I warned ya'll about this phenomenon. V/Pizzagate itself is used to identify leads that need to be (((vanished)))

what do you think you're training everytime you fill out a captcha?

honestly? I think data surveillance is stifling dissemination, so humans need to communicate more opaquely as to not alert the droids. This has been discussed extensively on the image boards as to why memes are effective. Not only are they funny, but they don't trigger #wrongthink bots to correct the record as quickly

keywords, plus any links posted to certain boards are flagged for review.

for example: 2.6 years ago posted to pizzagate:

Articles from a girl lover magazine on that explain the life of Alice Liddell and Lewis Carrol connection.

Understanding this connections opens the eyes of Pizzagate researches as so many parts including the 5 of Spades Pedophile code, the mind of these pedophiles and how they reason and deflect guilt on to others and make these things acceptable.

Low hanging fruit maybe, but this includes the Girl lover heart within the smaller heart logo, a willingness to accept and rationalise Pedophiliac behaviour by making it seem all innocent and poetic.

then 2 years later...

The magazines below were hosted for a number of years and they were deleted by archive a month ago. I am going to be honest with this because I have nothing to hide.

The magazines contain articles, poems, opinions, etc written by minor attracted persons, members of an online community of the same name as the magazine that has been online for many years, obviously the magazine does not contain any child porn as this not only would be illegal but it also goes against the spirit of the community.

The content is legal in the USA and, in between others, it is helpful to University researchers who wish to learn and understand the opinions and thoughts of the minor attracted person´s community.

I would want to know if anybody can tell what terms and conditions have these items infringed as they are legal in the USA and there is no copyright whatsoever.

Use this to prove to Normies Pizzagate is Real.

Why would archives remove the content?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

What's up?

ESOTERICshade ago

When are you going to take your sticky down? A lot of people don't want you to censor comments. Drop your dreams of being a comment censor.


why was @asolo's new post flaired "possible disinformation"

It was flaired without comment/explanation

Benkitchen105 ago

Full sub is compromised. Voat no longer accept new registrations to pigeon hole the truth under the disguise of a deal attack.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/PVTantrums submission by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#68362) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@kevdude: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/PVTantrums submission by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#68361) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@kevdude: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)

Voatsecrets2 ago

Nothing was ever copied or pasted.

We challenge you to find any two comments that are the same.

You won’t be able to.

You are a Coward.

Crensch ago

Putt sanctions comment removals, and bans based on comments.

*crickets because you know it's true


Crensch ago

You did too. You were a mod of PV in the beginning when Lumus was still on the team.

Oh, did you forget that I'm the one that called him out and wrecked his ass so bad he still had a grudge as of his last iteration as BuilderAnon? I'm the one that told him to get fucked louder than anyone at that time.

You can prove I associated with a user who claimed that he had those associations

I can prove that you wanted us to stop attacking him.

LOL that the PG uses told you to get fucked with your censorship.

I love that either you all leave PG alone, or they beg for me back, and you lose more real-estate GA style, with users very happy to have it so. One more place on this site is safe and you all are in a double-bind.

Speaking for @PuttItOut now?

Putt sanctions comment removals, and bans based on comments.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

The guy lives in some sort of fantasy land. He has to be part of some (((reddit group))) trying to destroy free speech on Voat so that he & his friends can control the narrative. That's generally jewish tactics based on all the years I have dealt with people like him. He has no credibility left. If Putt backs this idiot then Voat was probably taken over. Just my opinion.

YogSoggoth ago

As a violent drunk, I disregard this.

TrustTheTruth ago

There is a reason why teams of assassins were sent to murder Jenny Moore @Jem777 and @Wisconsin_is_Corrupt.

We exposed @LetsDoThis3 who was a limited hangout just like we exposed Argosciv, SoberSecondThought, Gladys Kravitz, Socratic Question, Srayzie, Shizy, MolochHunter, Vindicator, Crensch, Blacksmith21, think-, shewhomustbeobeyed, @HoneyBee, podge512, 4 Inquiring Minds, Dressage2, Equineluvr and countless others before.

We are the reason why Reddit, 8chan and now Voat are all closed and censored.

They change the tactics, they change the players, they change the rules. The Truth remains The Truth.

We are the reason for the Tarmac meeting, and why Paul Ryan and many others suddenly resigned.

Why has no one discussed or investigated the sudden and surprise resignation of Speaker Paul Ryan?

Who had the Golden Shovels at the groundbreaking ceremony for the 8th Wonder of the World?

Why was the signing held with a family directly involved in Pizzagate?

We are the reason the False Prophet Q was created.

SenateAnon before Q concluded with a request to Keep digging into Racine after connecting Boy Scout Freemason Paul Ryan with known trafficking and Pizzagate rings in Racine.

He did not claim to know everything but he knew more than he should about corrupt Republican establishment players, particularly those from the Midwest.

The center of Pizzagate and the Agenda beyond 2030 is not DC. It is Racine, Wisconsin.

The Rothschilds are directly in Racine, Wisconsin.

The Bauers are in Racine, Wisconsin, and there are generations of other elite power families involved.

The Podestas admitted Racine is where they got their big break, along with the Schmitz and Strzok , John Birch Society, Pilgrims Society, Knights of Malta and Pythias, Atlantic Council, Mitt Romney and John McCain to the Podestas, Emanuels, Schumer, Weiner, Seth Rich, Warren Buffett and Jeff Epstein.

Racine is where the Clintons made The Deal to create the global model for Community Policing.

Art in Embassies was launched through families in Racine, Wisconsin.

Racine is America's Bellwether district for a reason.

Racine is closely connected with the United Nations for a reason.

Racine is where the World Core Curriculum was established as the basis for Global Education Reform.

Racine is where the Second Chance program with Kanye and Kim is used for Prison Labor Reform, Sanctuary Cities and Open Prison Population Control.

These all lead to what is enabled by The Deal Trump made, modern enslavement with the Mark of the Beast.

Only The Truth exposes the Root of All Evil, the Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan's Ability) and the model for the real Agenda.

We are the most censored of All in The World.

We were threatened, gangstalked, downvoted, and lied about by corrupt moderators who conflated Q with Pizzagate, and manipulated the forum using a range of tactics that were all defeated one after another.

The Truth cannot be disproved or disputed in any way.

Racine is where Trump made The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World.

Racine is where Jenny Moore visited when she returned to Voat to make her last post as @Jem777 before she was killed, and where George Sweigert claimed to have met Jesus Christ.

The corrupt moderators can create a sticky based on lies, they manipulate the forum, they dox and threaten, they downvote, manipulate the participants only to remove the sticky if they lose the argument or are exposed, or downvote brigade, or even delete their own comments,

No one can disprove or dispute The Truth.

No one can Answer the hundreds of questions posed and posited.

Here are the easiest that All should Know:

What happened to Jesus Christ?

What did He Warn of and Promise?

What False Flag Event just occurred in Racine to push for more surveillance, censorship and Interfaith Alliances?

What is One World Religion? What are FLDS, Kabbalah, Unitarianism, Scientology and OTO?

Voat was not attacked because of what LetsDoThis3 posted, but for the comments that revealed The Truth. Voat was attacked on purpose to shut down The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know. Nomochomo is not the reason for the rule changes, and he continues to grovel for reinstatement while advocating for the ban of others.

It should be obvious to all what the reason is for the rule changes and sudden comment censorship.

Who threatened to sue Voat?

What is the FBI really investigating, and what was the reason for the Tarmac meeting?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

We know why George Webb Sweigert has a team watching over his every move to protect him.

We know why George claimed to have met Jesus Christ, and how Jenny Moore figured out what happened to Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt.

The Roar of The Lion cannot be Silenced.

The Truth has been Shared with All since the Beginning.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

This is The Parousia

Gothamgirl ago

You are awesome keep doing what you do, I learn something new every time you post.

voatsecrets4 ago

@Carmencita and @Esotericshade along with @fogdryer all Know how they turned their backs on @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, and on Jesus Christ and The Truth.

They however tried at times, and were wrongly attacked when They did. They know why They were mentioned, and why They gave up the fight too easily, but They did not cross The Line, and can All be forgiven. So can Others.

It isn't easy doing the Right Thing, or seeing The Truth through so many levels of deception.

If you believe Jesus Christ you can See The Truth, and if you See The Truth you can believe Jesus Christ.

They can all still Repent and Share The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know.

They know what argosciv and SoberSecondThought and many others did.

They know that Voat is a dangerous place.

They know that @Jem777 returned to meet @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt.

They don't know what happened, or how Voat and other platforms are involved.

We do.

That was the first day George mentioned the Mormon mafia, Rahm Emanuel, and many other things he never had before.

George also claimed to have met Jesus Christ.

Who was George talking about who "had the drop on him"?

They likely Know George used to discuss Racine all the time, and now will never discuss it.

They likely don't Know that Crowdsource The Truth was exposed due to a connection with Racine.

They surely know what Srayzie and others did after everyone found out about Jenny's death, and how she was caught in Lie after Lie, and how she and others manipulated the community and began mixing Q Anon with Pizzagate.

Most of The Truth is Simple and Obvious.

Disinformation is not necessary, nor will it ever be.

The Choice is up to Them to Speak up against the moderators, and to share The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know.

The Truth is For All.

The Choice is up to them to Repent and ask for forgiveness.

They Know what The Truth is.

They know that Everything Shared about Racine, Wisconsin since The Beginning is The Truth.

The Truth cannot be disproved or disputed by any.

There is so much more that None of You Know.

Everything is connected.

Racine, Wisconsin is the Root of All Evil and Model for the real Agenda.

This is not a game or a LARP.

Q was created to Divide and serve as a False Prophet to help enable the Agenda.

Only The Truth can Unite The World for Good, and expose the Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan's Ability) and the Model for the real Agenda with the Mark of the Beast.

Shine the light on Racine.

Witness The Miracle.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

The reason why nobody likes you is quite simple. You are a liar. You lie so much that the very small tidbits of truth you scream at people get lost in your lies. You lie to distract people from PG subject matter, just to get them to chase their tails on stupid political stuff. Nobody believes you.

