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think- ago


thanks for posting. Have you seen our rules in the sidebar? (When on mobile, please switch to desktop view.)

We require a link for each claim that is not common knowledge, and the paragraph below contains a couple of those:

The modern refugee crisis is a manufactured event. It follows a long line of [CIA, Deepstate, 5 eyes, British Crown, Council of 300, Vatican, Zionist (insert your favorite conspiratorial elite hierarchy here)] sponsored destabilization efforts, which create “orphan” or “refugee” children. These separate organizations sometimes work in tandem, and and other times compete, in worldwide destabilization/pillaging efforts. During the “Greek Orphan Crisis” the Displaced Person’s Act redefined “Orphan” from a child with no parents, to 1 parent, to 2 parents (who are “incapable” of providing care to their children). This forms the “legal” basis for how children are acquired and trafficked, even today. The order of AHEPA is a Greek-American, Masonic, CIA sponsored, organization that kidnapped, imported, and sold Greek children internationally for 40+ years. Under the guise of charity, AHEPA systematized a “rat-line” from Greece to the US and Canada. By funding and building hospitals and orphanages, kidnapping babies under the guise of “stillbirth”, forging birth certificates, and charging exorbitant “placement fees,” they created a child trafficking apparatus (with the support of the US GOVERNMENT) that still operates today.

Please add links to the claims that are not common knowledge. You might find some in @ASolo's post you quoted.

Rule 2: Empiricism: EACH factual claim that is not common knowledge must be sourced with a link.

I will give you our 'Grace' flair, so that you'll have 24 hours to edit links in. Please ping me and @Vindicator when you'll have edited the post, so that we can remove the flair. Thanks.


Edited, please let me know if that is sufficient.

think- ago

Thanks for editing, @NOMOCHOMO. Looks fine to me, I will ping @Vindicator in order to see what he says.

Would you please put a 'PDF Warning' in bold letters before this link, or break the link:

Thank you.


Done. And thanks again!

think- ago

Welcome and thank you, OP. @Vindicator will remove the flair if he thinks the edit meets our requirements. Cheers.

Vindicator ago

Yep. Looks good to me @NOMOCHOMO. I'm removing the flair.


Thank you!