Lansing-Michigan ago

Bill Frist, as senate majority leader under g bush campaigned hard to do away with overtime for nurses, firemen and policemen...The dems. were right on this one and fought hard against it. The death rates would have sky rocketed for hospital deaths if the republicans had gotten their way. Working 2 shifts is hard enough giving medicines , but knowing you won't get paid would have made it harder. The plan was to give a day off at the hospital's discretion would have made for some mad nurses....and dead patients. Firemen and policemen, cannot imagine.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Would have saved the family hospital chain a ton of money!!!

letsdothis3 ago

According to Twatter Rory Stewart is MI6

Rory Stewart replaces Penny Mordaunt as Secretary of State for International Development

Rory Stewart has been appointed as Secretary of State for International Development, taking over from Penny Mordaunt, who has become the first ever female Defence Secretary.

Conservative MP for Penrith and The Border since May 2010, Stewart was appointed on 1 May 2019, and has previous experience in the Department for International Development. Previously Minister of State for the Ministry of Justice from January 2018 to May 2019, prior to that he was joint Minister of State for the Department for International Development and Minister of State for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office from June 2017 to January 2018. He was also Minister of State at the Department for International Development from 17 July 2016.

Just sayin.... goes away whistling in the wind

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

My offerings...

Rick Scott pled the fifth 75 times.

Gencor was caught trafficking children under Bill Clinton out of Bosnia

They were caught again under Obama and I keep wondering why we don't have other contractors they can use?

Dyncorp A-Go-Go

For an example of how just one transgression can lead to endless bad publicity consider the movie titled The Whistleblower that was released earlier this year. To summarize the plot, in Bosnia in 1999, Kathryn Bolkovac, a U.S. policewoman served as a U.N. peacekeeper. Her post was with the International Police Task Force which was arranged by DynCorp Aerospace.

She was assigned to run the IPTF office that investigates sex trafficking, domestic abuse and sexual assault. She ultimately alleges that peacekeepers, U.N. workers and international police are visiting brothels and facilitating sex trafficking by forging documents and aiding the illegal transport of woman into Bosnia. DynCorp responds by firing Bolkovac, who returns to the U.S. and files a wrongful termination case. She wins the suit but says she’s still blacklisted.

Put bluntly, DynCorp was involved in a sex slavery scandal in Bosnia in 1999, with its employees accused of rape and the buying and selling of girls as young as 12. Dyncorp, hired to perform police duties for the UN and aircraft maintenance for the US Army, were implicated in prostituting the children, whereas the company’s Bosnia site supervisor filmed himself raping two women. A number of employees were transferred out of the country, but with no legal consequences for them.

Deja vu All Over Again

letsdothis3 ago

Yes, we have pages of posts on Dyncorp. Thank you for your comment, in particular the link that reminded me of some cases that we didn't pay much attention to. I've been preparing a post on yachting and some more pieces of the puzzle are beginning to drop into place for me. So, I'm going to drop a few links here: [English version]


According to information available on the Internet, DynCorp “presented itself [in Colombia] as a British company with offices in Aldershot, Hampshire. In its contracts with the U.S. State Department, it appears as a U.S. company based in Reston, Virginia, which has a base of operations in Cocoa Beach, Florida.” [30 ]

According to information available at the Colombian Chamber of Commerce, DynCorp Aerospace Operation (UK) LTD. is based in the Untied Kingdom and has a branch office in the city of Bogotá. According to this registration, the enterprise has the following social purpose:

“[DynCorp] has a social purpose of providing support services for bilateral anti-narcotics programs between the US and Colombian governments. In order to achieve this, the branch acquires, possesses, taxes, and deeds all types of moveable and real property; transfers, accepts, negotiates, discounts, etc., all types of negotiable instruments and other civil and commercial documents necessary or suitable for achieving its objectives; participates either as a shareholder or founder, in other companies; receives cash loans, with or without real or personal guarantees; and in general carries out all types of acts or contracts directly related with this company’s principal social purpose in Colombia.” [31 ]

Although other transnational security enterprises operate in Colombia under mercenary operation arrangements, including ARINC, Grupo Rendon, ACS Defense, Lockheed- Martin, Northrop Grumman Corp., ManTech, TRW, Matcom, ALION, and California Microwave Systems, [32 ] without a doubt, DynCorp is the most representative and has operated in Colombia the longest. Furthermore, it has the largest service contracts with Plan Colombia and has been most implicated in the commission of crimes in this country as well as violations to human rights caused through its aerial spraying operations.

