DaraChaos ago

@Crensch I'm late to the party, apparently, as I last logged in a couple of days ago, came tonight to find this hot mess. I'm all about free speech, but the outside trolling here has become ridiculous! There are many subs in Voat that can satisfy any goat's needs and preferences. So why not go to those subs? Maybe stay in your lane? However, outside control freaks will not do so. That's what's happening here. 9/10 Speech, only under these circumstances. Independence, and do what's needed! You have my support.

amarQ144 ago

There appears to be a contradiction. If something is “self- evident , as an example, then the word “self-evidence” does not need to be repeated all the time does it; it can be uttered only once, or twice at the most, or even thrice or more, you no doubt see the point here, less it devolve to verbal mendacity, an arcane academic lingo that never reflects reality and whose main purpose is to lead to flawed conceptualization, or as so often the case, duplicitous scientific jargon masking ignorance. Certainly detractors would argue the inverse of this though the point would likely be obscure. Ironically, seldom has the question been raised, often couched in sentimentalist vs. animalistic words and syllabi, respectively, rarely more obvious than as with expression in macrophages throughout the reticulo-endothelial system, the possible exception being eulogy ensconced in political vilification, which arguably would be off topic here, at least as regards determinants of the biological response to ENPs. I believe a review of the material presented would lead one with critical perspective to just such a conclusion regarding the meta-gene issue, as I am sure you would no doubt agree, irregardless (look it up in your Funk'n Wagnell) of source, the wide spread assumption among free thinkers being that the concepts behind these flowery words must be taken, as alluded to, as something self-evident. What are your thoughts on this? ...

Sheneyney ago

Get rid of the shit posters, we are here for a purpose and a mission. They are evil doers and we don't want them here.

KnownBand0 ago

Worm Tongues We cannot suffer FOOLS here.

starbaby ago

I vote to protect GV against all threats! This is a forum meant to discuss issues of the day and Q posts! I see no reason to keep "shitposters" on any of our topic threads!!

Ponycam ago

ban the trolls. independence for GA!

restorefreedom ago

Independence please!

starbaby ago

I like your Patton Quote! and the jist of what you have said!!

ditzee ago

Crench, I vote to go with whatever you and the other mods think is best.

comprametu ago

Independence. LOve this board and will stay.

Shiftworker1976 ago

Here to stay. Fuck the shills.WWG1WGA

KYanon ago

He is in my eyes until he proves not to be,

Dragonfart ago

Its funny, I was going to say something a bit different, but when I went to type it, I looked just to the right of the text box and saw something there that has been there all along.... Rule for submitting posts and other rules below it.

To me it is simple, if it doesn't abide by those rules it is fair game to be cleared out. This is a forum for a specific subject. Flush anything that does not meet the criteria and independence from the crap. Do what is necessary to keep it that way.

MadWorld ago

I do not have any take in your GA subverse. But I would vote GA Independence if I could. So far you have tried to do the right thing and do what needs to be done!!

TheMaster187 ago

I have never noticed any mods inappropriately messing with me or anyone I replied to. I would not doubt there are many people that come here to disturb us. I'm sure it's a hard decision to make. Pray that God will give you the best choice.

SuckaFree ago

I'm scared

badsrman ago

Weed out the bullshit, sifting through shit posts over at v/QRV is a nuisance. v/GreatAwakening is absolutely the best Q board, keep up the good work and appreciate your efforts. WWG1WGA!

Scablifter ago

I vote for independence, all the way.

scoripowarrior ago

I just want to come here and get information, period. I don't give a shit about the other stuff as I skip what seems stupid etc. As far as I'm concerned, delete what is "crap" (according to common sense) and be done with it. If some want to bitch...so be it. I must be awfully picky in what I choose to read bc I don't come across the comments/posts where people are attacking the mods etc. Maybe bc I only the "HOT" section and "NEW".

MudPuddlePie ago


divine_human ago

make a post on the issue and show what you know of the background.

know what? the submission logs are the only ones i find suspect right now. commented on it here https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3270813/19123805/10#19123805


How could I ever see myself saying this, but..yes if it's 9 outta 10 then GA should be 9 in reference to free speech because agitators are EXHAUSTING our righteous subverse. We are patriots that are dedicated to a Just Cause. I choose independence. Yea even at the cost of kicking some shitposters out. Fuck the agitators.

candtalan ago

The GA mission statement (?) is Q related. If free speech had allowed that elsewhere, GA would not exist. A focussed objective such as Q Related is not in principle free speech.If Q Related rules are not actioned, enforced, then free speech, however paramount in many situations, is easily capable of mischievously destroying Q Related GA. Mods are human (hopefully), I can, and will forgive mistakes. A balance could be had by (say) moving objectionable posts to another location, although it might be impractical or even have legal implications if some are that bad. I would be happy with actions which keep in mind that Q Related content is what I am here for, not discussions about free speech.

HateTheCabal ago

Totally support independence. Thank you for keeping this a site I want to come to.

MudPuddlePie ago

Matters not what shit posting he may have done. What matters is protecting GA. The only reason you protest this is because you have bad intentions. Not to mention the "god" complex that shines thru.

(Kevdude with hands on hips: Everyone HAS to read my hateful and porn postings because I said so!!! (stamps feet and pouts).

Please, don't ever have children.

MudPuddlePie ago

Independence. And thank you.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#47320) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

TippyHome ago

Independence. Keep the integrity of the Q related place. I miss srayzie and shizy and I hate it they were pushed out by the outside groups, pushing their propaganda.

Suzo ago

Do it. This is our home and outsiders can fuck right off.

snortykat ago

I vote for keeping the forum on topic.

kafi3n ago


Allin4q ago

I'm with you. Keep it clean. Take out the trash.

Double_D ago

As has been said by others, if the shit list includes posts of





Nazi fagging and

Completely off topic attempts at sliding

Then count me in

smokratez ago

What would it take for you to wake up?

QueenB ago

You have my support to clean this mess up.

smokratez ago

You were booted from reddit by anti white racists. That's how most of us ended up here. Our lives are controlled by anti white racists. They want to kill us all. Not important right. lol.

theoldguy ago

You were booted from reddit by anti white racists.

You were booted from voat. How lame is that?

smokratez ago

It's someone's else forum. He can decide what he wants to do with it.

divine_human ago

when i checked the mod logs just now, i saw two recent bans. didnt follow up on what got them banned so i dont have an opinion as yet. if you feel they didnt deserve being banned, call out the mod for it. dont hide your frustration behind comments removed 12 days ago. its that simple.

TNLunatick ago

I’m all for some basic standards and empowering mods to take out the trash. I don’t mind differing opinions, in fact it’s a positive in my opinion. We need to draw the line to discourage filth.

This is where I hang my hat, @Crensch. If you are willing to spend time keeping things tidier, you have my appreciation and support.

Southbound_truckin ago

[–] lilomeunq 11 points (+15|-4) 10.3 hours ago

@Crensch This clarifies my questions, and " Porn, gore, pro-nazi, and racist shill posts, and other completely off topic trash needs to be removed." can be the treatise you nail to the door. Nail it to the door, @Crensch. This is a Q site. Keep it to the topic, and Q discussions.

heygeorge ago

pro-nazi, and racist

This actually describes your [O] pretty well! I imagine he won’t be posting about that here, to be fair.

andreastar00 ago

It's an easy vote for me. As far as I'm concerned, there is no point in having moderators that can't or won't moderate. The whole point of all the shitposting is to bury anything of value or meaning in shit. Literally.

I don't wish this and I never did and never will. It's just utterly and completely stupid. A waste of time and energy for everyone concerned, and this is also the point of such attacks. There is no actual 'reason' to them, let's stop pretending there is. The entire point of these ridiculous attacks and reasonless arguments is to be a repelling force for anyone who cares and anyone who comes here with right intentions.

It's not about free speech, which is an argument that only works when there is a focus on personal responsibility and some kind of maturity and respect for others present. For good or for ill, this is not the case for those who focus only on producing chaos and shit showers to funk up this subverse. Moderate them or cull them out. They add nothing of value and the supposed meanings of their arguments otherwise is flawed and irrational. All it does is dilute the meaningful conversation to the point where there is none, or so little of it that it negates the whole point of having this space to commune in.

Let them squeal and whine and shit shower themselves. I don't come here to listen to that crap anyway. I come here for headlines and for mature commentators, whether or not I agree with their thoughts or not. I'm not looking for an echo chamber, but I'm sick and tired of porn and click bait and people who do nothing but attack others and whine, which produces nothing of value to me or to anyone else either.

I rarely comment here, but I do lurk consistently. I rarely even log in, for that matter. I pray that someone shows some common sense in here and does what needs to be done to clean it up. It's been far better in the past few days or so. Good for whomever stands up and takes the heat for doing so. You have my support on this, such as it is.

MudPuddlePie ago

"It's not about free speech, which is an argument that only works when there is a focus on personal responsibility and some kind of maturity and respect for others present. For good or for ill, this is not the case for those who focus only on producing chaos and shit showers to funk up this subverse. Moderate them or cull them out. They add nothing of value and the supposed meanings of their arguments otherwise is flawed and irrational. All it does is dilute the meaningful conversation to the point where there is none, or so little of it that it negates the whole point of having this space to commune in."

This whole post is excellent. Should be a post all it's own.

andreastar00 ago

Thanks for the high five, but it seems epically obvious to me. Perhaps this is because I've spent so many years moderating a private forum, but anyway, it never was all that confusing to me at any time I can remember. It's simple and clear cut.

