fiddlefern ago

RDS tells each "interviewer" exactly what they want to hear. and they all kiss his rear because , unfortunately, they are authoritarian and therefor impressed by the big daddy agent. but his motives are dark-altho his love of money is clear. now he is selling certificates stating the bearer is a member of #unrig for min $25. he is the ceo and sole employee of a 501c3. try to get info on the finances of that non-profit for which he has been soliciting donations for years. while urging a youtuber during an "interview" to start a huge lawsuit against another tuber, he bragged that he had a big suit like that going and was collecting a fortune in sympathy donations for his victimhood. he got so excited about it, I almost thought he was going to say "those suckers". he is part of the effort to neutralize Sanders as a candidate (is there anyone in politics the deep state hates more than Sanders?) and promote the self destruction of youtube altnews. thru infighting. part of the mind control technique is to tell huge lies that keep people scared and unsure of what the f is going on.

2impendingdoom ago

if you have a link make a new post. I think RDS has pretty much discredited himself but some coffins can't get enough nails. Maybe his suckers will realize they have been played and rise up together against him. That could be an interesting lawsuit.

pimpinainteasy ago

RDS going off the deep end...

Why is victurus libertas site still giving this guy air time on Youtube???

Vindicator ago

LOL. So THIS is what happened to Fox Mulder's sister. LMFAO!

RDS's body language screamed "All about me" and "Chock-full-o-bull" from the get go. Glad to see he has finally slipped his tether entirely. I'll bet this is to make people question Pieczenik and/or and FBIAnon.

seekingpeace ago

Seems pretty cut and dry to me. If he really is (ex) CIA then this Mars base conspiracy has been approved by the CIA Publications Review Board, as per the rules.

If he's not CIA then he's nuts.

QuoteUnquoteArt ago

Every semi-celebrity with supposed Pizzagate scoops eventually turns out to be a well-poisoner. I take this as the equivalent of knowing you're over the target because of the flak. If the Pizzagate well weren't real, there'd be no reason to poison it.

DaleEaston ago

infowars = jew shillery

Commoner ago

This is more believable than the Russians are colluding with Trump and hacked the election! and more entertaining!

2impendingdoom ago

yes it is

srayzie ago

Here's another article on this topic. This is how it starts out lol

Alex Jones took a break Thursday from his important work of exposing the secret conspiracy to bring down Donald Trump, as well as revealing how Hillary Clinton’s death squads (or the CIA) keep killing Roger Stone, to do some old-school space-alien X-Files craziness for a change.

Aaaannnddd of course they throw in pizzagate

Honestly, what with all the TrumpFluffing he’s been up to lately, we actually rather missed the good old bugfuck-crazy version of Alex Jones, the guy who’s worried about the Gay Bomb that’s Turning all the Frogs Gay and the New World Order plot to replace most of humanity with cyborg slaves. At least that nonsense is sort of harmless, as opposed to inciting idiots to harass the parents of slain children or go shoot up pizza parlors. Of course, it only stands to reason Wonkette would be encouraging Jones to stay out of terrestrial politics, since we’re on his list of Fake News sites. We don’t want him to get to the real truth. We’re just following the directives of our reptilian overlords. And David Bowie.

2impendingdoom ago


and by that I mean LOL.

srayzie ago

I've never trusted Robert David Steele. He spreads disinfo and is a big supporter of George Webb. I've always felt that he craves attention. That's why I'm wondering why Cynthia McKinney is working with him. I do believe in her and feel she's a woman of integrity.

Narcissism ago

RDS and George Webb/ Jason Goodman had a big falling out. RDS turned on them after securing 10k from their followers.

srayzie ago

Yeah and now Jason Goodman is trying to get his followers money back. Robert David Steele was on DeFango today. He said sympathizer are giving more money because of that. I don't like this guy. He spent I don't know how long bragging about all of his accomplishmenrs and how great he is. He seems sue happy too.

DarkMath ago

Don't listen to AltRightPsyOp. He's a confirmed shill. AltRightPsyOp a.k.a. Armyseer graduated from the Hillary Clinton School of Bull Shit where students learn to accuse others of the infractions they're the only ones guilty of.


PGIszRretarded ago

Nope, just an obvious retard. Just like anyone else here pretty much...

Shillaxe ago

If AJ & Brock say hes wrong, there is always a possibility hes right, broken clock analogy applies too.

