carmencita ago

I intend to read all of it. Already darn interesting

Glad to see you around. Miss your posts and research. ♥️

ASolo ago

Thanks Carm... good to see you I missed your energy.

carmencita ago

Thank you. Hopefully I can recoup in the near future. Tons of pressure.

Vindicator ago

Hi there ASolo. Thanks for bringing attention to this. I find it quite suspect Maccoby is involved in this book, but even more troubling that CIA huckster Robert David Steele is. Phibetaiota is his site, he wrote the forward of the book, and he is heavily involved in the INTJ fake court. Here he is, featured in a Media Matters piece, going on Alex Jones to claim the deep state is trafficking kids to into sexual slavery on a secret Mars colony. He is probably a Brock creation.

Everyone who follows your links, gives his site clicks.

If they aren't using a VPN, they also expose their IP address to the wrong people.

I would say that it's a very good bet that is part of the scam, since the last person to mention Joachim Hagopian's book on Voat was thewebofslime, who captures Voater IP addresses and uses them to dox people. It would be a good idea to replace those direct links with links to archives instead.

I'm giving this the "Potential Security Risk" flair. I'm happy to remove it, if you want to include a warning about all this in the body of your submission.

ASolo ago

Whatever, I think you're making much ado about nothing. I put in an archive link for HER site for that very reason but in classic voat style you want to take it just that much further, fine. Let your post here serve as the warning along with the flair, I personally don't give a shit.

Vindicator ago

Hmmm. You don't give a shit that you are sending clicks to a page run by a disinfo pushing shill?

ASolo ago

So you are already so convinced of your theory that the books author is a shill that you have to try and deride me here on the thread? Everything most of us do requires that kind of precaution I'm sure ppl are aware of their own actions. Thanks though for trying to hem me up into some silly argument beside the point of this thread.

Vindicator ago

Deride you, huh? Please show where I expressed "derision" of any kind.

I repeated your own words back to you to make sure I was clear on your meaning.

I don't know anything about the book's author, nor have I seen anyone provide any information about him whatsoever. The only thing I do know is he chose a Maccoby for his cover art and a nutty spook to write his forward and advertise his book -- the latter point you neglected to mention.

Now you are telling me this is beside the point of the thread.

If the question of whether this book is disinfo or not is not the point of this thread, what exactly IS the point?

ASolo ago

You'll have to accept my apologies I may have been a bit presumptive and jumped the gun and did not pay enough attention to what a couple people were saying about the material containing Steele's work. I was triggered by the flair and didn't quite understand your urgency to warn the board. You are right in light of these developments your premise should be carefully considered before proceeding. Thanks V for the input.

Vindicator ago

Absolutely, ASolo. Sorry to trigger you. Thanks for looking at it in a new light. :-)

You might want to replace those links with archive links.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagatemods comment by @NOMOCHOMO.

Posted automatically (#68607) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@ASolo: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @NOMOCHOMO)


Great dot connecting @Asolo . Do you think this (the book) is a plan to shift or commandeer the narrative? Genuine?

ASolo ago

That's a great speculative question and one I didn't consider until you just brought it up. It would have to be considered considering who's involved with the project. How in the world would an author stumble upon her out of the millions on earth unless he has some prior knowledge about her? I haven't read far enough down to ascertain whether or not she was mentioned in his material but he may have run into mention of her at some point. Good question though.

think- ago

It's interesting that these two conspiracies, Pizzagate and The Jeffrey Epstein Saga

Well, these are not conspiracies, but investigations of actual pedophile rings.

And let's not forget that Epstein was not the only one who blackmailed politicians and celebs. There must be other, similar operations still out there.

ASolo ago

Hi think-, missed you!

Well, of course they are conspiracies, two or more people have indeed colluded to extort and traffic in sexual abuse of minors and adults for nefarious purposes, the least of all to defraud and compromise the United States government. I would definitely contend that these are conspiracies, methinks- you are applying the the normie view on the word conspiracy that implies that just because it is a conspiracy that it is somehow not true.

I completely agree that Epstein being exposed does not mean the end of this sort of thing and there are many more operations of the same nature out there that are not as transparent. If anything it should serve as an example that our government has been severely infiltrated and most likely fatally damaged.

think- ago

Hi @ASolo, welcome back.

Yes, I understand how you used it (sometimes conspiracy is not a theory, it's a crime ;-) ), but I try to avoid the term 'conspiracy' when referring to Pizzagate, even if it might be accurate, due to normies who might misunderstand it.

ASolo ago


AppliedAspergers ago

She's at 11:55 in my pizzagate video:

She probably grew up a few blocks from comet.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate submission by @AppliedAspergers.

Posted automatically (#68495) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@ASolo: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @AppliedAspergers)

ASolo ago

Nice. Watching now. Digging the sarcasm and nice job skating on the irony, my kinda guy.

AppliedAspergers ago

She's at 11:55 in my pizzagate video:

Grew up a few blocks from comet.

ASolo ago

Ah sweet, the holy ladies at Aangirfan might not endorse pizzagate as a whole, but they love me. Check out the comments section here

ASolo ago

Although Aang doesn't necessarily endorse Pizzagate and they think that it was all a psyop I have to give credit to their illustrious synopsis for providing the inspiration for this thread.


ASolo ago

Pizzagate isn't over, not by a long shot James, Nora... Michael.

Blacksmith21 ago

Welcome back @ASolo

ASolo ago

Hi Brother, thank you.