Look to the fruit of the tree, folks. What does what produce? Never mind all the mealy-mouthing and pontificating. That's just the same as a bag of farts. Makes a lot of noise and unpleasant experience, and frankly, who cares about it? Besides no one that matters.

I mean really and truly. No one that matters in these discussions cares one whit about what is supposedly so dang important to the ones that are working so hard to sideline the meaningful and valuable information on this board. They care only to continue to disrupt it. By whatever kind of unpleasantry or filth or lies or infighting or whatever, whatever. That speaks to intent and it's clear as all get out what this intent will produce, ie, nothing at all productive or useful, or honest to gawd, even of interest. Not interesting to anyone coming here for any good or honest intentions, period.

So. What to do about it for anyone who may care enough or who may be in a position to do something about it? I leave that up to those who know more about the requirements set in place in order for this forum to exist in this platform space. I don't know enough about this to make specific recommendations on that. I only riff on what I observe from lurking here, based on my experience with forums and dealing with very diverse groups communing with one another.

What I'm riffing on is how it's not difficult to figure it out. It's clear and simple. The petty details matter a whole lot less than just watching for the intentions and what they produce. The rest of it is, like I said before, a big bag of farts. Hot stinky air without any substance or value or virtue.

MudPuddlePie ago

"The petty details matter a whole lot less than just watching for the intentions and what they produce."

Exactly and spot on. But,but,but muh free speech (porn, tranny dicks, dead children, dead bloody bodies, etc). Normal people don't want to see those things. They know exactly what they are doing and what their intent is.

So, so glad mods are taking a strong position. You sound level headed...and the mods could use help. What say you?

andreastar00 ago

LOL. I say I'm a busy worker bee with my own business to run and on top of that I'm busy with a long term forum I've been dedicated to for a long, long time, with a couple of blogs too. No way could I take on another responsibility, and then there is the issue of dealing with the atmosphere of Voat.

I'm accustomed to a private forum format with people who have good manners. Bad manners are unnecessary from my view, a sign of sloppy thinking and bad intentions, most of the time. Otherwise, we can all have diverse opinions and talk all about it, with respect for one another and take in much broader view overall because of it. After about 7 or 8 years of this, I'm not sure I have the required patience for one, and definitely not the time required for this place. Kudos to anyone who does and who cares enough to make the grade.

MudPuddlePie ago

I hear ya...

"I'm accustomed to a private forum format with people who have good manners. Bad manners are unnecessary from my view, a sign of sloppy thinking and bad intentions, most of the time."


HJ-Oih96_uxmK9 ago

Protect GA and go for independence.

pivot69 ago

With u

zaakir1 ago

CONSIDER THIS OUR DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE - i dont give a fuck about this website, only this subverse, these wierdo outside mods can keep their sketchy jew hating bullshit somewhere else and leave our subverse alone

Thoutzan ago

This your board, do whatever you want; shill or patriots, help yourselves. Visitors can choose which board they go to. Don't give a shit to people who ask you to do anything.

heartandsoul ago

Keep this place clean!

divine_human ago


GA is our room in the voat house. when someone shits into the room, shit gets removed. when he repeatedly abuses the room for his personal bathroom, he gets denied further entry.

free speech is not free shit. we also dont do that in real life.

but the rules of the game need to be clear so everybody knows how to play in here. and the mods need to strictly stick to those rules and will be called out for every removal that appears unjustified.

we have the mod logs and its our right and duty to regularly check them. this is not reddit where power mods can secretly play their manipulation game. nothing is really hidden but we fricking have to keep track of it.

i checked the mods logs just now.

comment log didnt look good 12 days or so ago when the drama was on super-hype. the removed comments though were all related to srayzies good-bye post; they mostly didnt deserve a removal and i also complained about it, heheh. but hey, it was clean-up time, everything was a bit emotional, and crensch promised that things would get better.

and well, they did. ever since, hardly and removals, and 2 bans (no opinion on that, didnt observe the process).

post logs are another thing. i see a few removals there that i cant understand at all. https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/about/log/submission

for example, the decision on the quality of a post is pretty subjective, this rule needs to be specified. i also dont like the general rule of 'no questions'; if the post contains more than a question and is not a call fro being spoon-fed, simply removing it because the header contains a question isnt justified, from my pov.

that being said, lets fine-tune the rules and then strictly mod accordingly. makes it easier for everybody and spare the mods a lot of shit.

maga1234 ago

I choose option 1. I didn't know that a subverse could be subject to rules of those who aren't moderators of that subverse.

tallpines ago

Do what you must to protect the integrity of GA.This is one platform I trust,due to the work of our mods.I will miss the insight of @srayzie and @shizy but understand the well-being of their family must always come first.I will do my best to out questionable characters and won't leave /v/GreatAwakening without a fight.

divine_human ago

fuck it, kev. that was 12 days ago. drama time. clean up. get over it, its past. look at whats NOW. now, the comment logs look good to me.

divine_human ago

i didnt like the dramatic clean-up period 12 days or so ago. it was a bit emotional and many comments did not, from my pov, deserve to be removed.

however, ever since, there were only 2 removed comments. in 11 days. doesnt look a problem to me. things seem to have balanced out.

Headwest127 ago

I'm down with removing the shitposting and the shitposters. However, if all you intend to remove is anything negative about the mods, like the posts from your example, I'm out. I watched the fights when the migration happened and I saw the true character of some of the people I thought were 'all-in' on the Awakening and it was worrisome. Control of the information = control.

YoikesandAway ago

We are living in Evil Times. The shills that enjoy shocking good people with truly evil images and garbage should NOT be forced on others. That’s called anarchy and you must either fight or flee. I say we FIGHT! And kick those reprobates outta here.

As an aside, the Voat people should allow freedom for the Mods to supervise their subverses. It’s really stupid and hypocritical otherwise.

Blacksmith21 ago

@Crensch - INDEPENDENCE. All enemies, foreign and domestic.

scoopadoop ago


JohnQ-Arkenstone ago

Just go full benevolent dictator. What they did to @srayzie was unforgivable, she was a great mod.

HerbanGardener ago

I am all for declaring our independence and I fully support your efforts. The shitposters and shills have no boundaries or moral compass and are not welcome here. They deserve to be removed/banned by any and all means necessary.

Cheetah1964 ago

This is a great forum. I visit it every day. If the mods have specific rules for content that make sense to the community at large, I am for it.

CR302 ago

Moderation is needed. The crap posting contributes nothing to the sharing of information and discussion of said issues. For unmoderated discussion, there is always QRV.

jenmarkov ago

Fuck shilling, unleash the mods so we can keep this place focused, and unmolested by those who want it all to burn.

starseedwakeup ago


OptimusPrime4 ago

Down with shit posting, I support Crensch.

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

Is this basically the same question that Twitter et al. are asking themselves in their mirrored, insane, lib universe? And they have decided to purge, block, ban?

divine_human ago

twitter has no public mod logs. there is no supervision through members. end of story.

argosciv ago


Allow me to whittle it down, @Crensch can correct me if I get any of it wrong.

He's asking the v/GreatAwakening community if they want the subverse moderated in a monarchical way versus a democratic way.

Monarchical would be where the moderators make decisions based on rules they have set without being bound to fully following community input (though community input is welcome and taken on board from those with a solid, constructive history within the subverse).

The fully democratic model is where the mods take no action that isn't strictly sanctioned by the community, including all rules being community sourced.

In the end, both choices result in the subverse community being heard, but option 1(monarchical) allows the mod team to make 'executive decisions' if and as needed in order to keep external interference at bay before it can subvert the democratic model by consensus cracking, brigading, pretending(alts, fake QAnons, etc) and narrative pushing.

These are in contrast to a dictatorial method, where mods do not at all listen to the subverse community and base all decisions on their own whims -- Crensch and the other mods are not at all advocating or interested in a dictatorial model, so far as I can tell.

@MolochHunter @bopper @PeaceSeeker (Also feel free to correct me if I'm wrong or misrepresenting the intent)

CovfefeFan ago

And should we win the day, the 4th of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day when the world declared in one voice: "We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to survive!" Today, we celebrate our Independence Day!

MudPuddlePie ago

Good movie.

CovfefeFan ago

I watch it every 4th of July.

This year will bring more meaning than ever!

MudPuddlePie ago


Q20191776 ago

Feel free to moderate, moderator.

d00danon ago

This is supposed to be a Q related board, and all other content should be in some way Q related. I agree that free speech is good and needed, but the line has to be drawn somewhere. I would agree to regulate this board to keep it Q and Q related content to preserve the sanity of the board.

KvilleLurker ago

Declare independence.

Fateswebb ago

As long as we are extremely careful about who we allow to become mods I'm all for it. We don't however want to allow someone to come in that's heart isn't in the right place and take over and then run things as a dictator. So far that hasn't been an issue. Mods have been carefully selected, and so I am all for it. Let's moderate.

Qd4Action ago

I choose independence. Give our mods the freedom to decide what belongs here and what doesn't without fearing sanctions from admins. Without it, all the brigading and sick fucking posts that are appearing are going to run off all those who come here for truthful information and thoughtful discussion.

reaper70 ago

First option -- Independence.

Hogitha ago

Drain the swamp

bamadeplorable420 ago

I am not on twitter ,,,and this site is a great educator for me ,,,I just want peace...see,,I never noticed all this hoopla you are talking about...keep the integrity is good with me. wwg1wga is my motto.

singlebrain1 ago

I say declare independence from shit posters and esp those attacking the mods. Just like the illegals are using US laws against us, the shit posters are doing the same. Time for new laws.

MudPuddlePie ago

"Just like illegals are using US laws against us, the shit posters are doing the same."


