on an opinion site is grounds to censor opinon.

Red tape, rules and by-laws empower censorship. It's much older than Fascism or Communism.

All dictators must censorship to gain power, let alone keep it.



Stonewall Dems purged his account.

it verifies the 2016 account of Buck showing black meth porn to a "trans activist" at a stonewall retreat



@vindicator @shewhomustbeobeyed @darkknight111

Ed Buck here, 25 years older, and many centuries wiser. When we recalled Mecham, I was still a Republican. I didn't leave the Republican Party, it left me. I can remember Barry Goldwater saying "out of the boardroom and out of the bedroom" when referring to the role of government. That's the GOP I was a proud member of. Then I can remember Newt's "Contract with America". I wonder if we can sue the GOP for violating the terms of our agreement. My principals have not changed, but to keep true to them, my political party had to change.

Ed Buck-West Hollywood.

Fundamental to Pizzagate is the belief that a valid government has the authority to say no child rape happens in your bedroom.

Ed Buck is Pizzagate. Period.



@darkknight111 @shewhomustbeobeyed @vindicator

Oklahoma Republicans must take a stand to change the "intolerant thinking" presented in the state GOP platform, an Arizona businessman and gay activist, said Saturday.

Ed Buck, speaking to a handful of people at the Oasis Community Center in Oklahoma City, said the state Republican charter is not a product of "true Republican thinking."

"Because people don't get involved, the moralists have taken over the party and made the platform," Buck said.

Buck said laissez-faire is the Republican approach, but in issues where the national party takes no definite stand, states may make their own judgment.

"The national party has taken no stand, so that leaves it to the states to be as absurd and ridiculous as they want," he said.

"With morality, it's out of the boardroom and into the bedroom. I think this position the moralists are taking is destroying the Republican party.

"It says to be a Republican is to be intolerant and narrow-minded," he said.

Buck said Oklahoma and Arizona are the only states he knows of that have faced the issues of homosexuality and AIDS education in their political charters.

The state platform, Buck pointed out, opposes any state-mandated sex education programs, including AIDS education.

Buck said Surgeon General Dr. C. Everett Koop suggests in a report that AIDS education must be taught beginning at the lowest grade level possible as part of any health program.

Buck was a prominent figure in the recall effort against Arizona Gov. Evan Mecham. He said the citizens of the state saw the "ridiculous intolerance" and turned against the first-term Republican in a "blanket rejection."

The political activist said more Republicans should become involved in precinct committees to change the charter. "They have a duty to get involved and change it," he said.

"Conservative Republicans have to clean up their act. They need to be more in touch with Americans who are not going to put up with interference in their business and private lives," he said.



@vindicator @shewhomustbeobeyed @darkknight111


I found the motherlode that clearly ties Ed Buck to Pizzagate back in 2017


EDITOR’S NOTE: This story originally was published by WEHOville in April 2017. Ed Buck now is back in the news because of the discovery of a dead African-American man in his Laurel Avenue apartment on Monday. This story recounts the history of this prominent white and gay West Hollywood man.

Who is Ed Buck? Those who follow politics in West Hollywood know him as the guy whose successful campaign for a ban on fur sales helped propel City Councilmember John D’Amico into office in 2011. He’s also known for his tenacious digging into City Hall records to make a claim that credit cards were being misused. And he is known for his financial support for local, county, state and national Democratic Party candidates.

Another side to Buck has come to light lately with the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department announcing it is opening an investigation into the death in Buck’s Laurel Avenue apartment on July 27 of a young African-American man named Gemmel Moore, who was a self-confessed prostitute. The L.A. County Coroner’s Office had ruled the death an accident caused by an overdose of methamphetamine, a highly addictive and dangerous drug that is popular among some gay men. The Sheriff’s Department says that drugs and drug paraphernalia were found at Buck’s apartment.

That side of Buck has drawn little comment from local political figures, although the Stonewall Democratic Club, an LGBT political group, last week asked Buck to step down from his position on its steering committee. But it has attracted a lot of attention from the right-wing media here and abroad, including publications such as the Drudge Report; TruNews, a Christian news site; Political VelCraft, a right-wing conspiracy site, and Voat.com, a website that promotes conspiracy theories such as PizzaGate. Stories on those sites call out Buck’s financial support for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, his homosexuality, his alleged attraction to young African-American men and his alleged drug use.

Recently LGBT African-American activists also have begun to speak out, calling for an investigation into Moore’s death. Ashlee Marie Preston, the transgender African-American editor of “Wear Your Voice,” an online feminist publication, has written about an odd experience she had with Buck. “Moore’s death is centered around power dynamics, a wealthy white politico and his deadly fetishization of disenfranchised black men,” Preston wrote. And Jasmyne Cannick,a black communications and public affairs strategist, has called out Moore’s death on her website with the headline “Journal Documents How Wealthy Democratic Donor Hooked Young Black Gay Man on Meth Before His Death.”

Edward Bernard Peter Buckmelter (he changed his last name to Buck in 1983) was born into a middle-class family in Steubenville, Ohio, on Aug. 24, 1954. When he was six he moved with his parents, a brother and two sisters to Phoenix, Ariz. “My childhood was uneventful as hell,” he said in an interview with the Arizona Republic in June 1987.

