kazza64 ago

people who've been on to catch a predator say what ?

PGIszRretarded ago

List of retards waiting for "23 arrests" and "shit of old testament proportions" to happen: @DarkMath =))

DarkMath ago

I'm proud of you Robert!

Keep smiling.

When you smile the whole world smiles with you!


PGIz_Rretarded ago

Well the shame shit you have for brain that led you to be convinced I'm Robert even though you have no way of knowing who I am, also led you to believe dumb conspiracy theories and expect shit that obviously won't happen based on them. That's if you're still expecting for it or you've passed into the faze of making ridiculous rationalizations to explain why nothing happened, which is inevitable.

DarkMath ago

You're not fooling anyone Robert.

Why did you pull your teeth out?

PGIz_Rretarded ago

You're not fooling anyone Robert.

Clinically insane.

DarkMath ago

Of course you're going to say that. You're too embarrassed to admit who you really are. After all you're a shit freak, a convicted sex offender and you pulled your front teeth out for the heck of it.

Who would want to own up to that?