Justice-Formidious ago

I agree to declare GA's independence from the bullshit of "goats" and shitposters that do not have our best interests at heart! Thanks and long live this PATRIOT board!

smokratez ago

FREEDOM of SPEECH and EXPRESSION is just that (as long as porno and threat laws are not violated). I go back to "sticks and stones will break bones but words don't hurt me": the thicker the skin we have the STRONGER we are and the better we are able to survive. THINK BIG but most important THINK FREE!

This is you a month ago. Wow.

Justice-Formidious ago

It has come to a similarity to "immigration" and "mass immigration". Coordinated efforts by those who are determined to utilize our freedom to end our freedom MUST BE STOPPED.

smokratez ago

I've been fighting against the reddit trannies and mossad for years. I would love some help.

Justice-Formidious ago

How can I help?

smokratez ago

Are you aware of who the enemy is?

Justice-Formidious ago

Globalists/Luciferians/DeepState as I generally group them, but they include many "secret societies, all aligned in creating a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT composed of un-elected, self proclaimed "leaders" from these societies.

smokratez ago

Ok. Do you know who the leaders of all those groups are?

Justice-Formidious ago

Mostly Jews/bankers

smokratez ago

On voat they are the reddit trannies aka srs. Those are the ones harassing people.

Justice-Formidious ago

Ok. I always figured our attackers/enemies attempting to disrupt this board were CFR tools. I guess I don't understand how to "fight" the shills from the comment or poster position, as the tools always just spout their indoctrinated shit. Many of them are un-redeemable and I really just ignore them. To my knowledge (somewhat limited) the rothschilds started their plot in the late 1700's (during the time of adam weishaupt). The planned corruption of ALL media, governments, secret societies, and education by the Luciferian rothschilds began then. Back around WW1 when the rothschild Illuminati plot was discovered they changed their name to the CFR. As of today they are so deeply infiltrated/embedded in all their targets we really have a long fight ahead of us. The biggest weapon we have is to cut off their money. That will drastically reduce their ability to leverage control by bribery/illicit sex tapes/knowledge of perversion etc.

smokratez ago

It's probably better you don't get involved anyways.

Justice-Formidious ago

Oh BTW. I subscribe to the X22Report and frequently use Myron Fagan as a source. It is a long listen but worth the time IMO. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSCaITn9Gzc&t=1701s


Justice-Formidious ago

No problem.

smokratez ago

I don't live in the US, so they can't really get to me. I don't want to endanger people needlessly.

smokratez ago

Crench is anti jew too.

Justice-Formidious ago

I don't believe I am anti-jew. I do believe in facts tho.

smokratez ago

You talk like a nigger at least. The holocaust didn't happen. jews are behind white genocide. These are all facts.

ThreeBladedKnife ago

Independence !

DanijelStark ago

You know what is the most ironic thing ?

All these whiners , shitposters that claim how "VOAT is a place of free expression" come here and impose their own rules and pretend like they own the VOAT . In other words , they are utter hypocrites , shitting into their own mouth as they speak ...

They would whine about how rules are bad , but they will be first ones to ban others , even without specific reason .

I say , fuck them all for good ... if PuttitOut said this is Wild West , then let it be Wild West . Anyone can create any subverse with their own rules , as long as few basic VOAT-wide rules are respected . But there have been obvious breaks even of those wide-VOAT rules in forms of lolis and underaged porn posted on some subverses ...

They can whine as much as they want , they can pretend to be "brave VOAT faggots" behind their completely anonymous - or not so anonymous - idenities on VOAT , they can behave like utter schmucks , like they own the whole place , and no one else is permitted , just because they said so ...

Theyre all cowards . PuttItOut said this is Wild West - let them have the Wild West . Every subverse with its own rules , who gives a fuck ... there already are PLENTY of shitposting only subverses with their own rules . So , all these hypocrites can suck it ...

Go forward independence , its the only proper way ... as it can only expose the hypocrisy of others , and you will be a thorn in the eyes of these cowards , who would be suddenly very nervous if their real idenities would be exposed to everyone ... everyone is a brave little faggot behind their little nickname on the internet .

DaraChaos ago

This right here!!!

Thoutzan ago


argosciv ago

All these whiners , shitposters ~ pretend like they own the VOAT


Case in point.

DanijelStark ago

Yep - who put them in charge ? Obviously , they themselves did ... and what does that make them ?

It not only makes them tyrants they claim theyre against ... but it also makes them a highly hypocritical tyrants .

smokratez ago

Do the people of this sub know Crench is anti jew? He knows the holocaust was fake and that jews are behind white genocide.

MudPuddlePie ago

Does having an opinion about something have anything to do with keeping GA well moderated and clean from shit posters and porn?

Nice try.

smokratez ago

One of the people complaining wanting to ban the racist anti jew nazis. I am pointing out the Crench is one of those.

argosciv ago

Count as of June 11th, 2019 ~8:30am UTC:

I see at least 60 unique comments of discernible support.

3 main users running around trying to get in the ears of supporters to sow doubt and kick up a protest -- using morbidly laughable tactics: kev, smokratez and ruck_feddit.

Submission vote tally at the time of this count without a page refresh:

71 upvotes, 20 downvotes (78% upvoted it)

Very willing to bet that most, if not all, of the downvotes are from people who just hate Crensch, srayzie and shizy, or who just hate Q/QAnons and/or v/GreatAwakening.

@Vindicator @MolochHunter @bopper @SandHog @kestrel9

argosciv ago


@PeaceSeeker, I'd say that @Crensch has noteworthy support of the v/GreatAwakening community -- I project that the support will grow, barring a half-expected brigading from external forces who have no right to interfere.

Now, with that in mind, I'm all for seeing the rules be refined and declared as clearly as possible and subsequently enforced evenly. I am also in favor of Crensch or any other v/GreatAwakening mod taking a strong stance against those who seek, find and exploit any loopholes in order to disrupt the subverse and/or the ability or its community to use the subverse as intended (for Q/corruption-related research/conversation) without fear of reprisal from the aforementioned external forces.

I'm fully confident in the moderators/owner(s) having the ability to remain objective and keep the subverse running as desired by the v/GreatAwakening community.

As an aside: Yes, I will end up making some comments on the other subjects/submissions I was too drained to contribute to in the last couple of days.

german_bro ago

Keep this place clean! @Crensch

sinclair ago

removing the undesirables from the conversation

Why don't you just teach others to use the block button? It works fine for me, a blocked user's comments start as collapsed. I would think you would want people to be self-sufficient. "Teach a man to fish", ya know? Why is that such a crazy notion?

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever submission by @smokratez.

Posted automatically (#47258) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Crensch: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @smokratez)

PatriotLady1 ago


PatriotLady1 ago

Nope. Honestly why did she have to write to say anything? What the hell is this Jr. High? She made it personal. I chided her once because she was whining when she tagged someone and they had been offline a day or two. The clique was getting on my damn nerves and if that shit keeps happening, I'm done. I left before because of her bullshit drama. I'm not tagging her. I'm don't want to fight an insecure girl. She needed to get the hell out. My 2 cents.

PatriotLady1 ago


PatriotLady1 ago

Blast them away.

smokratez ago

Becomes mod and wants to turn voat into reddit. This will only go poorly.

DanijelStark ago

Declare independence ... its a Wild Wild West anyways ... anyone can declare independence .

The people do not get it ... you never can have 100 % "muh freeedom" on any social network or platform . That 100 % would absolutely require that everyone posts under their REAL name and surname . Considering VOAT has been heavily saturated with crap ( Im not talking here about any "controversial" stuff - all topics are very welcome , Im talking about pointless trolling , whining and shitposting , over and over ) , I say fully go for independence and flush the toilet ...

EarnYourVote ago

GA is excellent right now. Keep it going without drastic changes. If the trolls ramp up, mods should be able to take them out.

I think it is great that VOAT overall is not suppressing any of the subverses - something that Reddit failed at and that is the big problem with most social media. However, the individual subverses should be controlled by the mods of those subverses and the market will sort it out from there. IMO

SuckaFree ago

The deletions of shills and their shitposts needs to be voted on by US, collectively, not someone looking for more power, prestige, or whatever. It's that kind of thinking that got us into this globalist/elitist crap in the first place.

MIMI1999 ago

How many of “US” would that be? I’ll trust the moderators.

SuckaFree ago

ALL of US. Not just the two or three Mods we have.

Winred ago

Keep GA clean for us all who love this work

lnsip9reg ago

The best form of government is an enlightened ruler. If we have one, then do it already!

grace8 ago

I am joining the almost unanimous vote to be independent from Protectvoats tyrannical abuse.

This is how much this sub hates v/Protectvoat. We are willing to trust our mods not to abuse us. If the sub dies, the movement will go on. We are vulnerable. Q team is powerful. There is no stopping what is coming, and I am pleased that I can finally say with confidence coming soon. I trust Strayzie's judgement and have really appreciated all the Mods here have done and are doing to get the craziness off the sub!

It has been said Modding is a thankless task. I hear that. But let today be the day that it is appreciated as we all join together to say really truly and completely, We thank you and appreciate you every day!

KyJane ago

I can totally agree with all the way on this. This GA board is my first go-to every day. I also appreciate the mods and think they've done a very good job to date, but now it needs protecting from those who would like to see it sink like the Titanic. I'm with you.

MIMI1999 ago

Ditto and Amen!! Well said.

S2Foxhunt ago

I choose Independence

lilomeunq ago

No, the response comments/posts are mean but that's not the moderation I would hope for.

