"Don't defend posts we disagree with! Don't question the mods." (voat.co)
submitted 5.4 years ago by AbrahamGoldowitz
NOMOCHOMO 5.4 years ago
@Vindicator a moment ago. He's serious too.
poor, poor, Vindicator.
Nosfewratsjews 5.4 years ago
All of you drama cunts are obnoxious as fuck, low-T immature pieces of shit, completely regardless of the subject matter of your witch hunt of the week.
Grow the fuck up, the entire lot of you.
Diggernicks 5.4 years ago
TheBudhha 5.4 years ago
Fuck @crensch.
nosejobsforequality 5.4 years ago
+6 gorillion. (I never imagined I could get banned from a sub on voat. but mention that Q is "q-ish" and you're out with no discussion.)
Dont be a bitch, evade bans.
Continue trolling.
I didn't plan on trolling... I only have the one account.
ditto. don't play a rigged game. trolling shills is pointless.
only troll normies
NoBS 5.4 years ago
Censorship is the most powerful weapon a dictator can ever have. Controlling the narrative is why the media is such a shit show. Including this site.
At least Twitter is more honest about it. In fact Facebook has more dignity to not mention free speech than be called liars.
PG subs are almost as irrelevant as qfag subs
@Vindicator a moment ago. He's serious too.
Why exactly to you feel entitled to dictate how this subverse should operate?
poor, poor, Vindicator.
Nosfewratsjews ago
All of you drama cunts are obnoxious as fuck, low-T immature pieces of shit, completely regardless of the subject matter of your witch hunt of the week.
Grow the fuck up, the entire lot of you.
Diggernicks ago
TheBudhha ago
Fuck @crensch.
nosejobsforequality ago
+6 gorillion. (I never imagined I could get banned from a sub on voat. but mention that Q is "q-ish" and you're out with no discussion.)
Diggernicks ago
Dont be a bitch, evade bans.
Continue trolling.
nosejobsforequality ago
I didn't plan on trolling... I only have the one account.
ditto. don't play a rigged game. trolling shills is pointless.
only troll normies
NoBS ago
Censorship is the most powerful weapon a dictator can ever have. Controlling the narrative is why the media is such a shit show. Including this site.
At least Twitter is more honest about it. In fact Facebook has more dignity to not mention free speech than be called liars.
PG subs are almost as irrelevant as qfag subs