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Jameson_In_A_Glass ago

Why don't you get the fuck off our website then? go back to reddit.

Crensch ago

I've been here longer than you.

And if you haven't been paying attention, the flag-bearer of the narrative you're pushing here uses a shadow-cabal from reddit to affect change here. Also glitches for votes. It's all in there.

Enjoy telling me to go back to reddit while espousing a narrative literally formed from a still-Reddit cabal.


smokratez ago

Dude, you literally have srs modding this sub.

ruck_feddit ago

I read your previous submission in it's entirety the other night. I'm not part of a cabal. I'm just one asshole. You know that's the case, because we can smell our own. You do sound pretty reddit with all this drama. Don't interpret this as me hating you or anything like that, I'm simply stating my opinion at this moment in time.

Crensch ago

I didn't call you part of the cabal. I pinged you to see my comment. I've no idea what you've read and what you haven't.

ruck_feddit ago

Ah, ok. You ate up 45 minutes, at least, with that post and it's links. Like I said before, I am paying attention. Many would be too lazy.

Jameson_In_A_Glass ago

You might want to resize that tinfoil hat bud.

Crensch ago

You might want to read it, bud. The evidence is all there.

ruck_feddit ago

Powermods kicked them off Reddit... Some came along, I guess.

Jameson_In_A_Glass ago

Ironic they are becoming the thing that destroyed them. Hope they don't drag us all down with them.

ruck_feddit ago

They won't drag us all down. They'll simply poison their home here.

zaakir1 ago

shut up idiots. BYE!!!