The Submissions to the site that were just hateful libel and name calling against a good moderator should have been removed.

The skirmish was leaning towards tribal and that list of removals makes the moderation look tribal also, kind of like cherry picked data for lack of better terminology.

PatriotLady1 ago

She acted like a bitch. Sorry. Even now we are talking about the Princess. Christ Almighty

lilomeunq ago

I could guess that from the comments. The person is nothing personal to me as a newbie, but the issue is. Am I messing up differentiating comments vs submissions?

fuspezza ago

Get a life punk live and let live. Do as you fucken wish this movement is much larger than your ego and can overcome the pathetic attempts to devide.

LostandFound ago

Your sub your rules.. I had understood was the case. I liked pg because of that. So long as the rules are clear and consistently applied which I felt had been the case with pb and ga.

Honestly though the levels of drama going on at the moment are unusually high, let it blow over for a while man and just stay steady.

MIMI1999 ago

IMHO the levels of drama is because the good guys are winning and the bad guys are showing their desperation. It’s time to stand our ground not stand down. WWG1WGA

LostandFound ago

I really hate to use this phrase as it dismisses groups of people based on wrong think, but it's true, dont feed the trolls.

And yes we are winning on certain battlefronts but holy shit we are losing in others, dont ever get complacent the war has just begun.

ValiMAGA ago

Independence. Ban the fucktards.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I've already been targeted by a psycho faggot kike bitch cunt shitface fucker. I liked a James Wood tweet and his little dick army of alts started downvoting me and he's still around nagging his puny nutsack all over the place claiming I must have slept with Putt or some other retarded bullshit because he was caught being a complete piece of shit abuser.

What I did was go underground. I just stopped posting and went with private messages to talk to people here and some friends here. That's how I did. I still upvoted the good stuff and downvoted the shitheads.

Oh and I blocked his little shit army as well. Of course my group/sub/whatever was ruined but it's called Obscurity and was only for obscure things anyway. How can anyone fight against such a screaming cunt dick faggot like draaaak? Who was also banned from Hack Forums which is a much darker place than Voat.

Phantom42 ago

Oh you want independence?

Then leave Voat, Qultfags. Leave, and never, EVER fucking return.

We're going to send your world to Hell.

I hope you enjoyed the Hell you built. We're sending you ours.

See Hell!

lipids ago

Let the shit posters have QRV.

KVD ago

Go with New Coke, it's the best!

lilomeunq ago

True indépendance is each individual being able to block users that are offensive to that individual. The problem I see with that is new visitors might want to unsee some things, but I'd be willing to add a heads up with the referral.

MudPuddlePie ago

I wish I could unsee some things...

AR47 ago

Ok well you are not a moderator here and that is really the issue isn’t it? Someone else got it and you didn’t. So what....who cares these people are fucking nuts anyways.

Leave it be. They don’t like you obviously or they would defend you. I don’t see much of that in the post.....so cut your losses and move on.

Voat is exactly where it is supposed to be evolution wise. This place was never more than quarantine for the people reddit decided to shit out. The people here brought negative attention to reddit and hive mind so they came here and well they are doing exactly what they were supposed to do.

Admin is quiet, and that should tell you something.

Boss already said that glow in the dark was watching and been in contact already. I even told you what it was about. Thing is that places like this need to exist for the sole purpose of grabbing that low hanging fruit.

Wasn’t ever meant to be anything special. Understand that.

nathanhale ago

Lurker here voating for independence

Don_Tomaso ago


AR47 ago

Did you not make a long ass list of submission rules and allow the community to help with them?

Did you then work with the mod team to polish those rules and implement them all instantly?

Yeah you fucking did and those that were constant problems you fucking banned them or kept deleting their posts.

Come on just let this die. Be the bigger man, or woman. Just let this go for the betterment of the fucking site.

Your behavior is that of an adolescent girl. The shit needs to end. OP has the high ground in this and you got nothing to defend yourself save persistence. From all I have witnessed in my time on voat which you know is longer than you.....OP will win this because you are a bitch.

I am not saying that to gain favor or insult you. I don’t take a side in this. Your just lacking in fortitude and you always have.

You rely on all your buddies too much. You always expect them to come help you argue a point, and OP will discuss it. Yeah it is condescending as fuck, but it gets the point across.

You however just let everyone do it for you and delegate the caseload.

You lost this, and need to step off it.

Anon98anon ago


29again ago

I say declare independence. I really don't care if this is a shit-posting forum or not, there are shit-posters all over the interwebs, a few here don't really matter to me. What does matter is the independence (and the free speech!) of this subverse.

Karmy ago

Declare independence.

AR47 ago

Is he sub owner?

Does any of his moderation cabinet disagree his actions? If so where they released from the team and at the time of release was OP owner?

Is this a sytem subverse?

Is it going to be a system controlled subverse?

If you have reviewed all these things and find that each answer is no......well then you need to get you a nice tall bitter glass of shut the FUCK up and sit your ass down.

You have defended the actions of non system subs for as long as I can remember and the moderator actions within those. You have no power here and you know it.

No one appointed you to be supreme fuck face within this site, and you sure as fuck have no business telling another moderator or owner how to run their subverse unless they ask you.

Face it if there was a magic bullet this is it.

Let the weirdos be and they can play their numerology or practice their Scientology. Whatever it is they do.

They are happy with it, and if not they can kick rocks over to QRV and shitpost all they want. OP wants to curate the sub then so be it. I see no difference with what OP is doing to what you did with pizzagate when kingkongwaswrong left.


Fuck you pussy!

late2thegame ago

I vote for independence. @crensch, I trust you as I trusted @srayzie to do what it takes to keep this board functional, and keep out the trash posters trying to take it down due to their fear of a worldwide "Great Awakening". I'm ok with the mods deleting or hiding posts that are unrelated or inappropriate for this Q board, and shutting down posters who are obviously trying to run off the decent people.

IamJulianAssange ago

Take out the trash.

I vote this: Will you all accept that GA is now a "shitposting" and "monarchical" subverse, thus forcing those "goats" that want to meddle to have consistency issues that will cause them more problems and keep them off our backs? Thus allowing your mods to unilaterally decide to remove things like this which was submitted by this sleeper account, that pretended to be part of GA, but was out to DIVIDE and destroy us, without having to bother with oversight from some unhealthily interested parties, invested in keeping mods weak to allow for shitposters to run wild over the website?

AR47 ago


What they are saying is that sedition is imminent. Looks like to me that one of your mod buddies went rouge. I mean it isn’t surprising really.

Been a while since you have been the hero, and savior of the day. Funny thing here is that I am unsure how it is that your reign will remain after this.

ALIENS2222 ago

So. Much. Drama.


Crensch ago

So you're not a mind-reader, kev? So your previous comment was a false dichotomy?

xtalbluedolpin2 ago

The headlines are the most valuable part of the site. To learn and understand not only the Q movement but, also subjects that need to be discussed. I don't feel that anything counter to bringing America back to balance is relevant and waste of spirit.

Lyonessrising ago

This is the superior subverse. And that's their true bone w us. At least on here theres conversation of real substance. Q sent us there....but that in my mind was a purposeful move to take shitposter from8chan and give them busy work. I started there...........but bettered my lot in this war on cabsl by coming here. Let the goats stay there n pretend they are getting it done. They aren't.

bopper ago

Yeah! Well said..

standwithuQ ago

I vote for independence. I'm all for free speech but we've also seen what a free-for-all community turns into.(Just look at California for instance) I trust the mods here and appreciate all their hard work. I don't want to lose any more. It scarred me when the others left. I was afraid this all would crumble and it's an important part of my life since I'm surrounded by zombies that refuse to be red-pilled. We have to have SOME boundaries just like the USA needs a wall. I am fully behind this board and the moderators. WWG1WGA!!!!! <3

MIMI1999 ago

Many upvotes if were possible 🇺🇸

Crensch ago


Crensch ago

Show me where I banned anyone ostensibly for hate speech.

God, your plays are so pathetic. How'd that rallying the goats work out for you, kev?

MolochHunter ago

Well I guess as a proxy for consensus on your question, Crensch, when I did my post about going 9/10 not 10/10 on the free speech front, it had 91% upvoats from nearly 200 votes

Blacksmith21 ago

I wholly support the 9/10 premise.

MolochHunter ago

great ! so then, we're all 9/10ths on board!

suomy_the_nona ago

The 10/10 wouldn't be of any use. Free speech is worthless when nobody can find the content between all the off topic "free speech". Free speech doesn't mean "free of meaning".
Even on Voat there is not only one subverse where everbody speaks freely without any context.
Even Voat has a concept of many subverses, each of which has a different topic.
So the main rule that must be enforced is to stay on topic.

hamman365 ago

In the immortal words of william wallace: FREEEEEDOM

Crensch ago


Every man dies; not every man truly lives.

crystaliis ago

I support you 100%, pleaes keep the "shitposters" out.


Go back to your neck off the woods cunt


Jameson_In_A_Glass ago

Why don't you get the fuck off our website then? go back to reddit.

Crensch ago

I've been here longer than you.

And if you haven't been paying attention, the flag-bearer of the narrative you're pushing here uses a shadow-cabal from reddit to affect change here. Also glitches for votes. It's all in there.

Enjoy telling me to go back to reddit while espousing a narrative literally formed from a still-Reddit cabal.


smokratez ago

Dude, you literally have srs modding this sub.

ruck_feddit ago

I read your previous submission in it's entirety the other night. I'm not part of a cabal. I'm just one asshole. You know that's the case, because we can smell our own. You do sound pretty reddit with all this drama. Don't interpret this as me hating you or anything like that, I'm simply stating my opinion at this moment in time.

