Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

The only thing I've noticed as of late are kikes turning goats against goats over the most petty of things.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Why not link to the comment? Oh, because you lose the argument every time you bring it up.

I was calling soapdoxbanhammer, which I own, a bunch of Nazis. Then I say somebody neds to ban them.

If I wanted anybody banned (on the sub I own!) I could have.

I can't believe you still try this, you always look autistic.


smokratez ago

You are not nazis. You are reddit trannies larping as nazis.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

The silence and lack of leadership from putt since the unbanning debacle (lumping the dox bans in with those unfairly banned) was voat's demise. He's allowed a tiny clan of addicts, misfits and welfare claimants to shit up the place. Best is to move elsewhere and not waste energy on it.

progressbin ago

Well, it's a good thing there are 6 gorillion other subs, faggot!

smokratez ago

You are not worried about this turning voat into reddit?

Approved ago

I like Voat becsuse it has free speech.

Just like I liked Reddit when it first started, because it had free speech and genuine conversations on many subs, at one time.

However, there are losers, shut-ins, fat obese blobs, ugly genetic mistakes, psycho-sexual deviants, and the slightly-less-loserish dregs of society who dream of becoming kings of the losers, along with your garden-variety socialist usefull idiots.

Those fuckers live online 24/7, becsuse interaction with the real world or the sight of an actual non-loser smirking at thier mishapen form is too emotionally painful for them.

The web is thier world, like the dark spaces in the walls in a section 8 welfare tower block belong to cockroaches.

They will eventually take over any online space that allows user-created subs, up/downvoting, and persistent user identities.

In fact, Voat is clone of Reddit, code-wise. So the exact same tactics that SRS used to seize Reddit will inevitably work on Voat eventually.

It's inevitable.

So enjoy Voat for what it is, while it still is, and be prepared to migrate once the SJWs eventually hollow Voat out and wear its corpse like a mask, like they do with every other site they seize.

They'll keep following, subverting, seizing, and befouling the entire web, site by site, because that's the only activity they can do from inside thier cheeto-crumb-infested lairs.

"But there must be something we can do!!!!111", you might say.

There is.

Live in the real world. Walk outside. Feel the sun on your skin. Lift weights. Ride a bike. Run three miles. Buy clothes that fit. Get a good haircut. Stand up straight. Look people in the eye. Speak clearly and confidently. Learn a new real-world skill. Fill the world with your spawn.

smokratez ago

Quality post.

carlip ago

SRS, shit reddit says or sexual reassignment surgery? You decide.

smokratez ago

The reddit trannies.

OuterSpaceIsCGI ago

Putt is a tranny @puttitout

theoldguy ago

Jesus H. Christ, you got booted off poal so you gotta flounce your little tranny ass back here to spread your filth. Try reddit, they appreciate lunatics.

smokratez ago

You are the reddit tranny.

theoldguy ago

If you'd eat more cabbage, you'd know better.

smokratez ago

I only eat meat and eggs. Try to keep up you old retard.