.....On October 27, 2000, DynCorp was registered with the legal registration of Robert B. Allenger, Jr., residing in Texas as the president of this enterprise. On November 26, 2003, Margarita Quijano Guerra is registered as the legal representative. On November 2005, Keith Allen is appointed the principal liquidator of DynCorp Aerospace Operations UK LTD and Colombian citizens are granted the authority to finalize “labor contracts for employees of this branch.” On this date, the latest registration also appears with the names of Curtis Adams and Robert Knepper to pay taxes to different Colombian authorities.

..As far as its theater of operations, according to government sources, the enterprise operates at Fort Larandia and Fort Tolemaida and with the 18th Army Brigade (BCG-30, BCG-24), Army Urban Special Forces Group (AFEAUR), Mobile Brigades 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12, the Navy’s Coast Guard, the Marine River Brigade, Navy Air Force Command, Air Combat Command No. 2 (CACOM-2), Air Combat Command No. 6 (CACOM-6), Military Air Transport Command (CATAM), where there is Land-based Air Force Radar, and the Air Force Center for Communications, Command and Control. [53 ]

The Center for International Policy has registered the following additional units receiving training from US cooperation in Colombia:

• Army...

• Air Force:...

• Navy:

Naval Academy, Independent ARC, Tayrona Cartagena ARC, Navy Air Command in Bogotá, Submarine Command – Submarine Fleet, Caribbean Navy Air Group in Cartagena (GANCA), Navy Air Group on the Pacific at Bahía Málaga (GAMPA), Coast Guard (Cartagena), Coast Guard (Leticia), Scuba Diving Special Unit, Special Forces 1 Marine Battalion, Marine Battalion 2, Counterguerrilla 1 Corozal Marine Battalion, Rifles 8 Marine Battalion, Marine Battalion 9 (Tumaco), River Marine Battalion 10 (Guapi), River Marine Battalion 30, River Marine Battalion 40 (Puerto Carreño), River Marine Battalion 50 (Puerto Inárida), River Marine Battalion 60 (Puerto Leguízamo), River Marine Brigade, Marine Command (Bogotá), Marine Port Headquarters at Cartagena (DIMAR), Marine River Combat School (Puerto Leguízamo), Marine Urban Anti-Terrorism Special Forces Unit.


5.2.1 VIOLATION TO THE RIGHT TO FOOD AND WORK According to studies by Colombian specialists, “[g]lyphosate, as a widely used herbicide, has toxic effects on most of the plant species and may be a risk for species in danger of extinction if applied in areas of their habitat....

Plan Colombia

A United Nations study reported that elements within the Colombian security forces, which have been strengthened due to Plan Colombia and U.S. aid, do continue to maintain intimate relationships with right-wing death squads, help organize paramilitary forces, and either participate in abuses and massacres directly or, as it is usually argued to be more often the case, deliberately fail to take action to prevent them. One of the larger examples of this behavior was the 2008 False Positives Scandal, in which the Colombian military murdered approximately 1,400 innocent civilians in order to make false claims that these cadavers were Farc soldiers.

National Police Eradication Program (2000–2008 cost: $458 million)

This program is executed by a private company, DynCorp, under the supervision of the U.S. State Department's Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), and operates out of Patrick Air Force Base in Florida. U.S. State Department-owned planes spray chemicals to destroy coca and oppium poppy crops in rural Colombia. From 2000 to 2008 more than 1 million hectares (2.5 million acres) of crops were destroyed.

According to Grace Livingstone, more Colombian School of the Americas (SOA) graduates have been implicated in human rights abuses than SOA graduates from any other country.

The Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC) is a United States Department of Defense Institute located at Fort Benning near Columbus, Georgia, created in the 2001 National Defense Authorization Act.

letsdothis3 ago

U.S. Army to investigate allegations of sexual assault by military personnel in Colombia

The most recent revelations—according to the Medellín-based, English-language news site, Colombia Reports—involve U.S. Army personnel and contractors from the Fort Worth-area DynCorp International who were stationed at the Tolemaida air base in the town of Melgar, some 60 miles southwest of Bogotá.