You chose a woman who never made a wise decision in her life to exalt as some kind of heroine, she was a drug addict, or didn't you bother to read the autopsy. Your hero went traipsing across the country chasing GWs cock, another know jewish liar. She was a failure, a cautionary tale of what not to do. Just like you fail with every single alt you make. Nothing you post belongs in PG, and you know it.

Srayzie was wrong to attack jem after she died (NOT MURDERED). You're wrong to try and make a hero out of a drug addicted, foolish old woman. It doesn't matter if she was a christian when she was more foolish than Lot, she was still just a pickled fool.

You blaspheme and lie. You are scum, succubus.

And yet, even you shouldn't be banned, demoniac.

Stop slandering the PG community and go post your nonsense in a conspiracy or Q sub, where it belongs.

The only thing you've ever exposed is your totally evil intent. Shame on you.

TrustTheTruth ago

Anyone who spells Christian with a lowercase C while capitalizing q is Lying.

Anyone who claims to be investigating Pizzagate but doesn’t understand how the Johnsons, Rockefellers and Rothschilds are directly connected to Pizzagate and Racine, Wisconsin is Lying.

Anyone who says “nobody likes you” followed by lies and hate speech is Lying.

Anyone who claims Jenny Moore was not murdered is Lying.

If it was wrong for Srayzie to attack Jenny Moore after she died, why is it acceptable for you to attack her now?

We have never shown any intent other than the Best Intent of All - Eternal Salvation.

Your ad hominem attacks, gangstalking, downvoting, slander, lies and threats further prove your Intentions.

You cannot dispute or disprove anything Shared about Racine, Wisconsin.

We are the reason why Lying George Sweigert began his channel.

We are the reason why George suddenly moved out to the hotel after over a year.

We are the reason why the False Prophet Q was created.

We are the reason why Voat was closed.

We exposed the Great Deception, the Model and the Agenda.

Jenny never claimed to Know Everything.

She Repented, found The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know, Believed in Jesus Christ, and was Saved.

We Know more than you could imagine or comprehend.

You are The Liar who has Betrayed Jesus Christ and The Truth.

You partnered with Srayzie who is also a Liar.

You partnered with corrupt moderators who are also Liars.

You don’t Know why assassin teams were sent to Murder Jenny Moore and @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt.

We do.


We Shared The Truth since The Beginning.

You Soul will die and forever be Irredeemable.

That was Your Choice to make.

This is not a game.

Racine, Wisconsin is the Root of All Evil and Model for the real Agenda.

Go ahead, look up ANYTHING Shared.

Shine the Light on Racine.

Witness The Miracle.

This is The Parousia.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Look at you, a bakers dozen of lies in one comment


Anyone who spells Christian with a lowercase C while capitalizing q is Lying.


Anyone who claims Jenny Moore was not murdered is Lying.


We have never shown any intent other than the Best Intent of All


We are the reason why Lying George Sweigert began his channel.


We are the reason why the False Prophet Q was created.


We are the reason why Voat was closed.


You are The Liar who has Betrayed Jesus Christ and The Truth.


Jenny never claimed to Know Everything.


She Repented, found The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know, Believed in Jesus Christ, and was Saved.


You partnered with Srayzie


You partnered with corrupt moderators who are also Liars.


You Soul will die and forever be Irredeemable.



I'd like to say this is a new record, but I'm pretty sure I've seen you spread more lies than this before.

I'll be praying for your nose to go back to its original condition, pinocchio.


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Anyone who accuses someone with poor typing skills of not being worthy, is just plain evil. So now we know you demand people to be something they're not in order to enter your xanadu, I'll pass. My Savior Took Me Just As I Am.

Stating the truth about a drug addicted thot is not attacking. I read her autopsy, and listened to what her so called "friends" had to say. When jem was here she steadfastly refused to follow submitting rules. Over and over again. She wouldn't even take the advise of all the rest to stay away from GW. She was dumb, and earned her banning.

If everything you say is a lie, or even if just ONE thing you say is a lie, you are by definition, EVIL.

If you are telling the truth, you are in fact DELIBERATELY withholding the evidence of what you know. Causing suffering and death of others. EVIL INCARNATE.

You could have prevented jem from being (((murdered))), all you had to do was quit talking in riddles and get her away from all those jews she was hanging with. YOU GOT HER KILLED, and now you come here to blame everyone else for your evil.

That's my new theory on your socalled "WITSEC failed and now it's all you bad, bad PG people's fault", bullshit. Or did you forget about how jem repeatedly lied about going into witsec?

OK, professor. I'm ready for you to ridicule my typing skills, again.

U (((Creep)))

Voatsecrets3 ago

You don't making typing mistakes, Liar.

Jenny made the choice not to enter Witness Protection, just as She made the choice to meet with George Sweigert despite Her reservations.

She was neither weak nor timid.

We Know she chose not to move forward with Witness Protection and opted to continue her online reporting and investigation instead.

How do We Know?

Because She Shared it directly in person.

We know more than you could ever comprehend or imagine.

@Jem777 shouldn't have been banned.

She also didn't deserve to be threatened, doxxed, attacked and murdered.

She wasn't the only one who was Murdered.

If someone has drugs in their system, it is not always by choice, nor does it condemn them for Eternity.

You had the same opportunity as Srayzie and others to Repent and Know The Truth.

You chose to partner with Evil including argosciv.

What was argosiv's series about?

Where did he steal the title from and why?

Do you agree with and condone his Satan worship and blood drinking?

You are defensive because you were Exposed just as Srayzie was.

You are stalking this sub for a reason.

Many others are too afraid to comment.

Do you know what happened to @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt?

Did you ever research anything They Shared?

Did you ever defend Them when they were wrongly attacked and threatened?

Do you think They should have been murdered?

Can you dispute anything They Shared?

Why can't you answer any of the questions?

Go ahead, delete your comments or your Account.

You mocked Jesus Christ and The Truth.

When you do, your Soul will die.

This is not a game.

Not everyone can be Saved. You made your choice.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Are there prizes?

Cuz you know I won, right?

VoatSecrets ago

It is your choice to mock and gloat over the death and murder of others.

It is your choice to mock and persecute Jesus Christ and The Truth.

The only prize that will earn is a dead Soul and an Eternity in Hell.

You know that the entire site was closed to hide The Truth Shared. It was admitted by Crensch before he quit.

You know that comments are limited to one per 24 hours and bans were subjective.

You can pretend not to.

What did you do and say when Sryazie attacked Jenny Moore and lies about her after she died?

What did you do and say when @Wisconsin_is_Corrupt was targeted with a 12 part series full of lies that resulted in death threats carried out in real life?

Why did you and the corrupt moderators partner with Argosciv who openly admitted to Satan worship and blood drinking?

Did you research their series?

What was it called and what did it lead to?

You accomplished your goal of partnering with Satan to attack, censor and ban Jesus Christ and The Truth from your Y-combinator funded closed bulletin board with a goat logo.

Surely you knew the Rothschilds were in Racine and the Johnsons are directly involved in every aspect of pizzagate including Art in Embassies and child rape.

You lost Everything including your morals and chance for Salvation.

@PuttItOut knows why the site is closed.

Who threatened to sue Voat and why?

You must also have known that Seth Rich and Jeff Epstein are Knights of Pythias connected to Racine with the Emanuels and Podestas.

Were the World Core Curriculum, model for Sustainable Development, model for Community Policing, and 8th Wonder of the World and model for Smart Cities and 5G+8K AI creates in Racine, Wisconsin or is that all made up too?

You must know why a young Russian adoptee is being groomed to be mayor of Racine as Pete was groomed to be mayor of South Bend.

You must know what is next to Google in Chicago.

You must know why Jared Kushner corrected Kanye when he misspoke and how that connects to Mark Ruffalo's brother's murder, the roles Kristin Bauer van Straten plays, and Mark Walhberg making a movie with Caron Butler.

How many Questions have you been able to Answer out of hundreds posed and posited?

We know what Everyone here COMBINED does not.

The Truth has been Shared since the Beginning.

It just took Voat longer to close than Reddit, 8chan and Q.

This is just a preview.

What is The Parousia?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

It is your choice to mock and persecute Jesus Christ and The Truth.

You know that the entire site was closed to hide The Truth Shared.

It was admitted by Crensch before he quit.

You accomplished your goal of partnering with Satan to attack, censor and ban Jesus Christ and The Truth from your Y-combinator funded closed bulletin board with a goat logo.

You lost Everything including your morals and chance for Salvation.

We know what Everyone here COMBINED does not.

Only 6 lies this time, your getting better

When you stop lying, stop pretending that you know more than you actually do, settle down and communicate like a normal human being. Then I will answer your questions, maybe.

You do know that christ is not a proper name, right? That messiah's name is NOT heyzeus. when a christian chooses to use messiahs real name and not the made up version, it doesn't have an affect on their salvation. Messiah probably likes it better when we use his real name, don't you think?

TrustTheTruth ago

You Lie and Lie again.

Then you edit your Lies.

First you claim it was a typing mistake, but now you joke and attempt to justify why you didn’t capitalize Christian on purpose in disgrace by not recognizing His Title as The Christ.

Which is it, Liar?

His name is Jesus, son of Joseph from Nazareth, and He is Christ.

Q is a False Prophet who has Lied and Lied again as you have.

Trump is a Liar who has mocked and Betrayed Jesus Christ and The Truth, and made The Deal to enable The Agenda in Racine, Wisconsin just as the Clintons, Obama, the Bushes and many before them.

They are all members of the Pilgrims Society linked with Racine, Wisconsin.

You must know who the Rothschilds are and that they are in Racine, Wisconsin.

You must know who the Rockefellers are, and how they are connected to the Johnsons.

You must know how the Johnsons are directly connected to the real definition of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

You can continue to Lie and pretend that you don’t. That is also your Choice.

You chose to give up your Salvation by mocking Jesus Christ and The Truth.