Ed Buck in 1987 (Arizona Republic)

Buck attended a Catholic elementary school and graduated from North High School and Phoenix College. Buck has described his father as a “longtime alcoholic.” As a child, Buck himself was a handful according to his mother, who was interviewed in October 1987 by E.J. Montini of the Arizona Republic. “The dean of boys had a hot line to my phone at work,” she said, speaking of Buck’s high school years. “I’d answer the phone and say, ‘All right, what is it this time?’”

Buck came out to his parents as gay at the age of 16 and, while attending college, won a three-month internship that took him to Yugoslavia. In his profile, the Arizona Republic’s Montini says that a year after that Buck returned to Europe and was offered a spot as an extra in a TV commercial. Buck stayed in Europe for five years, living in Paris and Amsterdam, where he worked as a fashion model and appeared in movies and magazines. He also modeled in Japan for Wrangler jeans. Buck returned to Arizona in 1980 and began working for a friend as a bicycle courier.

In his interview with Montini, Buck said he worked for the Arizona franchise of Rapid Information Services, a business owned by a friend that provided driver’s license information to insurance companies. Despite his lack of business experience, and the business’s poor financial situation (his friend ran it out of a one-bedroom apartment), Buck saw great potential in it. A year and a half after joining and helping build the business, Buck bought it out of bankruptcy for $250,000 and renamed it Gopher Courier. Five years later he sold it for what he said in another interview was “more than a million dollars profit.”

Very wealthy at the age of 32, Buck took risks, opening a restaurant and getting into the pay telephone business, on both of which he lost money. He owned a $280,000 house on top of a hill near Squaw Peak (now known as Piestewa Peak), a mountain outside of Phoenix. He also, according to a story in the Gayly Oklahoman newspaper, had entered into a relationship with a Chippendale dancer.

Buck found new meaning in his life with the election in 1987 of Evan Mecham, a Republican, as Arizona’s 17th governor. Mecham was a controversial figure, not least because of his decision to end Martin Luther King Day as a paid holiday for state employees, his claim that high divorce rates were caused by women holding jobs and his description of African-American children as “pickaninnies.” Then there were the accusations that he misused state funds and failed to disclose a $350,000 campaign loan.

Ed Buck named Grand Marshal at the International Gay Rodeo’s 1989 Arizona event.

Buck launched a successful effort to impeach Mecham, leading the Arizona Republic to describe Buck as a “millionaire, self-acknowledged homosexual and registered Republican” who was “destined to go down in history as one of Arizona’s most unlikely political figures.”

The impeachment campaign was a rough one, with Buck attacked because he was gay. It also resulted in publicity about Buck’s arrest for “public sexual indecency” in an adult bookstore in 1983. Buck pleaded guilty and paid a fine, and the charge was dismissed. He claimed a cop had seen him grab the crotch of a friend. Buck also was called out for trying to get a drugstore to fill a fake prescription for Percocet, a highly addictive drug that contains oxycodone. In an interview in 1988 with the Washington Blade, Buck said he had made a copy of an existing prescription and needed to fill it because of pain from a root canal. Buck was indicted by a Maricopa (Ariz.) County grand jury on a charge of “attempting to obtain a narcotic through fraud or deceit.” A judge agreed to dismiss charges against Buck if he would be tested weekly for drug use for one year.

Given that Buck was openly gay, and that Mecham was known as homophobic (he once said during a radio interview that he would ask for a list of gay state employees, implying he would fire them), Buck became somewhat of an LGBT community hero. In 1989, for example, he was named Grand Marshal of the International Gay Rodeo in Arizona. Yet Buck didn’t identify with some parts of the gay community. In his interview with the Washington Blade, Buck criticized some for their flamboyance. “We dress up, we see guys in their best leather, others in their best dresses, marching down the street,” he said. “These people do not represent the majority of gay people, who would never wear costumes. And it drives the semi-closeted and moderate gay people underground.”

Switching Parties

In 1988 at a Republican Party conference in Oklahoma City, Buck called for changes in the party’s “intolerant” stand on LGBT rights in Oklahoma, which included opposition to state-mandated sex education programs in schools. Unable to make major changes in his political party, Buck soon switched allegiances. In an online post in 2010, he explained his decision. “I didn’t leave the Republican Party, it left me. I can remember Barry Goldwater saying ‘out of the boardroom and out of the bedroom’ when referring to the role of government. That’s the GOP I was a proud member of … My principals have not changed, but to keep true to them, my political party had to change.”

letsdothis3 ago

Also look at Ed Buck's relationship with Adam Schiff. It's all over Twitter.

And this : https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2643401


Yep. I linked your post yesterday trying to establish relevancy with @Crensch


he banned me for asking why Buck isn't "relevant" if Vin considers him "Swamp" and there are multiple prior posts.

plz help get me unbanned. It's a farce


NoBS ago

It seems the Pedo-Blackmailers have singled you out. Thank you for identifying the control freaks.

Who the hell is does this Crensch think he is, Mussolini? Hard to connect censorship to the Vatican, they have MI6 and CIA assets for that.


Please spread this info far and wide, people need to know what chambers are censored so research thrives

Vindicator ago

I found the motherlode that clearly ties Ed Buck to Pizzagate back in 2017 and Buck to Sexualizing Children in 1988.

Excellent. This is exactly why we flair posts. You are an excellent digger, Nomo. I wish you had just given DK a hand and posted this instead of creating drama.


The only reason I found it is because I was banned....Not because of either of your flairs.