...This is not the first time that U.S. personnel have been accused of inappropriate sexual conduct in the country. In April 2012, nearly a dozen Secret Service agents were alleged to have invited prostitutes to their hotel rooms in Cartagena, ahead of President Obama’s trip to the Summit of the Americas, and a Justice Department report released last month found Drug Enforcement Administration agents were attending sex parties with prostitutes supplied by drug cartels while stationed in Colombia.

letsdothis3 ago

Rutte is known to be a big fan of the writing of Robert Caro, especially his book about Robert Moses, The Power Broker....Robert Allan Caro (born October 30, 1935) is an American journalist and author known for his biographies of United States political figures Robert Moses and Lyndon B. Johnson.

Human leather and the story of HeLa stem cell research leads to pedophilia and the satanic roots of the atomic industry

The Origins of NASA

Early in 1958, the Executive Branch and the Congress began to organize to reclaim American leadership in space. In February, the Senate crested a Special Committee on Space and Astronautics, chaired by Senator Lyndon B. Johnson, and the House created the Select Committee on Aeronautics and Space Exploration, chaired by House Majority Leader John W. McCormack.

Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (JSC)

Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston, Texas, was established in 1961, and from the Gemini, Apollo and Skylab projects to today's Space Shuttle and International Space Station Programs, the Center continues to lead NASA's efforts in human space exploration.

Suddenly Tomorrow Came... A History of the Johnson Space Center

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

Boy I wish I could buy $60 mil in assets with only $250k of skin in the game!

"In 1988, Scott and Richard Rainwater, a financier from Fort Worth, each put up $125,000 in working capital in their new company, Columbia Hospital Corporation,[23] and borrowed the remaining money needed to purchase two struggling hospitals in El Paso for $60 million"

letsdothis3 ago

Yup. Thanks for reminding me about that.

Richard Rainwater

The son of a Fort Worth grocer and a J. C. Penney sales clerk, Richard Rainwater got his start at 26, when Sid Bass stole him away from Goldman Sachs to manage the Bass family portfolio. Rainwater’s particular genius—buying troubled companies in faltering industries, installing new management, and turning huge profits—was most famously on display in 1984, when he and Sid invested $478 million in the then-floundering Walt Disney Company, a deal that reaped billions. Rainwater set up his own shop two years later and became a kingmaker, putting together the 1989 deal that allowed George W. Bush to buy a stake in the Texas Rangers and generating most of the future president’s personal wealth. Rainwater has largely retreated from view since 2009, when he was diagnosed with progressive supranuclear palsy—a rare, incurable, degenerative brain disease.

letsdothis3 ago


Jerome Kohlberg Jr. (July 10, 1925 – July 30, 2015) was an American businessman and early pioneer in the private equity and leveraged buyout industries founding private equity firm Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. and later Kohlberg & Company.

Kohlberg participated in philanthropy through the Kohlberg Foundation. Together he and his wife raised endangered free-ranged livestock and fish on their farm. Some of the produce goes to his wife's restaurant, The Flying Pig, located in Mount Kisco, New York.

Voat post:

New York Times CEO was formerly a BBC director-general who was caught (by a threatened journalist) lying about what he'd been told about Jimmy Savile!!!

Mark Thompson is on the donor list the Clinton Foundation along with Carlos Slim and James A. Kohlberg. But oddly enough, when the NY Times were confronted with these revelations, they only DENY that Mark Thompson ever made a donation.

Slim does not appear to be the only person tied to the Times that has given money to the Clintons. Also on the Clinton Foundation list of donors are James A. Kohlberg and Mark Thompson. Kohlberg contributed between $50,001 and $100,000, and Thompson contributed between $10,001 and $25,000.

James A. Kohlberg is the name of a member of the New York Times’ board of directors, and Mark Thompson is the name of the president and CEO of the New York Times Company.

Times spokesperson Eileen Murphy said that she could not comment on the Kohlberg donation, but that Thompson has never made a donation to the Clinton Foundation.

letsdothis3 ago

Nancy McCabe , Executive Director at The Kohlberg Foundation; previously worked for Guggenheim and MoMA

letsdothis3 ago

Check out links between Portland and Marie Stopes

Vindicator ago

@letsdothis3, I can't for the life of me see how Markle and HCA are related to pizzagate based on what you've included here. HCA buying several facilities from Tenet is does not really connect HCA to Tenet, unless you can show it was some kind of cozy insider deal. Also, what does Markle's healthcare have to do with abuse of kids by the global elite? What's the pizzagate thesis here?