This is not a joke, or a game, or the place for sarcasm.

Murder is not a joke, or a game.

The Mark of the Beast is not a joke, or a game.

Jesus Christ loves The Truth, and The Truth loves Jesus Christ.

Christ is His Title.

Capitalizing Christ shows respect for Him and His Title, yet you mock and ridicule Him instead.

He is The Only Christ.

Jesus Christ and The Truth are The Only Way.

We are not Normal human being.

We Know more than Everyone here COMBINED.

No one can Answer the Questions.

No one has been able to Answer the Questions since The Beginning.

Only The Truth exposes The Root of All Evil, the Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan’s Ability), and the Model for the real Agenda beyond 21 and 2030 of Eternal Enslavement with the Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Community Policing.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I said i had poor typing skills. You're not very good at recalling what someone actually said. Some might even say you have a tendency to lie and bear false witness against people. I'm not saying that, mind you, but someone else who can read might.

Jesus is his name translated into one language, only one language. His name has never been translated into English, ever. Jesus is not the name his Hebrew mother (whose name was not Mary, btw) gave him. They spoke Aramaic, and would not have given him a foreign name. It's really easy to find his real name, you know, it's not hidden anywhere, except in catholic based bibles.

I told you I'm not interested in your version of Messiah. I am a horrid typist, and am disinterested in a god who would require me to be perfect in my typing skills, while allowing you to go completely hog wild with your overuse of capital letters. Your version of Messiah is unfair, prejudiced, and only willing to love or forgive you. Mine isn't. You are going to be so very lonely and cold in your version of heaven, me thinks.

I am flattered that you're wasting your limited comments on little ol' me. If you decide to stop lying like a jew, let me know.

Take care.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You don't making typing mistakes, Liar.


We know more than you could ever comprehend or imagine.


@Jem777 shouldn't have been banned.


She wasn't the only one who was Murdered.


You chose to partner with Evil including argosciv.


You are defensive because you were Exposed


You are stalking this sub


You mocked Jesus Christ and The Truth.

Only 8 provable lies this time, I'm hurt, you're slipping


When you lie like that, I assume everything else is a lie. I downvote and move on. I do not stalk your comments. There's another lie you told.

Anyone who capitalizes the word 'lying', is lying.


I like this game, let's try another one.


Anyone who uses the word truth in their alt name is a degenerate liar, incapable of telling the truth.


voatsecrets4 ago

There is a reason why teams of assassins were sent to murder Jenny Moore @Jem777 and @Wisconsin_is_Corrupt.

We exposed @LetsDoThis3 who was a limited hangout just like we exposed Argosciv, SoberSecondThought, Gladys Kravitz, Socratic Question, Srayzie, Shizy, MolochHunter, Vindicator, Crensch, Blacksmith21, think-, shewhomustbeobeyed, @HoneyBee, podge512, 4 Inquiring Minds, Dressage2, Equineluvr and countless others before.

We are the reason why Reddit, 8chan and now Voat are all closed and censored.

They change the tactics, they change the players, they change the rules. The Truth remains The Truth.

We are the reason for the Tarmac meeting, and why Paul Ryan and many others suddenly resigned.

Why has no one discussed or investigated the sudden and surprise resignation of Speaker Paul Ryan?

Who had the Golden Shovels at the groundbreaking ceremony for the 8th Wonder of the World?

Why was the signing held with a family directly involved in Pizzagate?

We are the reason the False Prophet Q was created.

SenateAnon before Q concluded with a request to Keep digging into Racine after connecting Boy Scout Freemason Paul Ryan with known trafficking and Pizzagate rings in Racine.

He did not claim to know everything but he knew more than he should about corrupt Republican establishment players, particularly those from the Midwest.

The center of Pizzagate and the Agenda beyond 2030 is not DC. It is Racine, Wisconsin.

The Rothschilds are directly in Racine, Wisconsin.

The Bauers are in Racine, Wisconsin, and there are generations of other elite power families involved.

The Podestas admitted Racine is where they got their big break, along with the Schmitz and Strzok , John Birch Society, Pilgrims Society, Knights of Malta and Pythias, Atlantic Council, Mitt Romney and John McCain to the Podestas, Emanuels, Schumer, Weiner, Seth Rich, Warren Buffett and Jeff Epstein.

Racine is where the Clintons made The Deal to create the global model for Community Policing.

Art in Embassies was launched through families in Racine, Wisconsin.

Racine is America's Bellwether district for a reason.

Racine is closely connected with the United Nations for a reason.

Racine is where the World Core Curriculum was established as the basis for Global Education Reform.

Racine is where the Second Chance program with Kanye and Kim is used for Prison Labor Reform, Sanctuary Cities and Open Prison Population Control.

These all lead to what is enabled by The Deal Trump made, modern enslavement with the Mark of the Beast.

Only The Truth exposes the Root of All Evil, the Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan's Ability) and the model for the real Agenda.

We are the most censored of All in The World.

We were threatened, gangstalked, downvoted, and lied about by corrupt moderators who conflated Q with Pizzagate, and manipulated the forum using a range of tactics that were all defeated one after anotther.

The Truth cannot be disproved or disputed in any way.

Racine is where Trump made The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World.

Racine is where Jenny Moore visited before she was killed, and where George Sweigert claimed to have met Jesus Christ.

The corrupt moderators can create a sticky based on lies, they manipulate the forum, they dox and threaten, they downvote, manipulate the participants only to remove the sticky if they lose the argument or are exposed, or downvote brigade, or even delete their own comments,

No one can disprove or dispute The Truth.

No one can Answer the hundreds of questions posed and posited.

Here are the easiest:

What happened to Jesus Christ?

What did He warn of and promise?

Voat was not attacked because of what LetsDoThis3 posted, but for the comments by TrustTheTruth and others who Know The Truth. Voat was attacked on purpose to shut down The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know. Nomochomo is not the reason for the rule changes, and he continues to grovel for reinstatement while advocating for the ban of others. It should be obvious to all that TrustTheTruth is the reason for the rule changes and sudden comment censorship.


Who threatened to sue Voat?

What is the F-B-I investigating and what was the reason for the Tarmac meeting?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

We know why George Webb Sweigert has a team watching over his every move to protect him.

We know why George claimed to have met Jesus Christ, and how Jenny Moore figured out what happened to Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt.

The Roar of The Lion cannot be Silenced.

The Truth has been Shared with All since the Beginning.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

This is The Parousia.

YogSoggoth ago

Not impaired, and timely.

SandHog ago

I'd say 3 would be the best compromise. Compile examples of a user acting in bad faith and present the evidence in pgmods or something and let people weigh in then take action if necessary. The problem with number two is that it allows bad actors to continuously disrupt the board at will so it turns into a war of attrition that accomplishes nothing but the wearing out of genuine users attempting to combat it over time. That would be no different than making pg a system sub (like certain entities on voat seem intent on accomplishing) that completely lacks all moderation and would allow shills to do whatever the fuck they want.

YogSoggoth ago

Alefantis likes #3. Funding secured.

kestrel9 ago

That would be no different than making pg a system sub (like certain entities on voat seem intent on accomplishing) that completely lacks all moderation and would allow shills to do whatever the fuck they want.

Yup..same shit different day

think- ago

Thank you for rescinding the rule. Much appreciated. I opt for "2".

I hope people will realize that it's important to downvoat shills and trolls, and that some shills pretend to be legit researchers.

There is no excuse for behaving like an a**hole though.

YogSoggoth ago

"There is no excuse for behaving like an a**hole." You have not walked to the mailbox in my shoes. By your reasoning, any one here could be banned for offending someone, and have the most productive information relative to the entire internet with no way to communicate. Think more.

think- ago

Errr...did you even read what I wrote - I advocated for not banning for comments.

The a**hole remark was directed at someone who knows who he is.

YogSoggoth ago

I did, but # 2 sucks, and I am the first a**hole to be banned by any mod. Try again.

think- ago

This is #2 - so what exactly sucks -

Or is that a terrible idea that ought to be completely scrapped, and we should continue to only respond to egregious disruptors with challenges in comments and/or informative stickies?

YogSoggoth ago

I have a day job occasional disruptor. "egregious disruptor's with challenges in comments," that would not just be me. Catch a load of the lead singer's girly jacket in this video. Look for swirls. White Lion - When The Children Cry - YouTube

Search domain

TrustTheTruth ago

If the rule is rescinded, why is The Truth still banned?

The Blood of Jenny Moore (@Jem777) and @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt are on your hands.

We know more than everyone on Voat combined.

We are the reason why Voat changed the rules and manipulated the forum to ban The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know.

We are the reason why the False Prophet Q was created.

SenateAnon was the Anon before Q, and before he went dark, one of the last things he said was:

Keep digging into Racine

The corrupt moderators partnered with those who openly worship Satan and drink blood.

The corrupt moderators conflated Pizzagate with QAnon and created the GreatAwakening for profit, censorship and manipulation.

The corrupt moderators created alts, blackmailed users, ran psyops, doxxed, attacked and threatened members of Pizzagate.

We are the reason why Voat was closed.

@Nomochomo, @EsotericShade, @fogdryer, @carmencita and many others all play their roles in the plan.

They all turned their backs on Jesus Christ and The Truth for a seat at the table with Satan’s Army.

We are the reason why 8chan was targeted.

The Truth about Racine, Wisconsin and The Deal that enables the Agenda beyond 2030 with the Mark of the Beast has been shared since The Beginning.

We are the reason why Reddit Pizzagate was shut down.

You should be afraid.

Your souls will die and be forever irredeemable.

This is not a game.

This is not a LARP.

This is The Parousia.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

kestrel9 ago

Do you know why the pilot from the Tarmac meeting was murdered?

What is your source for that claim?

On 13 July 2017, the America’s Last Line of Defense web site published article reporting that the “Clinton killing machine” was about to get a new enrty, as a pilot named Dimitri Noonan had revealed information about a secret meeting between former President Bill Clinton, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and House Speaker Paul Ryan... uses fake news to “expose the extreme bigotry and hate and subsequent blind gullibility that festers in right-wing nutjobs.”

