WeirdlyEerie ago

Here's a useful comment from the mumsnet thread on this topic:


The original point of this thread was noting how US high schoolers are to be taught (or have been taught) how paedophilia is a sexual orientation as part of historical teaching of 'gender relations'. I haven't seen the lesson plan, I don't think I need to.

Exactly. Whilst we don't know that this is the case for sure, people are twitchy about this for good reasons.

The battle over language is the battle for popular consciousness and you would have to be a particular kind of blind not to realise that "orientation" has come to mean a "gentle" natural inclination towards - there is no violence or coercion implied in the word. That this is a normalising word is shown most clearly by the fact that the people who most want their desires classified as an "orientation" are paedophiles themselves. They try to draw a distinction between paedophilia and child molestation.

The following clip contains the infamous interview with members of PIE carried out in the 1970s. I couldn't find the clip by itself and I don't know who the gentleman is who is commenting on the clip, neither have I had time to watch the whole thing - but the snippet of the interview speaks for itself. I am sure many people have already seen it. The interview starts around 1:36

I am not unsympathetic to people who suffer from aberrant desires but we must be very wary of the paedophile's tendency to portray themselves as the victim - this is very much part of their "condition". They also like to enter into pseudo-intellectual rationalisations of their desires and theories of childhood sexuality. This is presumably what Harriet Harman and the NCCL brought into in the late 70s and early 80s. here is an article on the academics who are attempting or who have attempted to justify paedophilia.

Another thing that we need to pit against their claim to victimhood is the actual tenacity of the war of attrition that they have fought for decades to have their rights take precedence over those of children.

There is plenty of information here just covering the period 1976-1980

In addition, we must be aware that this is a strand of thought that runs through the whole of the British state apparatus. PIE's offices were in the Home Office, some of their senior members were civil servants and they seem to have been the recipient of government grants. This is not a left/right issue - this is a part of the dominant liberal ideology that has very little to do with party politics.Is it any wonder that we have civil servants posting on these boards that they are being forced to accept an erosion of their boundaries and to say that men are women when they clearly are not.

The main point that I am making is that these people will not stop and will use any tactic to gain a foothold in popular consciousness and, increasingly, to force their appetites on a largely ignorant general public. I also think that women and female consciousness are being particularly targetted as we are seen as the major barrier to these people achieving their aims.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Honestly, I'm speechless. What can I say? It feels like the beginning of the end.

srayzie ago

Hi! I haven’t talked to you in a long time!

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Hey girl! Miss you on pg! I have needed a break from this depressing stuff. How you been?

PatriotLady1 ago

FFS get your kids away from public school.

auralsects ago

It's redundant to say something you posted is a mere repost from 8chin. So eager to shit up our sub you didnt see it was already posted on the front page.

srayzie ago

The point is having this spread around Donkey. What’s the point of anons researching if the info is not spread? I do my own research too. Go back to pizzagate now faggot.

srayzie ago

Oh I forgot 😂

auralsects ago

LOL we ARE in v/pizzagate, are u back to hitting that boxed wine?

MystikMa ago

This is NAMBLA... not to mention, Ginsburg & the rest of these demented ass wipes. How many kids have discussions on those topics with parents? None if any they want to get to that young brain first before you do. This is history that most find out, if ever maybe a Human Psychic class in College. It's to NORMALIZE an stir up CURIOSITY. Thank you AMA & Psychologists!

NinaSparrow ago

Yep, this is in Brea, I like 5min from there. & its absolutely horrendous! What is wrong with this people!? What a scary world we live in. 🙏🏼

LeeDoverwood ago

According to the son of a friend who was in high school a couple years ago he was telling me they were teaching proper condom use and sexual matters including fisting and other stuff. These people are sick.

pmichel ago

Unbelievable. So sad for kids today.

MolochHunter ago

and these people then have the gall to blame it on movies when kids become sexually active too early

LeeDoverwood ago

Sure, the glamorizing of extramarital sex in all the movies is a problem but pushing it in schools just makes matters worse.