Crensch ago

I didn't call you part of the cabal. I pinged you to see my comment. I've no idea what you've read and what you haven't.

ruck_feddit ago

Ah, ok. You ate up 45 minutes, at least, with that post and it's links. Like I said before, I am paying attention. Many would be too lazy.

Jameson_In_A_Glass ago

You might want to resize that tinfoil hat bud.

Crensch ago

You might want to read it, bud. The evidence is all there.

ruck_feddit ago

Powermods kicked them off Reddit... Some came along, I guess.

Jameson_In_A_Glass ago

Ironic they are becoming the thing that destroyed them. Hope they don't drag us all down with them.

ruck_feddit ago

They won't drag us all down. They'll simply poison their home here.

zaakir1 ago

shut up idiots. BYE!!!

1karnia ago

I say independence! I’m all for free speech but it’s reached a point where it’s ruining everyone’s experience. If your free speech makes it so others don’t feel like they can safely contribute, then fuck them.

ruck_feddit ago

I'm all for free speech as long as it doesn't inconvenience me or is critical of my group's behavior

1karnia ago

No, when I can’t click a link for fear of kiddie porn or tranny cock or when I have to wade through non stop kike, nigger etc. misdirection bullshit so that the original meaning of the post is lost. In those cases, fuck your free speech.

ruck_feddit ago

Someone actually said the "N" word?!?! What are you people, a bunch of fucking rayssists!?

You should have simply said, "I don't support free speech." and I wouldn't have bothered you.

hang_em_high ago

Can upvoating and downvoating not handle this on its own?

suomy_the_nona ago

Only as a first aid measure. It's too tedious to do that for years with always the same senseless stuff.

bopper ago

Not really.

Crensch ago

Is zyklon still around with positive ccp? Are the users that he is surrounded by still unfettered by votes?

hang_em_high ago

I more meant voting individual off-topic, troll, shill posts to the bottom, not their entire account. It's not that hard to get CCP.

Crensch ago

How many times are you willing to swim through that shit before you give up?

If you had to swat 10 flies before reading your newspaper at every new article, would you do it?

gatoreric ago

ban these idiots, they are not here to engage, but to divide. Censorship is necessary sometimes, we are adults here and don't have to deal with trivial crap like what the shit posters drop here

NihilisticClownFrog ago

Thank you opening the dialogue about GA. It's needed. and all those that sub to it will protect GA about it. Give it to the frogs! Freedom of speech in letters and speech recorded, not perverse images.

Doc_Hollidae ago

This place is my go to for POTUS and Q news. I'm for Independence.

pby1000 ago

Free speech does not mean a free-for-all. Free speech does not include harassing speech. I will argue that it does not include off-topic posts, either. If people want to post gay porn, then there are other places for it, like reddit.

Qtiepie ago

I trust you and thank you for all that you’re doing to protect this subverse. You’ve done an amazing job. @Bopper and @MolochHunter keep up the good work! WWG1WGA!

bopper ago


lilomeunq ago

"Other Rules"

"We reserve the right to remove posts."

Seems simple enough. I guess I don't play well enough with others to see what the problem is... just don't want to be "the bad guy"?

Simple rules, play by them or bump your gums down the road. What am I missing? I get a laugh out of some of the shit talking / ragged and rough ways of making their point. Some of my favorite people talk/post shit... A lot of us don't know enough history of the site past 8 months or so.

Is this what happened to theawakening? If I hadn't subscribed to it earlier, I wouldn't be able to find it now, but it certainly has less disgusting shill action. Is "shit posting" considered the porn and nothing but racists?

If you want to feel better about your decisions: One warning with a link to the rules, then break out the banhammer if the disrespect continues. You tried, they didn't.

NihilisticClownFrog ago

Honk @crensch

argosciv ago


I jest. Kek, facebook, kek.

NihilisticClownFrog ago

Not yet tadpole. Not yet!

yellowoodneepuks ago

Independence requires the we know what we want and what we don't want, GA independence requires both to be clearly established, communicated and administrated based on want and don't want. I believe, shitposters need to be handled with prejudice, and the site needs to remain open to constructive Q movement development and updates. Can shitposters be appropriately exposed, banned and more importantly be made an example of? Is there a plan of action we can support from our community to help repulse the shit posters? I.E. Redefine and post down voting guidelines requirements & steps: make them painfully obvious and easy to do. More importantly make down voting guidelines easy to find on GA. GA is an amazing place: very much worth maintaining and fighting for as a plan of action(POA) Can the shitposters be exposed within GA and can we proactively move our community to directly downvote shitposters? Allowing them to continuously attack to destroy GA should not be an option...It's all part of defending the TRUTH. Defend the TRUTH with prejudice

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

Free speech on voat is fake news. Eat a bullet asswipe, and feed one to your friends kevdude and puttitout before you go.

ScorchedEarthAnon ago

Give me freedom or give me death (declare independence).

bopper ago

I'll be checking it out.

Vindicator ago

Indeed. Modding is a thankless task.

bopper ago

Indeed, appears so (and you're one of the best).

Vindicator ago

Go look at what Kev is up to right now. It's no wonder no one wants to mod. It's vomit inducing.

bopper ago

Yes, checking it out.

Dunno why he's so interested in this subverse, after all he said he hates boomers "with a passion" and there's plenty here..

Vindicator ago

I don't think they could have modded you unless you accepted an invite.

FWIW, I think you would be an outstanding mod.

bopper ago

Thank-you! Yeah I guess I did inadvertently accept!

Vindicator ago

Haha! You fell in the quicksand. :-)

asymptote_12 ago

The discussion here should be focused on the appropriate topics. Delete and ban anyone who cannot stay on topic.

Let the loli/gay_porn people find somewhere else for their degeneracy.

willies85 ago


Your heart is free. Have the courage to follow it. -Malcolm Wallace/Braveheart.

Crensch ago


BettyLiberty ago

I'm for independence, but don't let the power go to your fucking head.

Crensch ago

Call me out if it ever does. I'm not perfect, but I will be goddamned sure to take any GA users' input on what's going on. KEEP ME HONEST.


bopper ago

Those deletions have to do only with the goodbye post that Srayzie made, looks like.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever submission by @kevdude.

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tessy2013 ago


Crensch ago

corrbrick ago

Since the beginning, the mods here have been stellar. High quality moderation leads to high quality site.

But why is the TL;DR not at the start of the post when I need it?

Crensch ago

Sorry. Bad habit of my writing.

corrbrick ago

I was just pulling your tail.

Crensch ago

I appreciate that.

Feel free to hold me to task over things; I'm not here to be a tyrannical dictator.

kestrel9 ago

I agree that GA needs to declare independence from the "3.5 year old tyranny that is not sanctioned by the admin of this site".

I want it to declare it independent as a Research subverse with a focus on research, for researchers and Qanon supporters at large. I want to declare that threads infested and co-opted with shitposters are defacto shit posting threads and the comments can be deleted by Mods.

They have no restrictions in their subs, they are protected everywhere they go, and they spread the culture of their subs all over voat, but most perniciously it seems, within research subs. I would want admin @puttitout more formally recognize that research subs have a right to exist as such, having their own culture (not to say that people don't debate research obviously), but with the same protection that PV has given to shitposters and porn subs based on their 'culture' and their respective 'purpose.'

It's impossible to participate in a research site when bogus subs with agendas like @kevdude's vision and status quo within PV come over and harangue the mods by sending or enabling a culture of shitposters to run around voat unchecked.

I ask you all to pardon my PV-related transgressions against you by removing shitposters and their posts and comments without citing a reason for each?

I pardon all your decisions to remove shitposters and personally believe you did nothing wrong within the context of the preceding events that necessitated your becoming owner of the subverse.

DammitMan ago

I love this! All of it.

29again ago

They have no restrictions in their subs, they are protected everywhere they go, and they spread the culture of their subs all over voat, but most perniciously it seems, within research subs. I would want admin @puttitout more formally recognize that research subs have a right to exist as such, having their own culture (not to say that people don't debate research obviously), but with the same protection that PV has given to shitposters and porn subs based on their 'culture' and their respective 'purpose.'

This, 100%!

Crensch ago

Thank you.


kestrel9 ago

Thank you!

Crensch ago

Looks like I don't really have to pay any attention to you at all, anymore.

FirstDamsel ago

I say go full throttle and maintain the integrity of GA. It would be a shame to have GA go the way of pizzagate and QRV.

Vindicator ago

What do you mean "go the way of pizzagate"? v/Pizzagate is doing just fine.

lilomeunq ago

:D Full throttle! Yes.

VicariousJambi ago

I've always wondered how voat seemed to ignore the whole "unsolicited" part of the typical spam definition.

Moat of voat would argue to physically remove the undesirables from this country, but allow that bullshit in voat.

Sign me up, let's create an ethnostate.

MudPuddlePie ago

"Most of voat would argue to physically remove the undesirables from this country, but allow that bullshit in voat."


MAIDENanon ago

i see very little of this crap. Certainly nothing like Q research on 8 chan, or Qresearch voat. One of the reasons I frequent this place. Do what you have to do.

AlwaysDeplorable ago

Independence. I no longer go to QRV because of all the crap I have to wade through. Who has the time? Let's get back to Q discussions. Those outside forces have plenty of places to go to spread their crap. Let's keep them out of here.


Instead of avoiding QRV, more people simply need to go there, go straight to the new page, and spend two minutes down voting trash.

If more people would be doing this, it would help that place tremendously. More people have been doing this lately, and it has helped quite a bit.