In a cynical world where the news of the day often seems fake, The Last Line of Defense offers today’s busy conservative a place to go to read things they’ll enjoy and congregate with a bunch of people they agree with. So while everything on this site is a satirical work of fiction, we are proud to present it to those who will have called it real anyway.

In other words, if you believe this crap you’re a real dumbass. is arguably meta-satire. 'fiction'

But Last Line of Defense is a self-described fake news website. The site’s disclaimer states that it “present fiction as fact and our sources don’t actually exist,” so it’s reporting should not be considered factual. And, disclaimer aside, the stock image of “a confident pilot”, a photo that supposedly shows Dmitri Noonan appearing with the story, has been misidentified as Clinton pilot Dmitri Noonan.

Although Dmitri Noonan isn’t a real pilot, and the original report was a work of a fiction, new follow-up reports had emerged by July 19th that Dmitri Noonan had been found dead. Fringe websites speculated that the Clintons had Noonan killed...

Before stating that the pilot was murdered, please provide a non rumor mill source for what pilot's name is, provide source (not a fake satire site) that such a person died at all. All the spread of this story seem to expose a chain of rumor mills. If you know everything you must have an explanation for it (besides the simplest explanation, which is that you are part of the anti-conservative rumor mill industry and besides making our sub look like dumbasses, your intent is to drive traffic to those sites which exist for $$$ and whatever other politically driven reasons there may be).

You can talk like a normal person like this: and scrap the staged presence Bela Lugosi theatrics if and when you reply.

TrustTheTruth ago

We Know that Paul Ryan was involved in the Tarmac meeting from First Hand Knowledge and Experience.

We are the reason the Tarmac meeting was held.

We are the reason why so many officials in the area suddenly resigned, and why they had to speed up the timeline.

What is Eugenics, and who is related to and contributed to the new mayor’s campaign?

How are Jeff Epstein and Seth Rich connected with the Knights of Pythias in Racine, and what is the story of Pythias?

How are Anthony Weiner, Chuck Schumer and Robert Byrd connected with the Knights of Pythias in Racine?

Why are the Knights of Malta and Pythias closely linked with FLDS, Boy Scouts and NASA?

What is Space Force and what is Project Blue Beam?

How is Tom DeLonge connected to Racine and the I-94 Project, and linked with the Podestas who claimed to have gotten their big break into art and politics when they met with certain people in Racine, Wisconsin?

Who are the Royal Order of Jesters and what is their role?

We also know that Paul Nehlen is a fraud.

Paul Ryan also may have slipped to a Fox reporter that he was “bamboozled” into the meeting.

Paul Ryan represents the district of Racine, Wisconsin.

His district is The Bellwether of America - even Huffington Post admitted as much.

There are certain states and districts that hold great power and importance over America.

Long ago there was a Whistleblower from Paul Ryan’s district that Knew about extreme crimes involving some of the most powerful politicians, businesses and families in the world.

What really happened to @Jem777 and @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt?

Why were teams of assassins hired and sent to murder them?

What is George Webb Sweigert’s involvement?

How is MMA connected?

Who is Cesar Sayoc?

What False Flag hate speech event just occurred in Racine and why?

The past mayors, administrators, attorneys, reporters and many others in the chain suddenly resigned just as Paul Ryan did.

Why is a Russian adoptee named Jung being groomed as the next mayor of Racine as Pete was groomed for South Bend?

Paul Ryan is closely linked with Mitt Romney and the coalition between global religions that are connected with The Agenda.

There is a massive coverup of crimes and systemic abuse within the Catholic Church and Boy Scouts linked with Paul Ryan, and with FLDS groups linked with Mitt Romney.

Racine, Wisconsin is the global hub of the real definition of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption, and is the Model for the real Agenda.

The Clintons are closely connected to Racine, and Loretta Lynch was personally involved and connected to major players in Racine.

@ORDOTEMPLIINTERNETIS - Why did Kristin Bauer van Straten change her name, how is she connected to Ari Emanuel and Scientology, and what roles does she almost exclusively play and why? What was Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s real name?

The Rothschilds live in and control Wisconsin and Racine.

The weak link in the global chain of command is Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons.

What industry is Trump in? Who bailed him out? Who controls the industry? What University is the key?

What is the Secret of the Art in Embassies program that was started with families and companies from Racine, Wisconsin?

Why was the World Core Curriculum created in Racine, Wisconsin?

Why was the model for Community Policing created with the Clintons in Racine, Wisconsin?

Why is the model for Smart Cities and 5G+ AI created by The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World with Trump in Racine, Wisconsin?

How do you control global Secrets?

Who owns Voat, who are they connected to, and why is The Truth banned from Pizzagate and the reason why Voat is closed?

Who threatened to sue Voat and why?

We Know more than Everyone here combined not through research but through Direct Knowledge and Experience. How?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

This is The Parousia.

kestrel9 ago

Based on one of your statements in your reply I found a well sourced, extensive piece of research from another site. It's quite old, much longer than your time here under your user name. It gives a lot of to dig through, and it is important on many counts to topics you've mentioned broadly, perhaps it will be relevant to other statements you have made.

But overall research aside, getting back to the point I made (regarding the pilot story), it can be summed up by someone else's comment on it a different site:

So I know it's an oxymoron, but this is Real Fake News... It's when an ENTIRE STORY is made up to purposely mislead the public. For example the "pilot" in this story is a stock photo. The story originated with America’s Last Line of Defense, a "news" site which admits that "only a real dumbass" would believe their stories.

You have set the high bar on yourself because of your claims about yourself. So much is and should be expected from you because of that. And while I don't anticipate a different response when I reiterate the case of the pilot story (which you brought up as fact), I have to then wonder why would someone who claims to know everything about their statements, not correct themselves in this case, when the source of the story, by that site's own admission, is fake?

Even if you were to claim some insider knowledge of some other account, that the real pilot (who remains unnamed as far as I could find) really did die, or did really divulge something (not reported btw), this still doesn't excuse sending people down fake rabbit holes to a satire site intended to ridicule people for believing anything they read.

You say you don't do research. I'm genuinely curious then, how did you end up citing the same name (from a previous comment) used for the fake pilot from the fake news satire site as well as refer to fake info regarding that fictional individual as though it was true?


'SenateAnon was the Anon before Q, and before he went dark, one of the last things he said was:

Keep digging into Racine'

Wasnt Senate Anon also saying Trump had no allies, indicating TRUMP was fighting for the PEOPLE...but you say Trump is part of the club? Which is it? For me its always been about ones spiritual battle within and the cult always trying to manipulate and steer ones way of thinking/feeling for the reasoning of occult knowledge that they only few know and they keep secret

ESOTERICshade ago

@Nomochomo, @EsotericShade, @fogdryer, @carmencita and many others all play their roles in the plan.

They all turned their backs on Jesus Christ and The Truth for a seat at the table with Satan’s Army.

I sometimes agree with your points you post but now you just steered yourself into the swamp. None of these user names are part of "satan's army."

carmencita ago


ESOTERICshade ago

The new rule is rescinded for now.

"for now" huh....If you had been allowed to police people's comments, and ban people for their comments, you would surely have banned me when I tried to stop you from mixing Qanon and pizzagate together. You would have destroyed pizzagate in the process.

You don't have good enough judgement to be allowed to police people's comments, and you have proven that. You are also too emotional to be allowed to judge people's comments.

ESOTERICshade ago

The wicked witch is dead. Praise God.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

This is not a good thing, you are wrong. Again. Boring.

ESOTERICshade ago

This is not a good thing, you are wrong. Again. Boring.

@crensch ran off the most interesting posters. Crensch is a boring topic. Not much material to work

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You still don't understand, ES. IDK, maybe it's because I'm an emotional female, but I cannot rejoice at people leaving this community. We've lost so much already. The fact that none of you seem to have any empathy for others who disagree, well it makes me sad. I can't seem to find any reasons to celebrate.

ESOTERICshade ago

but I cannot rejoice at people leaving this community. We've lost so much already.

This is not a loss it is a huge victory for v/pizzagate. crensch is responsible for a lot of that "loss" you speak of. Nothing says "welcome to pizzagate" like an asshole wading into a group of Christian researchers and shouting "fuck off you cum guzzling cunt."

The fact that none of you seem to have any empathy for others who disagree, well it makes me sad.

Its not the disagreement that bothered me. It was the fact that this asshole used this platform as a source of his narcissistic supply and did much damage in the process. He has alienated the best people we ever had.

I can't seem to find any reasons to celebrate.

I can. Fuck his narcissistic destructive ass.

kestrel9 ago

This is not a loss it is a huge victory for v/pizzagate. crensch is responsible for a lot of that "loss" you speak of. Nothing says "welcome to pizzagate" like a narcissistic asshole wading into a group of devout Christian researchers and shouting "fuck off you cum guzzling cunt."

I stopped posting on PG for a long time because of YOU.

Having you here is a loss for PG. You knew I wasn't crensch and sat back and watched as your friend White Ronin stalked me all over voat (claiming I was crensch), stalked even old posts of mine, saying that crensch and I licked srayzie's shit of her dad's dick when she was ten years old after he raped her. You are a complete piece of shit ES. Sweet talking srayzie as if you aren't a complete fucking loser. Acting like you know everything. Fuck you.

@crensch @vindicator

ESOTERICshade ago

You knew I wasn't crensch and sat back and watched as your friend White Ronin stalked me all over voat (claiming I was crensch), stalked even old posts of mine, saying that crensch and I licked srayzie's shit of her dad's dick when she was ten years old after he raped her.

I'm not responsible for WhiteRonin's behavior. He is his own person. How was I supposed to stop him from pestering you? Everybody that was paying attention knew that you were not crensch. What were we supposed to do about it? WhiteRonin was a one man tornado and that is not my fault.

And I did defend you against him once in a BeatlesTrollArmy thread. He was calling you another user (not crensch) and I told him you were not that user. You even thanked me for it.

