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think- ago

Ok, here is my take on the post (since I'm on the fly, just a superficial impression):

OP, in case you would like to re-submit at some point (if so, please submit to v/pizzagatewhatever first, so that we can take a look) -

  • Change headline to something matter-of-fact: Thalassemia medical condition and Blood trafficking, using children's blood

  • 'What Vampires have long known' - delete that. Nobody is interested in what 'vampires' have known (really...).

  • 'This creates the imperative for literal human blood banks. UNDERGROUND MEDICINE IS HUMAN TRAFFICKING'

Ok. Here we would need a connection of dots - if there are human blood banks (and NGOs like the Red Cross trade in blood IIRC) - do they not suffice to supply everyone that is in need of a blood transfusion with blood?

If so, that needs to be stated and proven with statistics etc. (Like you would do when talking about demand and supply of human organs.)

And it would be great if you could put the focus on US or European demand, if possible.

  • 'I suspect....Vampire/Werewolf Lore' I can see why you mention it, but please just leave the Vampire lore stuff out of this, ok?

  • So we would reduce your statement to: 'All in all, I suspect that much of the PizzaGate, Ritual Sacrifice, Blood-letting and other blood-based cult activity has some biological, eugenic imperative.'

Since PG already comprises Ritual Sacrifice per definition, you can leave it out here imo.

Suggestion: Boil it down to ''All in all, I suspect that much of the Ritual Sacrifice and blood-based cult activity like Blood-letting [I'd suggest to add: blood drinking] has some biological, eugenic imperative.'

And here we have the main problem of this post imo: From what we know about Ritual Sacrifice and blooddrinking as part of Satanic rituals of the elites, the reasons why people participate is that they are part of power circles - some are certainly involved in generational SRA (but this already is difficult to prove - we can see some actual proof when looking at the Rothschilds or the Vanderbilts, but many others, like actors, people from the music industry, bankers etc. where very likely not part of generational abuse families before they were initiated in SRA cults).

TL;DR: I can see where you're coming from, but you would have to prove that the families you are talking about have *all been involved in these rituals for generations, and this is nearly impossible imo.

This means you should also delete this paragraph: (Vampirism Enthusiast forum: Anemia, is it related to vampires? Forum discusses Anemia being a source of Vampire legends, Individuals who practice Vampirism often have a form of Anemia, and inbreeding of families to keep wealth often led to Anemias)

On a side note: 'Religious orders have long been obsessed with Blood-Lines which led to inbreeding.' Well, some of them might have (see your links in comments), but throwing this in here complicates the matter (proving your thesis) unnecessarily, so just leave it out here. Put it in an actual comment (not the comment as part of continuing the OP).

Summary: If you would like to re-submit as is, please do it on v/pizzagatewhatever, where speculative posts go. We don't require that much evidence there.

Your post is interesting to read, I can see what you're aiming at, it's really great that you try to paint a very complex picture, but you have thrown in too much that would need actual proof, and is speculation.

If you would like to re-submit to the main sub, v/pizzagate, I'd suggest to boil down your post according to my suggestions above, AND write it very matter-of-fact, solely concentrating on the question why the existing legit blood banks don't suffice, and why blood trafficking exists, in which form it exists, and focus on actual evidence that children are exploited and trafficked due to the high demand.

Leave all the historical stuff out - that's really interesting (if I had more time, I'd love to dive more deeply into the history of medicine, I can tell you! ;-)), but not relevant for a post on v/pizzagate., since it would require too much effort to actually prove a continuation of ancient/Medieval/Early Modern practices, and you don't need that for making your points re modern blood trafficking, ok?

Re the geographical area you would like to cover: Doesn't really matter imo, when there are people trafficking children in India or Africa, it's relevant. BUT articles/sources that don't mention the age of trafficking victims can't be used as proof on v/pizzagate (unlike v/pizzagatewhatever). Ok?

So, these are my 2cents - please excuse me now, I'll have to do some grocery shopping. ;-)

@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @MolochHunter @srayzie

think- ago

@NOMOCHOMO: please see parent.