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@vindicator @shewhomustbeobeyed @darkknight111

Ed Buck here, 25 years older, and many centuries wiser. When we recalled Mecham, I was still a Republican. I didn't leave the Republican Party, it left me. I can remember Barry Goldwater saying "out of the boardroom and out of the bedroom" when referring to the role of government. That's the GOP I was a proud member of. Then I can remember Newt's "Contract with America". I wonder if we can sue the GOP for violating the terms of our agreement. My principals have not changed, but to keep true to them, my political party had to change.

Ed Buck-West Hollywood.

Fundamental to Pizzagate is the belief that a valid government has the authority to say no child rape happens in your bedroom.

Ed Buck is Pizzagate. Period.


@darkknight111 @shewhomustbeobeyed @vindicator

Oklahoma Republicans must take a stand to change the "intolerant thinking" presented in the state GOP platform, an Arizona businessman and gay activist, said Saturday.

Ed Buck, speaking to a handful of people at the Oasis Community Center in Oklahoma City, said the state Republican charter is not a product of "true Republican thinking."

"Because people don't get involved, the moralists have taken over the party and made the platform," Buck said.

Buck said laissez-faire is the Republican approach, but in issues where the national party takes no definite stand, states may make their own judgment.

"The national party has taken no stand, so that leaves it to the states to be as absurd and ridiculous as they want," he said.

"With morality, it's out of the boardroom and into the bedroom. I think this position the moralists are taking is destroying the Republican party.

"It says to be a Republican is to be intolerant and narrow-minded," he said.

Buck said Oklahoma and Arizona are the only states he knows of that have faced the issues of homosexuality and AIDS education in their political charters.

The state platform, Buck pointed out, opposes any state-mandated sex education programs, including AIDS education.

Buck said Surgeon General Dr. C. Everett Koop suggests in a report that AIDS education must be taught beginning at the lowest grade level possible as part of any health program.

Buck was a prominent figure in the recall effort against Arizona Gov. Evan Mecham. He said the citizens of the state saw the "ridiculous intolerance" and turned against the first-term Republican in a "blanket rejection."

The political activist said more Republicans should become involved in precinct committees to change the charter. "They have a duty to get involved and change it," he said.

"Conservative Republicans have to clean up their act. They need to be more in touch with Americans who are not going to put up with interference in their business and private lives," he said.