Sweet talking srayzie

I have some PMs I can show you that will change your mind on that one. Totally.

kestrel9 ago

What are the seeds you said you planted in GA, as you sided with White Ronin and others crusade against GA? Maybe some alts that would lie in wait until people trusted the user names? You brought it up in a context of underhandedly alluding to planning to sabotage GA in some way. Why don't you think the users there should be allowed to operate without subversion such as that? Why do you interfere so much on information is applicable to both PG and GA? Why don't you care to admit that from the influx of GA supporters to voat, PG received a lot of exposure, an increase in subscribers and leads in some topics that would very likely have been missed, or taken much longer to discover? One doesn't need support Q or Trump to concede those things. What consensus was ever offered to PG users to elect you as defacto owner of the board, as arbitror of what people should or shouldn't be discussing on here?

ESOTERICshade ago

You miserstood my intentions. If the Qberts want to swim in the Q PSYOP, waste their time, and spread disinformation, let them have at it. I don't care.

v/pizzagate was sacred ground as far as i'm concerned and I don't want that pollution, confusion, and disinformation mixed with pizzagate. We had enough problems attempting to convince people that pizzagate was real without mixing it with a PSYOP.


"you don't know if Q is a psyop or not."......Yes I do. One of the Qberts most famous one liners is "Q said some disinformation is necessary." By definition that is a PSYOP and it has not place in pizzagate. Zero, none.

kestrel9 ago

I'm referring to topics that cross the desks of both subs. I don't expect PG to be GA 2, or expect people here to support GA or Trump. I don't expect them to drive out Trump supporters or Q supporters either. Your approach throws away the baby with the bathwater in some instances, and within all the discussion of censorship going on now, why doesn't the talk of driving out any mention of info within Qdrops on PG (on PG topics) get the same concern over censorship issues? Since when do you own PG? Who approved you as guard dog? Why did you revert back to that stance after confessing Q was real to srayzie and offered to lead the charge to help out on GA?

ESOTERICshade ago

I'm pretty sure I never told srayzie that Q was real because I never believed that it was real. I did tell her I would help her find some interesting topics to post to V/GA that were not Q related. I used to send her articles and topics to post at V/GA that were not Q related because I wanted to help her diversify the subject matter in her sub. THIS NOTION THAT I HATED SRAYZIE AND TRIED TO DRIVE HER AWAY FROM V/PIZZAGATE IS A DAMN FANTASY THAT @VINDICATOR MADE UP IN HIS OWN MIND.

I was nice to her. I didn't want her gone from pizzagate. We remained friends (or so I thought) long after she got involved with Q. I just didn't want vindicator's vision of v/pizzqanon to happen to pizzagate. What I didn't realize was that she was brainwashed by the Qanon phenom that she actually thought I might be a "government agent" because I didn't believe in Qanon. (eyeroll...facepalm) I think @vindicator was brainwashed enough by Q that he suspected I was a government agent too.

If a Q topic was pizzagate related I usually didn't complain if it showed up in v/pizzagate. The war got started early when vindicator practically tried to make v/pizzagate the new Q headquarters when Q got kicked out of Redditt. I saw the hand writing on the wall that this would be a death blow for pizzagate.

kestrel9 ago

It just occurred to me how I'm noticing that you have a lot to say about how things should be run on PG as a "NOT Q or GA" sub, but not much to contribute to the board's subject matter itself. Your last submission was (a year ago). So much of your commentary is about you saving PG from Q talk, but srayzie created GA over a year and a half ago. There's an entire sticky about you on PG for whatever--the point is that it's all about you for better or worse. I think the shadow you are casting on PG is empty and a distraction. Maybe if you started to contribute you'd eventually fill the gap between your self perceived support of PG and what you actually do here.

ESOTERICshade ago

but not much to contribute to the board's subject matter itself. Your last submission was (a year ago).

Contributing to pizzagate used to be my favorite activity. I stopped being a contributor and started being an activist to preserve and save pizzagate for posterity. Fighting for pizzagate's survival took all the fun out of pizzagate for me bro.

Maybe if you started to contribute you'd eventually fill the gap between your self perceived support of PG and what you actually do here.

Pizzagate would not still be here in it's pure form if I had not turned into an activist to save it's life and that is a FACT. Somebody had to do it. It burned me out on pizzagate for the time being.

I usually don't say anything about all this bullshit anymore unless I am responding to the non stop slander and slurs thrown out by crensch and vindicator. And usually I don't respond to those.

If vindicator had balls he could have just said "yeah, mixing Q and pizzagate in the same sub was not a good idea. My bad...." and we could have all just rolled on with the program. He still has not gotten over it and I don't think he ever will. crensch doesn't matter anymore.

kestrel9 ago

You've given the impression that your opinion holds more weight than others, and because you are so vocal you suck oxygen out of the room imho. That would be one thing if you contributed to the research, but you gave that up. You currently don't know how PG would be without your crusade for purity. Are you still staying here to police people's political opinions and vet Q supporters? Do you still see yourself as the only one that makes "true" PG research possible? Can it exist without you here? (not saying leave, wondering about your opinion of your role here now). In other words, are you acting or intending to continue to act as the gatekeeper of content and contributors now that crensch has left?

ESOTERICshade ago

You currently don't know how PG would be without your crusade for purity.

I accomplished what I wanted to accomplish. My "looming presence" over pizzagate is a sticky from crensch. That means in reality crensch is the one looming over pizzagate. That billboard of butt hurt is crensch's.

Are you still staying here to police people's political opinions and vet Q supporters?

That was never my goal. crensch and vindicator are the people that pick out a few targets from the crowd and use those targets to justify their driving need for censorship. Both vindicator and crensch are just itching to get into the "banning for comments" business. crensch is already there.

vindicator didn't succeed in selling the audience with his first sticky that he should be allowed to censor free speech so he made himself another sticky to persuade people that he should be allowed to censor free speech. If I don't like it I have every right to voice my opinion just like you are voicing yours now. See?

Do you still see yourself as the only one that makes "true" PG research possible?

Never saw myself that way. I see myself as a person that had a huge impact in keeping pizzagate from becoming a bastardized hybrid of Q and pizzagate, because its true, and i'm not ashamed of it.

Can it exist without you here?

Sure it can but it would require the mods to stop trying to pollute it with shit like Qanon and stop trying to censor free speech.

wondering about your opinion of your role here now

Observer mainly. And I don't do that as much as I used to.

In other words, are you acting or intending to continue to act as the gatekeeper of content and contributors now that crensch has left?

I was never a gatekeeper of content. I saw something dangerous to pizzagate and I voiced my opinion, regularly.

now that crensch has left?

I don't appreciate @vindicator becoming infected with crensch's zeal for censorship, and his earnest desire to gain control over the comments, and I said so. I might speak about it again. Who knows?

kestrel9 ago

The reason I mentioned your intentions about "acting as gatekeeper of content" is because a couple months ago you had said that you had done so on voat in regards to how people determine information as acceptable or not acceptable (based on the messenger). (

In response to this statement: "Anyone who tries to turn you away from information should be suspect and immediately make you want to find the information they are trying to turn you away from."

One of the things you said was:

We had standards for accurate information and we used to run people like the Q tards out of forums or told them to shut the fuck up and stop spreading disinfo.

Aside from you views of "Qtards" were you acting then, as PG's arbiter of truth (even though you don't do research?) when it came to shared areas of research?. Could your role be accurately described as a 'citizen mod' by a set of rules made up by you?

The OP was trying to make several points, one was conveying the idea that a lot of research has been done as a result of the appearance of the Q.

You also said:

There is no "research" coming from that sub, and its mostly made up fantasy, cognitive bias, and total disinfo, and a parrot of the mainstream news and Washington D.C. disinfo. Worst thing that has happened to the truth community in my 25 years of doing this.

Does this opinion of yours warrant driving researchers off of PG if they do find useful info that is not fantasy, cognitive bias, total disinfo and parroting MSM? Are you the one who decides how to construe info when it comes to connecting dots? Does reading multiple sources of info ever end up revealing surprising bits of info that is important but easily overlooked? (since you don't research let me answer that last one as a yes).

If you are not researching, how can you claim to know when info (not political alliance) is important to exposing the cabal, regardless of who finds it?

ESOTERICshade ago

Actually I do have something good to say about the Q movement believe it or not. Even though I don't consider what they do "research" I have noticed that the collective I.Q. of the Q movement has gone up a few points since "Qanon" stopped posting.

They are starting to think for themselves instead of waiting on "Qanon" (Coleman Rogers/Patriot Soapbox) to throw out three or four meaningless phrases and making up fantasies about what it might mean until they come up with one they want to believe the most.

They are slowly starting to use their own brain. It is encouraging.

ESOTERICshade ago

Look dude, i'm not gonna go back and forth with you all night. I explained my reasoning for not wanting v/pizzagate to become the landing pad for the Q movement when it got kicked off Redditt. I think my reasoning is sound.

You are free to disagree.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

White Ronin stalked me all over voat (claiming I was crensch), stalked even old posts of mine, saying that crensch and I licked srayzie's shit of her dad's dick when she was ten years old after he raped her.

I'm sorry you went through that, k9. There have been so many wrong things said, and that is beyond vile. It's why so many people who value truth over feelings stayed away from the fight so many months ago. Too much lying, on both sides. I hope WR has stopped bothering you.

kestrel9 ago

Thank you.

Once I was sufficiently censored through harassment he backed off and essentially told me not to speak out again unless I wanted more of the same. It was punishment because of my opinions. People complain about the idea of removing comments, but never think about how comments such as I mentioned, very effectively censors people via persistent stalking across subs, making it impossible to use voat in a normal way. The users who do it know that, and can exercise some control of narratives on subs by doing the same (but in a much less overt way).


I'm sorry you were targeted. I have also been targeted by trolls, who evade bans by making opaque death threats.

But I'm still here commenting. And so are you.

You ultimately defend your own right to free speech by using it, not asking somebody else to protect it for you.