I asked @Crensch a question. He repeatedly evaded with counter questions.

Ego, bruised from the questioning, He then made my membership dependent on proving another users' post.

Crensch's Unprecedented Whim became a user-specific guideline. A Dangerous Despotic Precedent

Repeating a question to a Mod is "baiting" them?

Different Mods hold different users to different standards?

The reason given for my ban is Rule 1: Relevance.

Even though you edited Rule 1 last night (cut/pasting "NSFW" from Rule 5), you didn't change "relevance" to apply to comments. It is a submission standard.

To ban a user for a comment that doesn't fulfill a submission guideline is comment censorship.

Because Relevance does not apply to comments. You changed Rule 5 from "NSFW" to "Comment Abuse" without notifying the pizzagate community.

I am shining a light on Moderation. Any scrutiny is framed as "drama".

Unban me. I broke no rules.

I wont break your Modified Rule 5, but please announce it.

kestrel9 ago

Show us how exactly that link demonstrates that Ed Buck is a pedophile, or is part of a pedophile ring, or the victim of pedophiles.

@vindicator @crensch


Voat.com, a website that promotes conspiracy theories such as PizzaGate. Stories on those sites call out Buck’s financial support for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, his homosexuality, his alleged attraction to young African-American men and his alleged drug use.

Our reporting on goes mainstream....Published Newspapers with actual PRINTED circulation repeat our reporting.

It's so mainstream Vin gave it a Swamp takedown flair.

kestrel9 ago

@Vindicator explained that when he gave it the flair he'd forgotten that the victim profile was black men in their 20s. Not underage.

Linking the prior links to Ed Buck isn't protesting no. Insisting that they constitute absolute proof of why a post on Ed Buck's arrest belongs on PG instead of PGWE can be construed as protesting in this case. That being said I understand why people might assume there's concrete proof. It takes work to dig around and then not find what one assumes was there.

I disagree with your point on Edit 2. If info cited by a reporter in relation to PG/Voat is enough to constitute absolute proof of something then we are barking up the wrong tree here. That would make the scope of PG limited to a shooter going into Comet Ping Pong Pizza to find babies in the basement.


Insisting that they constitute absolute proof.

Prior relevant submissions = justification for updates

can be construed

...don't misconstrue you Jew.

That would make the scope of PG limited to a shooter going into Comet Ping Pong Pizza to find babies in the basement.

No. It would not make it "limited to"

it would include all reporting on pizzagate. Edgar Welch was a valid subject of discussion as it was clearly a psy-op meant to delegitimize us...hence the many submissions


But because it was related to our investigation it is a legitimate research topic.


state-mandated sex education programs in schools.

Sex Ed in Schools is an organized Pedo Push originating in California in the 60's


ties to sex ed in school and pizza code:


Mandated Sex Ed in schools is by definition, State Sponsored Sexualization of Children. Siecus is now pushing "pedophilia" as an orientation


kestrel9 ago

Show how Ed Buck is involved supporting NAMBLA philosophy being taught in school or other 'love is love' and age doesn't matter philosophy. He has been shown to be a gay serial killer targeting black gay men in their 20s. Period.

All gays support teaching gay sex ed in school, doesn't mean they are pedophiles. He's a serial killer. Not giving him ah pass. But not giving you a pass on insisting that you make your own case if you think he's a pedophile or if you have connections showing him being connected to Adam Schiff beyond making campaign contributions, most all Democrats donate to Democrat politicians. The Ed Buck arrest post belonged in PGWE, not PG.

Al Vernacchio is a teacher, preK-12 Sexuality Education Coordinator, and chair of the Upper School English Department at the elite Friends' Central School in Wynewood, PA.

Sex ed teachers may include pedophiles, not all sex ed teachers are pedophiles, and this particular has not been shown to be connected to Ed Buck.

To my knowledge, State Sponsored sex Ed has yet to push for pedophilia as a current acceptable social policy, (that kids should be okay with having sex with adults 'if they want'), they may cover it in some historical context as a gateway towards that goal (we know pedos do push for expanded assess to kids through education and any other venue they can think up). That much is true. Is that connection enough to confirm that Ed Buck is a pedophile? I don't think so.


Show how Ed Buck is involved supporting NAMBLA philosophy being taught in school or other 'love is love' and age doesn't matter philosophy.

I ALREADY DID: https://voat.co/v/pizzagatemods/3433526/20647245

Ed Buck here, 25 years older, and many centuries wiser. When we recalled Mecham, I was still a Republican. I didn't leave the Republican Party, it left me. I can remember Barry Goldwater saying "out of the boardroom and out of the bedroom" when referring to the role of government. That's the GOP I was a proud member of. Then I can remember Newt's "Contract with America". I wonder if we can sue the GOP for violating the terms of our agreement. My principals have not changed, but to keep true to them, my political party had to change.

Ed Buck-West Hollywood.

Fundamental to Pizzagate is the belief that a valid government has the authority to say no child rape happens in your bedroom....Anybody arguing for government enforcing anything else is arguing for pedophilia.

Ed Buck is Pizzagate. Period

All gays

false. You don't speak for gays.

All gays support teaching gay sex ed in school, doesn't mean they are pedophiles

"sex education" is a NAMBLA philosophy being taught in schools. Sex Ed was started by Mary Calderone and SIECUS in the 60's it was connected to Dr John Money (Pedophile) and other prominent Psychologists and Sexologists

kestrel9 ago

How do you know whether Ed Buck telling Republicans to go for NAMBLA philosophy in the schools in 1988?


