I'll explain it as simply as I can:
Voat has a culture to it that hindered @srayzie from removing the undesirables from the conversation here. That culture did the same to /v/PizzaGate and caused many users to leave the subverse.
Within this Voat culture, not all subverses are equal. Subverses like this one MUST be subject to all kinds of rules and regulations and "discussions" on whether or not the mods did the right thing, based on the opinions of people not of this subverse, but of those that hold to principles of a Voat that existed 3.5 years ago. Shitposting subverses, however, can be run however they want, and none of those "old goats" will complain.
Same with monarchical subverses and democratic ones; @srayzie always wanted to be able to remove what she didn't like from this subverse she made. I know most of you probably felt that he doing so would make this a better place, but she was fettered by the will of those that are not part of this subverse; forcing the idea that this was a "democratic" subverse, where these shitposters could infiltrate and push their agenda on others here. This very thing happened on /v/Pizzagate.
Will you all accept that GA is now a "shitposting" and "monarchical" subverse, thus forcing those "goats" that want to meddle to have consistency issues that will cause them more problems and keep them off our backs? Thus allowing your mods to unilaterally decide to remove things like this which was submitted by this sleeper account, that pretended to be part of GA, but was out to DIVIDE and destroy us, without having to bother with oversight from some unhealthily interested parties, invested in keeping mods weak to allow for shitposters to run wild over the website?
Do you want to continue the charade of the "free speech for all" ProtectVoat charter, when these shitposters can and will have MORE speech than you, can and will flood this place with horseshit, and your mods, with work having to cite rules; discuss rules; ponder removals; ponder bans; and get second-guessed by outside groups; ultimately winding up like @srayzie and @shizy?
These trolls and shitposters will push the envelope with every rule until a mod steps out of line, then ProtectVoat will swoop in to hammer that mod into submission. Do you want your mods subjected to that, or do you trust them to not need this outside meddling?
Do you want to declare GA's independence from the bullshit of "goats" and shitposters that do not have your best interests at heart? Do you want to tell them that we declare ourselves a shitposting, monarchichal, INDEPENDENT subverse that they can either ignore or find themselves at odds with their own doctrines, and by doing so, take away every fang they have to direct at us?
Do you want to continue under the thumb of a knowingly-brigading, vote manipulating, shadow-cabal-from-reddit-using @kevdude and his posse of merry dead-child-posting and threatening shitposters that somehow have everyone believing they want to be fair to us?
The former in this TL;DR will keep me and your other mods from having to post nearly as much meta crap as we would otherwise have to going forward.
Tying up loose ends:
I have done things that go against their charter on GA before this post and your decision. If you choose to declare your independence, may I ask you all to pardon my PV-related transgressions against you by removing shitposters and their posts and comments without citing a reason for each?
Last bit:
I implore you to declare your independence from this 3.5 year old tyranny that is not sanctioned by the admin of this site. Free yourselves from the yoke of their absurd rules for mods that causes people not not even want to become mods due to the red tape, fine lines, tight-rope-walking, and eventual torch-and-pitchfork treatment after the lines of rules being pushed.
I once again promise this:
I will protect the GA users against all threats to their ability to post here. This is YOUR place - an AMAZING place - and it was built for you by someone no longer with us due to these "goats".
Thank you all for your consideration. Please vote below with your base-level comments.
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clamhurt_legbeard ago
Delete off topic bullshit.
Ban repeat offenders.
FPH has been doing it right for years.
I told u/Srayzie this, too. She was too soft.
ruck_feddit ago
You can't compare fph's history on voat to this place.
SandHog ago
Speaking of history... You are currently modded in zyklon's sub under an alternate account that you set up for your father because your main account was banned for vote manipulation.
ruck_feddit ago
Yep, I had no other means of communication with putt. I was very open about everything you just posted. So much so that your post is simply a rehash of several of my own.
I downvoated a fresh account actively shitting up the place and tripped the ban algorithm. Putt told me in a PM he was surprised to see my name on that list. @zyklon_b sent me a link in a PM and suddenly I'm a mod of a sub I've never heard of. Then, that beautiful bastard (z_b) got everyone unbanned.
You can see croat's comment history and all the non-trouble it caused. Can you tell us anything that we don't already know? No? Ok. Was there a point to all this?
SandHog ago
zyklon previously caught shilling and delets: http://archive.is/Qo5nQ
zyklon saying pizzagate is fake: http://archive.is/ER9jT
zyklon: QRV and pizzagate are why voat got kiked: http://archive.is/k1ODC
zyklon: pizzagate is fake: http://archive.is/RV0EJ
zyklon: neonrevolt paid me to get rid of srayzie: http://archive.is/PGA7z
zyklon posting picture of a dead child: http://archive.is/x6mob
My point being why do you willingly associate with pieces of shit?
heygeorge ago
I didn’t read through all that, but
This is a great thread featuring guest appearances throughout of freshmeat alts. Lol!
SandHog ago
Are all those freshmeat? I never got the scoop on all the drama over him.
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