And here we both are. Our trolls haven't stopped us.

stay strong and speak out!

kestrel9 ago

Thank you

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I do understand what you and other users have gone through.

But who gets to decide how slippery, or steep the hill of censorship gets to become?

I trust no one, including myself, to get to sit in judgement over others words.

That government is best which governs least.

kestrel9 ago

But who gets to decide how slippery, or steep the hill of censorship gets to become?

In regards to PG I suppose it begins with the expectation of following the rules we set for ourselves. By having been agreed upon as a group, they should not in theory be too slippery a risk to enforce. Yesterday we had an OP who (on only their second PG post) knowingly posted without following the rules, insulted the mods ahead of time, judging them as being 'anal' about the rules about submissions when they knew it was an insufficient post (all that on only his second post). No one seemed concerned about the non PG post that ended up wasting valuable research time/effort, got people started down false rabbit holes of mistaken identity (though once I know I edited and told people). I felt as though I was the only voice who cared to tell anyone so that they would not miss it, and help save them their valuable research time. Worse yet imo was that no one seemed to care that the OP didn't care a whit about wasting people time and never corrected anything with a simple note.

So maybe we can start there. To start to care about the standards set out on the board, (is the title accurate, does it belong on PG) and to care about whether researchers end up on a wild goose chase that could be stopped by spreading the word sooner rather than saying oh they'll figure it out (if they wade deep enough through the comments).

But who gets to decide how slippery, or steep the hill of censorship gets to become?

The Voat user agreement allows for comment deletion based on the needs/rules of individual private boards. If I have a gardening sub, is it true censorship to remove persistent obscene drive by out of the blue irrelevant insults intended to disrupt and derail an ongoing conversation? Do the people on the board deserve reasonable expectation of being about to hold a conversation about whatever it is that the board was created for? If not, then boards become irrelevant for their stated purpose when a group of people intent on only disrupting and silencing people decides to do just that.

The people on the board should decide the degree to which comments can be ignored vs. when they constitute a form of sabotage from parties who are on the whole not interested in PG or are actively trying to derail it.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Most of your concerns are in regards to submissions. Those Rules seem to work fairly well, I know how to follow them, as do you and most of the other posters here.

If the mods can delete comments then more research could be lost to a log that people rarely check. Do you remember how many submissions the mod MF deleted? It got so when I logged in I went straight to the deleted submissions log, just to see what he had done. When PG first got here, all I was doing was lurking. I saw the gratitude that the former r/PG community had for being someplace where they could speak freely. I do not want to lose that here, there are a million other places where people can go to have censored conversations. There's only one Voat.


The people on the board should decide the degree to which comments can be ignored vs. when they constitute a form of sabotage from parties who are on the whole not interested in PG or are actively trying to derail it.

There will sadly always be bad actors who attempt to disrupt posts/research in clever ways that skirt the rules.

That is the nature of an information war.

To muzzle EVERYONE w/ comment stipulations may stop some bad actors.

But it also creates a codified method by which comments can be censored for going "against" a Mod or "disrupting" with "irrelevant comments" or "spam"

TLDR: Buck Up and be an Independent Thinker. Shills always gon' shill.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I tried to explain that if someone didn't like the comments in their posts, they could delete them and repost the submissions. But it seems that it is more fair to silence speech than it is to ask the offended parties to do a little extra work. IDK, 1A used to be important to so called conservatives.

Gawd i despise CINO/RINOs. At least with democrats/progressives/communists you already know they're anti free speech.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You have no empathy for anyone but yourself. The only time you even appear to actually be doing something good is so that you can pat yourself on the back or make yourself look good to others.

And you might want to spend some time working on your own NPD, you don't fool anyone who has medical training.

jus sayin

ESOTERICshade ago

You have no empathy for anyone but yourself. The only time you even appear to actually be doing something good is so that you can pat yourself on the back or make yourself look good to others.

@crensch will take a good deed and try his damndest to make it a negative. I felt sorry for Amy because she was being stalked, had medical problems, and was going through a divorce. She needed money for some medical tests so I sent her some money. Him and @vindicator instantly tried to turn that into "grooming defenseless females." That was an act of kindness and charity on my part and nothing more.

And you might want to spend some time working on your own NPD, you don't fool anyone who has medical training.

jus sayin

I have heavy exposure to the medical industry. I pretty much know my shit. More than most. I"m not a doctor but I know a lot of shit.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

The only time you even appear to actually be doing something good is so that you can pat yourself on the back or make yourself look good to others.

There's an old movie called Magnificent Obsession, I highly recommend it. It's like the movie was made just for you, ES.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

@Vindicator, please unban @NOMOCHOMO. He was unjustly banned for being young and cantankerous, and should be allowed to continue to post research in PG.

Congratulations on your promotion, btw. Nothing quite like jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Best wishes.

Vindicator ago

After watching this thread and mulling this over, a couple of things are clear to me. First, the pizzagate userbase engagement is not currently high enough to get a clear reading on what the majority wants. Only a few longtime PG contributors chose to speak up here. Some wanted to keep things as is, others wanted stronger moderation of users who give the finger to the rules chosen by the community, even if it happens in comments. As a result, I am not going to institute any new rules.

In the same spirit, I will also unban @Nomochomo, so long as he, too, agrees to honor the community established rules, which aim to keep content focused on research. Nomo, if you have a problem with moderation of a submission, you need to make a submission to v/pizzagatemods about it. This should be reasonable, because the link will create a SearchVote cross-post bot comment that will lead anyone interested in your meta discussion directly to your post. If you aren't willing to make a commitment to honor the will of the community as expressed in the ruleset, I see no reason to unban you. Fair is fair.

LastGarrison ago

Finders and Foundlings. Unmitigated and unadultered children for SAPs that many of us, unfortunately, ascribe to satanism.

America is a freedom from religion and of religion. Liberty is beyond the scope of their books when it is predicated on their books.

Nothing less. Nothing more. We're not as smart as we think we are. But many have already graduated.

Nurture is nature. You are bearing a weight that almost any other person would have dropped and crumbled beneath.

Stedfast. Hang tight.


America is a freedom from religion and of religion. Liberty is beyond the scope of their books when it is predicated on their books.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Please unban nomo.


If you aren't willing to make a commitment to honor the will of the community as expressed in the ruleset, I see no reason to unban you. Fair is fair.

I already agreed to honor the ruleset...31 days ago.

Nomo, if you have a problem with moderation of a submission, you need to make a submission to v/pizzagatemods about it.

I won't accept a user-specific rule. If that means you don't unban me. Let the record stand.

I never broke any rules.

Crensch banned me for a comment. His justification of "relevance" is a submission standard.

Fair is fair.

My ban is unfair.

I don't play rigged games. I also prefer to post in public facing spaces....not login-only ones

P.S. @shewhomustbeobeyed @heygeorge @kingkongwaswrong

found this today....

Ed Buck's AZ Courier Company....Has a YouTube channel with Elsagatey playlists.

I think Gopher Courier is/was a literal human trafficking operation

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I'm glad you're okay, nomo. worried a little. Getting involved in our own communities, trying to find people around us that we can help, is so hard to do sometimes. But if we don't do that work, who will?

found this today....

I still get lost on 4ch, otherwise I'd already be there. If you get unbanned, please post about this.

If they ever get that 8ch replacement up and running then Voat is supposed to be open again. I have hope.


Learn 4chan. it's a Fed Honeypot, but it's public and no harder than 8chan.

I've discovered more info connecting Ed Buck to Best Friends/Process Church.

I'll link you to it when it's up.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I've discovered more info connecting Ed Buck to Best Friends/Process Church.

Damn it. I knew it. Yes, please do link me.

I won't be herded, nomo. I was born here, and will die, right here.

I don't need the chans. You go forth and conquer, I'm staying here.


Ecclesiastes 3 King James Version (KJV)

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

9 What profit hath he that worketh in that wherein he laboureth?

10 I have seen the travail, which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in it.

11 He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

One of my favorites. Thank you.

I won't be herded because my personal PG project is happening offline, I don't need the internet anymore.

If vote goes down, I'm done communicating with people on the internet, no need.


personal PG project is happening offline

I love you!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Right back at ya, big boy.

Me luv u long time.


Vindicator ago

I'm not asking you to accept a user specific rule. Everyone will be expected to use v/pizzagatemods, as they always have been. Should anyone decide to ignore it repeatedly, they, will receive a ban.

If you are willing to keep arguments about moderation in v/pizzagatemods, commit to it publicly and I will unban you. It's up to you.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

If you are willing to keep arguments about moderation in v/pizzagatemods, commit to it publicly and I will unban you.

Hasn't @NOMOCHOMO met this requirement?

He wrote:

I will continue to follow all Pizzagate Sub rules.


I will happily keep "arguments" to pgmods.

This is what you needed, right?


Nomo has been an A number one royal pain in the ass. I know it, you know it, and so does he. BUT...

Realize ya'll labeled me a shill my first week here.

You did this to him, and i know who you listened to. It's why i took nomo's side to begin with. Then when he proved he was who he said he was, you backed off, but your pet dragon didn't. You all still treated him like SHIT. You, crensch, think-, argosciv, and who else have been hostile from the beginning? All because you chose to continue to listen to fools and atheists. This is on you, and why I am so upset. You allowed your fondness for argos to cloud your judgement. Drug addicts and drunks do not get the benefit of the doubt in the real world, and they shouldn't here as well. He never proved a fucking thing, and you all know it.

I do not expect you to apologize to nomo, nor do i think he owes any of you an apology. You sat/sit in a position of power over him, it has always been on you to set the tone of how things are going to be. You messed this one up from the beginning, and now there can be no repair. Please just call a truce, and be done with this.

@heygeorge, fyi -

think- ago

You, crensch, think-, argosciv, and who else have been hostile from the beginning?

No, I wasn't, @shewhomustbeobeyed. This was my first interaction with him:

It was the first post he submitted to the sub.

I even tried to help when he got in touch with me via PM, and said I would vet his post as well, when he complained about @Vindicator's flair of one of his next submissions.