He was pushing for gay rights and AIDS awareness. I realize that pederasty is associated with some gay men. Are you assuming they are all pederasts now? Do you just 'know' which gays support pedophilia and pederasty based on who wants sex ed about homosexuality and AIDS awareness in the schools?

Buck said Oklahoma and Arizona are the only states he knows of that have faced the issues of homosexuality and AIDS education in their political charters.

So the Oklahoma politicians in 1988 who faced the issues Ed Buck brings up (homosexuality and AIDS) are pederasts? (maybe they are, did you check on any?)

Buck said Surgeon General Dr. C. Everett Koop suggests in a report that AIDS education must be taught beginning at the lowest grade level possible as part of any health program.

Is Surgeon General Dr. C. Everett Koop a pederast by your criteria? (maybe he is? who knows but the point is this alone doesn't prove it).

There were plenty of Republican pederast in 1988, so why didn't Ed Buck stick with the party?

Franklin child prostitution ring allegations - Wikipedia


The Franklin child prostitution ring allegations began in June 1988 in Omaha, Nebraska and attracted significant public and political interest until late 1990, when separate state and federal grand juries concluded that the allegations were unfounded and the ring was a "carefully crafted hoax.".

If anything, maybe Ed Buck was covering for them by saying they were too 'moral'. That's an intriguing line of thought.

If he was a pederast seems he'd want Republicans to stay in power.

He may belong in PGWE, still have not seen enough close connections to show that he is a pederast/pedophile or a victim of such or specifically knew that any of his friends were. Or even any incidence of people talking about him liking teenage boys or having pics of them, or subscribing Nambla material or even having CP on his computer.


The Sex Ed agenda is Pizzagate.

Children don't need THE STATE which mandates their attendance in public schools to teach them about sex.

it is the role of the parent.

Ed Buck wants the "government out of his bedroom"

but he also wants the government to enforce kindergarten education about his bedroom.

I dont disagree that he could be covering up for Franklin scandal.

But his advocacy of sex education is a part of the elite propogation and normalization of child sexuality. The history of this strategy has been well documented and found "relevant" to the pizzagate investigation.

Vindicator ago

Different Mods hold different users to different standards?

Wrong. I already explained this. I screwed up and failed to flair for Rule 1, because I forgot Buck's victims were all adults. Because we removed almost all of the Buck posts previously, @think- who knew I was away from the computer all day, pinged Crensch to change the flair. You keep spinning events to fit the narrative of unfair flairing, and you continue to ignore the fact that Crensch was right, you were wrong to argue with him about darkknight's post breaking Rule 1, and you abused the Comment section for your own egotistical ends.

I didn't edit Rule 1 -- I appended the NSFW rule to it without changing either one in any way so as to keep the number of rules the same. We have never used Rule 5 anyway. It was wasted space.

To ban a user for a comment that doesn't fulfill a submission guideline is comment censorship. Because Relevance does not apply to comments.

So you think you should have free rein to shit up other people's submissions with your rants about how bad you think moderation is, when we have an entire subverse for that because the whole community agreed they didn't want that stuff on the main board, because you know you'll get banned if you submit a shitpost to assuage your ego?


I am shining a light on Moderation. Any scrutiny is framed as "drama".

You are tearing down the community when you could have built it up -- as you just demonstrated in this submission. You were fully capable of helping DK fix his post, but instead of doing so, you got into a fight. Why did it take a ban to get you to do the right thing? You do realize, this argues in support of banning shitty behavior, right?

You changed Rule 5 from "NSFW" to "Comment Abuse" without notifying the pizzagate community.

I haven't had time to write up an discussion post yet, due to the same real life responsibilities that have kept me away from the board of late. But this has actually been in place for several months under the Sitewide Rules. If you check the banlog, you will see that Putt added the Voat User Agreement to the rule violations list moderators can cite some time ago, and Donkey was banned for comment abuse under that -- at the request of multiple users -- after he impersonated another user to discredit her research. @Crensch could have done the same in your case, though he chose to ban you for undermining the prime submission rule. There is not an option to click more than one rule in the ban interface.

We discussed the matter and agreed there should be a subverse rule that reflected the User Agreement requirement to Respect Other Users, since this has come up now several times recently, and the UA also tells mods "When you receive notice that there is content that violates this user agreement on subverses you moderate, you agree to remove it."

Unban me. I broke no rules.

You broke at least two. Crensch was pretty clear about what you need to do to have your posting privileges restored. It's up to you.

We have a subverse full of people who either are survivors or who are family or friends of people subjected to elite child rape. They have been here for years, contributing. It's a dick move to turn their hard work into your off-topic soapbox.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagatemods comment by @NOMOCHOMO.

Posted automatically (#64497) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Vindicator: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @NOMOCHOMO)

CantDentTheBrent ago

You're not fucking special dude.

You have not accomplished shit besides acquiring an army of retarded facebook boomers.

You and that faggot @Crensch glow like fucking kikes.


All you need to do is find a fat jewess to send @Crensch some flappy tit pics and you're in.