I will give this the 24 Hour Grace flair, but I think this one probably belongs in v/pizzagatewhatever. It's just too tenuous of a breadcrumb trail.

letsdothis3 ago

Okay, I'll see if I can convince you.. starting with this post from a year ago: Meghan Markle becomes the fourth patron of the Royal Foundation. A new emphasis on children's charities and foundations and a look at CORAM/CAFCASS and Tavistock connections.

CORAM/CAFCASS is the child services division in the UK and has been extensively written about on this forum sue to the many scandals. Apart from the main post in that link,I'll point to a couple of comments: *While acting, she was involved with One Young World, a U.K.-based charity that Justin Trudeau, Emma Watson and Sir Richard Branson also support...Hopefully, once all of the hubbub over their engagement dies down, the couple will have time to relax abroad together. Maybe they could even indulge in a deep dish pizza—Prince Harry announced he’s a fan of the meal during his recent trip to Chicago.... Founder of ONE YOUNG WORLD - David Jones....Jones' work with One Young World was recognised by the Clinton Global Initiative....David Jones is very, very close friends with one of the *Rothschild's.

The post continues here: Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, the largest HIV charity in the UK, Virgin Care and the ICMEC and links with this comment about Podesta, pharma industry, a wikileaks email and Prince Charles ..don't forget James Alefantis' vaccination scientist cousin Tim is involved in all of that.

It is well documented that Markle came from the Soho House/Standard Hotel stable. On Nick Jones and Andre Balazs

HCA Healthcare [As noted in the post above..]

In 2006, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts and Bain Capital, together with Merrill Lynch and the Frist family (which had founded the company) completed a $33.6 billion acquisition, making the company privately held again, 17 years after it had first been taken private in a management buyout.

A senior executive of private equity firm Kohlberg Kravis Roberts has rejoined the board of directors of HCA Healthcare less than two years after he resigned his seat.

Michael Michelson had been a director of Nashville-based HCA since 2006, coming aboard as part of the $33 billion leveraged buyout of the hospital giant by KKR, Bain Capital and members of the Frist family. He stepped down from the board in May of 2016 after KKR had sold $750 million worth of its shares back to HCA.

Michelson has been a board member of KinderCare Learning Centers LLC since 1999.

Voat pizzagate post (which had a HELP flair: New Dig! Kit Laybourne -- Why is this childrens animation producer on the Epstein flight manifest? by @Vindicator

Laybourne sits on the Symantec Board,[7] Betaworks, and 9 Story, a Canadian production and distribution company. She serves as Chairman of the Board of Alloy Inc. and Katapult. Previously, she served on the boards of JC Penney, Electronic Arts,, Defy Media, and Kindercare [that was between 1990-1995].

Founder, Chairman and CEO, Oxygen Media, 2004 Cable Hall of Fame

She's also the founder of Nickelodeon. Your post was about her husband who was on Epstein's plane.

Re Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (so many links to Pizzagate I don't even know where to start..)

The firm was founded in 1976 by Jerome Kohlberg, Jr., and cousins Henry Kravis and George R. Roberts, all of whom had previously worked together at Bear Stearns,

Henry Kravis

A supporter of Republican politics, he was a supporter and fundraiser for President George W. Bush and John McCain. He was also a major contributor to the 1992 re-election campaign of President George H. W. Bush. In 1997, Henry Kravis joined with Lewis M. Eisenberg to establish the Republican Leadership Council. In 2017, he also contributed $1 million to Donald Trump's presidential inauguration.

He is a benefactor and a past chairman of New York's public television station and sits on the board of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. A trustee of the Mount Sinai Medical Center, Henry and wife Marie-Josée Kravis donated $15 million to establish the "Center for Cardiovascular Health" as well as funding a professorship. They have also endowed the chair in human oncology at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York.

[We have pizzagate specific posts for all those places I've highlighted in bold, including: Keith Raniere from NXIVM - US Patent: "Determination of whether a luciferian can be rehabilitated" - You've GOT to read this!!]

KKR posts include: AgileCraft, the company of James Alefantis's brother, teams up with Atlassian who works with SALESFORCE... you know, those pedo enablers (according to a recent lawsuit)...