So I spent an hour vetting that post, wrote a lengthy comment, and he didn't even say 'thank you´, he just ignored it.

I thought that was quite rude.

Then he started bitching about me, and constantly attacked me.

That was when I became 'hostile', due to his asshole behaviour.

FYI: I advocated for unbanning him. I was quite amused to see that at the same time he continued to diss me on @Vindicator's thread.

Judging from his behaviour, he has either some serious menthal health issues, or he is a shill. I tend to think the latter now, from the way he attacked me on the sticky thread. No normal, legit guy would start a shitshow like this, constantly trying to find reasons to attack.

I have blocked him, and try to limit my involvement in this matter as much as possible.

Have a nice day.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You have always been so kind to people who first start posting here, it's one of the things I've always admired about you. But once pet dragon made the accusation that nomo was ES, the gloves seemed to come off, and everybody piled on the bandwagon. I was going through afk problems at the time, and was distracted from everything other than archives. If i recall correctly, you were also being attacked by srayzie at the time because you weren't doing and saying exactly what she wanted you to. So i kind of assumed that you just went along with the others so that she would get off your back. I'm sorry for assuming that. please forgive me.

You know that I don't expect you to like those people I do, right? I value you, and others for very different reasons. Just like you never demanded that i like or trust srayzie.

I'm not mad at you, hope you feel same. If not let me know and I'll see what i can do to fix it. :)


((("mental health issues")))

I'm sorry you thought I was rude...and that I didn't respond publically to you....

Here is your searchable comment history, @think-

Of course @think- chose not to link to you, Chomo. Mods aren't going to legitimize accounts we think are shills, as I explained here: Think- is great mod who takes protecting the users of this sub seriously.

@shewhomustbeobeyed @heygeorge

The hostility was started by certain Mods, Not me.


If you are willing to keep arguments about moderation in v/pizzagatemods, state it publicly and I will unban you. It's up to you.

I'll respect your good intent if you unban me.

I will follow all Pizzagate Sub rules.

This is Rule 4:

4: Meta submissions and general discussion submissions without sources will be removed. Please submit indirectly relevant posts to /v/pizzagatewhatever and unsourced questions to /v/AskPizzagate. Sourced activism / publicity posts and memes are allowed. Posts about the subverse itself go to /v/pizzagatemods.

I will happily keep "arguments" to pgmods.

But a QUESTION (Like why were the flairs changed ?) shouldn't warrant a separate post in a separate sub.

I will never stop Questioning.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Thank you for this, @Vindicator.

Nomo, if you have a problem with moderation of a submission, you need to make a submission to v/pizzagatemods about it.

@NOMOCHOMO, this is all the chance he is probably ever going to give you. Is this something you can do? Or does it even matter anymore?


@shewhomustbeobeyed I don't intend to escalate, w/ anymore posts. I don't have a problem with current mods.

I said my piece. If I'm not wanted, I'll go elsewhere.

My ban caused me to get more involved in my community. LOL. So it's all gravy :)

@vindicator @heygeorge


I will readily admit to being young and cantankerous.

Thank you @shewhomustbeobeyed. You have repeatedly encouraged me to be civil and chill.

working on it ;)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You have repeatedly encouraged me to be civil and chill.

Haha, we both know how well that worked for me. :p


rome wasn't destroyed in a day ;)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Wait, when did Rome get destroyed? Last time I checked the Empire was alive and well, and still up to no good.

Damn Edomites/sodomites.


Wait, when did Rome get destroyed? Last time I checked the Empire was alive and well, and still up to no good.

exactly! it's a work in progress ;)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

@letsdothis3 deleted her account. I wonder what happened. . . .


I am able to access @letsdothis3 comments and submissions. what do you mean by "deleted"?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

There are different ways to delete your account, she chose to leave her comments and submissions. - The tombstone tells you the date she quit, if you hover over it.

Just when I thought I couldn't get anymore heartbroke.


Mobile view takes an extra step. Damn. You're right.


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I'm going to miss her, terribly.


Maybe a break. Maybe she's on a new platform

Based on her final comment I have a feeling she may have been recruited

I'm sorry for our loss, but keep your chin up! we will overcome

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I hope you're right. She was shabbily treated.

Being recruited by a group that would appreciate her skills is the best i can hope for.

There really is nothing left, just qtards, lurkers, and ES. They'll use their new rules to rid PG of the rest of us undesirables. Then move in the rest of their khazarian krew to bury the truth behind a brand spanking new psyop. All courtesy of DJT2020 campaign headquarters.

I just went back and counted all the confirmed jewish mods PG has had in the past. When you add that number to the number of mods that we know acted like jews, it's quite shocking.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I can't read those. Not right now, anyway.

Maybe when I stop crying.

alele-opathic ago

I know this is an old comment, but I've saved it in case I need to write a history on you guys (PGers) as well. The original Occupy Wall Street seemed to be similarly dangerous to (((them))), and was destroyed from within through infiltration -> deliberate inefficiency (when everyone runs out of emotional energy to spend, everyone loses motivation). It seems you guys are fighting the same battle.

I know I'm little more than a rogue historian, but I'm rooting for you guys.


I think we have to accept that Pizzagate was a psy-op phrase. That isn't to say the underlying evidence isn't true.

But anything with "-gate" phrasing is hyperbole via "watergate" reference.

It's appeal is for boomers and gen x.

Clearly the Wikileak + 4chan fbi anon post commandeered the narrative from the get go.

But what has proven more damning to the public consciousness is Epstein and Hollywood Pedos

I think "we" pg-ers need to lean in that direction if we are to escape the consensus trap.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I'll be rooting for them as well.

Hope to read some of your work someday.


The truth always lives on. Praying for you both!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I editted this comment in case you're interested. -


I didn't want to ask for a list, but I was curious.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You made the back of my neck tingle with your want to ask. :D


"rescinded for now"


the way I handled this -- mainly changing the sidebar without first ensuring there was a consensus for it -- was completely backassward and wrong


This is a PR campaign to justify the same rule change nobody wants.

Vindicator is "Brexiting" Rule 5

Pizzagate contributors, please comment below and share your thoughts, or any others you might have.

"Let's Have More Discussion! 1 sticky wasn't enough. Are weeeeee surreeeeeee you don't want more censorship?"


I have always used an approach where the pattern is documented and the user warned before losing their posting privileges, so that no one gets shut down simply because they were having a bad day, or got discouraged about the subject matter, had a few drinks and vented, or whatever.

You may, but your other Mod, Crensch, gives arbitrary and spontaneous bans, w/out warning:

The next comment or submission you make here had better have that information or it will be an immediate ban.

I was banned for not replying with the comment @Crensch demanded. This is the comment I was banned for:

The reason cited "relevance"...a submission standard....was applied to a comment.

You then created a new rule.....that was widely panned...and you implemented it dishonestly

I noticed @Vindicator just modified the rules 10 minutes ago @shewhomustbeobeyed. I'm not accusing anybody of anything.

last available archive:

Rules 1 and 5 have been changed

5 was NSFW. It is now "comment abuse"

I still think my ban is unjust.

If you are moral and just, Unban me.

Crensch ago

You may, but your other Mod, Crensch, gives arbitrary and spontaneous bans, w/out warning:

You had plenty of warning.

I was IMMEDIATELY banned for not replying with the comment @Crensch demanded.

You mean when I warned you that would happen?

This is the comment I was banned for:

Literally warned you of exactly that.

The reason cited "relevance"...a submission standard....was applied to a comment.

Your comment was attempting to prove relevance of a submission. Note that it worked just fine for your ban.

You then created a new rule.....that was widely panned...and you implemented it dishonestly

Kek, "widely panned" by PV/SBBH that you pinged to come here.

I still think my ban is unjust.

If he unbans you, PG is done for. You're no different than ES.

If you are moral and just, Unban me.

If PG is to survive, users like you need to be removed.


You mean when I warned you that would happen?

You didn't warn me. You threatened me.

Let me be more clear:

The next comment or submission you make here had better have that information or it will be an immediate ban.

You have not only pushed for what appears to not be actual pedophilia to be posted here, but you have argued for it dishonestly.

You literally made my status dependent on "the next comment or submission you make here"

That's not a fair warning. It's your angry whim.

It has come to my attention that my presence here has had a silencing effect on many of the users of this sub. Many of you refused to participate in rule changes out of fear of being banned by me.

Act like a despot...ban people for questioning you, and you scare people into silence.

unban me and I bet people wont be as afraid.

Crensch ago

It has come to my attention that my presence here has had a silencing effect on many of the users of this sub. Many of you refused to participate in rule changes out of fear of being banned by me.

I find that a bit odd, since even when I was firmly on team ProtectVoat, I was not exactly ban-happy, but more likely to use my words to admonish/embarrass those that would sow discord and try to harm the users or sub. If this fear is borne from my recent antics on GA, ask any user there if they like it more now, without the ESOTERIC/NOMO types, than when the mods thought they had to let the trolls continue to troll.

If a random user were to ask any one of you about shills and trolls and Brock-operatives and spooks here, you'd probably tell them that the place is crawling with them. It's a little disheartening that my efforts to combat those types, who've racked up MANY legit-researcher victims, seems unappreciated and maybe even intimidating or scary to some. I get it, though. I'm not exactly a nice guy, and I am pretty rabid about evidence > feels to the point that it's overboard for many. One of your researchers originally HATED me, because she came at the mods with ESOTERICshade in tow, and no evidence to back up her/his claims; I gave her a textual thrashing so bad she later admitted that she cried about it. Once the bad guys whose comments heavily populate Vin's previous rule sticky, and NOMO's cryposts, doxxed that researcher off the site, she handed her beloved sub over to me, because she knew I would protect it.

I wasn't wrong to do what I did, and my particular flavor of communication has helped nail quite a few Es-types, so it's extremely useful to those that are also concerned with the bad guys right under our noses. I've never functioned like many of you, and many of you cannot even process why I am the way I am. I fight the bad guys here, even if I make mistakes now and then, I present my case to the users with logos, and they judge that on its merits. Given the general lack of interest in the meta in both this sub and GA, I stopped working on such things, and in GA, I simply ban/remove them and their narratives when I notice them. So far, I've had very few mistakes, and all were laughed off as the user thanked me for my vigilance.

