YogSoggoth ago

I thought NCMEC were the bad guys. Zero sarc.

Quinceberry ago

Can this be the clip from Comet Pink Pong for Sasha Lord's birthday? https://hooktube.com/watch?v=8M67Tj6r5pQ

ZunarJ5 ago

Click on header for 2007 Adam Walsh photo, and other trafficking info/links and 9/11 CGI truth. All hidden in plain sight.

doofface99 ago

I downloaded a ton of those archives awhile back and backed them up on a drive. Especially his instagram archives. As well as some videos that might now be deleted. If anybody wants to see what I have, message me.

HighSociety ago

Do we happen to have those giant database dumps/backups that don't exist anymore? I noticed that ALL of the backups on this post (voat dot co/v/pizzagate/1428178) are now completely defunct, expired, or the website was shutdown.

elephantdoesntforget ago

I think we need to make backups and torrent them.

I'm willing to seed.

HighSociety ago

I'm attempting to download one currently off of TPB however I can't find anyone that is seeding it sadly. I just wish we had at least one data backup somewhere that was easy to download.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Arg, very frustrating. Let me know if anything changes, I'll look too.

HighSociety ago

Thanks bud, appreciate the help. So far, haven't found any large data banks to download from.

doofface99 ago

Find anything yet?

elites4prison ago

If someone had balls and burner phones to spare, it would be great opportunities to push reporters who wrote Fake News debunking Pizzagate as Fakenews with this new information. If Pizzagate were Fake, why would the NCMEC do takedowns?

elites4prison ago

Correct link on the last vimeo is


DMCA complaint


Who is Amanda Kleinman?

ZunarJ5 ago

Adam Walsh is alive in WP,

Psiclops ago

Ok fine. I'll reshare something that will identify mask boy and alefantis as the same person trying to sell pedo porn. Give me a few days to find the right platform.

jangles ago

Find a platform?

YogiPokes ago

Wasn't Ghislaine Maxwell's sister the founder of NCMEC?

Pipebomb ago

You might be thinking of Laura Silsby (Gayler)?

3141592653 ago

Can someone help me understand all of this? What does NCMEC have to do with archiving sites? How do they have any relation to or control over that?

flyingcuttlefish ago

the reason could be because the newer Jeffrey Epstein headlines are throwing light on PG and they want to erase the whole idea of PG. [opinion]

sore_ass_losers ago

I just clicked on that first link and it appears to be working fine. Very mysterious.

darkknight111 ago

The big question we should be asking is “Why Now?”.

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Blacksmith21 ago

Is it time for a renewed campaign on JA? We are fast coming up on the 3 year anniversary. I think we should plan a party sans pizza.

21yearsofdigging ago

This all reminds me of what I went through after my son was threatened to be hurt if he talked to me. I had recorded that last conversation on a micro cassette recorder and I made over 200 copies that hid in various locations, including safety boxes in banks. ALL copies were located and stolen. I was tracked and followed for years. My children were stolen to Europe and all lawyers or even government representatives for The Hague resigned from my case. sometimes on the day of trial. It is insane the lengths they will go to.Yes, I agree that we are right over the target or why would they bother.


What's NCMEC?

sore_ass_losers ago

I believe they also act as some sort of clearing house for Internet child porn. In other words, they would be a paradise for perverts.


IShallNotFear ago

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

It's based in the USA. The organization makes it easier for people to report crimes against children. Instead of having to figure out which police department to contact, you fill out their form and they will contact the correct police department(s) and/or the FBI. The problem is that they can choose to not report some cases and thereby ending the search for justice before the police ever hear about it. Obviously if they did that for a most cases people would never report anything. But since they probably only do it for a select few, most people don't figure it out. There have been many pizzagate articles that have raised their suspicion about this organization. This particular one seems to make our suspicions more likely.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagatemods comment by @NOMOCHOMO.

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think- ago

@gamepwn, can I crosspost this to v/pizzagateart - thank you!

gamepwn ago


think- ago

Thanks! :-)

think- ago

I would very much like to know what reason they give for this censorship. There must be some kind of 'official explanation'.

sore_ass_losers ago

Were any of the images tantamount to child porn? Artistic depictions also count. That’s the only legitimate reason I could think of.

think- ago

@gamepwn, would you consider doing a video about it - this needs to go viral.

gamepwn ago

Yes Ill do a video on it. This needs to be exposed.

think- ago

Terrific, thank you, @gamepwn! :-)

think- ago

@9217 wrote an excellent article on Steemit on about these murals, and how they depict ritual violence.

think- ago

I can't believe it.