QueenB ago

This is what I've been doing every time I go over there. It just sucks because Ive had to stop doing this at work so much. I wish someone would nuke the porn.

suomy_the_nona ago

Yes, while doing this you get the newest info first as a bonus.
QRV is important as anon sub in addition to GA. Upvoating the good subs there is needed, too. And it's important to put some good content there. It seems to be a good idea to give a TL;DR when posting on QRV.

smokratez ago

spend two minutes down voting trash

Every time I read this kind of drivel, all I ever see is... "The Holocaust really, REALLY, didn't happen! Guise, ya gotta believe me! Fer realz! ZERO people died!" "The nazis didndu nuffin wrong! Dey wuz good boys!"

Ok. Done. Trash down voted.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Then get banned by putt for "vote manipulation".

lilomeunq ago

I do the down voting thing after reading a sticky, but just couldn't bring myself to spend that much time and energy to run "tattling" on dumbasses - I don't want to take a screenshot of a porn post!

Crensch ago

I believe those that were here prior to the migration hate your guts, too.

Adopted-Patriot ago

I have noticed some posts discussing news articles not even Q related. It seems some people just want to be an authour. I am for independence. Eliminate the shitposting, and get back to the GA roots. WWG1WGA!

mark7 ago

We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone! Let em find some other chaotic shithole! (like Gab, and FU NR!!!) Moderate the living Fu%^ outta this place!!! You have my support!

The1stLantern ago

Fuck em, burn it to the ground Crensch

Crensch ago

Time4puff ago

Crazy times we live in. Thank you for your service.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Delete off topic bullshit.

Ban repeat offenders.

FPH has been doing it right for years.

I told u/Srayzie this, too. She was too soft.

ruck_feddit ago

You can't compare fph's history on voat to this place.

SandHog ago

Speaking of history... You are currently modded in zyklon's sub under an alternate account that you set up for your father because your main account was banned for vote manipulation.




SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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Crensch ago

You monster.

Thanks for the ping, @argsociv

ruck_feddit ago

Yep, I had no other means of communication with putt. I was very open about everything you just posted. So much so that your post is simply a rehash of several of my own.

I downvoated a fresh account actively shitting up the place and tripped the ban algorithm. Putt told me in a PM he was surprised to see my name on that list. @zyklon_b sent me a link in a PM and suddenly I'm a mod of a sub I've never heard of. Then, that beautiful bastard (z_b) got everyone unbanned.

You can see croat's comment history and all the non-trouble it caused. Can you tell us anything that we don't already know? No? Ok. Was there a point to all this?

SandHog ago

zyklon previously caught shilling and delets: http://archive.is/Qo5nQ

zyklon saying pizzagate is fake: http://archive.is/ER9jT

zyklon: QRV and pizzagate are why voat got kiked: http://archive.is/k1ODC

zyklon: pizzagate is fake: http://archive.is/RV0EJ

zyklon: neonrevolt paid me to get rid of srayzie: http://archive.is/PGA7z

zyklon posting picture of a dead child: http://archive.is/x6mob

My point being why do you willingly associate with pieces of shit?

heygeorge ago

I didn’t read through all that, but

zyklon previously caught shilling and deletes: http://archive.is/Qo5nQ But that's not zyklo...oh wait

This is a great thread featuring guest appearances throughout of freshmeat alts. Lol!

SandHog ago

Are all those freshmeat? I never got the scoop on all the drama over him.

SearchVoatBot ago

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ruck_feddit ago

Let say you're walking home from the bar, Sandy, and someone grabs your purse. Suddenly, Barney Frank closelines the guy and returns your purse.

Now, you're all like, "OMG, that old faggot who fucked up the housing market, Barney Frank, saved my purse! Thank you, Barney!"

It's kind of like that, except I don't think zyklon is a faggot who fucked up the housing market at all.

SandHog ago

He didn't fuck up the housing market but his actions have brought censorship to Voat. That's all people like him can accomplish. People complain about power mods and rightly so but the same people ignore niggers like zyklon who force others into it.

ruck_feddit ago

That's silly. Your "speaking of history" comment didn't work out since it's a copy pasta of my own words about myself. Your links to zyklon's antics didn't phase me, because the ends justify the means to me in this scenario. Now you expect me to believe he's brought censorship here because power hungry mods are pissed over some tit sharing hooker picking a fight with the wrong psychopaths?

I definitely need some newfag to tell me again how canaries like zyklon, amalek, manhood, sane, tallest_skil, etc are forcing the crensch and srayzie's of voat to censor people. The ones on the list who broke the law/rules are gone right? Why isn't zyklon?

SandHog ago

Your "speaking of history" comment didn't work out since it's a copy pasta of my own words about myself.

Just making sure everyone knows who you are and where you are coming from.

Your links to zyklon's antics didn't phase me, because the ends justify the means to me in this scenario.

You sound like a fucking liberal.

Now you expect me to believe he's brought censorship here because power hungry mods are pissed over some tit sharing hooker picking a fight with the wrong psychopaths?

If you are incapable of understand the point I am making I can't help you.

The ones on the list who broke the law/rules are gone right? Why isn't zyklon?

Why indeed.


ruck_feddit ago

No, no faggot, that's not what you did. You applied no context whatsoever other than I must be some alt army shill. Your "gotcha" moment just didn't work out for you. Nice try, newfag.

SandHog ago

I provided all the context I had based on the information I was aware of. You seem salty about it. You made your decisions for your own reasons. All I did was point them out.

argosciv ago

Fucking owned.

@Crensch, check this shit ^ out.

ruck_feddit ago

Don't be a clown. He copy and pasted information I was very open about. I responded to this comment before you made yours.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I compared their moderation styles. Read more carefully next time.

ruck_feddit ago

I'm afraid how they run their sub is only a small portion of their history and relationship with voat. It was unclear that you meant their "style". If that's the case, you are correct.

SearchVoatBot ago

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You should better define what types of material will be removed.

It's hard to say yay, or nay without some general ideas of what content gets automatically removed, and what kinds of garbage are allowed to stay.

In my opinion, if the daily Nazi propaganda isn't in the grouping of posts that need to be auto-removed, then there is no point in trying to moderate this sub against spam.

Moderating this place shouldn't be that damn difficult. This place is for Q topics of discussion,and that is very broad. Porn, gore, pro-nazi, and racist shill posts, and other completely off topic trash needs to be removed.

This should be the guiding light behind all moderation decisions regarding Q content:


Any posts that go against this simple directive, are not Q quality, and need to scrubbed out of this place.

QueenB ago

I agree, there needs to be a set of rules made to keep the discussions "ON TOPIC" at all times. Some of the extra shilly shit is interesting, but there's many other boards to discuss that shit all over the internet. This Subverse is for a specific task, and that's current political research and reporting.

Blacksmith21 ago

I like the premise of this @Voaltron

smokratez ago

Crench knows jews are behind white genocide and that the holocaust is a lie. Do you want to scrub him too?

divine_human ago

there is a difference between realism - i.e., knowing about the holocaust hoax, and that in the western world, many power positions in politics, media, and corporations are inhabited by jews - and racism which calls for jewish genocide.

as long as he doesnt bash all jews for the crimes of their minority, its all good. and even if he bashes elsewhere which he does, if he stays neutral and educational over here at GA and refrains from stirring up the pot against everything jewish, its also ok.

smokratez ago

So jews can kill all white people, and we can't kill them all back. Is that what you prefer?

MudPuddlePie ago

Love how you move the goal posts, not actually address the comment, insult, put words in "divine human's" mouth and then purposely misunderstand the comment. You can't process the fact (and concept) that just because some of a particular race or religion do bad things does not paint the whole of that race evil.

Because if that were the case, then you are evil and responsible for all the things that the DS did: Hillary, Bennan, Clapper, Obama, Bush's, VJ, etc.

You haters are all the same. Must be "page 49" in your playbook.

These people are stupid - Q

smokratez ago

You sound like a dumb nigger.

MudPuddlePie ago

"You sound like a dumb nigger."

LOL....so stupid.

smokratez ago

Exactly. You sound so stupid. It's embarassing. I can't even be arsed to read what you write or put effort into writing something back.

MudPuddlePie ago

"I can't even be arsed to read what you write or put effort into writing something back."

Ahahahahaaaa....really? Looks like you just did.

These people are stupid - Q

smokratez ago

Yeah really. I don't put any effort in replying to you, because you are such a dumb nigger.

MudPuddlePie ago

Lololol....poor baby. Still being "arsed" to reply.

Later, Sally.

smokratez ago

I am polite, nigger.

theoldguy ago

You sound like a dumb nigger.

Pot calling the kettle black.

smokratez ago

There's my faggot stalker again obeying my command to read everything I post.

theoldguy ago

A poor excuse is better than none, I suppose. Go eat your cabbage.

smokratez ago

All jews are evil.

nevergiveup2them ago

So this is the racists white nationalist I get accused of being???? WTF? "jew bad" lol. I thought it was an MSM invention. It must be easy to vilify a whole group of people for your own issues. Don't get me wrong Im all for preserving the white race. The white genocide is happening by blacks and Muslims. Are the jews making them do it? I just don't see how ALL JEWS BAD helps. Its clearly not just the "jews". Reading these comments it just seems he wants to divide this group and drag it down with ridiculous racists ideas.

divine_human ago

  1. the DS doesnt consist of jews only. jesuits and black nobility are the puppet masters.
  2. hence, its stupid to think that jewish genocide would solve our problems. sloppy thinking, very low IQ.
  3. an eye for an eye has never solved any problems. its a viscous circle. who started the war is less important than who stops it.
  4. NWO plan is the reduce the population to 10%. however, i dont feel threatened. instead, i step out of the system wherever i can so slavery get reduced. dont use their credit cards. dont take their medicines. dont drink their fluorided water. dont consume their broadcasts.

empower yourself, dude. protect yourself, defend yourself when you are being attacked. but wiping out an entire folk group because of fear of being wiped out by them is animalistic thinking. stone age consciousness.

smokratez ago

What a dumb faggot.

smokratez ago

Soros is a closet Nazi. Israeli Nazi hunters need to cuff him, and stuff him. The world would approve of this action. Let him rot in a concentration camp like the one he sent people to.

