Piscina ago

The Netherlands does not protect its vulnerable girls from being trafficked. Prostitution is decriminalised, and prostitution is just another word for trafficking. The government has had to buy back building after building in the Red Light district. Prostitution was taken over by gangs of traffickers and drug lords, and the famous tourist area (although why tourists would want to gawk at trafficked girls is beyond me) became derelict and dangerous.

carmencita ago

The government has had to buy back building after building in the Red Light district.

Do you suppose someone in govt is having a change of heart about this area? And about their policies towards the girls? If they are buying back buildings it seems someone has realized this was not a good idea. Hopefully other changes are in store. I know how the operate there, but I am always hopeful someone is coming to their senses.

carmencita ago

Thank you for that article. What an eye opener. I am hoping that when they close down that area that things will improve. I think people that live there may be getting sick of being know as the "Hooker Country". I am sure they were led to believe it would be, as the article says, a solution with oversight. We know that Never Happens. Now they have men coming from all over and clogging up the area to use and abuse. Not to mention the trafficking problem. I am hopeful, but know that it could be another of their fake plans.

Piscina ago

The problem is that the traffickers, the pimps, the brothel owners and George Soros have SO much money to fund and pay for pro-sex industry and prostitution groups and organisations. Lots of them claim to be working in the sex industry, but when you dig to see who funds them it's either Open Society (George Soros) or some other group making money from porn videos or brothels.

carmencita ago

So now we have Pimp Societies. What do people need to see

auralsects ago

The Netherlands has very liberal laws when it comes to sex; the country is famous for its sex tourism and red light districts, and the country has very relaxed attitudes to casual sex amongst teenagers, something which has caused STI rates in the country to soar and puts girls at risk from adults who pose as teenagers.

I wonder if people will take this as an opportunity to correct their sick culture that led directly to the "grooming."

Not if v/pizzagate has anything to say about it!

Holland deserves this. Thankfully the Muslims will outbreed these sluts and eventually expel all the Jews who debase our white girls.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @TrustTheTruth.

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Vindicator ago

@Nomochomo, just a heads up: you really should cite the original PG researcher when reposting them.

The Search field is right at the top of the sidebar so you never need to forum slide duplicate post.


My bad, I somehow missed it. Do you suggest I delete?

Vindicator ago

Why didn't you say that to @think- 2 days ago?

Think-'s submission was one showing the mainstream media were picking up the story. Yours did not. That makes a it a follow up thread. Different sources were cited.

In this thread, @Shadow332 made an excellent, detailed research post, and you simply reposted the same source, adding nothing.

And yes, this does look like @Crensch was right.


Think-'s submission was one showing the mainstream media were picking up the story. Yours did not.

Yes I did. I linked the UK newspaper The Mirror, which proves the mainstream media picked it up "a fortnight ago"



It is now being reported by British Press. It's up to us to spread the story!"

@vindicator "That makes a it a follow up thread"

If it's a follow up thread, why didn't @think- cite the "original PG researcher"?

I immediately admitted mine was an accidental duplicate. And prefaced it with "I haven't seen this posted here"

Vindicator ago

I wasn't tagged in @shadow332 's post

Why would Shadow tag you in his original research?

Why didn't @think- cite the "original PG researcher"?

Probably because she didn't want to legitimize an unknown account who showed up immediately after our biggest shill burned his main account, though supposedly "new", dumped six massive threads on the board at once with titles matching a known disinfo narrative, has a habit of mentioning the same obscure topics as the proven deceiver Esoteric, and has repeatedly behaved in a manner that feeds the careworn "mods are censoring" shill mantra.


Why would @shadow332 tag you in his original research?

He shouldn't. I'm pointing out the distinction. I didn't know about the previous post, while @think- clearly did. I made a mistake, think- intentionally didn't cite the original researcher. I did it unknowingly, @think- did it on purpose.

"unknown account"

We are all unknown accounts until/unless we meet in real life. You're prioritizing old accounts, rather than moderating impartially and holding all users to the same standard. You justify @think- not citing the original researcher but criticize others.

"Known disinfo narrative"

Is it known disinfo because Esotericshade pushed it? All posts related to blood consumption are "disinfo"? Seems like you let him poison a well and then blame the water.

the same upvote pattern

Could you please explain that? My posts were upvoted, so I'm a shill?

careworn "mods are censoring" shill mantra.

