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carmencita ago

Ugh. Roald Dahl. I used to give out his books to kids when I volunteered at a school. Now it makes me sick. The kids loved him, so I picked his books. So sickening. Feinberg over Thiel is it any better? Yes, what does it all mean.

neptunium1 ago

Thank you for reminding me to go back to this. Needs a new post but for now a data dump:

That hospital has been discussed on this forum in relation to Haiti and the Clintons : and

[In terms of Haiti, hospitals:]

Ok. This is getting interesting : Monette Valliere BMET, MMA. This website shows she has connections with Gary L. Gottlieb, and Ophelia Dahl.

Relationship science website shows high level connections to founders of PIH: Ophelia Dahl, Paul Farmer, Todd McCormack and Jim Yong Kim of the World Bank

The World Bank Is Remaking Itself as a Creature of Wall Street

Jim Yong Kim, the World Bank’s president, is trying to revitalize a hidebound institution. But his embrace of Wall Street is controversial.

Interestingly, the links between Jim Yong Kim, Paul Farmer, Ophelia Dahl go way back as highlighted in this documentary : Bending the ARC

Thirty years ago, as much of the world was being ravaged by horrific diseases like HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis, three remarkable young people, barely out of their teens—Jim Yong Kim, Paul Farmer, Ophelia Dahl—came together in a squatter settlement in Haiti.

They managed to bring together the resources to build real health clinics in areas that had been ignored by everyone else—where patients were as likely to arrive by donkey as by ambulance—and stocked them with the same medical supplies that could be found in places like Harvard Medical School. (Indeed, in some cases, supplies that were found at Harvard made their way to Haiti.)

So, they are painted as heroes. But let's look further.... apart from the fact that Ophelia is directly related to Roald Dahl of MI6 and suspected satanist...

(A still from the film for those with eyes to see: ..but I digress...)

Bending the Arc wikipedia :

Executive producers: Matt Damon and Ben Affleck

Directed by: Kief Davidson, Pedro Kos

But away from Hollywood what do Haitians think abou Paul Farmer? Paul Farmer relieves himself on Haiti’s dying cholera victims

It’s been one year since the UN imported cholera to Haiti. Nearly 500,000 Haitians have been infected and over 6, 500 have been killed. But UN representative, Paul Farmer, is obviously the “impartial one” the Associated Press is going to as “expert” to speak on the situation.

In the October 18, AP Interview , after Paul ”€“the god – Farmer relieves himself on Haiti’s dying cholera victims, Trenton Daniels of the AP continues in the same vein, to say, that the negligence of the UN contractor (Haitian, of course) caused the contamination of the Meye River. Just for kicks, I figure I’ll take the time and point out the Nepalese soldiers crap was leaking STRAIGHT from their toilets into the Meye River. (See the UN Final Report, May 5, 2011.)

And while I am at it, for those dying of Farmer’s UN cholera in Port au Prince right now, why not also point out that the >Nepalese contingent, never quarantined or punished, continued this year to poison Haiti’s waterways as seen in these pictures and video:

Video by Mediahacker:MINUSTAH still continuing to foul up Haiti: Haitians Upset With UN Base Runoff into Foul-Smelling Pool .

And so the narrative of the Western heroes continues in this tale: Two hospitals in Haiti tell very different stories (VIDEO)

Under the leadership of the American NGO Partners In Health, led by Dr. Paul Farmer, the largest post-earthquake health project has finally materialized: the construction of the University Hospital of Mirebalais (HUM).

The Haitian government and its international partners, however, are still struggling to begin reconstruction of the Hospital of the State University of Haiti (HUEH) — the main hospital in Port-au-Prince — about three years after the earthquake of January 12, 2010.

Mirebalais you say?

ORGAN HARVESTING - HAITI!topic/tout-haiti/D4t2Algj3qY

This post is an off-shoot of the George Webb investigative video series that can be found at ( The George Webb series highlight the most important segments on kidnappings, tainted vaccinations, child exploitation and prostitution, and organ harvesting in Haiti.

For many years, the children in the town of Mirebalais; located 34.4 miles from Port-Au-Prince, have been disappearing; and most of them have fallen victim of rampant organ harvesting; constant flow of kidnappings; and child exploitation, after the January 12, 2010 earthquake.