Wrong. I already explained this.

you previously said:

"while I was AFK, users DMed him that we had deleted most previous posts about Buck

this time, it's

@think- who knew I was away from the computer all day, pinged Crensch to change the flair

"User" to "users". Your story is changing. Why would @think private message Crensch to moderate, rather than comment and tag him publically. You are proving that ya'll do hold different users to different standards. Apparently some have back channel influence.

So you think you should have free rein to shit up other people's submissions with your rants about how bad you think moderation is?


"baiting" has become a "rant".

I merely QUESTIONED him

A. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3432234/20631962.

B. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3432234/20632100

C. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3432234/20632406



E. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3432234/20632802

F. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3432234/20632873

Putt added the Voat User Agreement to the rule violations list moderators can cite some time ago,

"When you receive notice that there is content that violates this user agreement on subverses you moderate, you agree to remove it."

Cite the user agreement rule I broke.

@Crensch could have done the same in your case

What users have asked for me to be banned? Who have I impersonated?

think- ago

Why would @think private message Crensch to moderate, rather than comment and tag him publically.

I will make this brief, Nomochomo:

I indeed PMed, since sometimes users who are pinged don't get the ping, and writing a PM is to make sure they actually get a message.

Everyone is free to PM the mods at any given time, either by mod mail, or by PMing them.

That's not a special privilege I have.

And unlike you, I'm not keen on starting a 'muh the mods were wrong!!' shitshow on public threads.

I knew that @Vindicator was busy in rl, so I also PMed the other two PG mods.

@Crensch was the one who changed the flair, but as you can see from @Vindicator's replies, he would have done the same if he had been in.

On a side note, trying to paint my PM as something shady, or accusing @Vindicator of lying is one of your usual asshole moves, and I'm really tired of them.

Please note that I have blocked you, and don't get pings when you reply, so you don't have to make the effort to write a response. Bye.


I knew that @Vindicator was busy in rl, so I also PMed the other two PG mods.

Why didn't you comment your concerns on the post if you thought it was "rule-breaking" ?


How Buck thought he could proceed with business as usual is staggering.


Instead of going to the user, you went above them, and didn't share your concerns with us pizzagate researchers.

On a side note, trying to paint my PM as something shady, or accusing @Vindicator of lying is one of your usual asshole moves, and I'm really tired of them.

Vin said "users" PM'd him. That shrank to just you. Unless there are other shady snitches?

Crensch ago

Vin said "users" PM'd him. That shrank to just you. Unless there are other shady snitches?

Now that users of the sub are shady snitches for messaging the mods?



I changed it to secret police...I agree snitch has the wrong connotation

Vindicator ago

You haven't been around long, so I wouldn't expect you to know that throughout the first entire year of this subverse, when we had 40 posts a day, we regularly asked users to please message the moderators whenever they saw a submission that needed to be removed, or one that could use a flair (positive or negative). In the past year since we started giving the 24 Hour Grace period, we've also encouraged people to help each other fix rule-breaking submissions if and when they have time to help research them.

Your insistence in casting shade on this practice does not put you in a good light.

Why exactly to you feel entitled to dictate how this subverse should operate?

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat comment by @NOMOCHOMO.

Posted automatically (#64577) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Vindicator: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @NOMOCHOMO)


You haven't been around long...to help research them.

If that's true, prove it with a link.

Your insistence in casting shade on this practice does not put you in a good light.

I'm a shining a light at secret moderation.

I think its shady to tattle on a user to a mod in private, without addressing the issue in your public comment on their post.

Why exactly to you feel entitled to dictate how this subverse should operate?

2 words. Free Speech.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Nomo, there is nothing wrong with users PMing the mods with requests or questions. If Vindicator hadn't helped me in private I never would have been able to post anything that meets sub rules. Hell, if you hadn't helped me with the last one I wouldn't have posted it.

I wouldn't have talked to the submitter of that post either. If he isn't a theoldones alt then he is friends with him, and that makes him potentially volatile and unreasonable to deal with.

You're never going to get anywhere with this. These people will not admit their most egregious mistakes. Ever.


I completely agree with you. I have no issues with PMing anyone....As long as Mods are honest about the PM's they receive. @Vindicator lied about the volume of complaints he recieved.

I wouldn't have talked to the submitter of that post either. If he isn't a theoldones alt then he is friends with him

DarkKnight111? Think- did talk to the submitter by commenting on the post....but made no mention of relevancy


and that makes him potentially volatile and unreasonable to deal with.

So instead report his post in secret? I appreciate your input, but respectfully disagree.

I usually jump into the mud pit.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I tried that, reported tOO to the mods, one thinks I'm crazy for my opinions, and the other one accused me of lying. So I handled it myself, tried on my first internet spurge-out (amateurish attempt, at best). Lost my only 'female internet friend' as a final result. Learned much, like user opinions don't matter, especially when there are imaginary interweb wars to be won. It's okay though, nothing can stop what's happening.


Nothing can stop what's happening

take refuge in God :)

I totally hear you and understand your position/strat.

I prefer to martyr my account, so to speak, to preserve transparency. If I'm banned, I'm not contributing my energy/research to this forum, as it can be better used other places.

If Mods still deem my intentions pure, and allow me to contribute. I will give them the same courtesy.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

That's the problem, nomo. Some crazy fucker told them that you were ES, all the boogiemen on PG are either ES or donqi. Now the only way for you to prove your intentions are pure is to get down on your hands and knees, grovel and beg for forgiveness, and then hope that cren doesn't move the goalpost yet again. Like I said, I don't blame you, or anyone else for leaving.

heygeorge ago

You haven't been around long...to help research them.

