WalnutSauceGoat ago

Solid post. Posts like these are the reason I come to voat. (And, no, I’m not ES).

unstoppable ago

Max Clifford comes to mind

Matt_Helm ago

People who do bad things are idiots if they think they are going to be allowed to testify against their partners in crime.

aimeejamey ago

18 months in prison vs getting suicided. Hmmm. You do the math.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Shade always delivers the goods.

ESOTERICshade ago

Shade always delivers the goods.

According to vindicator i'm a child pornographer though. The screws in his mind are starting to get pretty squeaky. I can't believe he called me that, oh wait, yes I can. vindictive little prick.


Piscina ago

Don't worry, the mods here have called me a 'cunt' more times than I can count and one has threatened to 'destroy' me.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

same plus, I'm on a "list for execution" for "being a shill"

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Maybe the FBI will find it suspicious and investigate itself. This country is an abortion.

turitelle ago

Let me guess, was it suicide by red scarf over a doornob?

lovely1 ago

5000$ bail. What the fuck

Are_we_sure ago

There's no evidence of this guy was going to testify.

He had a plea deal. Plea deal doesn't necessarily mean you are testifying about other people.

aimeejamey ago

It also doesn't drive you to suicide.

Are_we_sure ago

Sez you. That's a very simplistic view of something that is idiosyncratic and multicausal.

At the very least, I can see going to jail as a sex offender as an adverse event.

aimeejamey ago

Yeah but it seems minor compared to ending your own life. Maybe he was already super depressed.

Are_we_sure ago

Right, is there any one thing that causes suicide? Probably many things do, and it's particular to the person

mrohm ago

It's often the Clintons that cause "suicides," David.

WhenEveMetEnki ago

Putting aside the likelihood of a faked death, 18 months of being a Chomo fish in the correctional system, getting raped and beaten throughout Vs. moments of pain then oblivion?

I might kill myself, and that's not even taking into account a) the shame involved, confessing and letting one's family and friends know something so awful, or b) from what I've read about the psychology (so yeah, grain of salt) of these 'people', molestation and rape are about POWER. All the things that would torture a decent person like you or I would be amplified again by that mindset.

lovely1 ago

So he deserves that light sentence and 5k bail? Is this the working of an effective legal system???

Are_we_sure ago

Have you noticed that you are arguing against a claim I haven't made?

I said nothing about the guy's sentence or bail positive or negative.

Frankenblock ago

“When you see a deal like that the first thing that comes to mind is what is he (Wilson) is giving the prosecutors in return,” one FBI source said.

If an FBI source really said that, then they covered themselves

Are_we_sure ago

TruePundit has a history of making up fake sources.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Surviveandheal15 ago

thank you.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


lovely1 ago


ESOTERICshade ago

Thanx. You're a champ, low maintenance too ;)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Now you sound like my hubby. ;-)

Surviveandheal15 ago

Here is another source on Ward's death, local Boston news station. Definitely suspicious, Ward's own lawyer said he had already cut a plea deal where he would only get 18 months. The fact that he worked in computer investigations in the NYC branch of the FBI definitely makes me think Anthony Weiner's laptop, obviously have no proof though. Worth also pointing out, that CDAN (Crazy Days and Nights), has released some "blind items" about two celebrities (mostly people speculate are Anthony Weiner and Jared Fogle), that are rumored to be angling for deals with the feds, where they would divulge info about other elite perpetrators in exchanged for reduced sentences.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

That would get them killed. Not going to happen.

YogSoggoth ago

Three scenarios I can think of. Dead people tell no tales, unless they have backup files with multiple points of distribution. When will the recently dead ever learn?

lamplight ago

If he worked for the FBI, who could he trust to give backup files? Perhaps an anonymous website is out there to hold confessions in the event of sudden suicide or murder.

YogSoggoth ago

Make a thousand floppies, and a thousand new friends. Does not matter when you are going to die.