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clamhurt_legbeard ago

Delete off topic bullshit.

Ban repeat offenders.

FPH has been doing it right for years.

I told u/Srayzie this, too. She was too soft.

ruck_feddit ago

You can't compare fph's history on voat to this place.

SandHog ago

Speaking of history... You are currently modded in zyklon's sub under an alternate account that you set up for your father because your main account was banned for vote manipulation.

ruck_feddit ago

Yep, I had no other means of communication with putt. I was very open about everything you just posted. So much so that your post is simply a rehash of several of my own.

I downvoated a fresh account actively shitting up the place and tripped the ban algorithm. Putt told me in a PM he was surprised to see my name on that list. @zyklon_b sent me a link in a PM and suddenly I'm a mod of a sub I've never heard of. Then, that beautiful bastard (z_b) got everyone unbanned.

You can see croat's comment history and all the non-trouble it caused. Can you tell us anything that we don't already know? No? Ok. Was there a point to all this?

SandHog ago

zyklon previously caught shilling and delets:

zyklon saying pizzagate is fake:

zyklon: QRV and pizzagate are why voat got kiked:

zyklon: pizzagate is fake:

zyklon: neonrevolt paid me to get rid of srayzie:

zyklon posting picture of a dead child:

My point being why do you willingly associate with pieces of shit?

heygeorge ago

I didn’t read through all that, but

zyklon previously caught shilling and deletes: But that's not zyklo...oh wait

This is a great thread featuring guest appearances throughout of freshmeat alts. Lol!

SandHog ago

Are all those freshmeat? I never got the scoop on all the drama over him.

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