..In 2011, Endurance was bought from Accel-KKR by Warburg Pincus and GS Capital Partners, for around $975 million.[3] In September 2013 .. Isn't that the same Goldman Sachs equity fund which had a large investment/stake in Pretty much...

[ The firm was founded in February 2000 as a partnership between venture capital firm Accel Partners and Kohlberg Kravis Roberts]

There's more. I'll continue when I have more time..

Vindicator ago

I still don't get how Markle having a baby at a specific hospital has anything to do with elite child abuse. If there is a direct connection, you should be able to just state it.

letsdothis3 ago

I understand that. If you want to delete it after 24 hrs that's fine with me. I can repost it in pizzagatewhatever then.

letsdothis3 ago

Re: Cerberus, Dyncorp, Bain, Public Health England:

Trump hires Stephen Feinberg of Cerberus Capital and DynCorp chain to lead intelligence advisory board. Apart from everything else, what's that about the sell off of blood plasma from the UK to US?

That hospital has been discussed on this forum in relation to Haiti and the Clintons : and And let's not forget Dr Tom Solomon who works in the field of public health in the Uk and at the Alder Dey Hospital and his travelling children's roadshow on Roald Dahl:

Tom Solomon (neurologist)

Tom Solomon FRCP is Professor of Neurology, Director of the Institute of Infection and Global Health at the University of Liverpool, and Director of the National Institute for Health Research, Health Protection Research Unit in Emerging and Zoonotic Infections.

He is a specialist in the study of emerging viruses, especially those which infect the brain. He heads the Liverpool Brain Infections Group, which studies encephalitis (inflammation and swelling of the brain), particularly Japanese encephalitis, enterovirus 71 and other brain infections such as meningitis.

Solomon studied at the University of Oxford (Wadham College) where he obtained Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery degrees.[citation needed] He completed his clinical training at the John Radcliffe Hospital, also studying malaria in Mozambique.[citation needed] His Ph.D. was for studies on Central nervous system infections in Vietnam, under the supervision of Nicholas White and John Newsom-Davis...In 1990, Solomon was house officer to David Weatherall at the Nuffield Department of Medicine in the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford. With the support of a Wellcome Trust Training Fellowship, he studied central nervous system infections at the Oxford University Clinical Research Unit in Vietnam (1994-7).[10] ..He works on the origins, evolution, and spread of Japanese encephalitis.[26][27] He has played a major role in the global campaign to control Japanese encephalitis through vaccination.

In 1998, he became Clinical Lecturer in Neurological Science at the University of Liverpool with honorary positions in the Department of Medical Microbiology and at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.

With the support of a Wellcome Trust Career Development Fellowship (1998-2004), he trained in arbovirology (the study of viruses transmitted by arthropods, such as mosquitoes) at the University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas, with Alan Barrett.[12] Solomon became Clinical Senior Lecturer in Neurological Science at the University of Liverpool in 2005 and was awarded a UK Medical Research Council Senior Clinical Fellowship to continue his studies on Brain Infections...In 2014 he was appointed Director of the UK Government's National Institute for Health Research Health Protection Research Unit in Emerging and Zoonotic Infections.[4][18][19] This unit works on a number of emerging infections, including the Ebola virus.

David Weatherall

Sir David John Weatherall, GBE, FRS (9 March 1933 – 8 December 2018)[2] was a British physician and researcher in molecular genetics, haematology, pathology and clinical medicine.

In 2002, Weatherall wrote a major report on the application of genomics for global health for the World Health Organization.[13] Weatherall was a Distinguished Supporter of Humanists UK.

The Wellcome Trust, Tavistock, Biotech and pizzagate

In the Andrew Wakefield video he mentions the journalist Brian Deer who was the instigator of the initial complaint against the doctor...Deer was working hand-in-hand with Dr. Evan Harris a British Member of Parliament, Glaxo-Wellcome Fellow and active Member of the British Medical Association.

Dr. Evan Harris is also Vice President of Humanists UK-affiliated Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association (GALHA), and was Patron of the Oxford Secular Society.

Associated with GALHA is Peter Tatchell ..Tatchell has notorious links with the Pedophile Information Exchange (PIE) :

letsdothis3 ago

April 2018 article : Liverpool leads new £4.7m Zika vaccine project

The University of Liverpool is leading on a major new collaborative project to develop a Zika virus vaccine that is suitable for use in pregnancy.

