Fateswebb ago

Thank you my brother.

FireMarshallBill ago

Quality, hahahahahahhahahahahahahah. Hey, tell me more about those 10,000 immigrants they sent back, winning, right? LOL this place is a joke.

Fateswebb ago

Here the first one we should ban. 😂

(Just kidding it's not thaaaaat bad but it makes absolutely no fucking sense and clearly is a shill or just an idiot)

new4now ago

Srayzie built this place for Q people because there was a group in Pizzagate that didn't think Q belong there

They were against Q from the beginning

They followed, and the shilling has got worse

Sometimes comments remind me of San Francisco, shit and needles

There are many who came to GA from Pizzagate with Srayzie

Is it worth fighting for?


I want Srayzie and Shizy back

Nothing against new Mods

Free Speech is like choices, there are consquences

bopper ago

I want Srayzie and Shizy back

Yeah me too, you and I have known them for a long time now.

Dismember ago

What is stopping them coming back? Is it the threats for both?

bopper ago

Supposedly they are here under other names.

Yes, the threats got to be too much for them.

new4now ago

2 1/2 yrs for me

I was a few months late from the beginning of Voat Pizzagate

The rules were a bitch but necessary to keep to what the sub verse stood for

I had my share of posts that were sent to the "didn't follow the rules" subverse

It was a subverse....many a posts in there lol

But a change in how to handle the questionable posts made a big difference

Without rules, Chaos and Anarchy take over

Make the rules, if they don't like it, there are other subverses, or make your own as Srayzie did

I'm hoping this is temporary, and they will be back before the fun starts

bopper ago

Yes, hopefully they will be back soon soon enough.

Fateswebb ago

I am one of the ones that came with them from pg. So is bopper. I agree 100 I want them back. They were legit, and are greatly missed. I am glad we still have people like bopper we can trust and still have control over the board...

Winnipegger ago

Vote farming at it's finest

mark7 ago

Anarchy is best enjoyed by (assholes) in moms basement. Keep them off of GA!

RightSideUp17and6 ago

Quality is the word. That is the difference. The bar is raised for the work we got to do....

bopper ago

Yeah, if Q wasn't for real, and not part of the Trump team, and not military intelligence, etc., then I would say, who cares.

But au contraire...

RightSideUp17and6 ago

...mon frere. I agree. Now I must also say if I did not believe God was in it, I would not be NEAR it. The adventure continues....