2impendingdoom ago

Yes they could have "gotten to him". Not leaving that possibility out. Its impossible to know what is really the truth in this world now. However, I always got a sense from Steele that he's not totally stable based on his own writing, I felt that it had tendencies of ranting which reminds me of unmedicated bipolar disorder or someone on too much adderall. That doesn't mean what he has said before is necessarily wrong, its just that for some reason, he is now claiming children are being shipped to mars to be slaves and if these were even a possibility, I think we would have more and better sources.

xyz_3 ago

According to some sources, the Secret Space Program faction of the cabal has a Mars colony as well as very advanced technology funded through Trillions of dollars of Black Project money siphoned illicitly to defense contractors such as Lockheed-Martin: "By Catherine Austin Fitts

James Comey, the now former head of the FBI, is also the former General Counsel of Lockheed Martin, the largest defense contractor and weapons manufacturer in America and a former hedge fund advisor.

Lockheed Martin used to run significant information and payment systems at the Department of Defense. They appear to have spun their subsidiary out of the company after DOD closed their fiscal 2015, with $6.5 trillion of undocumentable adjustments. I wrote about it recently in Lockheed Cuts and Runs and Crazy Man vs. Criminal: Cut and Run, Monica Lewinsky and Real Trouble Ahead." Don't discount Robert David Steele's information because it sounds implausible based on your current reality, which is what "normies" do by rejecting the global pedophilia network because it conflicts with their current reality. The Deep State has been heavily invested in maintaining secrecy and discrediting whistle blowers, so it's not surprising that this information is viewed with incredulity. Ridicule is one of the methods of marginalizing whistle blowers. See: AND AND

Jem777 ago

This is odd but it lists five teenagers chosen to be part of the program one being Barack Obama, age 19. Could this be a clue about the abscence of facts from his past? Was he part of the secret space program in some way?

xyz_3 ago

It would also be consistent with claims that Barack Obama and his mother were CIA, him having numerous false social security numbers, a fraudulent birth certificate and then selected to be a candidate for president. George HW Bush, also CIA prior to becoming president, is alleged to have a false identity as well with the original family name being Scherff:

2impendingdoom ago

I've heard reports with a photo that he smoked a lot of pot in college, maybe its related?

2impendingdoom ago

The problem with this is that if "they" are so technologically advanced, and have these amazing gravity defying abilities and space travel and are so able to manipulate the world then why complicate it by kidnapping kids and shipping them to mars? What can the kid slaves do that robots can't and if its just to rape the kids, well, by the time the kids even get there they aren't going to be little children anymore. With the amount of money you are talking about (and that is believable) it doesn't add up. A space colony on Mars would be expensive and require so much personnel in a diverse range of skills I don't see it being kept secret. Why not just pay families to move there? Hell, I bet you could get a whole lot of volunteers wanting to go for free.

xyz_3 ago

According to some accounts that I've read, some personnel are enticed by promises of high paying jobs and perks when they return to earth and then after signing strict non disclosure agreements are transported to the Mars base only to find out that the promises are a lie and that they are slaves with no hope of returning to earth. Why kidnapped children would be necessary, I'm not sure, but the cabal views most of us as "useless eaters" and have depopulation plans to deal with us, so I wouldn't be surprised if kidnapped slaves to work on Mars were part of the depopulation plan and in their arrogance they never dreamed that we would have a mass awakening in time to foil their plans. Likewise they have carried out their pedophilia in the open with impunity thinking that they could keep it all under wraps indefinitely. All of their criminal activity is interconnected, IMO.

2impendingdoom ago

Interesting. How long does it take to get to Mars?

xyz_3 ago

According to this account from whistle blower Andrew Basiago, J.D., there exists a teleportation technology that initially was employed from a CIA "jump room" in the Los Angeles area and was eventually refined and adapted to work from spaceships. Also:

bopper ago

Sounds good to me haha.

Phenomenonanon ago

When Alex Jones has to tell you you're crazy...

GrDec ago

NASA tells InfoWars: There are no ‘child slave colonies’ on Mars (VIDEO)

xyz_3 ago

NASA stands for Never A Strait Answer, equivalent to never a truthful answer. Edit: You can research some of the occult meanings of various NASA mission insignias and the Masonic affiliations of various astronauts.

dickface888 ago

So can we officially end the retardation and write RDS off now? This was on Infowars no less

bopper ago

LOL. But just think of what you'll be missing out on.

2impendingdoom ago

I can see that you are enjoying your vacation. :) Happy 4th of July to you.

bopper ago

Hahaha. Back at you.

GrDec ago

Another important thing that must be noted, is that MEDIAMATTERS is funded and controlled by George Soros / Pedophile David Brock, and that is a FACT. So you can't really take neither the writers nor the subjects of this article seriously.