Supported by a £4.7million award from Department of Health and Social Care, managed by Innovate UK, the new project aims to take two new vaccine candidates through to a clinical trial in humans within the next three years.

In collaboration with the University of Manchester, Public Health England and industry, the researchers plan to confirm the safety of two new vaccine candidates, based on a safe derivative of a pre-existing smallpox vaccine, before moving into Phase 1a first-in-human studies at the Royal Liverpool University Hospital’s Clinical Research Unit.

The work builds upon initial vaccine development research funded through the UK’s Zika Rapid Response Initiative in 2016, which identified the two potential vaccine candidates and immunological studies undertaken at the NIHR Health Protection Research Unit (HPRU) in Emerging and Zoonotic Infections at the University of Liverpool.

TrustTheTruth ago

Where is the highest infant mortality rate in America for black babies? Racine, Wisconsin.

The city’s infant mortality rate among blacks is among the highest in the world, exceeding a number of third-world countries.

Who is involved? The Johnson Foundation

Where is the highest incarceration rate among black men in the world? Wisconsin.

Where are two of the top three worst cities to live for black Americans? Wisconsin.

What is the John Birch Society and where is it located? Wisconsin.

What is the changing narrative?

Who is the Parent company for Diversey? Bain Capital,_Inc.

What is the Institute for Global Ethics?

Why is Charles the Sustainable Prince?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

auralsects ago

Where is the highest infant mortality rate in America for black babies? Racine, Wisconsin.

wtf i love racine now

In2wishun2 ago

When you ask about the Johnsons and mortality, are you getting at Tylenol?

letsdothis3 ago

Florida Dyncorp locations conveniently near organ/bone providers. by @Tanngrisnir

I did some more digging into DynCorp and the affiliates of RTI Surgical. One of the things I had learned before was DynCorp likes to have their Florida locations next to places where they can drop off bones and organs. I had first noticed this trend that there was a RTI Donor Services location very close by DynCorp in Melbourne, Florida.

Another big find. In West Palm Beach Florida, Bioflorida which encompasses such businesses as RTI Surgical and Tavistock (type in Palm Beach in the ctrl-f to find on the page) is located at the zip code 33401 with Dyncorp located at 33404.


address Lynton House, 7-12 Tavistock Square, London, United Kingdom, WC1H 9LT .. Incorporated on 17 October 2017

Director: Enrico SANGIORGIO : 4 appointments

1 appointment is SENSIIA LTD, Cambridge

One of the other directors there is Dr Frohn, address; Electron Building Fermi Avenue, Harwell Science & Innovation Centre, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0QR

That's the Harwell Campus in Oxford

Well-established as one of the leading science and innovation campuses in Europe, Harwell is steeped in world firsts: from the discovery of the world’s largest prime number, to the building of Europe’s first energy producing fission reactor and the launch of the transistorised computer.

Partners include :

The Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC)

The STFC drives cutting edge science and technological research with an annual budget of over £500 million. It is dedicated to pioneering science and technological research on behalf of the UK. STFC resources at Harwell include: the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, RAL Space and the Central Laser Facility. Diamond Light Source, a cornerstone of Harwell, is owned by the STFC and Wellcome Trust.

Public Health England

Satellite Applications Catapult

a satellite operations centre and a specialist Climate, Environment and Monitoring from Space (CEMS) facility that offers access to space-based climate change and Earth observation data and services, and cloud computing.

European Space Agency (ESA ECSAT)

ESA’s European Centre for Space Applications and Telecommunications (ECSAT) is located at Harwell.

Medical Research Council (MRC)

The MRC’s Harwell facility is home to a centre dedicated to genetics research.

UK Space Agency

letsdothis3 ago

Harwell seems to be the subject of much discussion on other forums:

My hospital is very close to the place James Casbolt said was the site of a secret base: Harwell, Oxfordshire. I'm still not sure what to make of Casbolt's info, but I'm keeping a close lookout anyhow.