So any criticism of mods makes a user shill? Sorry your highness, but ya'll make mistakes like all of us. I admitted mine.

obscure topics

Backpage sex trafficking Emoji codes are an obscure topic?


I agree, Shadow cited an archival site, so the link I searchvoated never came up.

think- ago

My story wasn't a repost - when @NOMOCHOMO posted, the child bride auction post was still up; when I posted, Facebook had taken the post down, and there was international MSM news coverage, criticising Facebook for leaving the post up for two weeks; the Guardian article I used was one of the MSM reports.


So even though you were tagged by Crensch in my post....


....thus alerting you to the story, you chose to not link to the original PG post on the subject?

Vindicator ago

Of course @think- chose not to link to you, Chomo. Mods aren't going to legitimize accounts we think are shills, as I explained here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2870370/15207231. Think- is great mod who takes protecting the users of this sub seriously.


Mods aren't going to legitimize accounts we think are shills

mod who takes protecting the users of this sub seriously.

Doublespeak. I'm a user of this sub that you think is a shill. And you haven't given me any way I can prove otherwise. Instead you slander my username.

Seems like don't protect the users of this sub.

TrustTheTruth ago

Who are the Real Pilgrims (Society)?

Who are the Dutch Brotherhood?

Who are the Sons of Norway?

What are the Voree plates?

How are Mark Wahlberg, Caron Butler, James Alefantis, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, John McCain, Chuck Schumer, Anthony Weiner, Tony Podesta, Ashton Kutcher, Tom DeLonge and Kristin Bauer van Straten connected?

What is the I-94 Project to End Trafficking and Exploitation?

What is the Underground Railroad?

What are their collective religious beliefs?

What is the Global Interfaith Coalition?

What is One World Religion?

TrustTheTruth ago



TrustTheTruth ago

We gave Donald Trump many chances to Repent.

We provided him with direct evidence of Global Criminal Corruption involving the wealthiest families in the world.

We exposed the extreme levels of trafficking, tyranny, abuse, and willful dysfunction pervasive at all levels.

We revealed their Agenda and offered many paths for him to do The Right Thing, to serve as a True Man of God.

Trump turned his back on The Truth, and made "The Deal" to endorse The Agenda and The Mark of the Beast with 5G+8K AI development which he called "the 8th Wonder of the World" and "the most incredible thing I've ever seen". He had Kanye West similarly mislead Black Americans with a false narrative about slavery, as they con America and The World into a system of Eternal Enslavement.

Do you think Trump and Kanye know where the highest incarceration rate for black men in the world is?

Do you think Trump and Kanye know what Hillary's Model for Community Policing is, and what the result is?

Do you think Trump and Kanye know what the most valuable resource in the world is?

Do you think Trump knows that Bill and Hillary are also members of the Pilgrims Society?

Do you think Trump knows how John McCain and Mitt Romney are connected to the Pilgrims Society?

Do you think Trump knows why Paul Ryan and Rahm Emanuel are resigning?

Do you think Trump is going to "lock her up"?

Even if he did push for Hillary's indictment as a sacrifice to appease the public, do you think Trump would ever be able to really drain the swamp?

When was the last time you heard Trump talking about locking up the Pilgrims Society?

Who did Trump reserve a Front Row Seat for at "The Deal" and why?


Imnotshocked ago


carmencita ago

Recent figures shows that only one out of every ten abused girls receives any help from authorities, and so teachers, doctors and community leaders are being trained to spot the signs of grooming in their local jurisdiction.

Authorities in the Netherlands are now starting to crackdown on the grooming of girls, with fake ads being placed by anti-trafficking organisations which lure criminals into a trap. They are then arrested by the police and prosecuted.

This is good news. The training of professionals will open eyes and bring in some very needed help. Changing laws and enforcing them is what is needed also. Possibly people are getting sick of hearing about these abuses and putting pressure on LE.

darkknight111 ago

https://mobile.twitter.com/FrozenF712/status/1065848320210305029 Accurate sumnation of Islam’s views on rape by this typical muslim teenager.

carmencita ago

Muslim teenage boy explains, every non-muslim girl who refuses to convert to Islam must be raped

This is SICK. People need to know about this. There are young boys that have been brought up by their fathers, uncles and imams to believe this. Now they are putting this into practice. HORRID. Thanks for that link. UpVoat.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

newobserveronline - https://archive.is/lYMbA