GrDec ago

RDS, George "i was a sex slave" Sweigert, Alex Jones, Dave Seaman (JEW), Gayson Joodman (JEW), Stefan MoneyJEW (JEW), Mike Cernovich (JEW), they all are Jews or crypto-jews, working, directly or indirectly for the Mossad / IDF / Israel Disinfo Machine, feeding the goyim sheep non-sense conspiracy theories about aliens, ufos, mind control and other idiocy, so the goyim never realize (((who))) is really controlling them and (((who))) has both houses under control.

fartyshorts ago

The mossad connection is quite strong in many of them, others just speculation.

GrDec ago

That is why i said, directly or INDIRECTLY

PGIzzRretarded ago

Conspiracy insanity for deluded idiots.

LightSource ago

Truth is stranger than fiction, you fucking miserable faggot, now go shoot yourself in the head!

PGIzzRretarded ago

Truth is stranger than fiction

You live in an alternate reality because you use an extremely flawed pattern of thinking. For which you will pay the price whenever you'll present your insane ideas in public in ill-concealed laughter.

now go shoot yourself in the head!

Now go wait for those "imminent" pizzagate arrests.

dickface888 ago

We called out your game ages ago with your "repeat lines that nobody even says". Not one person thinks pizzagate arrests are imminent, but you know this as we've pointed this out to you many times.

iggysba ago

You don't make claims like that without even a hint of evidence. Unless you want to discredit yourself (and those around you)...

SterlingJB ago

I don't think RDS has ever really been part of the IC other than perhaps contracted for disinfo. Whenever someone asks him where he's getting his info, he always touts his top reviewer status on Amazon. I mean, that's cool bro you've read a bunch of conspiracy books so have I, they're fun, and sure maybe there's child sex slave colonies on mars or whateves, but what the hell is anyone supposed to do with this info and claims, even if the nazis reall did figure out antigravity and are farming kids for adrenachrome.

Gothamgirl ago

I thought Steele seemed off since day 1, now I think he is either nuts, or paid disinfo, unless he has evidence which I seriously doubt.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

Van Allen radiation belt > humans.

bopper ago

I got your back on this one lol. NASA even admits it but people won't even look at it.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

Ignorance is bliss but knowledge is power.

ProudTruther ago

It's the truth. The nazis figured out anti gravity in the forties and they have been out and about in the solar system and the galaxy ever since. Slavery exists in space and nobody really cares. IMO it's where a lot of the David Paulides people end up, sex slaves and slaves in general for humans and aliens in space.

bopper ago

No. And I didn't downvote you :)

equineluvr ago

RDS promotes -

NO PRISON TIME FOR PEDOPHILES / The "global warming" HOAX. / Alien BS. / Crowdsourcing /

Anyone who has taken even a cursory look at him can see that he is a disinfo agent. Which is consistent with his "former CIA" status (which is BULLSHIT, of course).

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Seriously? Now how the fuck do they get those kids to Mars RDS? Omg!

PrideOfOshtekk ago

There is a Secret Space Program run by the Navy and the Air Force, so the elites could be using that. However, I see no need to, unless they meet ETs there too.

Nobody27 ago

I thought from the title it said that alex jones has been kidnapping children and sending them to mars. My bad.

2impendingdoom ago

Oh, sorry, I never meant to imply that Alex Jones was doing the kidnapping, only that Steele was on the Jones show.

DarkMath ago

I guess it's no longer in doubt who Robert David Steele is working for.

Here's how that probably went down:

DEEP STATE: "Robert would you like to join our disinformation campaign?"

RDS: "No"

DEEP STATE: "Would you like to join our disinformation campaign if we paid you $1,000,000?"

RDS: "Yes."

Note to self: Contact the CIA about a possibly lucrative contracting position related to Disinfo Campaigns on the Interwebs.

I knew the Deep State take down would be entertaining. And I know the Deep State is desperate and I've said it's going to get worse before it gets better. I know I shouldn't be surprised but when you see their desperation in action it does give you pause doesn't it?


equineluvr ago

The CIA wouldn't even talk to you, DickMeth. You're too fucking stupid.

As for RDS, it was obvious from the getgo. There is NO SUCH THING as "former CIA." But the braindead idiots here still believed his BS.

DarkMath ago

"The CIA wouldn't even talk to you"

Horsefucker that was a joke.

"You're too fucking stupid."

Given your profoundly deaf rhetorical tin ear I always consider the Truth to be 180 degrees away from anything you say. So I give you a heart felt "Thank You" Horsefucker.