At the center of the organ harvesting business is a hospital in the town of Mirebalais. That hospital has rapidly become the focus of a growth organ transplant industry center; an onsite health service; a sort of slaughterhouse; where the organs of unsuspecting Haitians are harvested and sold.

Back to the director of the film Bending the Arc - Kief Davidson:

He is represented by Park Pictures for commercials, with work including projects for GE, American Express, Absolut, Toyota, Secret, GE and Facebook.

carmencita ago

Vomit. Vomit. That's all I feel like after reading some of these links and your report. Sick and Disgusted Beyond Words!!! Haiti has been completely taken over by Criminal Mafia Actors since the Clintons first arrived on the Island on their Honeymoon and their eyes must have Lit Up when they thought of the Golden Opportunities. Here is a piece from the Cholera Link:

Of course said UN representative is telling all and sundry that Haiti is dirty and that’s why the outbreak is so ‘freaking’ severe. Not that lives would have been saved if clean water and sanitation, which the UN says is a human right, had been a funded relief priority perhaps as soon as the outbreak began, or maybe even seven years ago when the UN “peacekeepers” came to “help” Haitians? Or, maybe sometime before when President Aristide tried to bring desperately needed water and sanitation to Haiti but first the Clinton Administration and then the George W. Bush Administration forced the already approved Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) loans to Haiti to be blocked.

Shame Shame Shame. They and those that have ignored the history of Haiti must all hang their heads in Shame. But they must all be thrown in a Cell and Left To Rot.

neptunium1 ago

And like Flint, still to this day, Haiti still doesn't even have clean water.

carmencita ago

Disgusting. This is Bill Clinton's plan with Sustainability. Not only does Haiti not have clean water, they are pulling this garbage all over starting with Detroit and Flint Mi. and Benton Harbor as well. Many states now are loaded with lead in their water as well. I read the other day that the Rothschilds hold all rights to all global water. This is Beyond Frightening. They are trying to get people to fall for putting some water meters pushed by large cities that claim to save money on water when in reality they cost more. This will lead to privatization of our Water Supply. Dangerous.

neptunium1 ago

This just out yesterday: Tap water in Fayetteville, North Carolina tainted with carcinogen, new analysis reveals

However, PWC-provided water also contained levels of 1,4-dioxane that exceeded the safe limits established by the EPA in 2013. This tap water is drawn from the Cape Fear River. (Related: Chemical contamination discovered in water supply at North Carolina military base… experts warn this could be the first of many.)

In a 2016 document, the Defense Department named 393 installations known or are suspected of being contaminated with cancer-causing chemicals. This included six North Carolina’s Fort Bragg, Cherry Point, Charlotte Air National Guard Base, Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, and Stanly County Airport. This prompted the government to spend over $800,000 to look into the problems in these areas.

The issue is not limited to North Carolina alone. The Navy is conducting tests and cleanup at Whidbey Island Naval Air Station near Seattle, at the former Warminster Naval Air Warefare Center and the former Naval Air Station Willow Grove near Philadelphia and other facilities all over the U.S. (Related: Now Detroit is dealing with toxic chemicals in the drinking water.)

Cape Fear is Edgar Maddison Welch territory:

carmencita ago

Someone is Spiking Our Water. I don't think hiring the head of Dyncorp will solve this problem. Isnt there proof of Welch and his father having been in Haiti? Anyone with connections to Haiti can also be suspected of doing almost anything, especially having connections to Cape Fear as well. Also the Military is not exempt. The Navy and the Army like the US Army Corps of Engineers I am sure have been used by unsavory characters. Like in Katrina.

neptunium1 ago

Beyond dangerous Carmencita. End game.

carmencita ago

End game. Yep. I agree.

neptunium1 ago

And let's not forget Dr Tom Solomon who works in the field of public health in the Uk and at the Alder Dey Hospital and his travelling children's roadshow on Roald Dahl:

carmencita ago

Ugh Tom Solomon! Yes. and his connection to Alder Dey and our Poor Liitle Alfie. How can we all forget Poor Little Alfie. It is all to horrifying to think about. The tears are pouring again. This vile liar that is parading his false propaganda in front of our children! Parents are falling for this Fake Traveling Road Show. Peddling Dahl's Name which is connected to MI6. Horrid.