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shewhomustbeobeyed ago

@Vindicator, please unban @NOMOCHOMO. He was unjustly banned for being young and cantankerous, and should be allowed to continue to post research in PG.

Congratulations on your promotion, btw. Nothing quite like jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Best wishes.


I will readily admit to being young and cantankerous.

Thank you @shewhomustbeobeyed. You have repeatedly encouraged me to be civil and chill.

working on it ;)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You have repeatedly encouraged me to be civil and chill.

Haha, we both know how well that worked for me. :p


rome wasn't destroyed in a day ;)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Wait, when did Rome get destroyed? Last time I checked the Empire was alive and well, and still up to no good.

Damn Edomites/sodomites.


Wait, when did Rome get destroyed? Last time I checked the Empire was alive and well, and still up to no good.

exactly! it's a work in progress ;)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

@letsdothis3 deleted her account. I wonder what happened. . . .


I am able to access @letsdothis3 comments and submissions. what do you mean by "deleted"?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

There are different ways to delete your account, she chose to leave her comments and submissions. - The tombstone tells you the date she quit, if you hover over it.

Just when I thought I couldn't get anymore heartbroke.


Mobile view takes an extra step. Damn. You're right.


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I'm going to miss her, terribly.


Maybe a break. Maybe she's on a new platform

Based on her final comment I have a feeling she may have been recruited

I'm sorry for our loss, but keep your chin up! we will overcome

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I hope you're right. She was shabbily treated.

Being recruited by a group that would appreciate her skills is the best i can hope for.

There really is nothing left, just qtards, lurkers, and ES. They'll use their new rules to rid PG of the rest of us undesirables. Then move in the rest of their khazarian krew to bury the truth behind a brand spanking new psyop. All courtesy of DJT2020 campaign headquarters.

I just went back and counted all the confirmed jewish mods PG has had in the past. When you add that number to the number of mods that we know acted like jews, it's quite shocking.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I can't read those. Not right now, anyway.

Maybe when I stop crying.

alele-opathic ago

I know this is an old comment, but I've saved it in case I need to write a history on you guys (PGers) as well. The original Occupy Wall Street seemed to be similarly dangerous to (((them))), and was destroyed from within through infiltration -> deliberate inefficiency (when everyone runs out of emotional energy to spend, everyone loses motivation). It seems you guys are fighting the same battle.

I know I'm little more than a rogue historian, but I'm rooting for you guys.


I think we have to accept that Pizzagate was a psy-op phrase. That isn't to say the underlying evidence isn't true.

But anything with "-gate" phrasing is hyperbole via "watergate" reference.

It's appeal is for boomers and gen x.

Clearly the Wikileak + 4chan fbi anon post commandeered the narrative from the get go.

But what has proven more damning to the public consciousness is Epstein and Hollywood Pedos

I think "we" pg-ers need to lean in that direction if we are to escape the consensus trap.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I'll be rooting for them as well.

Hope to read some of your work someday.


The truth always lives on. Praying for you both!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I editted this comment in case you're interested. -


I didn't want to ask for a list, but I was curious.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You made the back of my neck tingle with your want to ask. :D