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Crensch ago

It has come to my attention that my presence here has had a silencing effect on many of the users of this sub. Many of you refused to participate in rule changes out of fear of being banned by me.

I find that a bit odd, since even when I was firmly on team ProtectVoat, I was not exactly ban-happy, but more likely to use my words to admonish/embarrass those that would sow discord and try to harm the users or sub. If this fear is borne from my recent antics on GA, ask any user there if they like it more now, without the ESOTERIC/NOMO types, than when the mods thought they had to let the trolls continue to troll.

If a random user were to ask any one of you about shills and trolls and Brock-operatives and spooks here, you'd probably tell them that the place is crawling with them. It's a little disheartening that my efforts to combat those types, who've racked up MANY legit-researcher victims, seems unappreciated and maybe even intimidating or scary to some. I get it, though. I'm not exactly a nice guy, and I am pretty rabid about evidence > feels to the point that it's overboard for many. One of your researchers originally HATED me, because she came at the mods with ESOTERICshade in tow, and no evidence to back up her/his claims; I gave her a textual thrashing so bad she later admitted that she cried about it. Once the bad guys whose comments heavily populate Vin's previous rule sticky, and NOMO's cryposts, doxxed that researcher off the site, she handed her beloved sub over to me, because she knew I would protect it.

I wasn't wrong to do what I did, and my particular flavor of communication has helped nail quite a few Es-types, so it's extremely useful to those that are also concerned with the bad guys right under our noses. I've never functioned like many of you, and many of you cannot even process why I am the way I am. I fight the bad guys here, even if I make mistakes now and then, I present my case to the users with logos, and they judge that on its merits. Given the general lack of interest in the meta in both this sub and GA, I stopped working on such things, and in GA, I simply ban/remove them and their narratives when I notice them. So far, I've had very few mistakes, and all were laughed off as the user thanked me for my vigilance.

While I may have directly engaged you and made you feel awful or scared, I never intended any harm upon you or what you do here. I stuck my neck out and lost countless nights of sleep when PG was banned on Reddit in order to calm the 'Voat Immunity System' from coming in and destroying this place like they have so many others; I KNEW what y'all were doing was important, and I wanted to help facilitate your continued operation in any way I possibly could. If I wasn't 'nice', it's for myriad reasons, including the fact that making nice with you all would have weakened my leverage/support with the aforementioned immune system. My original purpose was to be a peacemaker... KingKongWasWrong changed that eventually when he/she decided to leave and leave it all in my hands.

I know a lot of you are stating how what Vin and I did was not how PG is run or how things worked historically, and while there's some truth to that, PG was historically basically under the thumb of what I now perceive to be one of the worst groups of shills on the site: /v/ProtectVoat. Their 'rules' for subs were basically a license for trolls from SBBH to shit on any carpet they wanted, and everyone just had to suck it up. I liken the PV principles to globalists these days, and I find the analogy to be more accurate the more I look back on how things came about and were run.

I implore you to seek out your own ideas about how you want this place to function. A research submission is great, but without rules, without some kind of limits, the comments can be used to subvert users into either not bothering with them, being inundated with bullshit that simply does not need to be there, or, in many cases, convince users that the bullshit is what's legit.

~4 months ago something very big happened on the rest of Voat. I know many of you only come here, so you may not have seen anything at all. Vin and I (and others) thought it best to leave you all out of the drama, and let PG continue to function as it always has. At the time, that was the best idea we had. We may have been wrong to do that, because now, with you all completely oblivious to what has previously happened, that campaign seems to be ramping up against PG. You may all be unequipped to fight this, and unlike with GA, the people that could or would fight for you have slowly lost interest or motivation to fight the good fight.

If you want to know what a subverse can be... what it can feel like, I recommend looking at /v/GreatAwakening. I did there 4 months ago what Vin and I did here - started the party without the users. I banned and removed shit that simply didn't belong, and I quoted no rules in doing so. I asked for forgiveness, and explained to the users the two main possibilities of what the future would look like in their sub. They chose to trust me to get rid of the filth. I made a submission for you all to quickly see how happy the users are with their sub since then.

I won't ask you for your forgiveness for what I did. Whatever Vin says, it was my idea and my precedent in GA that he went along with, so if you think there's any need for it, forgive him. We both want what's best for all of you, and I'm actually thankful for this recent NOMO horseshit, because it came to light that perhaps my time as [O] here should come to an end.

I'm not one of you - never have been, never will be - but it has been a great honor to do everything I possibly could to make this place ideal for the important work you all do; it has also become a great shame that I was directly responsible for some of you staying silent when you should have felt free to speak your minds. For that last part, I am deeply sorry.

Fortunately in all of this, you now have a top-level [O] that is purely one of you. I ask that you treat him well and take what he as to say very seriously. He's seen a MASSIVE amount of bullshit from the Brock+-types right here on Voat that most of you couldn't even imagine really exists. I don't mean this as a slight against you all, but the number of you that can recognize, work against, fight, and have any chance of winning can be counted on one hand. Learn from him, for god's sake. Take an interest in your own back yard, and fight for the only place on the net where you can find PG research. USE YOUR DOWNVOTES and SPEAK UP. Don't let PG/Trolls/BIGBADCRENSCH silence you!

P.S. Nomo is a bad dude. His research might seem legit, but his motive in being here is to divide the community against the mods when the mods are simply doing their job enforcing the rules. This is undeniable in even just the recent dustup - it's also a historical trend. Find a way to keep users like him out, or those of you that cannot tell the difference will side with usernames like his and elbow out your legit research, leftist/democrat/socialist/communist-style. (That's happened before in PG, too)

There are many well-known usernames among you that also seem well-liked... and they function as legitimizers of the Brock/alphabet usernames and the disinfo they push. "Oh, what GREAT research and how LEGIT is the info on this PERSON who is(totally not) relevant/useful as a lead!" Please, please, please keep your eyes open.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagatemods comment by @NOMOCHOMO.

