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VeryOffended ago

[–] VeryOffended 0 points ( +0| -0) 7 minutes ago

Why is this still stickied? It's been months. You and many others have the best intentions, but I promise you that this drives people away. Some people may want to contribute, some may be traumatized and want to contribute with time, some may be new and turned off seeing "drama" and fear contributing. Months? Why? Is this really so important that it should be the first thing one sees when they enter? False info can be researched and debunked and downvoated. Shills don't drive people away, this sort if thing does. It's obvious. Look at the shrinking community, "trusted useres" and posts over time. I trusted this community over time some bit ago. I have story to tell, but I've seen a significant decrease in community here and trust. It's power driven and cultish with the mods. I'm discouraged daily when it comes to research here, the community here, and contributing. There used to be so much more and I had hope.

Vindicator ago

Shills don't drive people away, this sort if thing does.

The reason we took these measures, VO, is because this particular shill and his alt farm targeted numerous users and forced them to leave Voat. He is dangerous. Very hard to believe any serious user of v/pizzagate would want the nasty, deceptive activity we have documented here to be hidden from view, especially during a period where we got 2,000 brand-new subscribers in a month coming out of Reddit.

You may want to consider that this comment of yours telling us not to talk about this echoes one of Esoteric's chief talking points and makes you look like another of his alts.

ESOTERICshade ago

You screwed the pooch again. I saved pizzagate with pure tenacity and care. It is still alive because I kept it alive and kept if from becoming v/pizzQanon. I won't do it again. I will never spend that much of my time to save this place. I hope you learned something from it all. It does not seem to me, that you learned a damn thing. I saved this place. Take care of it.

Vindicator ago

I'm no longer convinced that you can learn.

Says the guy who single-handedly destroyed trust between users by running a gang of sock puppets to try to force through a fake narrative...and is still actively doing so. Does meth cause learning disabilities ES? You seem to have trouble learning from your epic failure.

ESOTERICshade ago

How many down votes do you see on your replies to me? None? wowzer does that look like a down voting brigade to you? Nope. You know why? Its because there is no damn down voting brigade. Shocker huh?

TrustTheTruth ago

We are Monitored, Targeted, Slandered, Threatened and Systematically Downvoted by a Very Select Group.

Specifically the Moderators.


Look at this recent post - do you see anything here that warrants the downvotes to Hide The Truth?

Scroll down to the Hidden Comment:

What is The Truth they cannot Allow The World to Know?