Project Mannequin, Part 1 By James Casbolt Posted September 8, 2008

Excerpted from Agent Buried Alive, The Autobiography of Commander James Casbolt (2008)

Intelligence-run mind control operations are usually a multi-generational thing with each generation more easily programmed, as the genetic memory of the horrific medical procedures become more ingrained into the family’s genetic makeup. In the 1950’s, a genetic bloodline study was started by the NSA based at Harwell Laboratories to find suitable candidates, especially children, to be used in Project Mannequin.

letsdothis3 ago

Voat post re European Space Agency:

Parsons Green Bombing, space and defence agencies and the occult

Youtube channel links Parsons Green bombing with the European Space Agency, and Airbus Defence

Video is now gone, of course. As are all the others on that post.

letsdothis3 ago

Harwell Space Cluster

The Harwell Space Cluster is the gateway to the UK space sector and benefits from the presence of leading public space organisations, including the European Space Agency, RAL Space, Satellite Applications Catapult and UK Space Agency. Harwell is also home to the Science & Technology Facilities Council, with over £2 billion of infrastructure for both public and private research and development.

Global space companies such as Airbus Defence & Space, Lockheed Martin and Thales Alenia Space have established a presence at Harwell, with activities ranging from the design of propulsion subsystems to satellite navigation systems. These are joined by a range of SMEs from start-ups in the European Space Agency Business Incubation Centre to rapidly growing companies such as Oxford Space Systems, Deimos Space UK, Rezatec and Neptec.

letsdothis3 ago

The United Kingdom Space Agency (commonly known as the UK Space Agency or UKSA) is an executive agency of the Government of the United Kingdom, responsible for the United Kingdom's civil space programme. It was established on 1 April 2010 to replace the British National Space Centre (BNSC) and took over responsibility for government policy and key budgets for space exploration;[2][3] it represents the United Kingdom in all negotiations on space matters.[4][5] The Agency "[brings] together all UK civil space activities under one single management".[2] It is based at the former BNSC headquarters in Swindon, Wiltshire.[4][6][7][8] On November 30, 2018, it was announced that the Agency will manage British satellites following Britain's departure from the EU.

Headquarters Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN2 1SZ

How Palantir Uses Big Data to Find Missing Kids -

They’re no Palantir: smaller startups with new ideas take on big data -

Delivering an eBay order in under 30 minutes, mining 11 million financial documents for evidence of illegal activity, helping humans reach Mars more quickly — three seemingly unrelated feats made possible using a new data analysis tool that is sweeping Silicon Valley.

..Neo Technology, a San Mateo-based startup named after the main character in The Matrix movie trilogy, is one of the early pioneers of graph database technology. ..For example, last year the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists used Neo’s technology to dig through the more than 11 million records revealed in the Panama Papers leak, searching for evidence of corrupt offshore tax activity.

NASA uses Neo technology to manage the space agency’s database of more than 10 million documents detailing lessons learned from past mission failures and successes.

Closer to home, eBay engineer Volker Pacher demonstrated another use for Neo’s technology...eBay has since pulled the plug on same-day delivery in the U.S., but continues testing the service, using Neo, in the U.K.

Neo Technology, whose database platform powered the Panama Papers, nabs $36M -

Neo’s key product is called Neo4j, and it is used by a pretty diverse range of customers. They include Walmart (to figure out what people might like to buy); banks and government organisations (to detect fraud and criminal activity); and the science community (NASA); and the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists. The ICIJ notably used it to parse and make sense of the Panama Papers, a trove of documents that implicates a wave of corruption among politicans, business people and their offshore banking accounts.

The Series D comes from new investor, London-based Greenbridge Partners, along with several of Neo Technologies’ existing backers, also out of Europe: Creandum, Sunstone and Fidelity’s Eight Roads Ventures. The funding, coming almost two years after its Series C, takes the total raised by Neo to $80 million.

Headquartered in San Mateo, Neo Technology actually got its start as a smaller project within a content management startup out of Malmo, Sweden.. Other startups in the same space include Datastax and Dgraph.

letsdothis3 ago

CEO of LookingGlass Cyber Solutions is Chris Coleman. According to CV he was Vice President of Mantech International (2003-2006), then at Cisco Systems (6 years)

i don't know what to do with this pile of crap, and i want your help. winchester virginia has some odd things going on. by @bolus adoption agency (with a terrible record), counseling services, medical billing company, PHD psychologist, all under one roof, with a common thread of ownership/partial ownership... found that the winchester municipal airport a few miles away has international-landing permissions, you can clear customs here with the right documentation/'s a special airport.

there are several virginia based foreign companies (some current, some closed) across the road from this airport. bear in mind that this is just the sampling of FOREIGN registered companies i took from IMMEDIATELY across the road...

this one is reeeeealy interesting -

Golden Seal Enterprises, INC. history:


that's neat.