NinaSparrow ago

OMG!!! 🙏🏼

LeeDoverwood ago

I remember in sex ed in high school one of my school mates asked if a person could break his boner some how. He was trying to be the class clown again. Surprised the heck out of us when the science teacher took him up on it and explained how penile ruptures do happen. We were very quiet and at least half the class were silently making vows to never let this happen to us. Now adays they get training on how to stick a hand completely up a vagina or anus. WTF????

NinaSparrow ago

That's a funny story, see that's stuff that's normal & even important to learn, class clown question or not. but the fisting, I'm sorry but even if a kid asked, that's unnecessary & disgusting & not freaking cool. Uh this just upsets me so much. I have nieces & nephews in jr high & HS. Uhh.. sometimes I seriously want off this planet.

LeeDoverwood ago

Right. They are pushing perversions in class and trying to make it seem normal. It's one thing if adults do crazy stuff later on in life but it's quite another matter to push this stuff on kids. We don't need to be sexualizing our children. I'm ok with basic anatomy in high school but this pushing of sexuality that's perverted is just off the carts insane.

NinaSparrow ago

It's absolutely off the charts. I cant even imagine, for instance, a19yo & making out w their BF & them trying one of these horrid things they learned in sex ed? I'd have knocked the mofo out, & then some. It's just total insanity. Kids need to learn basic anatomy due to puberty, raging hormones, menstruation, but come on!!! Absolutely shameful.

carmencita ago

All these things can be taught in a tasteful and reasonable way. With sincere advice, etc. it can be beneficial. But why in the world are parents not teaching this to their Children? I know I would be embarrassed if I had Children but I also know that I am a pretty responsible person and somehow I would load up on books and educate my Children. There is no use to go into horrid details with Kids, just give them the facts. Uh, no. I never participated in any of this sick stuff but now a days as sick as society is, we need to buck up and let tell them the truth and what they are up against. Uh, yeah, and also see that they learn to knock out one of those perverts too. Defense class in order.

NinaSparrow ago

Totally agree. I dont have children either, and funny you mentioned if u had kids that youd read up on how to teach these things to them, I'm exactly the same. I have 5 nieces and nephews and I cringe when I think of them being subjected to these things. But you're right, the way this world is nowadays, it's better to arm them with knowledge. But uhhh.. it's just so sad. But yes there is a tasteful and responsible way to do it. Idk how I would coped if some guy tried what he learned in class on me, I'd have seriously lost my ish on him. I think I'm going to buy my nieces self defense classes, great idea. & luckily my brother with all the sons is an amazing, loving, but strict and very involved father and teaches them to be gentlemen and his wife is such a blessing and is the same. Lawdy, what a world. 🙏🏼

carmencita ago

You are lucky they have good parents. They are they boss though and you can only do so much. But yes, I don't think they would object to defense classes. I have seen on the news where there was a girl that threw an adult over her head! And have you also heard reports of people trying to take Children and the Children are kicking and biting and getting away sometimes. I think their parents are arming them with valuable info. Even better if they can afford it they should get them classes. Better yet, they should be taught in school. Is this why Gym classes have been cancelled in many schools? The elites are trying to weaken Our Children. We must push for School Defense Classes. They can't start too early imo.

NinaSparrow ago

Yea they can afford it, I'll talk to them about it. My brother was in the army & is/was a personal trainer, now an RN. I'm sure he can teach them at least the basics. They're stunning girls & I worry about them constantly. I'm not sure if I've mentioned it here before but my eldest nieces high school took out a full 2 pages in their yearbook dedicated to Islam :/ & it's a very wealthy neighborhood with (supposedly) one of the best school districts. We went there as kids also, but things have changed so much I dont think there are any good school districts anymore + this is California. You're right about them only being able to do so much. But they are very blessed with such good parents, sadly that's not always the case, especially these days.

carmencita ago

Be careful about the info you just wrote. Someone could use it. Takeout the HS Islam Yearbook info. That's not too hard to find.

NinaSparrow ago

Thank u!!!

srayzie ago

Fisting? 😮 They didn’t do that when I was in school. My gosh.

LeeDoverwood ago

True. When my coworkers son came over to help me with landscaping and told me this I just didn't have a response.

srayzie ago

My gosh! I wouldn’t know what to say either. Geez.