If that's true, prove it with a link.

One can demonstrate by looking at your 11 month account. Just sayin’.

@shewhomustbeobeyed I watched some actual bonafide network TV last night. I saw an ad for Depend undergarments. It made me think of you and hope you are doing well.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

That's funny, I think of you when I see those ads, too. I wonder what Pavlov would say? Now that school is back, work on the project has slowed.

And I am good, thank you. Hope you and yours are as well.

Did you get the squirrels?

heygeorge ago

Did you get the squirrels?

They LEFT!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

How did you make that happen?

heygeorge ago

Squirrel 1: Remove rotten section of wood in soffit. About two 5 gallon buckets worth of debris including branches and leaves falls out. Whoops, I trashed his home. He came back very confused, up there reeing and trying to fathom it, but left by the end of the next day.

Squirrel 2: I guess squirrels don’t like power washers.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I got desert chipmunks that burrow under my brick front porch, thinking about drowning them out this year.

Power Washer you say? wonder if it will work for burrow holes?

heygeorge ago

If it won’t work, at the very least you can undermine your foundation! And that is exciting, too!

*I do not think you would undermine your foundation. You know it is so crazy it just might work, tho. I can’t imagine those creatures have a natural defense instinct against water-based trauma

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I asked the boys to fill the holes with concrete. They won't do it, and they won't tell me why they think it won't work. I am really good at shooting the little critters off my fence and feeding them to the coyotes.


I excerpted that poorly. please see edit for relevant portion

heygeorge ago


Crensch ago

Vindicator ago

Users private message moderators about rule breaking submissions all the time. Your attempt to characterize this as nefarious shows a keen lack of understanding of the community.

The main job of moderators in v/pizzagate is specifically to be the designated asshole who takes the heat for keeping the subverse on topic so users don't have to. It's why the subscriber base has voted repeatedly for both moderators and Rule 1. Your behavior is a perfect example of why they want it this way. People want to focus on research, not deal with constant attacks and smear campaigns. For nearly three years I've done my best to carry out this task in the manner the subscribers desired.


Not according to your fellow Moderator @heygeorge and Moderator @Crensch a year ago


We’ve fallen so far.


please familiarize yourself with these moderator rules. The guys that were banned for "spam" were trolling a bit, but no actual spam was posted. Mods are not gods here, we have janitorial functions, and that's all.

Mods are not gods here, we have janitorial functions, and that's all.

For nearly three years I've done my best to carry out this task in the manner the subscribers desired

fucking check yourself dude. Look at the downvoats on your NEW RULE. You're power tripping.

Crensch ago

That looks like exactly the number of downvotes as the number of sbbh trolls that are supporting you.

Also, heyGeorge was never a mod.

You don't seem to understand much of anything about this website with a claim like that.


That looks like exactly the number of downvotes as the number of sbbh trolls that are supporting you.

15 downvoats and counting.

named the accused

Crensch ago



looks like

accusations and assumptions...unless you have access to user info which would prove your claim?

Also, heyGeorge was never a mod.

heygeorge is still a mod


You're a sad, despotic liar Crensch.

but idgaf if you Unban me and follow the rules.

Crensch ago

accusations and assumptions...unless you have access to user info which would prove your claim?

Count the number of faggots not from pizzagate that have stood up for you.

Looks about right.



are deceiving

Crensch ago

@heygeorge is still a mod

Look at the letter next to his name you absolute fucking idiot

heygeorge ago

Look at the letter next to his name you absolute fucking idiot

I lel’d

Crensch ago

He's still at it. Doesn't know what [S] is, either.


Then why is he listed under Moderators?

Crensch ago

What is his function?


Thanks for asking...Idk. it's very confusing....considering he's listed as a Mod.

There is no Mod page that explains these roles. Like there is for "Rules"

It's probably more confusing even than conflicting flairs.

As I understand it, he has been granted mod priveliges, he just chooses to only work on CSS.

but he expects you to ban him because he's already been banned from greatawakening


found the explanation: it ought to be linked in sidebar


according to @puttitout

He's a designer..... A class of Moderator and a valid person to tag for input.

Crensch ago

He designs shit.

There is also a submitter designation that would go in that list. Are they mods?



There is also a submitter designation that would go in that list



L1 / OwnerJPG: Unrestricted access.

L2 / ModeratorPNG: Nearly unrestricted access. Can't add new Owners, can't Anon a sub, can't remove other L2 mods.

L3 / JanitorJPG: Able to remove posts / comments, flair posts, ban users and distinguish content only.

L4 / DesignerJPG: Able to access stylesheet and modify flairs only.

"would go"? you're making up shit.

Crensch ago

You dumbfuck.


What is that?

What is that S?

Explain to me what that S is next to his name, you absolute fucking idiot.


Your user preferences are set to hide adult content.

not clicking that. please excerpt or explain.

Crensch ago


Change your user preferences, you fucking kike.

The mod list has a user there with [S] next to his name. What is it? He can't mod. He can't remove things. Just like D can't, but somehow D is a mod?

Is S a mod, too?


I guess in that forum. Is it one in v/pizzagate?


Crensch ago

Not the point, but something tells me you know that and you're paid to pretend you don't.



