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Vindicator ago

@Nomochomo, just a heads up: you really should cite the original PG researcher when reposting them.

The Search field is right at the top of the sidebar so you never need to forum slide duplicate post.


My bad, I somehow missed it. Do you suggest I delete?

Vindicator ago

Why didn't you say that to @think- 2 days ago?

Think-'s submission was one showing the mainstream media were picking up the story. Yours did not. That makes a it a follow up thread. Different sources were cited.

In this thread, @Shadow332 made an excellent, detailed research post, and you simply reposted the same source, adding nothing.

And yes, this does look like @Crensch was right.


Think-'s submission was one showing the mainstream media were picking up the story. Yours did not.

Yes I did. I linked the UK newspaper The Mirror, which proves the mainstream media picked it up "a fortnight ago"


It is now being reported by British Press. It's up to us to spread the story!"

@vindicator "That makes a it a follow up thread"

If it's a follow up thread, why didn't @think- cite the "original PG researcher"?

I immediately admitted mine was an accidental duplicate. And prefaced it with "I haven't seen this posted here"

Vindicator ago

I wasn't tagged in @shadow332 's post

Why would Shadow tag you in his original research?

Why didn't @think- cite the "original PG researcher"?

Probably because she didn't want to legitimize an unknown account who showed up immediately after our biggest shill burned his main account, though supposedly "new", dumped six massive threads on the board at once with titles matching a known disinfo narrative, has a habit of mentioning the same obscure topics as the proven deceiver Esoteric, and has repeatedly behaved in a manner that feeds the careworn "mods are censoring" shill mantra.


Why would @shadow332 tag you in his original research?

He shouldn't. I'm pointing out the distinction. I didn't know about the previous post, while @think- clearly did. I made a mistake, think- intentionally didn't cite the original researcher. I did it unknowingly, @think- did it on purpose.

"unknown account"

We are all unknown accounts until/unless we meet in real life. You're prioritizing old accounts, rather than moderating impartially and holding all users to the same standard. You justify @think- not citing the original researcher but criticize others.

"Known disinfo narrative"

Is it known disinfo because Esotericshade pushed it? All posts related to blood consumption are "disinfo"? Seems like you let him poison a well and then blame the water.

the same upvote pattern

Could you please explain that? My posts were upvoted, so I'm a shill?

careworn "mods are censoring" shill mantra.

So any criticism of mods makes a user shill? Sorry your highness, but ya'll make mistakes like all of us. I admitted mine.

obscure topics

Backpage sex trafficking Emoji codes are an obscure topic?