HIS (wife/co-owner/girlfriend?) WORKED FOR MANTECH. In a senior position, contact administration. Usis before that.

MANTECH bought HBgary, and HBgary is...who...targeted wikileaks?:

so, to recap: podesta <=> paule-carres <=> winchester,va <=> golden seal enterprises <=> mantech <=> hbgary <=> wikileaks?

The Virginia National Guard hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony for the Winchester STARBASE Academy July 23 at the Cherry-Beasley Readiness Center in Winchester...

theooeht ago

It's funny how sheeplike people are. If the press pushes someone as attractive, brilliant, nice, or anything else they want you to believe, it sticks in the minds of the indoctrinated and becomes a mantra. Example.

I was in line at the grocery store a couple of days ago. This guy gets behind me and I move my items up so he can put his load down on the conveyor belt. Now I don't know him, but the next thing I know, he's like, "She's such a beautiful girl." Have no idea what he's talking about so I turn. And he repeats it. I'm like, "Who's beautiful?" "Her," he says nodding his head towards the mess of tabloids on the rack in front of us. Now there's fifteen different magazines that have pictures of different personalities, but the one directly ahead .... at eye level ... yup, it's the skanks Kate Middleton and Markle. I had that sinking feeling, but responded, "I have no idea who you mean." He nods again and I repeat what I said. He finally points at ... the God awful Meghan Markle. I'm like, "Dude, don't get into fantasies. She's a nasty woman and there are better choices out there to hang a dream on." I then went into how Photoshopped the image was and about her blog where she bragged about putting out to get jobs. He gave me an expression equivalent to telling a kid there's no Santa Claus.

But I was supposed to agree because that's the narrative being pushed. When you're not with the program, it breaks down the indoctrination and they're forced into thinking which is uncomfortable. It's why they probably stay in one herd. So they don't get startled into thought.

They're not used to it.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Excellent lol!!! I like the way you told him how it is. I have not heard about Markles blog where she bragged about sleeping with men for jobs. I had heard she was a yacht girl aka prostitute for the higher ups but would you mind talking more about her blog? Wow how embarrassing for her, no I’m not a fan she’s weird and so is her best friend Jessica Mulroney who married into a political family. Thanks!

theooeht ago

Here ya go!

''Magic boobs'' and all!

Truthseeker3000 ago

Wow thanks it’s hard to believe coming from the Sun uk paper but things definitely fit for it being her writing it. Amazing how fame hungry she was and is. Sad and pathetic actually. So many weird things about her and the baby being a home birth then it’s born at a hospital and Harry not knowing what to say during the statement he gave after the birth. These people are just bizarre.

theooeht ago

They are bizarre.

And they're again taking the privilege and honor of giving birth away from women and reducing it to a paid chore. Vaccum the rugs! Make me some tea! Have a child for us!

I can't WAIT for this to be exposed. I just pray it is because I really can't stand much more.

letsdothis3 ago

It's why they probably stay in one herd. So they don't get startled into thought.


Lansing-Michigan ago

Probably why celebrities stayed away from Meghan's bridal shower in NY too. Not many speaking out about massive pedaphilia in hollywood but they know.... Of course Gayle King is up to her eyeballs in it. ...Serena Williams, who knows.

TrustTheTruth ago

Celebrity or Cellebrite?

How do you control the People?

What is the United Way?

What is the Global Interfaith Coalition?

Why is Racine, Wisconsin the Clinton Model for Community Policing?

What roles do celebrities Caron Butler, Mark Wahlberg, Mark Ruffalo, Ashton Kutcher, Danny Masterson, Seth MacFarlane, Seth Green, Seth Rogan, George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Susan Sarandon, Greta van Susteren, Lady Gaga, Madonna, Britney Spears, Roseanne Barr, Anthony Kiedis, John Legend, Jay-Z, Beyonce, Oprah, Taylor Swift, Tom DeLonge, Travis Barker, Mike Shinoda, Kristin Bauer van Straten, Paris Hilton, Samantha Marq and so many others play?

Why did Jared Kushner correct the record when Kanye West misspoke about The Deal?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.