Crensch ago


Despite his work on this, it seems like there's not anyone that cares to weigh in here save the types that pushed for and supported the doxxing of a pizzagate researcher.

In fact, he has pinged no less than two of them.

And I guess I'm supposed to take his continued association with them as a repudiation of my offer.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

it seems like there's not anyone that cares to weigh in here save the types that pushed for and supported the doxxing of a pizzagate researcher.

Are you referring to me with this statement? It's not true, I never wanted anyone doxxed.

heygeorge ago



Crensch removed 2 days ago on 9/18/2019 11:05:52 PM

"Rule Violation in v/pizzagate: 4: Indirectly Relevant / Meta"


@vindicator @heygeorge @shewhomustbeobeyed

Rule 4

"Meta submissions and general discussion submissions without sources will be removed. Please submit indirectly relevant posts to /v/pizzagatewhatever and unsourced questions to /v/AskPizzagate. Sourced activism / publicity posts and memes are allowed. Posts about the subverse itself go to /v/pizzagatemods."

this is the first comment ever removed for Rule 4

another dangerous precedent.


I appreciate that


Buck continued his political involvement as a Democrat, hosting a fundraiser for the Gay and Lesbian Political Campaign Fund ’90 in 1989 at his Squaw Peak home, with openly gay U.S. Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) as a special guest. He also helped raise money for HIV/AIDS services in Arizona. He also successfully pushed Circle K, a nationwide chain of convenience stores based in Phoenix, to back away from a policy of denying medical coverage to those with AIDS or substance abuse problems.

Buck “retired” to West Hollywood in 1991. One of the causes he embraced in WeHo was rescuing abandoned or endangered animals. He is said to have fostered care for more than 40 over a five-year period. In 2007 he made an unsuccessful run for a seat on the City Council. In that campaign, he teamed up with Steve Martin and Heavenly Wilson to challenge incumbents John Heilman, Abbe Land and Sal Guarriello, all of whom were re-elected. In 2010 Buck was featured on CNN and other news channels when he attended a town hall meeting and interrupted Meg Whitman, who was running as the Republican candidate for governor of California. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie went face-to-face with Buck and asked him to stop.

Ed Buck’s 2007 election bio (League of Women Voters)

Buck put his political energy and skills to work in a campaign to get West Hollywood to enact the nation’s first ban on the sale of fur products. As part of that effort, he backed John D’Amico’s campaign for a seat on the City Council. D’Amico declared his support for a fur ban, something opposed by the WeHo Chamber of Commerce and some local businesses. Buck also helped D’Amico in his effort to position himself as a reformer who would push back against the political establishment, especially John Heilman, who has been on the City Council since West Hollywood was incorporated in 1984.

As part of that effort, Buck demanded access to city records to build a case that City Hall staffers and some City Council members were misusing city credit cards. That campaign focused mostly on Fran Solomon, the deputy to Heilman. In a press conference the day before the March 7, 2011, election, D’Amico and fellow challengers Scott Schmidt, Steve Martin, Mito Aviles and Lucas John Junkin issued a statement saying that ”tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars (have been) wasted on high-end meals and luxurious gifts for City Hall staff, developers and lobbyists.”

A subsequent investigation by the city largely refuted those accusations, noting that Solomon had spent less than $2,000 in 2010 on meals with constituents and people doing business with the city, which was part of her role as a full-time deputy to a part-time council member. Other expenses called out by Buck and the City Council candidates involved payments for awards such as gift cards and ball point pens to city employees who had reached certain employee milestones. The district attorney did launch an investigation into Councilmember John Duran’s spending on lunches but eventually dropped it.

Buck has kept a relatively low profile since the 2011 City Council election. He has, however, continued to contribute to election campaigns. The right-wing media outlets have called out $2,750 that he contributed to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 election campaign. A quick online search shows donations of nearly $30,000 through June of this year to Democratic candidates in state races such as Ted Lieu, Pete Aguilar, Raja Krishnamoorthi and the Getting Things Done PAC. On Aug. 9 he updated the photo on his Facebook page, which he apparently hadn’t posted on for more than a year. Many of his friends welcomed him back.

Buck was back in the news last week after a video was posted online with LaTisha Nixon demanding an investigation of the death of her son, Gemmel Moore, a 26-year-old African-American man, at Buck’s apartment at 1234 Laurel Ave. on July 27. The outcry over Moore’s death prompted the L.A. Sheriff’s Department to announce it was opening an investigation into the incident, which the Coroner’s Office previously had ruled an accidental death caused by methamphetamine use.

While various local and national blogs are posting allegations about the death that aren’t backed up by publicly available facts, lesbian activist Jasmyne Cannick has published photos of pages from Gammel Moore’s journal, which his family recently retrieved from the Sheriff’s Department, that describe a drug using relationship between him and Buck.

“My mind and action change. I am not the same person I was born to be,” Moore wrote in his journal. “I felt as if I sold my soul to the devil — I want to be back in the hands of God. I want to be healed from drugs, poverty and troubles. I want independence. I want my own. There’s so much madness going on in my life. It’s got to be illegal and wrong. The way I was raised to be, you would never expect this.

“I just hope the end result isn’t death. Someone needs to save me soon. The only person in my corner is the person who turned me this way, the way I feel right now. Honestly, I don’t care to live anymore. I do wanna die. I feel like I’ve done way too much that this lifetime allows. If it didn’t hurt so bad I’d kill myself but I’ll let Ed Buck do it for now. Dec. 3, 2016, I miss my grandma.”