You are a tard who believes the holocaust happened. I bet you think jews are God's chosen people too right. jews are behind white genocide whether you want to admit reality or not.

smokratez ago

Every time I read this kind of drivel, all I ever see is...

"The Holocaust really, REALLY, didn't happen! Guise, ya gotta believe me! Fer realz! ZERO people died!"

"The nazis didndu nuffin wrong! Dey wuz good boys!"

You need to be scrubbed out of this place.

smokratez ago

if the daily Nazi propaganda isn't in the grouping of posts that need to be auto-removed

If you don't care for white nationalism, you shouldn't be on voat to begin with. Jews are behind white genocide, whether you want to pretend this isn't true or not.

racist shill posts

Non whites hate white people. This isn't a fucking disney movie. This is about our survival and the future for our children. Go hug nigger on reddii.

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

I feel hatred directed at me for my blue eyes on a very regular basis. Truth. I never know when it might pop up, but it does.


Go back to your prison cell, with the other retards who molded your fucked up, distorted views of reality.

smokratez ago

Crench has the same views I do.

Mumbleberry ago

Are you a flat erfer too, @Crensch?

smokratez ago

You choose the jew pedo lies?

Mumbleberry ago

Jews=bad. Earth=globe. Science>Religion.

smokratez ago

jews control atheism. Atheism worships jew anti science. You are a jew slave by your own volition.

pixelkitteh ago

Well said.

ThisNameAlreadyTaken ago

Agreed on all counts.

lilomeunq ago

@Crensch This clarifies my questions, and " Porn, gore, pro-nazi, and racist shill posts, and other completely off topic trash needs to be removed." can be the treatise you nail to the door.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

If I were to point out that the media was controlling the narrative and undermining Trump you would agree with me. If I were to point out that colleges were indoctrinating students to accept marxism you would agree with me. If I were to point out that international financial institutions were rigging markets to benefit themselves and keep the common man in debt you would agree with me. If I were to point out that illegals were being brought to our country through Soros funded NGOs you would agree with me.


When I tell you the media is owned and controlled by Jews you will recoil and call me a Nazi. When I tell you that Jewish professors lead the push for Marxism in our classrooms you will recoil and call me a Nazi. When I point out that these international hedge funds are majority Jewish you will recoil and call me a Nazi. When I point out that those NGO's are run by Jews you will recoil and call me a Nazi.

What disappoints me with all the Q people is that they fancy themselves as free thinkers. They believe themselves to be awakened and brought to greater light than the average person. But when confronted with uncomfortable realities about the world they shrink back, "Well, we can challenge the narrative, but um... not like that"

As such all the Q trails will go cold. The Q followers will be shocked and disappointed when their "based Jews" turn on them. But they will never put 2 and 2 together. One year turns to two, two years turns to a decade, and before long our internet investigators are in their dotage spouting about how we are going the way of Rome to grandchildren who roll their eyes.

Don't let this post discourage you. You couldn't possibly be indoctrinated right? After all the only people who share my view point are those like Hitler, Henry Ford, and the entire New Testimate. I am sure in the eyes of the Q people I am a shill who wants to divide them. Divide them from what though, harmlessly posting on the internet? I can't figure that part out.

standwithuQ ago

Good Post. It's true I have tried to red-pill people, Q followers as well ,about the biggest hoax in history (the halacost) and about how the jews are behind everything but the brainwashing is DEEP with that one! We sound crazy and racist but I am neither. If people at least would check out the info given (like the video series called Europa:the Final Battle) for themselves and decide it would be great but most won't.

smokratez ago

Are you that naive? Do you not understand white genoicide is currently going on? Do you think you can hug our problems away?

lilomeunq ago

Where did I say something about hugging problems away? Do you think posting racist shill bullshit helps anything? Who's more naive?

smokratez ago

Who's more naive?

You are. You think people that tell the truth are racist shills. You still believe life is a disney movie. White people are the most hated race on Earth. White genocide is currently going on. Do you think that's not important enough to talk about?

lilomeunq ago

You believe you know me. You don't. What truthy comment have you seen me tag as being a racist shill?

smokratez ago

I am reacting to your comment about racist shills. You are deflecting away from the things I am saying about how hated white people are, adding validity to my statements. Are you aware white people are currently being genocided?

lilomeunq ago

You are actually reacting to one sentence that I copied and pasted from Voaltran's comment, noted the attribution with "quote marks".

I agree with his desire for clarity before agreeing to proposed censorship, and his parameters for removal as I understand them. I agree with his list of things that add no value to the conversation. Someone with statistics/data/information to buttress their opinions, I wouldn't consider a shill. Blanket hate filled comments, I would, so maybe we need to agree on the definition of shill.

KyJane ago

I agree also that clarity about what will be allowed and what not is a very good idea. It's best to not leave too much room for confusion so that everyone knows ahead of time before posting.

smokratez ago

Voaltran is a tard who believes the holocaust happened.

I agree with his parameters for removal as I understand them.

You want to ban the truth people say about jew then?

Blanket hate filled comments, I would, so maybe we need to agree on the definition of shill.

Do you believe the holocaust happened? Do you know jews are behind white genocide?

lilomeunq ago

Do you believe it was a huge jewish conspiracy to make hitler their scapegoat and patsy in their quest for world domination?

smokratez ago

Hundreds of millions of white people died during the world wars. Both were started by jews as part of white genocide. Hitler tried to deport the jews. He made them shower with water before. Not gas. That's what got the jews mad enough to kill millions of white people. To have to shower and be deported. That is how petty and vile jews are.

theoldguy ago

Hundreds of millions of white people died during the world wars.

But your boss @OuterSpaceIsCGI says all wars were hoaxes.

smokratez ago

I don't have a boss. All you do is say dumb shit. How can you live your life that way? Nothing you do matters.

theoldguy ago

I don't have a boss.

Funny how you get all your ideas from him like he's telling you what to say. In retaliation he's not going to use lubricant next time.

smokratez ago

Ah yes. More fantasies about men having sex. Stupid faggot.

Winnipegger ago

This I can get behind

Crensch ago

I'm not against having that discussion. This post, however, is about who is going to oversee all of this.

I can guaran-damn-tee you that the outsiders don't give a fuck about porn, gore, nazi, or racist stuff, and will find ways to force the mods to either leave it here, or get the torch-and-pitchfork treatment.

The choice is yours on that one. That's all this submission is about.

Vindicator ago

I can guaran-damn-tee you that the outsiders don't give a fuck about porn, gore, nazi, or racist stuff, and will find ways to force the mods to either leave it here, or get the torch-and-pitchfork treatment.

Only Comments. Submissions about these topics break topic-related submission rules and are easily removed without the pitchfork brigades. That's been my experience with Pizzagate, anyway. It's comment removals that raise the goat posse.

Crensch ago

"goat posse"



AR47 ago

Looks like you are owner and this isn’t a system sub.

You do as you want and ban or delete comments as you and your team see fit.

Isn’t that the way it works with non system subs......? Besides if your sub here is so full of shit why does anyone car what it is that you do? Unless boss makes this a system sub then none of this need to be discussed and you are free to do as you see fit without their intervention.

SandHog ago

Isn’t that the way it works with non system subs

Only some non system subs. Which is pretty much the point in all of this.

Maltherian1 ago

Though I don’t believe or follow the q cult I found the heinous images posted in qrv abhorrent. You guys deserve a place free of loli and gay shit.

smokratez ago

You guys deserve a place free of loli and gay shit.

All of voat does. Too bad Put is friendly with the harassers and shit posters.

theoldguy ago

The gay shit is the flat earth nonsense.

smokratez ago

I know retards like you prefer relgious fairy tales like the ball Earth.

theoldguy ago

Keep talking yourself into a hole, jew bible lover.

smokratez ago

I've told you a dozen times before that I don't follow organised religion. Senile old faggot. lol.

theoldguy ago

I don't follow organised religion.

They banned you from church, too? Astonishing! NOT!

CognitiveDissident5 ago

This I agree with 100%. Not a q person either, but a lack of leadership has enabled degenerates to hold this place hostage for too long.

59Geezer ago

Please deep six the shitposters. Gracias!

Podingo7 ago

DECLARE OUR INDEPENDENCE!! fuck those ppl who want to come here only to cause disruption and ill will. The freedom of speech has to first come with the wisdom of how to use it to progress our resolve..there are plenty of other subs where they can post their (Q)ueer, (R)eprobate, and (V)ile shit...I am saddened to to have lost @srayzie and @shizy, but implore you to keep up the good fight against shitposters....

Winnipegger ago

Trying to draw that line will fuck the voat, mark my words

RightSideUp17and6 ago

There are plenty of places for folks to post trash on. Aint got time for that. Gotta keep the lanes of fire clear. I would rather not have to tiptoe around dog piles. I would take it as our right in this subverse to define the rules to support the mission. We're not talkin' about cars, or junk, or how the weather is today (well, some do)--this is part of a fight to the finish. I believe it. Don't need abuse of "free speech" which actually is intended to harm not to help. Don't need shiny objects to distract, nor over the top crap. Pffffft!--boring. Is this not like the First Revolutionary War...for Independence?? So it is in the Second.