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SmockingGun ago

Who da fuq reads your long ass rants?

Gratz on the -12 points faggot hope it was worth it. πŸ˜‚

SmockingGun ago

It is so fun watching you being destroyed. I was fortunate to see Karma do you in nigger kike faggot.

See my low CCP? That was your doing with you and your tranny lover Srayzie using consensus cracking when I called you two faggots for protecting pedos.

I have a better account now, just gonna use this one to laugh at you now.

Toodles asscleaner.

YogSoggoth ago

Here is the part, "sow discord." Who is sowing the most discord. Is discord a bad thing in free conversation? Freedom of Speech

"First published Fri Nov 29, 2002; substantive revision Mon May 1, 2017

This entry explores the topic of free speech. It starts with a general discussion of freedom in relation to speech and then moves on to examine one of the first and best defenses of free speech, based on the harm principle. This provides a useful starting point for further digressions on the subject. The discussion moves on from the harm principle to assess the argument that speech can be limited because it causes offense rather than direct harm. I then examine arguments that suggest speech can be limited for reasons of democratic equality. I finish with an examination of paternalistic and moralistic reasons against protecting speech, and a reassessment of the harm principle." I say that this is not a place on the internet for the faint of heart. What say ye?

Piscina ago


Crensch ago

You defend ESOTERICshade despite my showing that he's one of the worst Brock-tier shills on this site.

You're one of the ones I am warning the real researchers about in the comment above.

Piscina ago

Give it a rest. You've done the damage you wanted to do by chasing out plenty of good researchers. Go away Crensch. Noone wants to have to read your longwinded wanky diatribes. You contribute nothing, only bile and spleen.

Crensch ago

You've done the damage you wanted to do by chasing out plenty of good researchers.

Name one.


You banned me....53 submissions fo pizzagate

Q thinks I'm a good researcher ;) he reposted my EpsteinIsland ->Disney Cruise Snorkeling Trip connection...

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat submission by @AbrahamGoldowitz.

Posted automatically (#68199) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Crensch: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @AbrahamGoldowitz)

AbrahamGoldowitz ago



^Claims to employ "logos"


writes a persuasive essay full of appeals to emotion, appeals to fear, and "I'm a good Mod" anecdotes.

heygeorge ago

^Claims to employ "logos"


writes a persuasive essay full of rhetoric, appeals to emotion, appeals to fear, and "I'm a good Mod" anecdotes.

Well stated. (It’s why you received no response.) There is a cavernous disconnect between what Crenschiepoo presents as and what he really is.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

because it came to light that perhaps my time as [O] here should come to an end.

If you are through blaming your caustic, immature, shitty behavior on a few scape goats just like you always do then don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Most will rejoice and I doubt that even a small few will miss your foul mouth behavior and terrible decisions. Just leave.

Crensch ago

because it came to light that perhaps my time as [O] here should come to an end.

If you are through blaming your caustic, immature, shitty behavior on a few scape goats just like you always do then don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Most will rejoice and I doubt that even a small few will miss your foul mouth behavior and terrible decisions. Just leave.

I wanted to down vote your comment but since you claim to be leaving I didn't. Its the only legit thing among the rest of your insincere babble. Just leave.

Dear PG users, THIS is a great learning opportunity! Does this look like a legit PG person to you? Or someone with an organic opinion? Would this consensus-crack you?

This alt was created 4 months ago for the express purpose of saying this:

Holy fuck...

Reminds of what happens to Crensch when he "destroys" somebody. Backfire...

These are the kind of users that don't exist on GA for any length of time. Do you like checking each and every user yourselves? Do you like how much time and effort researchers have to put in to verifying usernames, if they do so at all and aren't swayed by such 'reasonable'-sounding comments?


Do you like checking each and every user yourselves? Do you like how much time and effort researchers have to put in to verifying usernames, if they do so at all and aren't swayed by such 'reasonable'-sounding comments?

yes you patronizing dolt. I like to do my own research.... Because I'm not lazy and it's invigorating to think for ones'self.

I'm glad your GA herd likes their grazing pen. The rest of us aren't sheep

DanglingGoatBalls ago

This alt was created 4 months ago for the express purpose of saying this:

Wrong. I just think you are a shit head. But thanks for letting us know you lose the argument by defaulting to how long a user name has been registered. A sure sign of weakness and intellectual laziness.

Crensch ago

Wrong. I just think you are a shit head.

You're an alt whose first comment was attacking me. Nobody would believe that first comment comes from a fresh face here at Voat.

So, you're an alt. That was created 4 months ago. And your fist order of business was...? Oh, that's right, to say exactly what I quoted.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Nobody would believe that first comment comes from a fresh face here at Voat.

I never claimed to be a fresh face at Voat. I had a user name here about a year ago and lost the password. I was a regular contributor to pizzagate in the past. What does it matter? It does not make you any less of a shit head in the eyes of Goatville. Fuck off @crensch.

Go to v/greatawakening and ban a few dozen people you disagree with, exercise your tiny egotistical power mod brain, and leave pizzagate the fuck alone. Good riddance to you.

ESOTERICshade ago

Where, exactly, was I wrong?

The vast majority of my comments have nothing to do with your big fat ego. You are almost always wrong and too blind to know it. Just beat it and get the fuck away from v/pizzagate. You will not be missed.