On another page Moore explicitly called out his drug use as a problem. “Something is seriously wrong with me and my body. I don’t feel normal. I honestly think it has to do with the injection of drugs. It makes me feel horrible like I’m so tired of living this life.”

WEHOville reached out to Ed Buck for a response to the allegations against him. However, he has not responded to that request.

Vindicator ago

I will crosspost my reply from your v/whatever hit piece:

You can't point to a rule violation. Thus your ban is arbitrary

@Crensch's ban is not arbitrary.

I screwed up and should not have given Darkknight's submission the Swamp Takedown flair prior to him stating clearly how Buck is likely connected to pizzagate. The only reason Crensch got involved to correct the matter was because while I was AFK, users DMed him that we had deleted most previous posts about Buck (a fact you were well aware of, since you had to scan through multiple deleted submissions to find one that was missed to use against him), so he changed the flair. @Darkknight111 fixed his submission and Crensch changed the flair back. This is the normal ins and outs of modding v/pizzagate.

However, you decided to interfere in this process, capitalizing on my mistake and using it to undermine Crensch's request that Darkknight fix his submission. You then proceeded to shit up another user's submission by arguing with Crensch, instead of helping DK demonstrate the pizzagate relevance, which is the whole purpose of the 24 Hour Grace flair.

Both of these behaviors are hallmarks of dishonest, consensus-cracking forum disruptors we've seen attack v/pizzagate numerous times in the past, most notably @EsotericShade, who has waged a long campaign against v/pizzagate moderation.

Crensch was correct in his assessment of Darkknight's original submission. Crensch gave you a clear warning to stop, yet you persisted in baiting him. Therefore, I put the odds at more than even you did all this deliberately so that you would be banned and could make this post to fuel the Crensch bashing club.

I thought "swamp" indicated Pizza/Pedos....hence it being a flair in pizzagate...I've also lurked for years as ya'll know....why I was confused as to why "Ed Buck" a name I know I'd read submissions on b4 was getting removed.

As you know from searching to find an Ed Buck submission that got left up that you could quote, most Buck submissions were removed. You are playing games.

TLDR: Why am I banned for "relevance"....for defending a relevant post....

Because the post violated Rule 1 the way it was originally submitted. By defending it, you are undermining Rule 1, which opens the board to forum sliding. You also attempted to pit one mod against another.

Why should someone who behaves in this manner be allowed to continue as part of v/pizzagate?

You have contributed a lot of good research, but you also only seem to be able to go a few weeks without shitstirring in a manner that looks an awful lot like a part of the real and ongoing campaign against v/pg moderation. I am genuinely on the fence about whether you should be unbanned.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat submission by @AbrahamGoldowitz.

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SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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I am genuinely on the fence about whether you should be unbanned.

get the stick out of your ass, and unban me.


my response from my "hit piece" ***rolls eyes


I put the odds at more than even you did all this deliberately so that you would be banned and could make this post to fuel the Crensch bashing club....

Ok, I'm Nostradamus and I somehow knew the post would be deemed relevant later, making my ban for Relevance even more glaringly hypocritical?

persisted in baiting him...

by asking which Mod was wrong?and which flair was right?


I'm being divisive by pointing out ya'll flair posts without vetting them properly? (edit: I didn't Pit anyone against anyone. Ya'll took directly opposing stances. Not me.)

fact you were well aware of, since you had to scan through multiple deleted submissions to find one that was missed to use against him

I provided THREE supporting Buck posts that weren't deleted (including by well respected users @letsdothis3 and @cantsleepawink)

Because the post violated Rule 1 the way it was originally submitted. By defending it, you are undermining Rule 1,

edit: My first comment sought to prove relevance....I was contributing as a networker of prior submissions. Simultaneously I asked for clarification re: the conflicting flairs...

Edit....Therefore....I am opening the board up to sliding. by attempting to prove relevance, on a post that's being questioned for relevance, and is now proven to be relevant?

ESOTERICshade ago

most notably @EsotericShade, who has waged a long campaign against v/pizzagate moderation.

I waged a long campaign against larper mother fucker Qanon. I was right about that shit. NOTHING came from the Qanon bullshit. Qanon is Coleman Rogers from the Patriot Soapbox and he probably made a million dollars in T Shirt sales. So go fuck yourself. I will step in here again if you get ignorant.

i_scream_trucks ago

pretty much every ban crensch gives out boils down to 'because i fucking can'

ASolo ago

lol, so true. The guy is a real cunt.



probably permabanned. If I'm kicked out of pizzagate, I will be leaving the platform. Until next time

Crensch ago


dude thanks for speaking out. hope you're well/still digging



(Ed Buck is accused of trafficking 21-30 john does as far as NY...And LA is getting sued for covering up the original investigation...)


LAUSD Boardmember Zimmer has fought tirelessly to protect and support Project 10 in the School Board. About FOP10: Friends of Project 10 Inc., a nonprofit organization, was created in 1986 to provide funding for programs and projects to support lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer and questioning (LGBTQ) youth.d Buck involved in fundraiser for LGBT youthworker @ LA unified School District.

I'd have contributed these on the post, if @Crensch hadn't given me a retarded, unprecedented ultimatum, then banned me