MudPuddlePie ago

"I would rather not have to tiptoe around dog piles." (porn, muh jews, muh blacks, etc.)


Crensch ago

Why did you leave reddit in the first place? This is how it starts.

Because their mods were replaced by the admins, then the entire subreddit was banned off of Reddit.

Your narrative fails at every turn.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Astupidname69 ago

I too wish to use a site wherein mods can ban users and remove posts because their fee fees got hurt, LONG LIVE REDDIT!

ruck_feddit ago

Hear hear!

Crensch ago

One submission period to /niggers, https://searchvoat.co/?st=comments&s=greatawakening&u=astupidname69 zero comments on this subverse until now.

Your vote is null. You are not part of this community, and do not have a vote. Your account is now suspected of being used to subvert this subverse.

Kindly fuck off.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Winnipegger ago

This all day and tomorrow too

Kzintrooper2016 ago

Is it possible within the Voat software framework to move a post out to another subverse that can be for all the un-moderated "trash" content were one can waste time reading it as desired.


I agree with this idea. I don't see what would be so hard about making a VOAT bot that would auto remove certain posts based on key words found in their titles.

Have the bot auto-send these removed posts to a different subverse, where everyone who wanted to read them could still do so. Name these subs something like "GreatAwakening_Scraps."

divine_human ago

dont like the idea of having a bot remove posts. that makes sense on a sub with a hundred deleted posts the day, but over here, its only a few posts.

it appears easier to me to create another sub for the shitposts and have a bot or a mod manually move removed posts over there.

i guess, voat doesnt have a feature for a mod to move posts to other subs. how about creating it, @puttitout ? it needs to come with a permission set to which sub a mod can move posts to. it would make things much easier.

Crensch ago

TA and QRV are where that kind of thing can be posted with impunity.

suomy_the_nona ago

Trash isn't welcome on TA and QRV either. It's a good thing to have more than one working subverse for Q topics. We are too many to fit in one. For all the off topic posts there are more than enough matching subs.

KyJane ago

Since I haven't been on TA or QRV enough to know much, might I ask what is done with the unwelcome trash there?

suomy_the_nona ago

On TA I didn't notice much trash yet. But QRV is flooded with trash most of the time. Some of us are cleaning up there using the voating system after sorting by "new". So it looks better for those who sort by "hot". But this costs a lot of time and it makes no sense to let this go on.

Crensch ago


suomy_the_nona ago

Another soultion which wouldn't affect the database structure would be to have a "trash flag" that could be set by moderators to hide an off topic posting. Similar to the way comments are hidden when they have to many downvoats. With a user setting "view trash" (default: switched off) these subs can be displayed for those who like watching trash.

divine_human ago

great idea.

Kzintrooper2016 ago

Could that feature be added?

It might cover the "you must listen to my free speech at any cost" crowd.

Crensch ago

I doubt it. Putt never seemed interested in it.

argosciv ago

It's a lot of work and would require a major overhaul of the current functionality. Similar to when the site was changed from the old /<subverse>/comments/<submission id>/<comment id> structure.

Totally not worth it imo. Post moving is something you'd more find on the archaic forum format.

chocolatepatriot2 ago

I say declare independence, I am with Greatawakening either way. it is the best board I have found with quality headlines and comments that are mostly Q related. Keeping the integrity would be phenomenal. thanks

rickki6 ago

I concur!

Peanuttles ago

I'm with you. DOITQ.

heygeorge ago

I am with Greatawakening either way

bopper ago

Good way to put it.

Crensch ago


Or should I say, no meddling from outside forces that really have no say in anything for any reason.

Thank you patriot!


GodsAngell ago

Gee, look at that, 27 trolls down voted this post. Anyone surprised???

INDEPENDENCE and ban these TROLLS!!!

OriginalRealityCheck ago

If you're not going to stick to (moderate) the subverse topic titles, then why even have topic titles? Just have every subverse titled "?" and let it all go to crap.

If this is a place to provide people to communicate about certain topics, then stick to the topic on each subverse. (Duh!)

What is wrong with people talking about the subject matter of the topic title? (Nothing.)

What is wrong with people disrupting a topic title discussion? (Only everything!)

Whatever happened to common sense? (It still exists.)

Moderate it properly, please.

AperionPatriot ago

Keep this place clean! Fuck what those other people think. 9/10 on the free speech thing, we have a mission to compile and disseminate Q related material here. If that means trashbinning some shit posts then burn it all down.

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

I agree. Shitposting and/or clearly starting trouble has nothing to do with free speech. Not to them anyway, they just want to be assholes and derail legitimate conversations. I say fuck em.

Moun1tain ago

Absolutely! this subverse exists for ONLY one PURPOSE to promote the Great Awakening and support the President...so yes get rid of ALL garbage posts immediately and continuously....this sub belongs to the Patriots NOT the Trolls and Shills!!

NihilisticClownFrog ago


NoRoyalty ago

Be the Moderator that is needed here. The dead-child posting went over the line. Thank you.

tessy2013 ago

was that deleted....I didn't see it

bopper ago

Yeah, but it's archived, for proof, by some anon on here.

MIMI1999 ago

That’s why I’m here......the smart, caring mods and commentators. I appreciate,from the bottom of my heart, your time and effort to educate and make a place to share info, thoughts and feelings. I learn so much that helps educate others. I tell em i get most of my info here! God is winning in spite of the low lifes and it’s making them crazy 👏👏👏👏 Count me in on the winning team of “Independence”

bopper ago

Back at ya!

NoRoyalty ago

I'm sure it was. Disgusting and sick.

Crensch ago

Thank you for your vote, patriot! INDEPENDENCE!

xtalbluedolpin2 ago

You got my vote! GA is all that we should focus on and saving this country from communism period. Let the rest know that there are other threads to play on and delete them if they are not using the platform to further a cause of the most highest priority.

KyJane ago

We (the Right and Q followers) have been run by censorship from virtually every other place there is by Dems and shills. This is one of the very few places left for us. If keeping this as a place we can do this has to be a place where those Dems/shills will get their asses kicked off, then kick away. I do understand the need. I've seen how some have tried very hard to pull off the "divide and conquer" BS here with their posts. It seems to me that they've left little choice other than allowing them to run us out of this place too.

ZombiClown ago

do it

Tigerinky ago

Empty the trash

bopper ago

"Empty the trash."

Yeah, this right here, well said.


Crensch ago

I'll take that as signature on this declaration of independence.

Paladin_Diver ago

Drain this swamp.

KYanon ago

I love it here. I just wish more people grabbed posts from research to discuss and less news articles. I share them on FB as Q proofs. But I wish we all did more research. I get excited when I learn new stuff

pixelkitteh ago

This is a great idea - maybe have a post for each bread (numbered and with links), or even just something for the notables. Would make it a lot easier to discuss seeing as infinity chan is for dropping the info not researching it really.

KYanon ago


Crensch ago

I encourage you to post more of that, and encourage others to post more of what you like. When you see those posts from others, comment and compliment them and tell them you love what they're doing. That kind of thing goes a long way.

Vindicator ago

There could be an "Original Research" flair to help encourage this.


singlebrain1 ago

great idea

KYanon ago

Thank you I will!!!!!! I look for new SB2 posts everyday!!! I wish I was so gifted to be able to decode like him.

Headwest127 ago

Please stop that nonsense. It's sop unreadable and it makes us all look stupid.

KYanon ago

Maybe you are?

Headwest127 ago

Maybe that's the problem. I'm far too simple to understand the massive leaps of logic that are required while reading an SB2 piece.

bopper ago

Lol, they still fall for that guy, his posts should be flared as 'possible disinfo.'

Headwest127 ago

There are 17 spaces in your comment. Gematria says 'Q'! You are the truest patriot of all.

bopper ago

Well, I always knew it.....

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

SB2 posts are like Christmas morning and I'm 7 years old.

KYanon ago

I feel the same way!!! I saw one last night and I ran to make coffee while I read it, My husband kept interrupting me so I closed it and waited for him to go to bed so I could focus on it. I wish I could decode potus tweets like he does!!!!

RockmanRaiden ago

Subverses that require a certain level of integrity need to be preserved. In parks and on sidewalks, degenerates and disturbances are removed. Why not the same here?

The_Real_Wahrheit ago


MeanoReno ago

I agree. Our founding fathers knew the freedom attained in our constitution would only work for a God fearing and moral people. Rules are needed and the more ungodly the people the more rules needed hence why communism has so many and little freedom.

Crensch ago

Exactly. Telling those "goats" that we're "shitposters" doesn't do anything but cause them problems. Everything will chug along as normal here.

RockmanRaiden ago

Tolerance is a weakness. Srayzie was too soft. Glad I'm not you. I'd go full dictator.

Crensch ago

I technically could. I want the GA folks to decide to allow me to put them under my banner, so to speak. It opens the door to so much more that I have planned. They need to take this for themselves. I sincerely hope they do.

Voat can be a great place again, and its slums will be outside of my purview. Some few might be considered decent, but they may have to remove their own riffraff for me to recommend them to this community.

There is a lot more that can be offered here on Voat to the GA folks.

RockmanRaiden ago

I have plans for this place too. I told Putt all about it. Waiting for a response.


Voat needs to get it's shit together and open up so I can fill my sub with content creators from all over. A pet project I'm working on.

Crensch ago

Love it.

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