This means two things:

NCMEC is shady af, as we have always pointed out.

Final conforrmation Pizzagate is real - or why would they care about how the walls in a tiny 'family friendly' pizzeria are painted .

Archive sites cannot be trusted, we need to archive everything via screenshots as well, print everything too, and store our info on USB sticks, and give some of those to trusted people (preferably to some who are not listed in your phone).

I recall that an image of former British PM Theresa May was scrubbed from archive is about two years ago - it showed her wearing a necklace with a spiral symbol.

Unbelievable. Or do they want to imply that CPP has murals that show horrible scenes of adults decapitating children and thus want to confirm that Pizzagate is real /s.

@Vindicator - would you consider flairing this 'New Lead' (due to the confirmed CPP and NCMEC tie), and maybe even sticky it for a while - thank you!

@9217 @swordfish69 @Factfinder2 @MadWorld

doofface99 ago

We need to dig into this organization, and its chairman, Patty Wetterling.

Vindicator ago

Yep. Stickying now.

think- ago


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SearchVoatBot ago

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think- ago

@EricKaliberhall, please see parent.

YingYangMom ago

This leads me to believe something big is about to be dropped on Pizzagate soon. Are they bracing for impact by switching to full damage-control mode?

P.S. great catch OP.

Edit: P.S.

Blacksmith21 ago

As I've said all along, NCMEC is the clearinghouse and analytics unit for the child trafficking arm of the Deep State.

ZunarJ5 ago

Trafficking video hidden in plain sight. Adam Walsh, Etan Patz + at 3:15.

Thousands in WP. 9/11 CGI truth at 1:11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67KHxEQGl3o&t=11s

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shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Fully Sourced Executive Summary of Pizzagate Evidence - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1497611

Submission with archives - https://voat.co/v/SWMBO/2944726

MadWorld ago

You deserve much appreciation for doing much of the archiving in the background!!

Sli.mg was wiped; it is now owned by a new entity, nothing to do with image hosting. What is the volume of archive.li's content been removed by NCMEC?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Sli.mg was wiped; it is now owned by a new entity, nothing to do with image hosting.

I know it was wiped before I learned how to archive well.

What is the volume of archive.li's content been removed by NCMEC?

I don't know how many images they have had removed. the ones that @NOMOCHOMO pointed out in this submission, were some of the first I tried to recover, with no success.

https://voat.co/v/pizzagatemods/3488662/21102157 - I suspect NCNEC in this too

Whenever I come across scrubbed archives, I always try to recover something, NCMEC is really thorough in their scrubbing.

redstarkachina ago

how do we know that its NCMEC removing pictures? sorry I just don't see how if a picture is removed we know who did it

MadWorld ago

Yeah it is fucking gone! I have only seen a very small number of archives taken down by NCNEC on archive.li. I do not know how bad it is on archive.org or similar sites. It would be a big problem, if archives are removed/censored, or tampered with.

NinaSparrow ago


catsickle ago

Did this all begin to happen before or after the Finders FBI file drop?

LostandFound ago

Fucking hell thats on face value extremely sinister, part of me would hope that it is because something is happening but I seriously doubt it.

https://i.imgtc.ws/LeexBzy.jpg here's that file by the way let me know if you are missing anything specific I have a good bit achieved. Though I guess that's hardly the point either.

Thanks for the alert.

Iornukrum ago

Is that the Yellow King?

LostandFound ago

It would in my oppinion be in line with same symbology as was used in the king in yellow. Old pagan influences would alighn antlers with fertility and majesty, king in yellow draws on the idea to witness a god would bring madness in itself.

Iornukrum ago

I was reminded of "True Detective" season 1. Child sacrifice, corruption, cabal, you name it.

MolochHunter ago


LostandFound ago

Yes that really brought the phrase back into common lexicon and was quite accurate as to it's original intent. You should have a look at the king in yellow by Robert Chambers a book of short stories for more on this. I imagine concepts from his late 19 century work was probably based from older stories handed down orally.

Edit the true detective episode seems to have made multiple easter egg references to the book as I understand it.