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divine_human ago


GA is our room in the voat house. when someone shits into the room, shit gets removed. when he repeatedly abuses the room for his personal bathroom, he gets denied further entry.

free speech is not free shit. we also dont do that in real life.

but the rules of the game need to be clear so everybody knows how to play in here. and the mods need to strictly stick to those rules and will be called out for every removal that appears unjustified.

we have the mod logs and its our right and duty to regularly check them. this is not reddit where power mods can secretly play their manipulation game. nothing is really hidden but we fricking have to keep track of it.

i checked the mods logs just now.

comment log didnt look good 12 days or so ago when the drama was on super-hype. the removed comments though were all related to srayzies good-bye post; they mostly didnt deserve a removal and i also complained about it, heheh. but hey, it was clean-up time, everything was a bit emotional, and crensch promised that things would get better.

and well, they did. ever since, hardly and removals, and 2 bans (no opinion on that, didnt observe the process).

post logs are another thing. i see a few removals there that i cant understand at all.

for example, the decision on the quality of a post is pretty subjective, this rule needs to be specified. i also dont like the general rule of 'no questions'; if the post contains more than a question and is not a call fro being spoon-fed, simply removing it because the header contains a question isnt justified, from my pov.

that being said, lets fine-tune the rules and then strictly mod accordingly. makes it easier for everybody and spare the mods a lot of shit.