While I may have directly engaged you and made you feel awful or scared, I never intended any harm upon you or what you do here. I stuck my neck out and lost countless nights of sleep when PG was banned on Reddit in order to calm the 'Voat Immunity System' from coming in and destroying this place like they have so many others; I KNEW what y'all were doing was important, and I wanted to help facilitate your continued operation in any way I possibly could. If I wasn't 'nice', it's for myriad reasons, including the fact that making nice with you all would have weakened my leverage/support with the aforementioned immune system. My original purpose was to be a peacemaker... KingKongWasWrong changed that eventually when he/she decided to leave and leave it all in my hands.

I know a lot of you are stating how what Vin and I did was not how PG is run or how things worked historically, and while there's some truth to that, PG was historically basically under the thumb of what I now perceive to be one of the worst groups of shills on the site: /v/ProtectVoat. Their 'rules' for subs were basically a license for trolls from SBBH to shit on any carpet they wanted, and everyone just had to suck it up. I liken the PV principles to globalists these days, and I find the analogy to be more accurate the more I look back on how things came about and were run.

I implore you to seek out your own ideas about how you want this place to function. A research submission is great, but without rules, without some kind of limits, the comments can be used to subvert users into either not bothering with them, being inundated with bullshit that simply does not need to be there, or, in many cases, convince users that the bullshit is what's legit.

~4 months ago something very big happened on the rest of Voat. I know many of you only come here, so you may not have seen anything at all. Vin and I (and others) thought it best to leave you all out of the drama, and let PG continue to function as it always has. At the time, that was the best idea we had. We may have been wrong to do that, because now, with you all completely oblivious to what has previously happened, that campaign seems to be ramping up against PG. You may all be unequipped to fight this, and unlike with GA, the people that could or would fight for you have slowly lost interest or motivation to fight the good fight.

If you want to know what a subverse can be... what it can feel like, I recommend looking at /v/GreatAwakening. I did there 4 months ago what Vin and I did here - started the party without the users. I banned and removed shit that simply didn't belong, and I quoted no rules in doing so. I asked for forgiveness, and explained to the users the two main possibilities of what the future would look like in their sub. They chose to trust me to get rid of the filth. I made a submission for you all to quickly see how happy the users are with their sub since then.

I won't ask you for your forgiveness for what I did. Whatever Vin says, it was my idea and my precedent in GA that he went along with, so if you think there's any need for it, forgive him. We both want what's best for all of you, and I'm actually thankful for this recent NOMO horseshit, because it came to light that perhaps my time as [O] here should come to an end.

I'm not one of you - never have been, never will be - but it has been a great honor to do everything I possibly could to make this place ideal for the important work you all do; it has also become a great shame that I was directly responsible for some of you staying silent when you should have felt free to speak your minds. For that last part, I am deeply sorry.

Fortunately in all of this, you now have a top-level [O] that is purely one of you. I ask that you treat him well and take what he as to say very seriously. He's seen a MASSIVE amount of bullshit from the Brock+-types right here on Voat that most of you couldn't even imagine really exists. I don't mean this as a slight against you all, but the number of you that can recognize, work against, fight, and have any chance of winning can be counted on one hand. Learn from him, for god's sake. Take an interest in your own back yard, and fight for the only place on the net where you can find PG research. USE YOUR DOWNVOTES and SPEAK UP. Don't let PG/Trolls/BIGBADCRENSCH silence you!

P.S. Nomo is a bad dude. His research might seem legit, but his motive in being here is to divide the community against the mods when the mods are simply doing their job enforcing the rules. This is undeniable in even just the recent dustup - it's also a historical trend. Find a way to keep users like him out, or those of you that cannot tell the difference will side with usernames like his and elbow out your legit research, leftist/democrat/socialist/communist-style. (That's happened before in PG, too)

There are many well-known usernames among you that also seem well-liked... and they function as legitimizers of the Brock/alphabet usernames and the disinfo they push. "Oh, what GREAT research and how LEGIT is the info on this PERSON who is(totally not) relevant/useful as a lead!" Please, please, please keep your eyes open.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever comment by @NOMOCHOMO.

Posted automatically (#78580) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Crensch: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @NOMOCHOMO)

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever comment by @NOMOCHOMO.

Posted automatically (#78579) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Crensch: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @NOMOCHOMO)

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagatemods comment by @NOMOCHOMO.

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SmockingGun ago

Who da fuq reads your long ass rants?

Gratz on the -12 points faggot hope it was worth it. 😂

SmockingGun ago

It is so fun watching you being destroyed. I was fortunate to see Karma do you in nigger kike faggot.

See my low CCP? That was your doing with you and your tranny lover Srayzie using consensus cracking when I called you two faggots for protecting pedos.

I have a better account now, just gonna use this one to laugh at you now.

Toodles asscleaner.

YogSoggoth ago

Here is the part, "sow discord." Who is sowing the most discord. Is discord a bad thing in free conversation? Freedom of Speech

"First published Fri Nov 29, 2002; substantive revision Mon May 1, 2017

This entry explores the topic of free speech. It starts with a general discussion of freedom in relation to speech and then moves on to examine one of the first and best defenses of free speech, based on the harm principle. This provides a useful starting point for further digressions on the subject. The discussion moves on from the harm principle to assess the argument that speech can be limited because it causes offense rather than direct harm. I then examine arguments that suggest speech can be limited for reasons of democratic equality. I finish with an examination of paternalistic and moralistic reasons against protecting speech, and a reassessment of the harm principle." I say that this is not a place on the internet for the faint of heart. What say ye?

Piscina ago


Crensch ago

You defend ESOTERICshade despite my showing that he's one of the worst Brock-tier shills on this site.

You're one of the ones I am warning the real researchers about in the comment above.

Piscina ago

Give it a rest. You've done the damage you wanted to do by chasing out plenty of good researchers. Go away Crensch. Noone wants to have to read your longwinded wanky diatribes. You contribute nothing, only bile and spleen.

Crensch ago

You've done the damage you wanted to do by chasing out plenty of good researchers.

Name one.


You banned me....53 submissions fo pizzagate

Q thinks I'm a good researcher ;) he reposted my EpsteinIsland ->Disney Cruise Snorkeling Trip connection...

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat submission by @AbrahamGoldowitz.

Posted automatically (#68199) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Crensch: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @AbrahamGoldowitz)

AbrahamGoldowitz ago



^Claims to employ "logos"


writes a persuasive essay full of appeals to emotion, appeals to fear, and "I'm a good Mod" anecdotes.

heygeorge ago

^Claims to employ "logos"


writes a persuasive essay full of rhetoric, appeals to emotion, appeals to fear, and "I'm a good Mod" anecdotes.

Well stated. (It’s why you received no response.) There is a cavernous disconnect between what Crenschiepoo presents as and what he really is.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

because it came to light that perhaps my time as [O] here should come to an end.

If you are through blaming your caustic, immature, shitty behavior on a few scape goats just like you always do then don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Most will rejoice and I doubt that even a small few will miss your foul mouth behavior and terrible decisions. Just leave.

Crensch ago

because it came to light that perhaps my time as [O] here should come to an end.

If you are through blaming your caustic, immature, shitty behavior on a few scape goats just like you always do then don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Most will rejoice and I doubt that even a small few will miss your foul mouth behavior and terrible decisions. Just leave.

I wanted to down vote your comment but since you claim to be leaving I didn't. Its the only legit thing among the rest of your insincere babble. Just leave.

Dear PG users, THIS is a great learning opportunity! Does this look like a legit PG person to you? Or someone with an organic opinion? Would this consensus-crack you?

This alt was created 4 months ago for the express purpose of saying this:

Holy fuck...

Reminds of what happens to Crensch when he "destroys" somebody. Backfire...

These are the kind of users that don't exist on GA for any length of time. Do you like checking each and every user yourselves? Do you like how much time and effort researchers have to put in to verifying usernames, if they do so at all and aren't swayed by such 'reasonable'-sounding comments?


Do you like checking each and every user yourselves? Do you like how much time and effort researchers have to put in to verifying usernames, if they do so at all and aren't swayed by such 'reasonable'-sounding comments?

yes you patronizing dolt. I like to do my own research.... Because I'm not lazy and it's invigorating to think for ones'self.

I'm glad your GA herd likes their grazing pen. The rest of us aren't sheep

DanglingGoatBalls ago

This alt was created 4 months ago for the express purpose of saying this:

Wrong. I just think you are a shit head. But thanks for letting us know you lose the argument by defaulting to how long a user name has been registered. A sure sign of weakness and intellectual laziness.

Crensch ago

Wrong. I just think you are a shit head.

You're an alt whose first comment was attacking me. Nobody would believe that first comment comes from a fresh face here at Voat.

So, you're an alt. That was created 4 months ago. And your fist order of business was...? Oh, that's right, to say exactly what I quoted.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Nobody would believe that first comment comes from a fresh face here at Voat.

I never claimed to be a fresh face at Voat. I had a user name here about a year ago and lost the password. I was a regular contributor to pizzagate in the past. What does it matter? It does not make you any less of a shit head in the eyes of Goatville. Fuck off @crensch.

Go to v/greatawakening and ban a few dozen people you disagree with, exercise your tiny egotistical power mod brain, and leave pizzagate the fuck alone. Good riddance to you.

ESOTERICshade ago

Where, exactly, was I wrong?

The vast majority of my comments have nothing to do with your big fat ego. You are almost always wrong and too blind to know it. Just beat it and get the fuck away from v/pizzagate. You will not be missed.


I'm not reading all that shit, but if someone breaks the rules you should kick them between the legs and run away

EricKaliberhall ago

but if someone breaks the rules you should kick them between the legs and run away

A good kick in the nuts/cunt, absolutely. Running away though, that's never going to happen.